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Revisiting Minecraft, Any Good Servers I Can Join?
So I got a Minecraft account when it was still in Beta and joined a really great server but after a while I got tired of the game and quit.
Fast-forward 2 to 3 years later, I've gained interest in Minecraft again after watching one of my favorite channels on YouTube play it (Rooster Teeth's Achievement Hunter).
After doing updates for the game I found out that the server I was on is no longer active. I actually came to Yahoo Answers when I first got my Minecraft account and asked the same question and that's how I found the right server so since this method proved very helpful to me last time, I'm trying it again. So I'm looking for a server that has very friendly people that are also helpful if I have any questions (since I haven't played Minecraft in a while I'm sure there are so many additions to the game so I'm basically a newbie again). It would be great if we had our own plots for building for survival as well as a creative part of the server. It would be awesome if the server had community events whether it's games or building.
(The server I had before was Anthrox, which was the server of the RPG Makers on YouTube)
Thanks so much in advance! :)
5 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years agoFirst Time Going Through the Mass Effect Series?
This is a Mass Effect 3 question (NO SPOILERS FOR THE THIRD PLEASE)
Here's some background with me playing the series:
I have already played through Mass Effect 1 and 2 on the PS3 (trilogy edition). I had to play Mass Effect 2 twice and play the Suicide Mission three times because I wasn't satisfied until I saved everyone (which I was able to). I learned things the hard way (because I didn't want to spoil myself) and I got Wrex killed in the first game. I saved Ashley instead of Kaiden but she was stationed by the bomb so me choosing to save her meant I got the salarian team killed. In the second game, as mentioned above, I had to play it twice because my initial playthrough got 4 people killed and I couldn't live with that. So the second playthrough ending, I saved everyone except Tali and she plays too much of a part in the series for her to get killed in 2 so I was able to just replay the Suicide Mission again and saved everyone.
Through so much trial and error with the first two games I decided to do a lot of research to make sure I don't screw anything up. I started playing this series because I wanted to experience what everyone else did when the game originally came out. What I wanted to do was go through the whole third game, without the Extended Cut installed, and see the original ending but have a saved game before the last two final missions and go back and play through those missions again and see the EC ending. But I'm starting to have doubts if this is a good idea. I am a casual gamer, I like to play games just once and that's it. I don't like to go back and replay anything because I already know what's going to happen. Mass Effect has been a little bit different because there are so many ways you can play the game and that's why playing through ME2 was pretty easy. But even though I love the series so much it's gotten to that point where I just want to be done with the series and move on.
So after that overview my main questions are:
1. WITHOUT SPOILING ANYTHING, how do the Priority: Cerberus HQ and Priority: Earth last two missions play out? Like how much combat time vs. cutscene time? Is it similar to how Suicide Mission plays out? Are they difficult?
2. With all of the backstory I gave on my experience playing the first two games, is it better for me to just go for the EC only so I don't have to worry as much about the EMS or taking into account the people I've gotten killed would it be tough for me to get the 5,000 EMS so I can get the best ending?
Also, take into account that I do not play multiplayer.
I just feel pretty lost deciding which ending I should experience first.
I know this is a long question but I've never been so passionate about a game series and I want to do well only playing through the third game once.
If there are any tips you have to help me get the best outcomes please let me know as well.
Thanks so much for your time. :)
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years agoA nice Minecraft multiplayer server I can join?
Hey everyone!
I just bought Minecraft for the first time after seeing multiple YouTube channels play it.
I was wondering if there are any multiplayer servers I can join.
Unfortunately, none of my friends play. :(
But I would like one that allows me to build anything I want anywhere and where the players are really friendly that would be nice to play with and helpful at the same time.
Thanks so much in advance and I can't wait to start playing with other people! :)
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years agoBeen trying to lucid dream for 2 1/2 months?
I have been trying to lucid dream since June and I have followed the steps for techniques to lucid dream.
I keep a journal
I am meditating
I wrote on my hand "Am I awake?" or "A" and have a picture symbol
I check almost 5 times a day to see if I am dreaming
I've slept on my back, but it doesn't work
I have tried binaural beats
and I am tell myself every night that I am going to lucid dream or I am going to be aware in my dreams.
I can say that doing these techniques have helped me to remember my dreams every night.
I think I have lucid dreamed 2 times, because I was able to remember to test if I'm dreaming or not in the dream and realized that I am dreaming. I was able to levitate some items in the dream, but it doesn't feel like I am really aware in the dream.
Like it doesn't feel like what people say that it feels real. I don't know if that's the way a lucid dream is suppose to feel, but even though I recognize it is a dream it doesn't feel like I am really aware in it.
Can anyone tell me is this a normal feeling?
Thanks in advance. :)
1 AnswerPsychology1 decade agoScott Pilgrim app in App Store?
I am going to see Scott Pilgrim vs. The World this weekend and I found this app in the iTunes App Store.
The first 37 pages of the 1st volume was free. I wanted to read the rest of the comic.
So when I went to pay for the full volume it said I had to sign in to Comicxology.
I wasn't sure if when you pay for it, you pay for it through your iTunes account or the Comicxology account. I tried going on their site to see if it says anything about it but I couldn't find it.
So when you buy a Scott Pilgrim volume in the Scott Pilgrim app does it purchase on your iTunes account or the Comicxology account?
Thanks a lot in advance and I need an answer quick. :)
3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoWhat's the difference between the movies, Alien and Aliens?
I noticed that Aliens was playing on a channel & I went to watch it. But then I noticed that the director wasn't James Cameron.
I was really confused when I looked the movies up. It turns out that there's a movie called Alien, which is directed by Ridley Scott; and there's a movie called Aliens that's of course directed by James Cameron.
I was really confused because of the names and because Sigourney Weaver is in both movies.
Can someone tell me the difference between the two?
Thanks in advance! :)
9 AnswersMovies1 decade agoHow much gore is in The Wolfman?
I really want to see The Wolfman.
I'm not a horror fan at all, but lately I've been seeing movies that have gore in them, and I absolutely love them!
But I'm still new to the world of horror & blood/guts.
I've wanted to see The Wolfman since last summer, but then when they rated it R for bloody horror, violence and gore, I kinda got a little curious how violent & gory it is.
I've looked up reviews on the movie and I read one that had pretty gruesome gory scenes.
I wanted to know how gruesome is it? Like is it disturbing gruesome or not really that bad gruesome?
I want to make sure that I wont have nightmares for weeks. Lol!
So far in the movies that are gory I've seen:
head decapitations
A person explode
Head sliced off
That's the one's I can think of on the top of my head.
If I've seen these stuff is it enough not to be disturbed in the movie?
Thanks in advance! :)
7 AnswersMovies1 decade agoGood songs from the 90's?
I'm doing this fashion show at my school and it's a decades fashion show and I was assigned the 90's.
I have to find popular songs for these fashion categories:
Princess Diana
Does anyone know what songs would be perfect for the show?
They have to be a popular song anywhere from 1990-1999.
Thanks in advance! :)
5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoAdvanced editing software they use in movies?
I love doing videos and I need a really good video editing software that people use in movies.
If there's anyway to find a software that can do CGI?
If CGI is on Final Cut Pro then that is awesome!
I don't mean like really really advanced CG!, but like if in the video you want to do a force field or have something coming at you that's not really there, that kinda CGI.
This would mean a LOT to me if you can tell me. :)
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoIPhone 3G S or MacBook Pro?
I can choose between two Apple products.
You probably know what those two are LOL!
My IPod just broke so I need a new IPod anyways and my phone is all scratched up and it's starting to fall apart;
but I do a lot of videos and I want to do special effects and green screen.
The computer I have right now is a PC so this will be my first Mac.
My computer freezes and shuts down on me and I'm running out of memory space because the videos I do fill up the space a lot.
So I both need a new Phone, IPod and computer,
so which apple product should I get?
thanks! :)
1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade agoAny good thriller or suspense movies?
I saw
When a Stranger Calls
and loved the movies! I have been trying to find movies that are similar to them.
I don't like any movies with monsters or aliens or really physically scary stuff in the movie like:
The Unborn
The Uninvited
Can anyone recommend any good thriller or suspense movies to watch?
10 AnswersMovies1 decade agoTwilight could be longer?
Do you think twilight could be longer?
At least maybe 30 minutes more?
I've seen movies that are almost 3 hours long.
They could have put the blood typing scene in.
I thought it was too short!
What's your opinion?
5 AnswersMovies1 decade agoI need your help on what I should sing?
I'm having this talent show at school,
and I don't know exactly what to sing.
I was thinking:
"My Life Would Suck Without You by Kelly Clarkson"
But what do you think I should sing?
4 AnswersSinging1 decade agoYour opinion on this Twilight cat fight going on?
I just read that Kristen Stewart (Bella) & Nikki Reed (Rosalie) are in a cat fight.
It's hard to explain, so read this article that I found about them:
Tell me your opinion on this.
Do you think this is true or if it's a lie
or if it's Bull S. lol!
6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoQuestion about a Time Capsule?
I'm getting a Mac and I have a PC right now.
But when I do get a Mac, can I put my files from my PC on the Time Capsule and then connect the Time Capsule to the Mac and put my files on the Mac?
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoMoving you cell phone number to another phone?
I have Sprint, and I thought that my contract would be up this April,
but I found out that it isn't over until April 2010.
I was and still is going to get the IPhone.
Is it possible if I can move my cell phone number I have right now
over to the IPhone without an early termination fee from Sprint?
It's okay if I can't, but I have a lot of friends and I don't want to
go through the hassle of texting them all the new number I have.
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoI have an IPhone question?
My contract is up with Sprint this April and I am getting the IPhone.
I went to Best Buy (because I wanted to see if the IPhone was cheaper there, but it isn't) and I asked the Best Buy Mobile guy that that I was getting an Iphone and he said that there is going to be this convention for Apple and he said after they introduce the new MacBook mini that they are going to introduce the new IPhone and he said it is suppose to come out this June. I wanted to know if it is true, because if it is, I will wait if I can.
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoConfused about Ipod 2.2 update?
I have the 2.0 upgrade or higher on by Ipod touch, but it says that it costs $9.95 still. I'm afraid to click the download button on iTunes because I don't want to pay $9.95 if it's free for me.
If anyone has already downloaded the 2.2 upgrade already and they got it free, did you push the "Buy" button to get the upgrade for free, or another button?
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoWhen is Midnight Sun comming out?
I knew that Stephanie Meyer stopped writing because it was illegally put on the internet,
but does anyone know if she's writing it again
I read the 1st chapter of the book on her website and I want to read more
I hope she is writing again because I'm anxious to read the whole book
8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoWhat do you think of Robert Pattinson's new haircut?
I personally like it the way it was before he cut it
What do you think?
27 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago