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That One Girl

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  • Water, osmosis, hydrogen bonding working together?

    I need 2 examples of these working together. I can come up with examples of 2 of them together but not all three. Any ideas?

    Just studying for a test and no one seems to know including my study group.

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Was raped and need advice?

    Dated someone for about 3 months then we broke up over distance and bad timing. We stayed in touch and decided to meet up again after a year. I told him no sex before and he agreed. When we meet up he did anyway. Don't really want to go into those details. It's already been 2 months and I want it to be over with so I never filed a report and have no intent to. It would be my word vs his and I just don't want to go through that.

    Since then I have been having nightmares. Lost interest in sex. Was not able to get off even masturbating until recently (I have a high sex drive so that's really odd). Theres many little things I have noticed and just at a loss of how to get over it. Should get a counselor but I have no insurance (laid off) and every time I call someone through those help lines I end up crying in fetal position before anyone answers the phone. Made an attempt to talk to friends about it but one was pissed I didn't tell her right away like its some fun gossip story. The other said I should have killed him. Even if I could have (Im a small women and he's a large man) killed him I could not have lived with myself for that.

    Sorry for babbling, do you have any advice for getting over this?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Why are costumes for women so slutty?

    Went to many halloween stores trying to find something for a family friendly event and found all costumes for women (even little girls) are slutty. The company that makes many of these (including the ones meant for preteens) are made by the same company that makes lingerie... does anyone else have a problem with this?

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Is swimming in Vegas at the end of November reasonable?

    Not sure if it would be swimming weather. I am from the Seattle area and it's about 40 F. It gets hot enough to swim (for me at least) at about 70F (lake water, keep in mind the lakes would be more like 50F.... I get sick allot).

    5 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade ago
  • FASFA help: Do I qualify as being "in danger of being homeless"?

    Lost my job and got hired for less. Then my hours got reduced. Lost about 35% of my income. Everyone in my industry is getting laid off so I can't just find another job. My condo is being foreclosed. Lived with my boyfriend but we broke up. Moved in with my parents, but they are going through foreclosure too. Might be able to move with them when they move. Don't make enough to rent an apartment (don't have the credit either) and renting a room would be stretching my limits way to far.

    Would I qualify as being "in danger of being homeless?"

    4 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Do you think less of Marge Simpson now that she posed with playboy?

    Poll: Whos your favorite Simpson out of







    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Men: do you like the tiny scrawny women or bigger women with curves?

    Poll: Where you going to say you like bigger women just to get a better chance at getting a best answer?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How much does under armer cost and where is a good place to get it?

    A close friend is from a sunny state (Hawaii) and we now live in a rainy and cold state (Washington). He is always cold and has no clue how to dress warm for the winter. So for an early Christmas present I am getting him some basic winter cloths.

    So what's a good price for under armor (pants and shirt) and wheres a good place to get it?

    Can you recommend something else that he might need? I'm thinking gloves, scarf/ear muffs, thick socks. He has a coat but I don't think it's very warm and he's not willing to give it up for a warmer one.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite place to travel and why?

    Or where would you like to visit?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • This breakup came as a complete surprise and now I can't shake the depression?

    Fell for my pool buddy and we started dating. Nearly a year later I went through a few rough patches at work and lost my condo because of it. We decided to move in together to save money and to take the next step in our relationship.

    Living together made us realize our differences, mostly cultural. He was from another country and we both assumed things. Like I assumed we split chores and he assumed I did all of them even though we both work and split the bills. Many times I would be cleaning and he would be playing videogames asking me to get him a drink, food, remote etc. Most the time it was no big deal but after awhile I got annoyed and said, not yelled "I'm not your maid. You can get it yourself." He stopped asking after that and I thought the problem was solved. Still didn't get help with chores, but at least I wasn't his servant. It was like that for about a month.

    Then he started picking fights over stupid stuff. We worked them all out then one time he picked a fight that actually got to me. I said if it's that big of deal you can't go part way on this one with me, maybe we shouldn't be together. Then he agreed and we broke up. We decided to stay as friends and live together. We talked and agreed after getting over some problems, chances where likely we would get back together.

    So a few days later I confronted him about closed door conversations that lasted longer than he ever spends time on the phone (one's he started having not long after the maid comment) and he admitted he has been talking to another women in Miami. We live in Seattle, his parents live in Miami, so that's across the country. He already had a trip planned to visit his parents, a few friends, and this women. She has no intent to move here, he has no intent to move there. I moved out when he was on his trip (I told him before he left so it was no shock).

    So I feel dumped over a women thats across the country that he will never lay. Clearly I can do better than this jerk, but since it was a friend, I lost all confidence. I want to drink myself stupid and hide in a hole for the next 5 years.

    Is there a way to get over this that's not self destructive?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Would taking Tae Kwon Doe a realistic way of losing weight?

    Is it realistic to do this twice a week and not kill myself doing it?

    Any advice on Tae Kwon Doe or any MA would be nice.

    3 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Anyone have to move back in with their parents after moving out?

    A long story short I lost my condo do to a layoff, pay cut with new job, hours cut, now furlough's. Lost about 50% of my income in a year. My boyfriend and I decided to move in together. A few months later, we broke up because he wants to have a date with a women on the other coast guilt free and Im not putting up with BS. There's more to it that this, but I don't think anyone is going to read a book to get 10 points.

    My options are limited because my low budget and bad credit. I can rent a room, live with my mom or put use to my tent. Living with my mom would be less than half of what renting a room would be.

    Chances are more likely I move in with my mom. Anyone move back in with there parents that have advice?

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • We live together and broke up, any advice?

    We broke up last night on our anniversary. We talked and decided to be friends and agreed to live together until the lease runs out (we still have about 10 months left on a 15 month lease). We talked basics like not bringing anyone home. But other than that, Im generally confused about the whole thing. Any one else go through this that has some advice?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Did you move out at first chance or when you were ready?

    When you moved out of your parents house, did you do it at first chance or did you wait until you were ready.

    First chance meaning you got a lousy job, a bunch of roommates, moved in with a friend/boy or girlfriends house or parents house.

    Ready meaning had a good job, done with school, had money saved up etc.

    Did you regret your choice?

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Question for the car buff's out there?

    I need some advice picking a car

    Im looking for a car/truck/jeep/SUV (real specific huh?) that has

    Decent gas mileage (25 mpg or more)

    Is less than 10 years old

    Cheap(er) repairs (owned a SAAB and a Benz and can't keep up with the high repair cost)

    Is not being discontinued (Saturn's were looking good, until they got on the chopping block)

    Will cost around $4k-$5k used

    Can you list the cars/trucks/Jeep/SUV's that meet those requiremens?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can you help me pick a vehicle?

    Im looking for a car/truck/jeep/SUV (real specific huh?) that has

    Decent gas mileage (25 mpg or more)

    Is less than 10 years old

    Cheap(er) repairs (owned a SAAB and a Benz and can't keep up with the high repair cost)

    Is not being discontinued (Saturns were looking good, until they got on the chopping block)

    Will cost around $4k-$5k used

    Can you list the cars/trucks/Jeep/SUV's that meet those requirements?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Am I being unreasonable?

    Couple nights ago I was driving home and someone threw something at my drivers side window and it shattered. It left me covered in glass. When I can home my boyfriend was yelling at me for taking a different route (both routes are safe) while I was picking the glass off my arm (wanted to get it out before it cut up too much).

    A few weeks before that he told me I will fail at being a nurse.

    The glass thing made me mad because he was accusing like I did that on purpose and never asked if I was alright. The nurse thing made me mad because it made me feel worthless. Both times I told him that's messed up and now is not the time to add and insult to injury.

    He has apologized since (a couple days after each thing). I just keep thinking the next time something happens he will just continue to kick me when Im down. Am I being unreasonable to not want to get close to him right now?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why do good books go bad after being a series or movies?

    Love the Sookie Stackhouse book series, seen the first episode of True Blood and thought it was horrible.

    Eragon the book was great, but the movie blew in a bad way.

    The most disappointing one was Dresden Files. The characters where not close to the book, there was no humor, it just plain sucked.

    Am I the only one that noticed this? Whats your experiances?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How could I forgive him?

    My work is cutting hours, laying people off and doing forced unpaid vacations. There's no other jobs in this field for me to switch to. So I did some research and decided to go back to school for nursing. His answer was I am horrible at biology (a required class) so I will fail at this and should find something else I am good at because I would make a horrible nurse. I broke down crying and he felt bad and apologized. It was such a hurtful thing to hear by someone so close I couldn't stop crying. Then he was pissed off because I just couldn't forgive and forget it ever happened so he just walked out and started playing his video games.

    It's hard to just forget what he said and pretend everything is alright. How can we move on from this?

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago