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  • How do you................................................?

    How do you un-register a gun from one name and then register it to another name?

    My husband father wants to give us a gun when we move. (we currently live in Kansas and will be moving to California)

    How do we go about doing this?

    btw I know this is in the wrong section. No need to be a smart a**

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • short engagements or no engagements at all then marriage...?

    It seems like today there has been a TON of people asking if it's a bad idea to get married after only knowing each other after two weeks or whatever. Yes I understand this is kind of silly and will probably not last but. I got married after two months of knowing my husband and it's been three years now. Do you still think it wont last? Do you think we will have more or less problems in the long run?

    Note: we still don't have kids, he's now in the military (wasn't until 6 months ago). Over all we have a really good marriage.

    Give me your thoughts!

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • it just me?

    Ok so my husband is in the military and is in a different state. We have a great marriage so don't try to say anthings wrong cause it's just our off week. anyways.. I need to know if i'm over reacting or if i should truly be upset.

    Here's the deal.

    When he first got to "A" school. He would text me no matter what. then he started school and now he can't have his phone with him til after school. so I don't get to text him through out the day. but if I did send him a text saying... (I love you.. $$$ is in your account etc..) he would always say something back. Then it stopped lil by lil. I didn't mind at first cause I don't think he should always have to repile but now he wont even text me back saying I love you.. If I was to send a random text saying I love you I wont hear from him for 5 or 6 hours. (on the weekend) when he is free all day. it started with.

    -I was in the galley. ( he never has service there so sometimes I let this slide but, when he was first got there he could text me when he was in galley. he wouldnt get them right away but he would text back.

    - I was busy playing hockey (the viedo game)

    blah blah blah... That's fine and all I don't care if he wants to play games and do stuff. I tell him to! but at least freaking text me back sooner then 5 hours later!

    I've told him that this bother's me. (yes more then once!) it keeps happening!

    So last night we were talking said goodnight as he was eating dinner and I was getting ready for bed. Right after we got off the phone I texted him to tell him "have a good dinner I love you" I never got anything back. and it just set me off this morning. like really! he had no reason why he couldn't text me . I know his phone was on for one. I just got off the phone with him. for two he was out eating so he had service. three there was no way he was going to bed for at least 3 more hours so you can't tell me he didn't at least look at him phone when he pluged it in to be charged.

    So... Why the hell did he get mad when I told him I'm not text you anymore? If he would look at our texts ALL of them are from me! I havnt got a text back from him for two weeks! After telling him serveral times that is bothers me that he will answers everyone else's texts and calls while were on the phone but not mine. Is it really hard to understand that?

    One other thing. He would KILL me if I was to ever sit in another man's car a take shot with them and one other friend of mine. So why is this ok for him to do with a female? none the less I was pissed that day for him not text me and then i had to say something shitty to him for him to even repile back "i'm taking a ton of shots i'll call you later" WTF!

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How to help my husband deal with things going on??????

    I know I should put this is the military category but i'm not going to...

    Anyways. My Husband just left for the Military back in November. Right before he left his dad recked his bike lost his leg it was a bad deal w.e not going into it. He's mom was planning on leaving his dad before all of this happened. She stayed with him and had high hopes that when he came home he would at least be a little better. NO even worse. Anyways she told him that she's sorry but she can't take a care of someone who treats her worse then a dog. (She's told him this at least every other day for the last 6 months. She'll say something about it he'll be nice for a day and then back to it.) Finally last Friday she told him she's moving in with a friend and she'll be by to get her stuff. Sense then he's call my husband telling him all this bs and that he's going to kill himself take the rest of his pain pills all at once etc etc..

    1. Now my thing is.. He doesn't need this when he's trying to get out of "A" school. \

    2. His mom told him to call me and talk me about things (me and his mom are very close) as she was taking care of things at the point in time. We had an amazing talk. We usually always do but this a little differnet. After about an hour he just wanted to play basketball and for get about things for a little bit.

    Forward to Saturday I go to check up on his dad and he's waaaaayyyy out of it. He for sure took to many pills. He was saying sandy (wife/mom) was in the bedroom sleeping with her boyfirend. I was the only person there for sure. Trying to talk to people who werent there etc etc. He texted me today and yesterday asking what all happened and that he doesnt remember anything.

    So my husband was asking all kinds of questions wanting to know what was up with his dad. So I tell him and then he was like well I need to get off the phone and wanted to call later. he didn't call until 10:30 my time knowing I would be trying to get some sleep for work and then didnt have anything to say to me. I know he has the right to be upset but... How else can I help him. Should I just leave him be as much as possible for now? Help.. It wouldnt be so bad if I could freaking live with him..

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • help questions! I don't understand. Women only please...?

