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  • i want do a pacto con satanas?

    Necesito ayuda urgente, quiero hacer un pacto con el chamuco tu sabes como? Ayudame,

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • ¿lm top mani want young gay lover bottom?

    Hi lm 40 years old man lm ready for gay relationship but lm looking for young gay man in hes 20 or 23 years old but he will need be bottom. Because lm top always. I wan give u a great satisfaction of pleasure. Dont matter any nationality, l want u give me a real good sucks.

    2 AnswersSolteros - Citas6 years ago
  • l love smoke crack a make sex with a man?

    Hi maybe this will sound crazy for you but is the kind a life l have. Im a 40 years old man l dont think lm 100 percent gay actually lm gay only when l smoke crack, l been doing this for a while time. I dont have woman with me and l have kids and l have a wonderful relationship with my hole family. but my family is so separate from my dark side life. When l want do my dark life l do it far from they, l love smoke crack l feel so great, but l have sex with men let me explain you what l do. When l start smoking my crack l love have sex with men lm the bottom part and when the men is in my back making me the sex l love keep smoking crack and that exited me a lot. Some times l do sex with 5 mens all the 24 hours well hurst to the end but the satisfacction is so great, you know some body want do this with me soon ? Please contact me. I want do it more. Im very discret person also lm clean. Thank u.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • i want collect child support from the father of my baby but he is illegal inmigrant?

    Hi im a single mother of a baby hes 19 months old and i want collect child support from him but he is illegal inmigrant. Please tell me how can i get that money. I will tell you aboute our history. Since i meet him he was so responsible with me like not body else before i am a 29 years old girl im american citizen and the father of my baby is 44 years old mexican illegal immigrant but like i was saying he was so good with me. He was paying the bills and the rent of the home also went i was pregnant he was taking care of us. and went my baby born he was taking care of us real good. But now i put him in the jail because i lie to the cops because i told them he hit me in my face. So the court give him a restriction order and i want collect child support from him for my baby. Well really i dont care if the law put him on jail or they send him back to his country. Just i want the money. So please help me. My family they dont like him because we are white people and my baby have hes face his skin color and his eyes color. I know my baby miss him a lot but my family told me i dont need a man like that. This man only drink occationally and smoke regular cigarrets. He dont use drugs and he love work a lot. Well lm confused about all this so what can i do.

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • ¿solicito una donacion porque tengo mucha hambre?

    hola mi historia es mu larga y pesada y tediosa he sufrido y sigo sufriendo, no he tenido exito en lo poquito que he hecho en mi vida, hoy en dia me da muchisima pena y verguenza manifestarlo, pero no tengo fuente de trabajo, estoy incapacitado sin ayuda medica y sin como poder obtenerla, ademas he sacado adelante a mi familia de puro milagro, tengo un bebe de 1 ano completaente sano, pero no tengo dinero suficiente para darle de comer, por favor alguien de muy buena voluntad me pudiera ayudar, necesito dinero para la comida y no hay nadie que me haga el favor de ayudarme donde vivo es por esto que recurro aqui, se trabajar desde una computadora, pero ya no se me da nada, si alguien de muy buena voluntad me quisiera regalar esos 20 dolares que mucha gente los usa para drogarse o enborracharse a mi me servirian de mucho para poder darle de comer a mi bebe,

    con la mano en mi pecho te pregunto me quieres ayudar ?

    3 AnswersFamilia7 years ago
  • ¿quiero ganar dinero utilizando el internet para mantener a mi hijo disculpen pero no puedo caminar invalido?

    soy invalido y no puedo caminar y quieroganar dinero utilizando el internet, me dijeron que puedo hacerlo, pero no se como alguien me puede ayudar ?,

    parte de mi historia tengo un bebe de 1 ano el esta muy sano gracias a Dios, pero yo tuve un accidente,yo caminaba hacia mi trabajo estuve en el hospital por mucho tiempo y cuando me dieron la gran noticia de que jamas volveria a caminar me senti muy mal, me dijeron que el conductor que me atropello era una mujer y que iva borracha manejando y era anglosajona, esa mujer me arruino la vida, y la vida de mi mujer y la de mi hijo, ya que mi mujer nos dejo bueno que Dios la perdone, ella era una guera tambien yo soy mexicano ilegal y mi hijo nacio aqui en el gabacho, como ustedes sabran yo no puedo pedir ayuda por ser ilegal,

    entonces necesito trabajar para mantener a mi hijo ya que si no trabajo el estado me puede quitar a mi hijo, y pues no tengo forma alguna de como ganar dinero, un vecino muy amablemente me regalo una computadora viejita pero sirve, con ella quiero ganar dinero utilizando el internet, para poder mantener a mi hijo,

    si alguien de muy buen corazon me quiere ayudar, gracias,

    solo necesito una buena referencia, x favor diganme como puedo ganar dinero sin invertir ya que no cuento con los recursos necesarios para hacer una inversion, hay dias en que prefiero no comer para poder alimentar a mi hijo,

    no fumo ni uso drogas ni mucho menos tomo licor, por favor ayudenme.

    7 AnswersFacebook7 years ago
  • i have the money for install rehabilitation drug center?

    i have the money for install rehabilitation drug center in illinois, I want do it just because I know the alleged aid giving dupage county people with addictions is not given, because all they do is take out the money and give them some lessons which is clearly ridiculous that they do not listen to addictions, and the rest of the clinics there also use the same mechanism to survive.

    the vast majority of people never get back again to do the same again and that is because they do not know how to deal with addictions.

    good start to think they only collect the amount of $50 dollars week, and will have 4 classes per week, and people who have no place to live I can give you lodging for the minimum amount of $ 100 week with included food, I think I will do better the county.

    what do you think.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • i have 2 DUI and I violated the first probation what can I do?

    this is my thing, I have 2 DUI on illinois state, I violated the first DUI Probation because they give me 75 hours of psycological treatment and I coud not affored because each class was the price off $30 dollars and they want 3 classes per week, also they want $140 dollars just for fill out the paper work.

    I have another Probation for the second DUI and they give me the same penalty too and they charge me the same price of money,

    also I need serve some time in jail too.

    also I have scramm monitoring system with me, and I cannot affored any more I old they $5,000 dollars

    I lose my Good and Decent JOB, so now I cannot affored nothing else, I lose my family because I dont have money for support them, Im ready for be a HOMELESS now,

    so this is my question if I go and I surrender how much time they can putt me on jail.

    please dont tell me ask to ur attorney, I dont have money not even for eat a decent plate of food, please help me just answer me my question.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • If some person has be sentence in court can reopen the case and keep fighting the same case in court?

    this is a simple question I have, I want know this answer, because some people say to me, yes but I want make sure of this.

    if some person has be sentence in court, I know the law said this person have 30 days for re open the case and keep fighting the same case, but if the person dont do nothing on the 30 days, he can contract attorney some months after that time and reopen the case and keef fighting in court the same case.

    please son body just tell me what is right.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How much jail time will he get for a 2nd dui probation violation?

    How much jail time will he get for a 2 dui probation violation in illinois state

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • I faild a DUI probation in illinois?

    I have a question for this thing, I fail a DUI probation in illinois because I do not pay the ammount money of the Probation Officer Visits and I do not make the Hours for the school treatment, and they call me for show up at court, so baically that is what they said, but the thing is I was be transfered to another county because I got another DUI and they run me all the hours for both cases, and just today I sign for start the treatment of the hours so some body can tell me if I can got the restitution of the probation and how much money I need pay, and also I could have troubles with the another probation Im doing right now,

    both cases run for DUI.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • My son is 3 months old and he is sick?

    My son is sick he is only 3 months old and my girlfriend dont want take him to the hospital because she say the doctors dont give medicin to the babys of his age because is so strong, my son has running nose and cought cold, what we can do, lm so worry for my son life.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • how can I start running a small webpage for business?

    Int start a small business in the internet, I all ready have runing my business but now is so dificult for me because Im walking a lot for find customers, I dont want keep walking for get customers is so hard for me, I now the internet could be a better help for me but I dont now how Im going start, just I need show my product and I need people buy my product online for later mail them, is so simple but I dont now how do it, also i dont now what I need for starter if I need sign with some company or something really i dont now what I need and how much money this will cost me, so please some body help me.

    2 AnswersSmall Business8 years ago
  • I want a chubby girlfriend with car?

    I live in state of indiana and Im looking for a girlfriend dont matter what race she will be, just I need she are so good person, have work and she want a boyfriend like me but she must need a car and I preffer she dont have kids.

    Im nice man, I dont drink, dont use drugs, and Im so responsable.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I need get my ITIN number but Im affraid ?

    hi every one I need some help please,

    I need get my ITIN number for pay my taxes, but Im affraid this is the situation,

    I have in this country 20 years and I never pay taxes, so if I get my ITIN number now do you think I can have troubles for all those 20 years, or just I need got the ITIN number like if I recently move to this country.

    5 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • if we move out of indiana state my son lose the health insurance of the goberment ?

    I have a big situation and I need some help, Im so sorry for my bad english I apologize for that,

    this is the situation My girlfriend and me we have a baby he is only 3 months of life thanks Good, we live in the state of Indiana, we are not married and my girlfriend she dont want move to another state because she says if we move out of Indiana state my son gonna lose the privileges of the health Insurance because the goberment give him, I have move to another state because in here I do not have the opportunity of have good job, and she denied move out with me, so I dont now what Im gonna do, please some body can explain me this. this is true ?. my son and my girlfriend are american citizens. not me.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • After 9/11 what is next.?

    After 9/11 what is next, because l now something real big is coming every body can feel the magnetism and people in streets are acting so weird, what u think. ?.

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Who really take down the twin towers in new york?

    Who u really take down the twin towers in new york on 9/11, l want know because many people say was not alqueda, they say was a UFO. So what is the truth.

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Im going quit my girlfriend with my son forever?

    I take the hard desition of my life, l cannot keep living like this, lm going leave my girlfriend forever also my son he is only 3 months of life, because she treating me so bad, my life with her is like hell, she move with her mother and mygirlfriend use my son for take me out money, l pay her rent with her mother, l pay her phone, also l give money to her, and she insult me speaking me so gross just because she is white and lm illigal mexican, l have my own business, l grow with my business before meet her, she think white people is better then me, so she gonna stay with her race people, lm out, l can live better kind a life without her, lm not going give her more money, she need learn aboute this a lot, l dont think she can find a white man then he support her like l was doing, l dont care if she dont want let me see my son again, she reatened me of call INS for me lm tired,

    8 AnswersFamily8 years ago