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Just trying to live best as I can with God's help!

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    What do you think a Trump social media sight would be like?

    The election was a fraud, I was cheated, this is a witch hunt, Bad mouthing Biden and those republicans that voted to impeach him, calling people names and the most important, getting his followers to send him money. Poor Trump supporters sending him 5, 10, 15 dollars, their billionaire god. A feeling sorry for poor old billionaire Donald Trump, you Trump followers send Trump your $1400 stimulus money, he’s broke.

    3 AnswersPolitics3 weeks ago
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    Trump supporters, which one is you?

    The cream of the crop, the sophisticated, highly intelligent, Trump supporters. I know one of you looking at this will recognize yourself.

    You look so perrty!

    2 AnswersPolitics4 weeks ago
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    Do you think I should be impeached ?

    I have been a bad corrupt president and deserve to be impeached for lying, stealing, giving the Russians classified material.  Please call your representative and senators and tell them to vote for impeachment, it’s the right thing to do.

    3 AnswersPolitics2 months ago
  • Do you believe Trump is a monster?

    I believe Trump will go down as the most corrupt president that America has ever had, and has brain washed millions of ignorant illiterate Americans to follow him.

    Trump is liar, thief, murderer as hundreds of thousands of Americans died from Coronavirus becoming of  his do nothing attitude. 

    10 AnswersPolitics4 months ago
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    Why won't Trump and his supporters accept, they lost?

    Trump is a big baby and his supporters are big cry babies! You lost! Why? Because Trump is a lousy president, accept it babies

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 months ago
  • Do you Trump Supporters No you cannot believe anything?

    Unless you see it come from Trumps mouth, if a house is on fire and Trump says it’s not on fire, then it’s not on fire and a lie. You can only believe Trump now one or anything else. Is in that right as Trump says all news is fake news.

    2 AnswersPolitics6 months ago
  • Trump says insulin is cheap as water, Please tell me how to get it?

    I am a diabetic, please tell me how to get it cheap as water, Mine cost a lot please help!

    3 AnswersDiabetes6 months ago
  • Do You Believe Trump Supporters Are Brain Washed?

    I believe Trump supporters will stand strong with Trump, if Trump loses, he will start a war in this country. Trump cannot lose as his debtors will be coming after him, being president protects him and he is making millions of dollars as president through his private clubs that he charges lots of money to belong to. Trump has did a very good job brain washing then to only follow him. If Trump loses his supporters will go to war for him.

    7 AnswersPolitics6 months ago
  • Why does Trump push voter fraud?

    When Trump himself told people to vote twice, Trump pushes voter fraud. The very thing he claims is happening, he pushes

    8 AnswersPolitics7 months ago
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    Why don’t black people in the city own the corner stores and other businesses?

    In the city, all the little corner stores and other businesses are owned by Asians, whites and Indians. Why don’t black people own these businesses as they are in predominantly black areas? I see lots of black doctors, lawyers, law makers, engineers, sports celebrities, business people, why won’t black people have their own fast food places, mini markets, gas stations. If the Indians and Asians can come so far from their own countries and do this why can’t black people do the same thing? Just a question?

    These below are all successful black owned businesses! If these black people can have their own business, why can’t other black people start opening mini marts, dry cleaners, grocery stores, shoe stores, and so much more in their own neighborhoods?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 months ago
  • Why do you think Trump Cult Supporters are impossible to reach?

    Trump supporters are totally brain washed by Trump and at this point it’s impossible to reach their minds with the truth about Trump. They believe everything Trump says. They believe Trump is as innocent as a new born baby and that the media attacks, attacks and attacks for no reason at all. Trump is guilty of Russia’s collusion, paying a porn star off with money from campaign contributions, Trump did hold money back from Ukraine until they would openly attack Biden, Trump fired  James Comey for not doing what Trump wanted him to do, Trump does not like blacks, Trump o my wants the Christian vote, that’s why he helps Israel. Putin has dirt on Trump that’s why he is helping Putin. I can go in and on as to this corrupt president and how every investigation in Trump is true because he broke the law. Trump and his supporters bring up Biden to throw the focus of of Trump, that’s why they say, but Biden. Trump will win and I believe it’s Gods judgment our godless immoral country.

    4 AnswersPolitics8 months ago
  • Do you believe Trump will destroy America if he wins?

    Trumps advisers in the White House that work for him are coming out and saying he is totally incompetent to be president, and dangerous, Trump admires dictators like Putin, Kim Jong Un of North Korea, Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Trump likes these ruthless dictators. After he wins he will  crack down on the American people and those that he does not like will be executed or jailed. T

    7 AnswersPolitics8 months ago
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    Donald Trump is causing problems with the Post Office to prevent mail in ballots from being counted at election time’ What do you think?

    There is no doubt President Trump does not want   those mail in ballots to be counted, because Democrats are more likely to mail in their votes than Republicans, this makes sense as Trumps majority voters are uneducated whites that don’t know how to write or read, so they would not vote by mail. Pushing a button or pulling a lever like a monkey is about the most they can do.

    Here’s a picture of a Republican Trump supporter now, trying to figure out how to pull the lever. I mean mailing a ballot would be impossible for a Redneck Trump supporter!!! Even pulling a lever at the voting booth is very challenging for them!!

    8 AnswersPolitics8 months ago
  • What is wrong with these die heart Trump supporters?

    I cannot for the life of me see or know how brain washed these supporters are. I think of Reverend Jim Jones down in Guyana that told 900 people to drink poison cool add and they did, how Hitler brain washed a whole country to hate and kill Jews, Whatever Trump says or does is always right to his followers, they stand in line for hours to hear him curse, bad mouth those he doesn’t like and boast about great he is! I am not voting for Biden, I am a Republican and it does not mean that every Republican is God and good. 

    Trump is doing good with Israel, I don’t like him and think he is a very horrible person, will I vote for him, I don’t k ow because I don’t like Biden either. Trump will win without my vote because he is rigging the election by messing up the mail

    In ballets as he says they are no good yet he and his family mailed in ballots.

    16 AnswersElections8 months ago
  • Can you believe Trump is taking mail boxes away and post office sorting machines?

    I know people working in the Post Office and they watched  the postal sorting machines being taken away, their hours have been cut back.This is not fake news this is people I know that seen this with their own eyes. You Trump supporters, Trump wants to win the election so by slowing the post office down, your mailed in ballots won’t get to the election board to be counted and your checks, gifts and cards will get to you weeks later, this is not fake news this is real and  you will know it when your prescriptions, packages and mailable  extremely late so that your man Trump can win the election, Your bills won’t be paid on time when your checks come in extremely late. This is real right in your community, and even the post office admitted to this. Trump friend that gave him millions of dollars for his campaign so Trump made him in charge of the post office and he knows nothing about the post office. Wake up you Trump supporters. I am in a jam like you, I don’t like Biden either. Trump will destroy America before he gets done and Biden will turn America into a socialist country

    11 AnswersPolitics8 months ago
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    Can you believe that Trump has brain washed those that support him?

    Anything and everyone that disagrees with Trump is a liar and fake news. I don’t think people were this brain washed to follow their leader since Adolph Hitler. I mean it, the Trump supporters are like in a cult following Trump, there is no other answer,  no consideration for anything else but what Trump says!  All the media is lairs, al the books written about Trump is liars, all the Democrats are liars, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Biden, John Kelly, Steve Brannon, John Bolton, Sara Huckabee,  anyone that thinks different or disagrees with a Trump is a low life, liar. Trump has fired 415 people that he hand picked, as he is suppose to be a great businessman and know how to pick the right people to work for him, he fired 415 people in 3.5 years. 

    All of his staff that he fired in 3.5 years, 415 people and many jailed. He has a good eye for picking employees!

    17 AnswersPolitics8 months ago
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    What is wrong with Donald Trump?

    He says Coronavirus is going away, disappearing and yet the funeral homes are burying the dead victims of Coronavirus and the hospitals are full. And like the President said, if you die of Coronavirus. “ it is what it is.”

    In other words it’s no sweat off of his back. You loyal Trump supports, 

    Trump does not care about you, you can die and, it is what it is.”

    17 AnswersCurrent Events8 months ago
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    Do you really believe Trump will leave office if he loses?

    I don’t believe he will leave office, he is already feeding his followers, that the ballot absentee mail in ballots will be rigged. Trump knowns if he keeps saying it over and over, that he can embed it in his followers heads. You say something over and over people will eventually believe what you have to say. Watch and see criticism that I will get right here on Yahoo answers. I will be attacked by Trump occult followers and cursed and called names, because they are the uneducated Americans mostly.

    6 AnswersPolitics8 months ago
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    Don’t you think Trump is a genius? ?

    Look at the test he took, he passed it perfectly!

    8 AnswersPolitics9 months ago