    Ok how long does ovulation last? is there any really answer to that cause I know it can be different for any women.

    So i'm a health 20 y/o female and latley i've been having more discharge then normal. first it was just happened when I got out of the gym. I know thats normal and good blah blah blah. but The amount is starting to be way more! and as of yesterday it's all day that I notice it. I never in my life have had this happen to me. It doesn smell, it looks normal, sometimes it's a little more thick then others.

    Anyways I don't know what to make of this. I know you can have more discharge when you become prego but how much? and I it's way to soon for me to tell if i am prego. and theres not a very high chance of that. It's been almost a month sense i've seen My Husband and we are not "trying" to get prego. (he's in the military) can anyone help me?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How do I tell My Husband.............?

    He is away at school and the longer and longer he's there the less phone call's I get from him. If I do get a call it's usually him just asking a question and talking to everyone around him instead of me. How do I go about reminding him that he is married even tho his new friends are not? in a nice way of course....

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Military Wifes...Or Wifes in general?

    My Husband and I have been married for two years. He left for the Navy back in November. He's now in school and I can't live with him unless we pay for it and blah blah blah. Can't don't have the money. anyways for the last month I've been able to talk to him whenever I want and kinda have him back. I've never been in a long distant relationship and neither has he.

    My Question is how do you make it work?

    other then talking thru out the day

    phone sex

    trying to keep each other included in things.

    what did you do that help you get thru the separation?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • help help help.. Going to see My Husband in two weeks. (Navy)?

    So I've been working my as* off latly at the gym and I still cant lose this freaking layer of fat on my belly. I look good but I need to be super model good. What the heck can I do? The only thing I can really think of is tanning. (fat ALWAYS looks better with a tan)

    I dont really drink pop. MAYBE a half of a can day

    I don't eat out but once a week.

    I don't stuff and stuff my face. I could eat a lil less during meals but no to much less I would be starving myself if I did.

    Am I just suppose to look this way a cause if so then this suxz bal**

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Going to see my Husband... Help?

    Why is it that I never feel like I look good enough for him? I know he love's me and always tells me I look goo but... I've never really been in shape. not fat just not in shape. So now I've been working out the last 4 months he's been gone and I feel like I don't look good enough. WTF

    I know I look way better then I did. I'm always getting stares from people. But when it comes to him I don't feel like it's good enough why is this?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • sexxy things to say or do..?

    My Husband is in Cali for schooling (Navy). He just got his phone yesterday and I've already sent piks but I'm not sure what to say... Any ideas..

    No web cams! I live with my father and lil sister for right now that would be weird

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • prego question.... please help.?

    I should have started my period two days ago, my boobs kinda hurt but no change in color I am more moody then usual and I cant help but to stuff my face right now and that's not like me.. My stomach hurts but in a different way not like i'm going to start idk it's weird (no morning sickness). The only problems is we've had miscarriages before and it could be still be til like monday til I start at the very latest.. I don't want to get my hopes up and test to early buy I also really want to know. Could I be???

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Question for Navy Wife's or Military person's in general..?

    My Husband just left basic and is now in "A" school.. They keep changing his dates and things like that.. We knew this wouldn't be easy but went thru with it anyways... How do you cope with your spouse being gone?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My Husband is in the Navy and Just left for "A" School...?

    Can the Navy help me plan my trips to go see him? Or a website that anyone knows of that give me some information for Navy Wifes?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What should I do..... all answers will help?

    I'm going to see My Husband a week from today. I haven't seen him in 2 months. I've lost a lil Weight and I want to "show" off for him but.. I don't have the money to go and buy something cute.. Guys what turns you on without having to buy something?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why do men want anal so bad?

    My Husband is always asking me to have anal with him. I dont mind the thought of it but it hurts so bad and he doesnt want to use numbing gels so he doesnt have to wrap it up...

    How can I make this possible for him?

    What is so good about this?

    30 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Do Military Husbands...?

    Do all Military Husbands cheat? I posted this in a different section but you guys give better answers..

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Military Husbands...?

    Is it true that all Military Husbands cheat? Someone told me it's a hiden secret..

    13 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • My Husband left for basic traning....?

    Do you think he will come back nicer or meaner?

    He was kinda rude before he left never really helped around the house. He seems to be sweeter in his letters but that's different.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Alright M&D I need your help and I know ya'll will love this.?

    I'm going to see My Husband in a couple of weeks, He left for basic back in November. I've been working out and getting back into shape and I want to "show" off for him.

    any idea's?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Places to eat in Chicago.....?

    My husband will be grad. from basic in December. I know for sure he want's steak and pizza.

    Can anybody tell me where there are some good place's to eat? or where to have a "nice" meal at?

    4 AnswersChicago1 decade ago