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  • Dating older men. Are older men intimidated by dating a woman in early twenties?

    I can say I'm mature for my age, which is why I'm more attracted to older men. But older men, do they feel like dating a younger girl is just for fun or can a man actually commit to her? p.s. I understand that age doesn't demonstrate how mature a person is.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • He said he didn't want a relationship. But I'm so confused as to why he will be upset when I decide to move on because I'm hurting.?

    I've been talking to this man for about 8 months. We at first both agreed we didn't want a relationship, but we had casual sex. However, I started to notice things changing. He decided he did want a family sometime, just not now and we started arguing more often. He would accuse me of seeing other men and so I accused him for the same. I even ask why would it matter if I did when we are only friends. I know it probably doesn't matter, but he even said to me, "I love you," when he was drinking. He said that he would be in a relationship, but he works too much to be in one. Last time we had sex I bought 3 magnum condoms and left two. The next time we hung out we didn't have sex an only watched movies, which seemed odd to me. So before we hung out again I asked if he still had the two condoms I left and to prove it. He got upset and said, "You'll just have to trust me." So I felt he used them on someone else. Then the next day we argued again and he shown a picture of the condoms, but he could have just bought new ones. I never been so confused by a man. So I told him I'm moving on because it's better for my feelings not to get hurt an he accused me of being like every other woman with , "their feelings always getting involved." But I feel like it is him with his feelings, if I don't matter in that way why would he be so angry at me an accuse me of "cheating"? I'm still letting him go, I just don't understand why he would be this way to me.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • What s your opinion?

    Guy I used to talk to had me blocked on fb, and I noticed he unblock me recently. He is married with kids. I blocked him though. You think he was trying to facebook stalk me?

    1 AnswerFacebook4 years ago
  • Having an affair with a police officer, where do I go from here?

    I work midnights at Speedway and a police officer and I would occasionally chat. Then he started constantly going in more often. I messaged him on Facebook and his wife found out so we stopped talking and he stopped coming around. Then after a few months he came back around. Things got deeper. I was at a park late at night and he saw me while on duty. Things went further and we did have sex. This all happened in about a year and a half. I told him I liked him and he liked me. But now I feel like I should quit my job there and move on so I won't get too caught up. It sounds unreal, but its true. Am I wrong for falling for him and does it look bad to leave the only place we can see each other after we did have sex? Sorry that its so long. Any advice though.

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Does he like me or is he a complete stalker offier that I should be afraid of?

    I met this officer through my job at Speedway and we casually talked and flirted. His wife found out so he stopped talking to me and it broke my heart because I told him I liked him, but he said he didn't feel the same. But here I am again and he has continued talking to me after three months. My coworker told me hes been woundering and asking about me and when I work. Last I saw him I mentioned that I have a boyfriend, but he laughed and said that my boyfriend is just my bootycall. I also told him not to tell other officers what happened between me and him because three other cops started flirting with me. He got really defensive and said he never saids anything to anyone... He's always so happy to see me... There is more to it but this is the last thing that has happened. Any help and seriouse advice? This is all real too, he is 33 with a wife and two kids and I am 21 no kids.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • My boyfriend saids I need a bigger butt.?

    My boyfriend keeps hintting that he wants me to have a bigger butt and lose more weight. I never felt so insecure and I feel so depressed now because of it. I love him so much, but I don't know what to think anymore. Any help please?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • A married police officer likes me?

    I'm getting this police officer that comes into my job at speedway. I never really talked to him from the start but I had noticed he'd come in twice a night. Now we constantly talk five times each night. I can tell he likes me but he is married. He also seems very protective of me and jealous when I talk to other guys inside the store. I see him drive by and he had came in my job even after his shift was over. I take it that he's kinda a salker, but he's also a cop. I'm sorta scared and don't know what to do. A psychic told me that he's dangerous and to slowy pull away. Any help please?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Boyfriends Phone.?

    I never really ask to look at my boyfriends phone and he has it locked with a combination I don't know. He can look through mine because I want the open trust. But he will not at all let me see his. Should I be worried?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What should I think of his response?

    So, yesterday my sister told my I have a nice body with big thighs. She then said that if I worked out more on my thighs it would make my butt fatter. I laughed about that with her that thought it was funny. I then went over my boyfriends and told him what she said and his response was that I should start working out to get a bigger butt, I was tremendously hurt by this. I have self-esteem issues about my body but I never say I really do. Doesn't every woman? However, hearing this from him made my heart rip for a moment. Am I not good enough already? I'm already half his age, hard working, independent, and lets not forget that I help him with all ive got (even with money). I always get complements about my body too, but for the person I love regardless saying this hurt me alot. Am I over reacting or is this a sign that he just doesn't appreciate what he has? No pics, sorry.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Worms on foot scrapper?

    I had used my foot scrapper once in the shower then put it up. After probably a weekI saw little white worms on the scrapper. Should I be worried? I threw out the scrapper.

    1 AnswerFirst Aid7 years ago
  • How would you feel?

    So me and my boyfriend have been together for four months and I had noticed that he had pictures of his ex (naked) in his phone. He told me that he wants to delete them, but its been over three months since he has mentioned that. Now, I would like to prove to him why exactly I am so upset as to why he has yet deleted those pictures. Now, how would yours feel if this happened to you?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • YouTube video search help.?

    There's a video I had watched on YouTube and I just can't remember what its called or who made it. Any help?

    1. The video is new and was on either YouTube's popular tab or spotlight tab.

    2. The video is about how to get a girl who already has a boyfriend.

    3. The video is basically a parody.

    4. It has like only Asians in it.

    5. The main guy gives steps to getting the girl and has stupid ideas.

    2 AnswersYouTube7 years ago
  • Why is he shady?

    My boyfriend and I just moved in together and he got a new job as a maintenance man in Chicago. We don't have as much sex as we used to an I've noticed little odd things.

    1. He started watching a few "bad" movies on Netflix.

    2. I wanted to take his phone upstairs to give him the WiFi an he took it away thinking I was going to look through it.

    3. A day after he took his phone from me I was going to look at his phone and then he said he didn't care ( as if he already deleted something).

    4. We were texting and then he messaged me "Hi babe" in the middle of the conversation.

    Is it just me or does this seem a little strange?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • New boyfriend & exboyfriend breaking my heart.?

    Hi, well this is my story and I feel like I need the best advice I can get. So, I was dating a guy named Brandon. He and I were dating for about a year and nine months. I loved him so much, but feelings just started to change. He almost seemed like he was cheating, but till this day I am not sure. In the middle of December I ended up meeting a man named David at my job. We were friends at first but I started to fall for him. By December 20 I cheated on Brandon. I don't know what came over me. We ended up breaking up after because I told him the truth. After our breakup I began to date David and he makes me feel so special and I can tell he loves me. Brandon and I had started to try an stay friends, but we both have feelings for each other still. I must admit that I wont go back with Brandon. But now I have the guilt inside my heart. So if I didn't want to be with Brandon, knowing he also wanted someone else, then why do I still hurt? Is Brandon just trying to get in my head? Any advice?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why would he have a pig mask?

    I had snooped around my new boyfriends room an had found a hidden pig mask. Its a pink pig mask an it freaked me out. Why would he have this? He is 39 years old an I wouldn't assume he would pool pranks or even trick or treat. Any help?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Facebook girls and my boyfriend?

    About a month ago my boyfriend confronted about talking to some random girl on facebook who had tryed to hook up with him. I got upset and told him not to talk to girls off facebook he doesn't know. He got mad at me and told me he wishes I was like this other girl he liked in his classes. We both go to diffrent colleges. Then we broke up. We got back together two weeks later and he confronted that he was talking to another random girl off facebook whose intentions were to hook up. But he told her he had a girlfriend but she still wanted to flirt. Im still upset and feel hurt because of this. I don't know what to do. I asked if we could exchange facebook passwords but he still got all upset. He is mad because I dont completely trust him. He flirted with girls before and I just dont want him doing it anymore. It seriously hurts me. Please. Any good advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How can I let him keep the puppy?

    I have a puppy Chiewennie and I really want to keep him. My dad is mad because he doesn't want him. My chiewennie is 9 and a half weeks old. He has peed and pooped a few times in the house, but he does go outside. My dad complains about a smell, but I have asked every person who walks in the house if it smelled and say said no. I really want to keep him, but my dad said I have a week to get rid of him. What can I do?

    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago