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Minecraft slime farm xbox 360 help?
I've tried countless ways looking for slime. Built several slime farms with lots of light and its atleast 3 blocks tall, and its probably 50 wide and 100 longs. Some are even built on coordinate plans that are said to have slime on slime generators things on the computer. Idk what's wrong. Id love some tips on getting slime or maybe mmsge my gt and we can play? Gt is NiTrO MaNiAc357
2 AnswersXbox9 years agoJohn Stockton Carl Malone coin proof set value?
Hi I have a .999 fine silver with 24kt gold overlay coins of John Stockton and Carl Malone, its set 101 out of 500 and its got a certificate of authentication. No scratches haven't even been touched. Any ideas? Thanks
2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts9 years agoWest Jordan Utah jobs for teens?
Anyone know of any places hiring in West Jordan? Preferably closest to 84084 for 16 year olds?
2 AnswersOther - Local Businesses9 years agoCell phone android optimus slider memory is low?? help plz!?
I have an optimus slider and the problem I have is whenever I try to download an app... it says insufficient storage. I've got a total of 5 extra apps not programmed into the phone. Facebook pandora fml yahoo answers and chess... totaling about 30mb of storage. The thing is, is that I have a 16 gb sd card in the phone! How come it says I have no storage when I've got a sd card that size in it? Help?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years agoXbox 360 : Skyrim guards wont respawn?
I'm trying to do that achievement where u get a bounty of 1000 in all nine holds, and when I went to winterhold I ended up slaughtering so many people that no one was alive to witness my crime. I came back like 2 days later and still no guards respawned. Help?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years agoSkyrim? vendor question/ trader /money help?
So I noticed on my world the riverwood trader lucas valen something or other has about 11000 gold in his inventory, being that I always have a lot of expensive stuff to sell that helps a lot for my income. Are there any other traders that have that kind of money on them for buying? Thanks!
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoExpensive/fun things to buy in Skyrim?
Ok so long story short I have like 250,000 gold in Skyrim, and wanted to know what I could buy with it or what I could do with it for fun. I've got all that gold and nothing to spend it on! Btw I have like 4 houses so I'm not looking for a house. Any ideas? Thanks!
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years agoMinecraft: good ideas for beach land?
I've started a beach house type of island-city on minecraft, and was looking for some good ideas for that kind of place? Already have a dock, beach house, pool, fountain,. Any ideas? :) thanks!
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoXbox games: Minecraft or Dawnguard add-on?
I went out and bought 1600 ms points to buy either Minecraft on the xbox or the Dawnguard skyrim add-on. Which one would you suggest? I want both but need to decide! :) any pointers or reveiws would be awesome! Thanks
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoIs war justified? Was World War I&II justified? ?
My question is just that. When is war justified? And were WWI&WWII justified wars? Any helpful comments would be much abliged. P.S.- this is an essay question for my civ test tomorrow, and was just looking for a few pointers or subjects I could base my essay on, some foundation points, if you will. THANKS!!!!!
6 AnswersMilitary9 years agoBest superhero known today?
If you were to throw every superhero in a free for all killing frenzy, who do you think would come out on top? My guess would be Hulk? Idk what do you think?
6 AnswersComics & Animation9 years agoTurtle beach x31 clicks on and off?
I have the wireless x31 turtlebeach for my xbox and recently its been clicking on and off repeatedly I cannot hear anything. Its extremely annoying and I do have fresh batteries so its not that. Any help?
1 AnswerXbox9 years agoHalo Wars tips and tricks?? any pointers?
Ok so I've started back up Halo Wars, and to be honest I'm terrible. I win maybe 15% of my games, but slowly, very slowly, am getting a bit faster. Whenever I play I notice the opposing forces (yes I play online) always have counter units against mine and blow the **** out of me. I always watch for scout units and never seem to see them, but they still counter me and seem to know what I had the whole game. Another problem I have, is when I have 3 fully upgraded spartan tank, and my enemy does, it usuallly results in me losing all mine and him still having all of his. What the hell can I do to improve my strat? Also one last thing, what's the fastest way to increase money gain? Do I build a ton of supply pads/warehouses or do I upgrade them first? What's the deal? Thank you very much and thanks for reading my book question!
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoHalo movie question?? please help :)?
So I've seen plenty of live action shorts and high tech trailers for all the Halo games, and the first one has been out for 10+ years, so why the heck hasn't there been a movie on it yet? Everyones knows they would make plenty of money off of it and everyone wants to see one, so why hasn't there been one?
5 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoActual warfare between soldiers in the Battle for Iwo Jima?
Hello, I am currently working on a history report, and my topic is the Battle for Iwo Jima. I was going through my notes and noticed i have a lot of information on both armies, what weapons they used, dates, strategy, sentimental values, stuff like that. However, I don't have much on how the soldiers actually fought against each other. What was the combat like? How were the weapons used against each other? what cause the most casualties? I appreciate any info, and as a side note, my report has to be mainly based upon the Japanese point of view. Both sides are great, but best would be from Japanese perspective. Also, so I am not accused of plagiarism or anything if you could please post the website or location where you got any information? I thank you again this helps a lot.
2 AnswersMilitary9 years agoWhy does your skin go red when hit?
I was messing around and was slapping my arm, when I looked down and noticed it got red (as usual, duh) but I couldn't help but wonder why? Why does it get red when hit? Like specifically?
2 AnswersOther - Health9 years agoWho killed Nelson in "Mixed Reception"? the clue game?
I'm playing that clue game in my chemistry class and can't figure out how Nelson died? What led to his death? Who did it?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoInformation sources on Iwo Jima from Japan perspective?
I am working on a research essay and my topic is the war on Iwo Jima. The thing is, is that it cannot be about anything American. I have to write what the war was like seeing it from a Japanese soldier or the Japanese side. Any good sources? Books, movies, websites? Thank you!!!
1 AnswerHomework Help9 years agoHow to put subtitles on Netflix? Xbox 360?
I am trying to get a few facts and stories from a documentary and its hard to understand some of the people being interviewed. How do I turn on subtitles for the latest version on Netflix on Xbox 360?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoMcDonald's salads are unhealthy? why?
I am taking a health class right now sophomore year in high school. My teacher and a few students added in that if one were to go to mcdonalds a big mac would be healthier than a salad. Why is this? How can a salad be worse than a hamburger?
4 AnswersFast Food9 years ago