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  • how do I proceed? When to Advice needed.?

    I need some advice from people who are unbiased to my situation.

    I have an extremely complicated relationship with one of my friends. She and I hang out and talk a lot, and we have discussed our feelings for each other in the past. Agreeing that we both like each other but due to circumstances the timing is not right.

    Despite this we continue to hang out and talk, and obviously the situation didn't clear up like we thought it would, and an already complicated situation gets more complicated.

    I have been unable to stifle this anymore, and I put it all out there.

    The response I got, was "I don't want to hurt you."

    I am not stupid, I understand what this means.

    What I am having trouble with is, what to do next.

    She and I are extremely compatible, we have a lot of fun together, and we align on the important things. I would consider her the best friend that I have at the moment. I don't want to lose her at all. More than anything, I wish things could be like they were, and we could be just friends, but that ship has sailed.

    What do I do?

    Stop seeing her and talking to her because I know that these feelings aren't going away?


    Try to maintain the friendship through this extremely rocky spot in hopes that things will get better again?

    Thanks for reading.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • what does this mean? Advise needed!?

    This girl I like and have been hanging out with quite a lot lately, went to dinner with me, and brought her 3 year old daughter. Which is fine, because I like kids, I like her, and I am flattered to be introduced. After diner we went and got ice cream and the guy behind the counter said "you guys have a really cute daughter. She didn't correct him. I was caught off guard and I didn't either. She just said thanks. But it is possible she didn't hear it correctly.... but I doubt it.

    I am wondering what, if anything, this might mean. What would you think if this happened? Would you ever respond this way?

    Would you think this means, she likes the idea of us together and doesn't mind if people think we are a family?

    I am confused. In the moment I didn't think about it, but afterward it has me reeling.

    Thanks to everyone who reads and answers.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • female insight needed into her response?

    I have been hanging out with this girl for a while now. Last night we were together, and I told her how I feel. I didn't say "love" but I told her about how she makes me feel and all that. She responded by saying that she feels Intimately close to me.

    What I want to know is, what does intimately close mean? Was this a way to not have to say anything back? Or is this her way of saying something back?

    Relevant info - she is self described as being overly cautious when it comes to relationships.

    It just has my head spinning, I can't tell if she is getting disinterested or afraid to admit to herself and me what she feels.

    Any input is GREATLY appreciated.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • At what point do you consider the person you are dating to be "yours"?

    Just curious when people start to feel a sense of possession with the person they are with. I am not talking about overbearing oppressive ownership, just when you see her/him and think "there's my girl/guy"

    I was talking to my roommate about it and he says it is when you make things official but I think it is something that happens that makes you want to make things official.

    I want to hear what all of you have to say about this!


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • when do you consider your crush "your girl/guy"?

    Pretty straight forward question. When do you consider the person that you are seeing to be yours?

    I am not talking about when you make things official. I mean when you think about this person, and you feel that they are your person.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • texting protocol for a girl on a vacation out of state. Help needed from the lovely ladies of YahooAnswers!?

    Hey everybody,

    There is a girl I have been hanging out with quite a lot recently, and she just went on vacation out of state.

    I want to text her, but I don't know if that is a good idea, or if I just let her have her 2 weeks out of state, and talk to her when she gets back.

    It was her first flight ever, and I am interested to hear what she has to say about it. She was very nervous beforehand.

    Should I text like any other time, or since she is on vacation, or should I send her a message that lets her know I was thinking about her, without seeming like she needs to respond?

    Girls out there I could use your input.

    Do you like when a guy texts you to tell you he has been thinking of you, or would you rather not get that.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Womans opinion needed on mixed signals?

    I have been hanging out with a girl for a little while now, and things have been going well. When we are together she is extremely present and engaged, and says things like "I wish this didn't have to end" etc.

    Then outside of our time together, the feeling is different. She has been aloof. It has taken a while to get responses from her. (I haven't been sending multiple texts or being needy in any way)

    Then the other night (Friday) I was out with friends and I texted her. "You just popped into my head and I thought I would say hi. How are you?" and since that one text we have texted late into the night past 130 am, on Friday Saturday Sunday and Teusday. The conversations have been playful, and somewhat flirty, but not overly so. Mainly because I don't know if this is a green light. But she decided to give me a nickname, and that is what caused me to realize that things might have gotten deeper.(I realize how lame that seems.)

    Up until this point I thought I had landed squarely in the dreaded friend zone. But now I am not so sure.

    My questions are:

    Was that text a tipping point, that made her realize she does like me?

    Was the aloofness a part of some hard to get strategy?

    Do you (women) text guys until the wee hours of the morning when they are in friend zone?

    I really want to progress this situation, but I need help figuring out if there is a shot before I blow apart what could be a great friendship if nothing else.

    Girls are just so damned confusing!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Help understanding female mind games?

    I have a situation here, that I know millions have had before me.

    There is this girl, we have gone out a few times, and when we are together it is like time stops. She is extremely into me and completely engaged, and I with her. She will say things about wishing that we didn't have to leave, having the best time she has had in months... etc.

    Then afterwards its a different story.

    Talking to her outside of our time physically together is very difficult. I text her, and call her, and it goes well, a little standoff-ish. The other day she asked me a question over text, a completely arbitrary question about an exam I had that day, I answered back. Then no reply.

    I thought it was weird to be asked a question and then no follow up, but whatever I gave up on understanding women a while ago. We haven't spoken since. I have a pretty strict policy of not texting more than twice with out a response. Don't want to look too needy after all. This was on Monday. Today is Thursday, and she texts me at 7:00 am a response to my last text. A completely random reply, that didn't leave any room for another reply from me.

    What the hell?

    Was she just trying to get me to pursue more? Was she trying to control the conversation? And when I didn't play along the way she wanted did she break down and text me back to start a new conversation?

    I really want to talk to her, but I don't want to give in and play her game. I need to play my own.


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Am I changing into a vampire? :(?

    Two nights ago I was bitten by something when I was in the grave yard. I hang out there becuase I like the dead around me and the graves are way cool. I sometimes eat lunchables in the moseleum with my friend lizzy. She is a total emo though, lol :). Anywho she said that there was a way to turn vampire that mere mortals dont know about and she pulled out her razer blade that she keeps in her belt. I know thats crazy right but she started listening to fall out boy a couple years ago and all of a sudden she was emo and carrying razor blades. Her mom told my mom she thought we were lesbians but I told them NO WAY. I like guys like this guy that is in my math his name is greg and he is gorgeous. I cant wait to ask him to go out. Whoa I am way off topic again. Lizzy, she took her razer and cut her arm and my arm and said that if we drip blood on the ground and go to sleep near it a vampire would find us and turn us. I saw twilight with my other friend rachel a few months ago and I know that vampires are really good at smelling things, especially blood so I figured this was probably true. I don't think they are all glittery like they were in twilight though lol :) I think edward is cute I would let him turn me in to a vampire anytime he wanted.lolz So me and lizzy went to sleep for a while and when I woke up Lizzy was saying that one was there and had sucked our bloods, I had a new cut on my neck that she said was from him. He cut me because he lost his teeth when he was human which is sad considering he needs them to live as a vampire. I think he should have flossed more. I got scared and ran home and Lizzy stayed. The next morning I felt different, like maybe I was becoming a vampire, my mom tried to get me to eat breakfast but her food was absolutely disgusting. I think its because I have to drink blood only now. I am scared now because I dont want to kill people but I will need blood all the time, can I just drink the blood people donate? I can get a job next summer so I think i will go work at a blood place, but untill then what can i do. I like animals to much to drink their blood. Lols I am not going to be a good vampire huh?

    If all i do is drink blood, will I poop anymore? I wish they would have explained that in twilight. Does anyone know anymore movies i can study to learn how to be a vampire?

    I am going to change my name to a cool vampire naim too, should I go with Bella or Luciana the blood drinker?

    Thanks and please help get advise to how to live my new life.

    GTG TTUL8R! :p

    16 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago