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  • Can anyone crochet this for me?


    These are two examples of many I've seen...I just had twins and would love to have some newborn pictures taken with both of them in a "pea pod" but I have no crochet-like talents. Any suggestions as to where to find someone who can make one for me that doesn't charge a ton?

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • I need to know how to get Excel to ignore 0s when finding the average?

    I have worked through a good number of formulas to get to where I the only issue I'm having is that I have a slew of cells I want to find the average of (all with different formulas in them)...but if the cell has a 0, I don't want that counted in the final average. I'm having some if/then true/false issues, so if you can actually write the formula with random cells and I'll copy/paste and fill in with mine, that would be much appreciated!

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Another excel formula question?

    Okay...step by step as easy as I can explain it...

    D101 equals the average of D92 through D99. If 92-99 are blank, 101=0.

    I have this situation repeating throughout the spreadsheet.

    I need all of the cells that have the D101 formula to come up with an average, not counting the 0 in the average. Any thoughts?

    This is the group of cells that all have that same formula. D413,D426,D439,D62,D75,D88,D101,D114,D127,D140,D153,D166,D179,D192,D205,D218,D231,D244,D257,D270,D283,D309,D322,D335,D296,D348,D361,D374,D387,D400

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Help with a complicated excel formula?

    I need a formula for excel. If a group of cells (h14 through h21) has nothing in them, I need h23 to say nothing (not 0 and especially not an error!). If that same group of cells has #s in them, I need h23 to find the average of those numbers.


    6 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How to find the ants and get rid of them?

    I woke up the other day, found a bunch of little (not the kind you see outside) black ants all over my bathroom counter. Not a clue how they got there, but it was really gross. My husband sprayed the area with ant killer and down the drain in case they came from the sink...they were nowhere else in the house, not even anywhere else in the bathroom, just the counter. Yesterday, I wake up and they're back...and now there are a bunch on the kitchen counter (which is 3 rooms away from the bathroom)...nowhere in between. I keep spraying, cleaning, doing everything I can, but I have no idea where these ants are coming from and/or how to get rid of them. ALSO, I'm 7 months pregnant, so I can't really do anything like a bug bomb in the house b/c I have nowhere else to go and shouldn't be around that. Any suggestions (that don't involve professional de-buggers)??

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • How much do I pay them?

    A tree in my yard fell when I was at work and the neighbor (14) asked if I wanted him to cut it and sort of take care of it so when my husband got home, he'd just have to drag it to the burn pile. I said, "Sure!" After awhile, he rings the doorbell to ask something & there are 5 neighborhood kids helping him. Great, more hands, lighter work and all but I was planning to pay the neighbor boy! When he's done, I ask him (and the one remaining neighborhood kid who I don't even know) how much I owe him and he says, "nothing, you're pregnant, Chris is busy, so I just wanted to help out" and I of course am near tears. I say I'll still pay him something, let me talk to my husband and stop by later tonight. So, the questions: how much should I pay him? Should I pay the rest of the kids and/or just that random one that stayed to the end? If so, how much do I pay them? (By the way, with a baby on the way, we don't have money to throw around, I don't mind paying the one kid, but now what?)

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I realize I'm being do I make my belly look better?

    So, I'm only 1/2 way thru my pregnancy, but I already started being my belly looks all kinds of weird...pregnant on top, just fat on the bottom. I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding soon, of course I had to order the dress before I even found out I was pregnant (yes, and I spent a fortune). The seamstress is altering it as best she can to make it empire waist, but she isn't having too much success. I look like a giant cow instead of a pregnant bridesmaid. I realize I sound superficial and selfish, but I'm so tired of looking fat and not pregnant, plus this wedding is in my hometown with a lot of friends of the family...I'd like to look nice. Any suggestions? I have a belly band, but that doesn't really do anything, just makes my pants fit better :) Is there anything I can buy/wear that will fix the weirdness or make me look more pregnant? Thanks!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can dogs mask their pain?

    My dog (3year old pointer shorthair mix) jumped off the bed today and caught her back leg on the footboard. She landed, yelped, held her leg out, then limped around the house for a few minutes. I went crazy, getting things together to go to the emergency vet, then I noticed that my dog was following me around, no limp! I took her outside to go to the bathroom and she squatted with no issues either. I felt around her leg & put some pressure on it to make sure nothing was broken & she just sat there, no whining or obvious reaction as if she was in pain. I called the vet and they said she probably just barely hurt it, like when we stub our toes, but to watch and if she starts limping or acts strange to bring her in in the next few days. My question is, this dog is so loyal and I think she realized I was hysterical. Could she still be in pain and masking it, or do you think she's really ok?

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do I just plan for the C-section?

    I have a rare condition where my joints are super loose and certain ones dislocate easily (I mean, like while I'm sleeping). My doctor is pretty concerned because some women can dislocate their hips or hurt their backs while giving birth WITHOUT this I'm obviously more likely to do have an issue. It is possibly dangerous to dislocate while giving birth because it could shift the baby to a bad position, crush the cord, plus I may no longer be able to push, etc. My doctor said if it were her, she'd just plan to have a C-section, that to her, the complications of surgery outweighed the complications of me having a dislocation during birth, causing problems for both me and the baby.

    This is my first baby, I don't know tons about C-section vs. vaginal birth, but obviously I'm a bit nervous. Any advice for either direction? How long to recover? How much help will I be needing? How soon until I can be active again? Does it affect breastfeeding? Etc. :) Thanks!

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Has anyone experienced anti-cravings during mid to late pregnancy?

    I went through the normal morning sickess, hating foods in the first trimester, but now I'm back to normal and eating normal with the ocassional cravings for random foods...thing is, sometimes someone will mention a certain food and it makes me feel like I'm going to vomit, just by thinking of the food. Has this happened to anyone?

    Oh, I don't have any issues with morning/all day sickness anymore, other than this :)

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Altering a hideous bridesmaid's dress to a maternity style...?

    My best friend chose this dress

    for her bridesmaids...for some reason, she assumed all of us would lovely in it...even those of us who are bigger than a size 4. ANYWAY...I'm now pregnant and luckily I bought the dress a size bigger (I was between sizes) so it should fit...however I tried it on today and instead of me looking pregnancy, it just makes me look fatter. The same gown comes in a maternity style with more of an empire waist. The question is, do you think a good seamstress could make it look like the maternity style? I'm carrying high, so I'm afraid the design below the breast/above the belly will be the section that is highlighted and/or not fit...any suggestions?

    P.S. I LOVE this bride, I'd wear the gown if it was bright pink with orange and purple bows all over it...I'm just trying to get it to be to the point where I'm comfy enough in it that I don't think about my own comfort and style on HER day

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Pregnant, finishing grad school, sooo sick?

    I am in my last semester of grad school to get my Master's degree. I'm married and just found out I'm pregnant. I'll be finished in May and I'm not due until November, so thats fine. The problem is, I am getting morning (more like all day) sickness and it is so bad that I'm throwing up several times a day...even while I'm at school. I have walked out of classes several times and today I just didn't go because I was exhausted after being sick for an hour that I just went back to bed. How do I get my professors to not dock my grade b/c of this? Regular attendance is worth something crazy like 30% of my final grade. I know FMLA says you don't even need a doctor's note b/c it is a "chronic" thing, but I'm in school, so as far as I know, FMLA doesn't really cover me...any thoughts or suggestions??

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Soooo sick?

    I'm 7 weeks and experiencing "morning" sickness (though it lasts throughout the day, not just in the AM). It is getting worse as the days go the point where the thought of certain foods makes me literally gag. I can't even eat saltine crackersr or ginger ale without feeling incredibly ill. I have not thrown up yet, but I feel if I eat I will. I also feel like I'm having some acid reflux too. Its a Sunday and I don't have a doctor yet (I have my first appt. on Wednesday) so I can't call my doctor for advise. I feel like I'm on my way to being dehydrated quickly b/c I can't even stomach liquids. I have looked online for advice...eating small meals, carbs, etc...none of it has helped. Any suggestions?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 6 weeks pregnant and fingers are tingling?

    I'm 6 weeks pregnant and a few days ago my hands started falling asleep while I was sleeping, I figured it was because I was laying on my own arm or something so changed positions and it got better. This morning, I've been up for several hours, moving about and my fingers are tingling again, like the "falling asleep" sensation. Can this be at all related to pregnancy or not so much? Is it bad?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Menstrual like cramps in 5th week of pregnancy?

    I just found out I'm pregnant, I'm only 5 weeks along, however for the past few days I've been having cramps similar to those I get with my period every month. I've read that if I'm spotting or bleeding or there is grayish or pinkish tissue I might be miscarrying. I've also read to call my doctor immediately if I have just cramps. Then I read that my uterus might be expanding and that might cause the cramps...does that happen as early as 5 weeks? Basically ,what should I be thinking?

    Also, I don't have a doctor, I'm a graduate student, my health insurance is through the health center on campus, you just go to whomever, I haven't met with an OBGYN yet, so don't say, "call your doctor" because I don't have one...and its a Saturday.

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is there a translation into English of this book?

    I'm reading "Fundaciones: canon, historia y cultura nacional" by Beatriz Gonzalez-Stephan and I'm having a difficult time understanding some of the concepts it is talking about. I was wondering if anyone knows about (or can find) an English translation of the book and what the title is. Thanks!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How do you embroider by hand?

    I have seen websites that show how to do stitches, but how do I make an entire design? For example, my cousin used a machine to embroider initials and it was beautiful, but my grandmother insisted she could do better "in her day" by hand...however she has arthritis and can no longer do it, let alone teach me. Also, I live in a small area, there aren't classes to take so that isn't reasonable. Any basic suggestions or instructions would be lovely :)

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • How do I sew tulle onto cotton?

    I'm designing a few throw pillows and on one of them I'd like to put some tulle on it as an accent. Problem is, I am used to using sturdy fabrics and I'm not sure how to sew tulle. I'm only using one layer so you can see the cotton behind it, its very simple. Am I better to hand sew or use a sewing machine? What sort of stitch should I use either way? Any recommendations to keep it from ripping/fraying, etc? Thanks!

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • How can I be sure I cut straight, even lines without a pattern and without a table?

    I used to have a large table and work area to do my sewing, now I have nothing but a carpeted floor. I am just making throw pillows so I'm not using a pattern, but I still need to be sure I'm making even and good cuts. I'm also using some difficult fabrics, not just cotton. I have some satin, sateen, etc. Any suggestions on how to do that?

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • My 3 year old dog started peeing in the house?

    She was already trained to not go in the house and she hadn't since she was a pup. Lately she's been in the house more often when I'm home and I take her outside often. She gets a reward for peeing or pooping and she gets the whole routine by now...problem is, the past few days she's gotten excited and peed in the house (even when she's gotten excited in the past, no accidents). I'm a little confused because it doesn't smell like dog pee, it doesn't smell at all, it just is wet. Also, in 3 years she's never had this problem and suddenly now she's peed in the house 3 times in a week...there were guests over one time, another time she was "helping" me search for something and got excited. It doesn't seem that she has to go because it can be within 1/2 hour of her peeing outside that she'll go inside. I don't know if maybe she's sick or something else is going on or if this is normal (at 3?)

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago