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I'm a 15 year old girl who loves Jesus and believes in the bible.

  • Why are infomercials so awful?

    What is WRONG with those people? I've seen infomercials where someone can't crack an egg, color, or even sit down with their food without ruining everything. What the heck?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • How do you tell if someone likes you (platonic)?

    I know it should be obvious when someone likes you, but I get paranoid. What if one of them is planning on tricking me?

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • How can I stop feeling this way?

    I'm a fan of Victorious and lately I've been really wanting something bad to happen to Jade. I love it when bad stuff happens to her. In other words, I hate Jade. It really bugs me and it ruins the show for me. How can I stop hating her? I don't hate anyone else btw.

    3 AnswersComedy8 years ago
  • Can you die from eating gluten?

    I just ate some food with gluten in it. Technically anyone can have celiac disease. So if celiac disease is dangerous then if you really want to be technical about it, anyone not on a gluten-free diet can drop dead at any moment. Just saying.

    But is celiac disease that dangerous? Can it kill you?

    13 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Can this make a normal person sick?

    Recently I had two bowls of bran flakes before bed. Then I went to sleep. Then I woke up and had the same thing for breakfast. I did this for about a week or so (gross, I know). Then I got a stomach ache. I had little stomach aches for about two days and I'm also kinda bloated. :( Does this mean I have celiac disease or was I just having too much bran flakes?

    5 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Middle name ideas for baby boy that start with 'J'?

    His name is going to be Justin Fitz.

    The middle name can't be James, Jaxon, Jesse, Jason

    11 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Does this bother anyone else?

    Doesn't it bother you that anybody can poison your food when you're eating out at a restaurant? You don't know if there's a psychopathic employee or not. I don't know why this doesn't bother other people.

    There are precautions you can take to make sure you don't get shot, or stabbed, or killed some other way. But with poison? How do you make sure you don't get poisoned?

    There's no way to keep yourself from getting poisoned. It's just luck. Every time you eat, someone could have poisoned your food. And there would be nothing to stop them. I think this is a big deal and more people should concentrate on fixing the problem. We need to come up with a way to make sure innocent people don't eat poison. It's not right that it's so easy to kill anybody you want and get away with it. This is really upsetting.

    Heck I'm eating cereal right now and I keep wondering if it's poisoned. But if it is then what am I going to do, you know? I mean I have to eat. It's just luck.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • I have a crush on myself. Now what?

    how do i go about making the first move

    ive always been shy around my crushes

  • Stupid question about childhood shows?

    Okay I know this is stupid and doesn't really matter. I'm just bored.

    I was on formspring and I got a question asking me what my favorite childhood movie was. That got me thinking. What makes a movie my childhood movie? What about shows?

    Does it have to start when you're a kid?

    Does it have to end when you're still a kid?

    Do you have to be a kid the whole time she show is going?

    If a show is from before I was born, but it went over into my childhood, would that mean it's from my childhood? What if it starts when I'm a kid but ends when I'm an adult?

    1 AnswerOther - Television8 years ago
  • How do you know if the music is too loud?

    I'm using my phone to listen to music through my headphones. I know you're supposed to turn down the volume if someone else can hear your music. But sometimes I'm listening to the music and nobody is there to tell me if it's too loud. When I'm alone, how can I tell if the music is too loud?

    5 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Is this innapropriate?

    I wrote a Victorious fanfiction, and my mom is a big fan of Victorious so she wants to read it. But would it be inappropriate to let her read it? Tori has a crush on somebody in it, so I'm not sure.

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Is it okay to give a turtle a hug?

    My baby turtle was having a nightmare so she was like "MOMMY IM SCARED". I went to her crib and explained to her not to be scared because it's just a dream, and that I'll keep her safe. I tucked her into her blankets and gave her a hug. I didn't kiss the turtle because you get turtle disease from that. But what if you just hug the turtle? Can you get turtle disease?

    3 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • Do you think my turtle got scared?

    I was VERY bored and I just started making random scary faces at myself. They weren't actually that scary but I think I might have creeped out my turtle. She's just a kid. Is it possible for a turtle to get creeped out?

    3 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • I like turtles. How about you?

    I'm a big fan of turtles. I like the kind with shells. What about you? I was thinking about starting a turtle fanclub.

    9 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • Why don't I get likes on facebook?

    Okay, so maybe I don't post the most important things in the world. But neither do other people. I post cute pictures, random jokes I come up with, or silly things someone said. Other people post stuff like that and they also talk about what food they just ate or that they just used the bathroom or that they blinked 222 times in the last minute. I Just don't get why my statuses hardly get likes, but

    "Just got back from K-mArt"

    gets 500 likes

    3 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • How loud should the music be on my phone?

    I downloaded a virtual mp3 player for my android phone and I was just wondering how loud the music should be. I don't want to lose my hearing, but I want to be able to have fun listening to the music. I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 if that makes any difference.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Is this possible (stupid medical question)?

    I know this sounds stupid but it's really bugging me. Is it possible for someone to eat right, be very healthy, and still feel very sick all the time? Because I eat well and my blood test was perfect, but this is really bugging me.

    How can I know if I feel very sick? I don't get how other people know that they don't feel a thousand times worse than everybody else. I can't switch bodies with somebody, so what should I do?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Why do we find certain things/people "cute"?

    It makes sense scientifically to find babies and animals cute. They need to be taken care of.

    But what about certain clothes, music, couples, friendships, colors, shapes, sometimes even plants?

    Why would someone have a reason to think a FLOWER, or the color pink, is cute? Also, hearts. A lot of girls like hearts. They think they look cute on stuff.

    Then there's "cute couples", which is weird as heck.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • I'm nervous about upper gi?

    I'm scared because I need to get an upper gi today! :(

    I'm worried about drinking that weird liquid mostly.

    What if someone poisons it?

    What if I get so nauseas I pass out?

    I read about it and it said one of the liquids makes your stomache! o.O That sounds horrifying!!!

    What should I tell myself

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • How to report poisoned food from a restauraunt?

    Someone at a restaurant put poison in my food. I just ate one bite and then I spit it out. Luckily I didn't bite the part that the poisoned was sprinkled onto, but I could have. Now what? Is there any way I can get this person in trouble?

    5 AnswersOther - Dining Out8 years ago