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  • Is friends with benefits/open relationship a good idea..?

    So about two months ago my boyfriend broke up with me and within a week he told me he made a mistake and wanted me back, yes stupid me accepted but anyway

    we broke up again yesterday (2 year relationship) and today he kissed me and whispered 'friends only' which didnt take me by surprise or anything as we told eachother we will stay friends as we were pretty much each others best friends..

    now its turned into this open relationship/friends with benefits thing and were actually both really happy as theres no stress of commitment or trying hard to make one another happy but we still have each other

    he says he cant live without me and he ended it as he's not 'in love with me' but will still always love me..

    but im not sure if this is going to work, i feel that in time im just gonna take it as hes still my boyfriend and end up heartbroken when he finds someone else..

    hes completely honest and says its my decision and we can stop whenever and just be friends but i seriously cant help myself..


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • anti helix going purple after pierced..?

    i got 3 piercings on my anti helix and my ear is starting to go purple.. i know its probably just bruising but im still fair worried ahaha, somebody just tell me this is normal pleaseee!

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Dent in guard panel.?

    ive recently reversed into a mates car and left a small dent in the guard panel, is there any chance this can be popped out or will i have to buy a new guard panel? any ideas on prices?


    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Boyfriend wants a break for 2 weeks..?

    Ill make this as straightforward and short as possible..

    3 days ago me and my boyfriend had a day out that had been planned for a while, and we were about to go when he burst into tears and says hes confused and he thinks we need to have a break. he said there was nobody else, and he still loves me

    now, we've had tiny breaks of like.. 2 days before but that was because we would of had a fight and just needed to cool of.. this one im finding hard because i cant just say sorry and make it up to him if was my fault.. i have nothing to be sorry about, i cant fix it..

    we still went out that day, and talked, he said that he felt like he was holding me back from going out, which he isnt, because his friends are mine.. and that we can go out and do things as just friends, he jokingly said, 'does that mean i can do whatever' but he knows the answer and i told him..

    then we had a fight sunday morning over text and he said 'fine no break, i only needed one day to realize i missed you' but i said no.. because now im confused about what he wants

    he now tells me he just wants time to himself.. but we only see eachother one or 2 nights a week for dinner and then spend the weekend together unless he's going out with his guy friends.. we dont live in eachothers pocket..

    i trust him to an extent.. he had kissed someone before while in this relationship.. but i dont trust him with telling me if something did happen, he tried to hide the last one, but couldnt hold it in, so i guess thats a good thing..

    we've been going out for nearly a year and a half,

    i just.. dont understand what he wants, he wont talk, he just keeps saying he wants time to himself, yet he still sees all his other friends..i sent him a goodnight text, thinking maybe i could just make a bit of contact over the 2 weeks.. didnt answer and he doesnt plan to as i talked to him again once again today but all he said was 'its only been 3 days i just want time to myself, but i guess i have to leave him..

    on the second week im going away for a week, so it will make it easier for me, and he said he'd let me know whats going on after.. but i keep thinking the worst, i dont want to stung along for 2 weeks just for him to say its over.. leaving him has come into my mind a million times, but i know i never will..

    What do you guys think..? what kind of break does he want.. is it actually going to fix anything if we dont actually talk about the non-existent problem.. because one hasnt arisen.. he has said i havent done anything..

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • i left my tampon in for 12 hours?

    i forgot about it and i accidently left it in for 12 hours.. ****.

    i feel agitated but i think im just stressing over getting tss..

    if i had tss how long would it take for symptoms to show?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • If I do this how long will it take?

    Skinny 16 year old 50kg and tall, but I don't have a flat tummy at all :(

    If I run min 3 times a week, for about 30mins (hoping for 7 times a week) with added sit ups, how long will it take for my tummy to flatten??

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • yeast infection and garlic..?

    Im not sure if i have a yeast infection 'down there' or not.. but my mother is away for the week and i kinda dont want to tell dad.. hahaa

    and my period starts in less than a week..

    i know garlic is known for the best results.. but we dont have any fresh stuff, only minced, 97% garlic

    it has about 2% sugar in it and i know sugar makes it worse.. but because its more garlic than sugar does it matter..?

    and would eating it help the infection..?

    thanks :)

    5 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Yeast infection.. down there..?

    on sunday i had protected sex with my boyfriend but i was quite dry so i was wondering if it was just an irritation..

    but its Tuesday now and there its pretty itchy down there. its not too bad.. but pretty awkward when your busting to itch it through class..

    i have thick white discharge so thats why im thinking its a yeast infection..

    i was wondering if there were any more ways to get rid of it without going to the doctors..? my mum is away for the week and i certianly cant tell dad hahaa

    my period is due on monday too so i want to get rid it beforehand..

    10 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • My boyfriend has a gut feeling Im pregnant..?

    I never really thought of it until last night he told me he has been worried sick that Im pregnant..

    About 2-3 weeks ago we had sex in the morning and we didn't use a condom as Im on the pill (we usually do though) and he pulled out ready to ***, but nothing came out. We shrugged it off as weird but this is what has him worried.. As he's not sure if he came inside me..

    That day i was ment to start the sugar pills but i was at the river so i decided to skip it by using a new packet.

    I have never skipped it using the pill before and now that my boyfriends worried i have started to notice pregnancy symptoms such as

    reaaaally sore breasts

    lots of gas

    eating way more than usual

    apparently Im more horney..

    Milky white discharge

    There's not many, and come to think of it.. I was hoping they were symptoms of

    skipping my period..

    Has anybody had symptoms of skipping a period with the pill..? Does it sound like i have a chance of being pregnant..?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Have i broken my nose?

    3 days ago i was accenently head-butted in the nose pretty hard. it did make quite a loud crack but it didnt bleed and it hasnt brused. It did swell up quit alot and it still is a bit swolen. its still sore to touch.

    does it sound like i broke it..?

    2 AnswersInjuries9 years ago
  • im so emotional its not even funny anymore?

    Everytime my boyfriend leaves for the day i get the feeling im going to cry..

    everytime my parents tell me he cant come over or i cant go out i usually go to my room and quietly cry..

    i cry myself to sleep about loosing him..

    only in the last month or 2 this has been happening.. too attached..?

    we have been going out for 6 months..

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Everytime my boyfriend leaves i feel the need to cry..?

    We have been going out for 6 months and see him nearly everyday (we go to the same school and hang out every weekend). Hes turning 18 and im turning 16. Just in.. maybe the last few weeks i have noticed that when he leaves to go home or to work i feel so life-less and sometimes i cry a little bit. When he doesn't sleep over saturday night night i usually cry myself to sleep, same goes for when he leaves to go to work sunday night.

    I used to suffer from anxiety (panic attacks, worrying too much etc) but i thought i grew out of it, but now im thinking it might be coming back.

    A few of his friends were in a horrible car accident about a month ago and one of them died, the others had broken bones etc. but now every time he doesn't answer my text in the following 10mins or so, i get worried that hes had a car accident and im never going to see him again.

    i think its just the fact that he's finishing school in the next few months and i still have another year without him being there. sometimes i just zone out think about the future, especially next year and cry because its all gonna get so hard. i think im too attached, but i love him so much and i just find it hard to let go. i just didnt want anything to happen to him.

    some days i feel that if he is the only one keeping me alive. Depression maybe?

    does this happen to anybody else? i just want to stop being so worried.. to the people that have suffered from anxiety, how did you over-come it?

    9 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Good gift for 6 months together..?

    I need some little gift ideas for my boyfriend of 6 months. I only need something little, i dont want to spend a lot because his birthday's coming up soon but i want to get something decent..

    Guys are so hard to buy for :/

    Idea's would be wonderful :)

    7 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • could i be pregnant..?

    im 15, and yes i know, ill probably get a lot of people giving me lectures etc. but i just though i would ask... me and my boyfriend havent had sex but we have been playing aroound for 6 weeks or so (fingering etc.) at the end of december i had my period when i was supposed to, but it was unusally light and i didnt think much of it untill now. at the start of last week i started to have unusually white discharge and i noticed my boobs were getting bigger. now at the end of last week they are really sensitive and i have been craving food that i usually hate.

    i usually have my period about 4-5 days earlier than every 28 days but its now been 28 days and i still havent had it.. and out of 2 years of having it ive only been late once.

    i know peoples answer should be taken as a truth or anything but im just looking for some advice and opinions.

    thankyouu :)

    4 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • can you still be pregnant if you have a unusally light period..?

    i had an unusally light period about 3 weeks ago and im just waiting on my next one in a few days. Could i be pregnant still..?

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Your view on condoms.. do you completly trust them..?

    Hahahha i know its a kinda weird question, but if you were to have sex and you dont want to get pregnant and your on no birth control what so ever, would you still have sex while he wears a condom..?

    10 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • i think im pregnant :s?

    im 15, and yes i know, ill probably get a lot of people giving me lectures etc. but i just though i would ask... me and my boyfriend havent had sex but we have been playing aroound for 6 weeks or so (fingering etc.) at the end of december (its now end of janurary and should be having my period anytime soon), i had my period when i was supposed to, but it was unusally light and i didnt think much of it untill now. at the start of this week i started to have unusually white discharge and i noticed my boobs were getting bigger. now at the end of the week they are really sensitive and i have been craving food that i usually hate.

    im really really emotional at the moment, im just waiting for my period for this month but i really just need to know what others think..

    thankyouu :)

    12 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago