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I'm one of those government researchers who compile and publish reports overflowing with statistics that the press and public cherry-pick to support whatever inane position they're aiming to support or oppose. Numbers will tell you anything you want to hear. Dogs, on the other hand, just like to let the wind blow their ears back and don't give a damn about confidence intervals. This is Louie, a shepard/pug cross and the 98th pup in a dozen litters his parents brought into this world. That's a 1966 Ford Galaxie convertible that my family's owned since 1967. One jaw went east, the other west; his scrawny legs supported a heavily-muscled frame topped by inky black eyes that were portals to another dimension yet uncharted. He was one weird-looking critter and the only psychic canine I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.

  • In your opinion, what's the best single line from any rock/pop song of the last (gasp) 60 years?

    I've got a few ideas, from the 1950's through the past decade, and will thow mine out as they come up. Just curious what other people identify with. If you're okay with it, please provide your approximate age..

    15 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Any options for chronic pain relief without side effects?

    After fracturing several vertebrae and a rib, developing arthritis and degenerative disc disease as well, I've been through countless MD's (orthopedists, neurologists, urologists, rheumatologists, etc). I've tried chiropractors, physiatrists, physical therapy, TENS, facet joint injections, and RF rhizotomy, without achieving any relief. I've used every anti-inflammatory med in the book, and worked my way through pain management programs to the point where they're pumping me full of oxycontin. The drug, which pharmacists are reluctant to stock, barely addresses the pain and cause a range of unwelcome side effects. I'd just as soon ditch it if I can find something that works. Earlier this year I went through a trial for a morphine pump, at my doctors recommendation, but again, the side effects were monstrous, and I vetoed the idea of committing to a lifetime of drug dependence with a hockey puck sized lump in my belly that would require an abdominal injection of meds every 6-8 weeks.

    My pain management MD is referring me to another Doc thursday. Any suggestions as to what I might ask him to consider as an alternative treatment? (alternative as in so far unexplored; I have no faith in herbal remedies, aromatherapy and the like). Don't know what to do at this point; both the pain and the side effects are unbearable.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't "national months" include "national days"?

    February is National Snack Food Month, while April 26th is National Pretzel Day and January 29th National Corn Chip day. There are hundreds of others:

    Should there be some federal legislation that coordinates the celebration and promotion of related individual days within calendar months that are designated for groups of celebrated items?

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Visitors to this site have heard my story. Can anyone offer any advice to help me deal with intolerable pain?

    It's a wicked combination of symptoms that bring me to where I am today. There’s no specific injury or illness to which my pain can be traced. I always had the mindset that my body would tell me when to stop when it’s reached its limits; When landscaping my yard or doing home repairs, I’d lift and carry the heaviest loads I could bear, never thinking that I’d be causing incremental damage. The same with sports and automotive work. I’ve built project cars that needed all kinds of lifting and twisting, played basketball and softball and coached youth teams for dozens of years, relying only on immediate feedback to know when too much was too much.

    Eventually, it started crashing down, about 15 years ago. I tore a rotator cuff, ruptured a biceps tendon and began experiencing consistent pain in my lower and mid-back. The arm was surgically repaired, and has caused me no problems since; in fact, I can throw harder and more accurately than I ever could when I was young. The back, well that’s where this story begins.

    I've consulted several orthopedists, beginning with the joint specialist who reconstructed my right arm. Some of the MDs who’ve examined me include a few who are considered among the best in the NYC area. They’ve concluded that I must have suffered an illness or injury (including fractured vertebrae and ribs) at some point in the past that went undiagnosed and untreated, allowing my spine to heal abnormally, in a manner that's severely compromised the strength and flexibility of my back. I’ve consulted urologists, neurologists,a rheumatologist, physiatrist, and chiropractor. I’ve been through extensive physical therapy programs with several different shops; l had electro-accupuncture and used a TENS device. I’ve had epidural steroid injections, trigger point injections to control the spasms that spread across my entire back, facet joint injections to chemically block the nerve impules carrying pain, and graduated to RF Rhizotomy in attempt to block those nerve signals electronically. Nothing provided more than temporary relief.

    Most recently (last week) I was hospitalized for a trial to determine whether I was a candidate for an intrathecal morphine pump. This is a surgically implanted device that delivers a small dose of morphine or another narcotic directly to the spinal cord. Its advantage is that it bypasses the digestive tract, allowing a miniscule dose to be effective. Unfortunately, the side effects proved to be much worse than the underlying problem, and 5 days after discharge I’m still suffering terrible headaches and muscular aches in my arms and shoulders (despite still being heavily medicated). The side effects have diminished somewhat over time but, combined with nasty vomiting while hospitalized, made it seem unwise to continue the trial.

    Sooooo. What now? I see my pain management MD tomorrow (have been through several pain management programs (some good, some ineffective, one terrific but immediately bought out by an anaesthesiology group that shut down the pain program) and expect that his treatment regimen will resume to the familiar oxycontin & baclofen routine. Can anyone suggest other possibilities? I'm open to anything at this point.

    Fortunately, I have a good professional desk job, terrific health insurance and a supportive family and group of friends. It's just this unbearable physical pain that makes life much less anjoyable than it should be.

    Thanks for any input that will help me deal with what's become an, if not THE, overriding issue in my life.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Okay, everyone knows that NY City is composed of 5 boroughs. It also has 5 counties. What's the difference?

    The names are easy, well easy for a native or many residents. How do they differ otherwise?

    2 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • The Viva La Vida plagiarism controversy; how far back do we go? ?

    It sounds an awful lot like Coldplay's Viva La Vida:

    copied Joe Satriani's "If I Could Fly":

    BUT: Did Satriani copy Enanitos Verdes "Francis Limon":

    BUT: Did Enanitos Verdes copy Cat Stevens' Love/Heaven:

    BUT:...who did Cat Stevens copy?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • In pain management, have been advised to use morphine pump. Curious as to sexual side effects.?

    Broken back, on pain meds for years with mixed results. My docs have advised that a morphine pump implant would provide closest to 100% relief. Others have given me input on what to expect with pump, but one issue remains unresolved: will it hinder my libido and performance? I'm interested in hearing from both men with pump and women dealing with such men. Can it be calibrated to allow a healthy sex life?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Contemplating a Morphine Pump Implant. Any Advice?

    Have had chronic back pain due to fractures, arthitis, DDD, etc. for 15 years My pain management program currently has me on oxycontin 30mg x 3 daily plus 10-15 mg oxycodone for breakthrough pain. It's effective, but inconsistent, with breakthrough pain often excessive. MD has recommended a morphine pump implant as the best solution for consistent pain relief. I'm somewhat apprehensive, not only because it becomes a semi-permanent committment to drug dependence, but I'm very thin and bony and there just isn't an awful lot of space for the implant. It seems as if the pump would cause quite a bit of discomfort on its own. I'm familiar with the procedure and know what to expect as to short term pain and the adjustment to carrying a hockey puck sized lump in my stomach, but wonder about the refill procedure and how much pain is involved in having that needle poked in every couple of months.

    I'd appreciate hearing from anyone with experience with such a device, especially as to whether skinny people have it harder and whether the refill procedure is a hassle or painful in itself. Also wondering how much ancillary pain relief (toothaches? accidentally whacking my thumb with a hammer?) comes with the package, as well as whether any of the opiate euphoric effect remains. Not that I'm on a quest to get and stay high, but if I'm going through the trouble, I might as well enjoy the side effects.

    I've got good insurance coverage , but wonder about how they handle the long-term coverage. Would hate to have them cut me off and live with an inert pump in my belly for the rest of my life.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Who were the last two TV characters in highly-rated network drama series who were heavy smokers?

    Actor or actress will do fine. Once again triggered by an answer in another category. Tobacco use has largely been eliminated from mainstream network programming. Sure, a celebratory cigar shows up now and then, but if someone lights up a cigarette, it usually marks the character as a heavy.

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Who's the only Olympic athlete who hasn't been subjected to a test to certify their gender?

    Since testing for drugs and hormones was initiated, only one competitor has gotten a free pass on this, who is it?

    2 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • Given intractable immigration debate, an incentive:accelerated naturalization for 2 years military service?

    Military wages, though not competitive in the US, would be attractive to Mexicans. Let the people who really want to come here earn their way in and restore a depleted military force at the same time. Would likely have more applicants than needed, so would be able to choose the best. Any thoughts?

    10 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago