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Lv 2848 points

Skyler L

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  • Will retaking the ACT and getting a better score (hopefully) admit me to a 4-year University?

    I forgot to mention the scholastic achievements I have...

    I've had 2 years English Honors/AP through the recommendation of former English/Literature teachers...I've passed both terms with a B+ average

    I donated blood every time the school had American Red Cross come in...not sure if that counts but I was told to cite it

    Thank you

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • What is better in WoW for a Horde Shaman...Troll or Tauren...?

    I refuse to use the Orc...and I have my heart set on Shaman for PvP, PvE reasons...I plan on going Enhancement then switch to Elemental for a decent PvP at a high-level...

    I'm torn though between Trolls and Tauren...considering racial traits and stats who is better for the Shaman class? What would you recommend?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • A day before leaving leaving for Navy Boot Camp...advice?

    I'm off to good ole Great Lakes for Navy Boot Camp Tuesday...tomorrow I go to MEPS and on Tuesday I go straight to Recruit Training Command...I have a couple questions on leaving...

    My Chief gave me a list of what to bring...some overnight clothes and some other varied, important objects. It says on the list to pack them all in a "small gym bag" All I own however are measly backpacks from my school days...would this be acceptable at RTC or will I be rebuked?

    Also...I passed the DEP PQS for advancement to E-2 and my Recruiter tells me I'll be taking an exam at boot camp...when exactly do I take the exam and how does it work? Set you in a quiet room to take it and if you pass you get those 2 stripes for E-2 if not you just stick to E-1...?

    Also, if anybody has any last-minute advice that'd be appreciated...I'm a shaky, skinny guy standing at 5'8" been wanting a military lifestyle for the longest time so my dreams of donning that "Navy" cap look pretty vague...will I be alright?

    I just took the fitness test a few weeks ago when I had Bronchitis (spelling?) I was a second off from passing the ACTUAL boot camp...12:29 and the designated time is 12:30 for a mile and a half...? Is this a bad or slow run?

    Sorry for all the questions but I'm really just looking for experienced answers and opinions...

    Thank you anybody who takes the time to read it

    15 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Navy ratings vs. Navy ratings...does your job determine your reputation in the Navy?

    I've been talking to my Uncle who is a retired Chief Petty Officer in the US Navy...his rating was Operations Specialist the same as mine...

    He told me when you get on whatever ship you'll be assigned to that there will be friendly rivalry between the ratings...he told me that those in the Master-at-Arms rating were probably the most notoriously hated...

    What is the "reputation" of an Operations Specialist? And what are these rivalries like that he's referring to? OS vs. MA? ET vs. HM? And all that...? What does it mean?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Navy PQS exam at Basic Training?

    I recently passed my PQS exam for was about 50 or so questions of basic Navy knowledge...

    You could get 10 wrong, I only got I think I'm in alright shape until the RTC exam...

    Can someone tell me how it works? I passed this exam in DEP but that simply means I qualify to take the PQS exam in boot camp...I don't have E-2 stripes just yet...

    It seems like I don't see many E-2's when I watch graduating videos on Youtube...why is that? Why would no one take advantage of this PQS? Are my Recruiters just being modest when they say I'll get advanced on the spot when I take the test or is there a catch? I don't MIND waiting 9 months for my advancement but it just seems better to study, pass the exam, and get 9 months out of the way...

    Please only answers if you know what your talking about...

    Thank you

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Which boot camp is harder and more intense...Navy or Air Force?

    I've heard different things...I've heard mainly that Navy boot camp is WAY more intense and strenuous on a Recruit than Air Force basic training...

    My Navy Recruiter told me he read an article of boot camp intensity and it ranked the 4 core armed services:

    1. Marine Corps

    2. Army

    3. Navy

    4. Air Force

    I've heard from Air Force Recruits that you ride bikes in that the case I'd say that the Navy is more physically demanding...

    I'd like to know the answer because I have a close Air Force friend who is dissing on Navy basic...I'd love to shove it in his face

    Notably from people who served with the Air Force AND the Navy or vice versa...

    Thank you

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • The US military has bases all over the other nations have military bases on US soil?

    I have this Navy DEP CD I was given by my Recruiter and it shows all the bases we have...all these countries are giving us accomodations to build MILITARY bases on THEIR lands...

    Please tell me other nations have military bases here...I acknowledge that there are embassies acting as representatives for their latter countries but I just want to know if there are any foreign military bases...

    If not...what a selfish move on the US's behalf...we're allowed to leave garrisons and American guardsmen on their doorsteps but they cannot do the same?

    Please prove me wrong

    14 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Worst and best branch of the military? Purely opinionated ?

    My opinion...Navy is the best...though the war in the Middle East is proving to be a slow-paced one for the USN I think we still contribute a lot...

    Aircraft Carriers that can provide air support, Destroyers, Frigates, and Cruisers that are in small flotillas in the Persian Gulf, and Amphibious Assault ships that can run ashore and deploy Marines, SEALs, EOD, SWCC, and combat-intensive Sailors

    Worst (no offense to them whatsoever) more than likely the Air Force...the majority of the Airmen in the Middle East are in the rear echelon...which kind of sucks

    I have the utmost respect for Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, and Marines, I'm simply voicing my outlook

    Let's hear yours

    11 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What uniform do Navy Sailors wear on Leave/Liberty?

    I asked this question before but I received vague answers...

    I'm wondering what I'll be wearing on Liberty after my Pass-in-Review/Graduation from basic training? That's a full weekend but am I to wear my dress uniform the ENTIRE time or can I change into some civilian clothes after?

    And when I'm on Leave on a military plane back home do I wear a uniform? That seems to be a breach of security regards as wearing a military uniform on a plane paints a big target on your head does it not? I've heard crackerjacks...the blue version of the whites are not as ostentatious or grand as the whites so do I wear those in public?

    My Air Force friend wears his ABU's (Airman Battle Uniform) which is the Air Force's equivalent to the Navy's NWU (Navy Working Uniform)

    I've heard that you CAN wear the NWU around in public but then again I heard you CAN'T...I just want to know what I'll be wearing when I'm around in public...I'd love to show off that blue camo of the NWU but I'd mainly just want to represent the Navy in general no matter what uniform I'm in...

    Thank you...

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • In the Navy and fighting boredom?

    Now I've heard this famous Navy expression before..."Hurry up and wait"

    I suppose that's variable when it comes to certain ratings...I'm wondering if my rating will ever become...boring...I'm an Operations Specialist and from what I can tell I'll be in the CIC (Combat Information Center) most of my work duration...

    From what I've been told by my Chief Petty Officer he tells me that there's a glamorous screen that the OS's use that we use the Aegis missile system on...but in the off-time OS's will hook up Xbox 360's to that screen and have at it...I don't know that sounds like an odd Recruiters line they use to make the Navy look more alluring...

    I'm not asking if OS's hook up games to the Aegis screen...I'm asking if OS's get bored often...I know that there are plenty of watch standings...which I don't understand much I stand outside the CIC for 4 hours or what?

    Thank you...

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    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Pros and cons of different US Navy ratings?

    I recently posted a question asking how long it takes on average to achieve the rank of Chief Petty Officer from Seaman Apprentice...I said in my question that I am an OS (Operations Specialist) that is ENLISTING a person entering the Nuke field as an ET (Electronics Technician)

    Since he is going into the Nuke field...a rating that is seemingly reputable in the Navy world...I get advanced automatically to E-2...this is kind of disheartening and off-putting to my enthusiasm to be in the military. Aren't Operations Specialists considered esteemed and influential in the Navy community? I can understand why ET's in the Nuclear field are in high demand...but I want to know I'm contributing to the grand scheme of things, otherwise my career in the Navy will be shotty and discouraged...

    The only MOS or rating I've ever heard to be "terrible" or "useless" is the Army/Marine Corps Military Police, Navy Master-at-Arms, and the Air Force Security Forces...scuttlebutt says that they are said convicts and felons in uniforms that are locking up convicts and felons as civilians...a lot of people say that you don't need a high score for this job, but somebody has to do it, right? And it contributes to the "good fight" I would like to be a part of...

    Can someone tell me the difference between these jobs? How come an Operations Specialist isn't considered reputable LIKE a Nuke? Thank you

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    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • How long does it take for a 19-year old E-2 (Seaman Apprentice) in the Navy to make E-7 (Chief Petty Officer)?

    I am now entering the Navy as an E-2 because I enlisted a NUKE (ET in the Nuclear field)

    I am just curious to know how long it takes on average for a young enlisted man to attain that rank...I know to get the "tacking of the crow" from E-3 to E-4 or Seaman to Petty Officer Third Class you need to be submitted good reviews and you get "picked" based on the competition in the it the same when going up to Second Class, Third Class, and eventually Chief?

    If it makes any difference, my rating is Operations Specialist...thank you

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Can a Recruit in boot camp...masturbate?

    This is a pretty inappropriate question but I'm curious to know...we're in boot camp for 10 weeks...can our imagination on a lonely night in Navy boot camp?

    My Air Force friend says that they do random screenings and tests to see if any Recruit is having sex...he says it applies to masturbating too...and if you do masturbate during boot camp you'll get in trouble...I dunno if that's scuttlebutt or not but can someone answer me truthfully

    I know this is low but I'm just curious

    Any negative comments will be forwarded to the Yahoo staff...

    17 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Getting my Navy paycheck post-RTC graduation?

    I know you get paid Day 1 when you step off the bus for Great Lakes RTC but when I have my 48-hour Liberty when can I cash in my check?

    It'd be nice to take my family out about the town and buy 'em a nice dinner somewhere for coming to see me graduate...with actual money to pay for the dinner...

    Will my paycheck already be viable for uniform and necessity payments? Can someone explain to me how it works for someone in the military to get paid? I can assume it's nothing like the civilian worker...gets the paycheck then goes to the bank...

    Thank you...any negative comments will be forwarded to the Yahoo've been warned

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What's the difference between Navy dress uniforms and Coast Guard uniforms?

    I'm trying to find pictures on the internet of what Coast Guard uniforms look like so I can compare to the searching has been in vain that or I haven't looked hard enough

    My Petty Officer/Recruiter tells me that he constantly gets asked if he's in the "Coast Guard" to which he crossly and quickly says "No"

    There's PLENTY of links and pictures to Navy uniforms...but not a lot for Coast Guard...hopefully there's a little difference between uniforms I don't want to be walking around on Liberty when some random stranger shakes my hand and asks "How is life in the Coast Guard?"

    Can someone send me a link or explain to me the difference?


    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Great Lakes or Virginia Beach for Navy A School? ?

    I'm Navy Conferencer who gave me my rating of Operations Specialist told me that my A School is in Great Lakes...that I would never leave Great Lakes after Boot Camp...

    However I've done research online on usmilitary and and it says that the OS A School is in Virginia Beach...this is also what my Recruiter says...

    Above is the link to a map of A school locations and there aren't even any IN Illinois...I don't get my Conferencer right or

    Thank you

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Favored primary weapon with preferred perks on Call of Duty 4 mulitplayer?

    My valued weapon I use to start every Deathmatch is the G36C with the Red Dot Sight...Blue Tiger Camo


    Tier 1: Frag x3

    Tier 2: Stopping Power (Increased bullet damage)

    Tier 3: Steady Aim (Shooting from the hip)

    I never use Martyrdom on my Perks as I like to EARN my kills...I hate people who use Martyrdom, they are genuinely cheap...

    I was thinking about going to Double Tap (increased rate of fire) on my Tier 2 and Deep Impact (Deeper bullet penetration)

    Is my potential change going to screw up my good K/D ratio every game? Without Steady Aim will I not have good accuracy any longer? And without Stopping Power will I not be able to kill people faster? Or is Stopping Power and Deep Impact one in the same thing?

    Can someone explain to me the difference and/or different perks/weapons I can obtain to enliven my K/D ratio for more kills...

    Thank you, also list your favored primary weapon and top 3 perks...I'm interested to see who loves what

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Navy to Marine Corps re-enlistment?

    After my first 4-year term, I've been contemplating going to the USMC...I'm considerably short for a potential Sailor/Marine...(About 5'7", 145 pounds) but I want to gain respect in both branchs...

    I intend on being some sort of a military lifer but it will be a life in the Navy, not in the Marine Corps...could I enlist in the Marine Corps after my 4-year Navy term sign up for a term as a Marine then re-enlist at the culmination of my 8-year military life BACK to the Navy?

    Is that too much traveling for the government and military to handle or do plenty of people do that?

    Not to mention do I get to keep my rank as I traverse to the Marine Corps and back to the Navy...say I attain a Petty Officer Third Class rank at the end of my first 4 years will I become a Corporal upon USMC enlistment?

    I just need someone to explain it to me...Thank you

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    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Will this work-out schedule will I see results? ?

    My mom recently bought an Ab Lounger and for the past week I've been doing 100 sit-ups on the Lounger...50 for the first rep with a two-minute rest and another 50 after that...

    Will I see results with this? I feel the burn but when I'm laying doing I feel normal like my abs don't hurt at all...

    Thank you

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Which is the better Navy rating/job? ?

    When I went to my Navy Liaison for selecting a rating...he offered me 3 ratings with my rather mediocre ASVAB score...

    Operations Specialist (OS)

    Master-at-Arms (MA)

    Hospital Corpsman (HM)

    I chose Operations Specialist because they sounded more interesting...not to mention befitting to my personality. Basically all I know about the OS rating is that I will be sitting in front of a terminal/radar screen working with the AEGIS missile system...that and guiding fixed-wing aircraft when I reach a higher rank...that's all I know, there isn't much information I can gather on the internet about a military specialty

    However, I've been undergoing some regret...not so much with the OS rating but with what I turned down...I know for a fact I wouldn't like being an MA, but I was contemplating HM for a while...

    In your opinion, state which rating you would've chose and why...and if your a Navy vet please try to lend me as much information as you can about the OS rating to the best of your knowledge...I want to know what I'll be doing

    Thank you and any negative comments will be forwarded to the Yahoo staff, you've been warned

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago