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  • Can someone please help me with this question for science?

    After six weeks, 100 kilograms of brown leaves, green weed trimmings, and kitchen scraps in a compost pile will eventually become 30 kilograms of usuable, finished compost (soil). Assume that the pile was kept uniformly moist during the 6 week period. What happened to 70 kilograms of matter? Where did those atoms go? What molecules are those atoms a part of now

    1 AnswerHomework Help4 years ago
  • How long until my eyebrows grow back?

    So two Sunday's ago, I really over plucked my eyebrows. I've been wearing eyebrow liner and powder. I've always been really insecure about them and I hate myself for doing it. I already feel the growing one my left one. But how long will it take honestly?

    1 AnswerMakeup5 years ago
  • What should I caption this photo?

    This is my boyfriend I wanna have a funny caption for it

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Why does my boyfriend keep asking this question?

    So my boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 5 months now and knew each other for a year because we re both coworkers at Papa Murphy s. He s 22 and I m almost 20. Also both still in college

    So twice this week, he s asked me about my roommate and I. My roommate Emma and I have been roommates for almost 5 months as well. Our lease is for a whole year and ends in August. So twice this week he s asked me if her and I have decided yet if we d be roommates again or if I ve figured out what I m going to do. It s just a weird question because we still have 7 months

    What does this mean?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What would a good advertisement idea?

    Ok so my final in my critical thinking class, we need to make our own advertisement.

    We're able to use a product that already exists (for example doritos, verizon, trojan condoms, pepsi, etc.) BUT we need to come up with our own slogan.

    I'm not very creative at all so what would be a good idea? Thank you!

  • Should I text him this for his bday?

    Alright so, in just the last month, I've been hanging out with one of my coworkers and talking to him a lot lately. I'm 19 and he turns 22 tomorrow. We both work at papa Murphy's together.

    So Friday when we hung out, we just watched a movie then went night swimming in the park. While swimming, we made out for awhile but that's it. He told me that he really liked me and I said I really like you too. When we went back to his place, we watched another movie and when I was going to leave, he walked me to my car and we kissed again. We haven't talked since though. The last couple times we've hungout he would text me and say thanks for hanging with me:). But he hasn't yet. He did favorite all my tweets yesterday on Twitter tho. Anyways, today is his birthday and i might be seeing him tonight so yeah. I was just gonna text him at least but not sure what to say. Should I say this?: "happy birthday jake:) hope you have good one today and had a good birthday weekend! lol hope to see you again soon:)" does that work? (I've never texted him first btw)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Should I text him this?

    Alright so, in just the last month, I've been hanging out with one of my coworkers and talking to him a lot lately. I'm 19 and he turns 22 tomorrow. We both work at papa Murphy's together.

    So Friday when we hung out, we just watched a movie then went night swimming in the park. While swimming, we made out for awhile but that's it. He told me that he really liked me and I said I really like you too. When we went back to his place, we watched another movie and when I was going to leave, he walked me to my car and we kissed again. We haven't talked since though. The last couple times we've hungout he would text me and say thanks for hanging with me:). But he hasn't yet. He did favorite all my tweets yesterday on Twitter tho. Anyways, tomorrow is his birthday and I'm gonna be working so I won't see him. I was just gonna text him at least but not sure what to say. Should I say this?: "happy birthday jake:) hope you have good one today and had a good birthday weekend! lol hope to see you again soon:)" does that work? (I've never texted him first btw)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What should I text him?

    Alright so, in just the last month, I've been hanging out with one of my coworkers and talking to him a lot lately. I'm 19 and he turns 22 tomorrow. We both work at papa Murphy's together.

    So Friday when we hung out, we just watched a movie then went night swimming in the park. While swimming, we made out for awhile but that's it. He told me that he really liked me and I said I really like you too. When we went back to his place, we watched another movie and when I was going to leave, he walked me to my car and we kissed again. We haven't talked since though. The last couple times we've hungout he would text me and say thanks for hanging with me:). But he hasn't yet. He did favorite all my tweets yesterday on Twitter tho. Anyways, tomorrow is his birthday and I'm gonna be working so I won't see him. I was just gonna text him at least but not sure what to say. Should I say this?: "happy birthday jake:) hope you have good one today and had a good birthday weekend! lol hope to see you again soon:)" does that work? (I've never texted him first btw)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Will it make me look like a bad person to be with him?

    Ok so it's a dilemma with coworkers. First off I'm 19 and work at papa murphy's.

    Ok so 2 weeks ago I hung out with this guy dan I work with who I've had a crush on for awhile. So we went to the movies and after I hung out with others and him and we drank. After they all left I ended up staying the night at his place and we ONLY made out. No sex. And we didn't black out so we both still remember it. Everyone at work found out about it and think we're the next couple. And people have assumed I have a crush on him for awhile now. We only worked together once since then and it wasn't awkward or anything. We didn't text at all before it and still don't. He hasn't asked me to hang again but I asked him and he was busy sooo idk.

    But then last night I went to go see Jurassic world with jake who I work with too and he's best friends with dan and works with him every morning. He asked me to go and I was down. I think he's cute and a really sweet guy. But what sucks is that my coworker Emma who I'm closest with there has a huge crush on him. Sooo yeah. After the movie he walked me to my car and he said "would you want to hang again sometime?" And of course I said yes cause he's a great guy. We gave each other a hug and that's it.

    So what sucks is that if i hang with jake more and people find out it'll make me look bad. Because of what I've done with dan. Jake is 21 and dan is 23, but Emma is 19 and has also been sleeping around. Soo ughhh idk what to do

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • am I a bad person for this?

    Ok so it's a dilemma with coworkers. First off I'm 19 and work at papa murphy's.

    Ok so 2 weeks ago I hung out with this guy dan I work with who I've had a crush on for awhile. So we went to the movies and after I hung out with others and him and we drank. After they all left I ended up staying the night at his place and we ONLY made out. No sex. And we didn't black out so we both still remember it. Everyone at work found out about it and think we're the next couple. And people have assumed I have a crush on him for awhile now. We only worked together once since then and it wasn't awkward or anything. We didn't text at all before it and still don't. He hasn't asked me to hang again but I asked him and he was busy sooo idk.

    But then last night I went to go see Jurassic world with jake who I work with too and he's best friends with dan and works with him every morning. He asked me to go and I was down. I think he's cute and a really sweet guy. But what sucks is that my coworker Emma who I'm closest with there has a huge crush on him. Sooo yeah. After the movie he walked me to my car and he said "would you want to hang again sometime?" And of course I said yes cause he's a great guy and it was fun. We gave each other a hug and that's it. Dan just seems like a flirt.

    So what sucks is that if i hang with jake more and people find out it'll make me look bad. Because of what I've done with dan. Jake is 21 and dan is 23, but Emma is 18 and has also been sleeping around. Soo ughhh idk what to do.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Am I a bad person for this?

    Ok so it's a dilemma with coworkers. First off I'm 19 and work at papa murphy's.

    Ok so 2 weeks ago I hung out with this guy dan I work with who I've had a crush on for awhile. So we went to the movies and after I hung out with others and him and we drank. After they all left I ended up staying the night at his place and we ONLY made out. No sex. And we didn't black out so we both still remember it. Everyone at work found out about it and think we're the next couple. And people have assumed I have a crush on him for awhile now. We only worked together once since then and it wasn't awkward or anything. We didn't text at all before it and still don't. He hasn't asked me to hang again but I asked him and he was busy sooo idk.

    But then last night I went to go see Jurassic world with jake who I work with too and he's best friends with dan and works with him every morning. He asked me to go and I was down. I think he's cute and a really sweet guy. But what sucks is that my coworker Emma who I'm closest with there has a huge crush on him. Sooo yeah. After the movie he walked me to my car and he said "would you want to hang again sometime?" And of course I said yes cause he's a great guy. We gave each other a hug and that's it.

    So what sucks is that if i hang with jake more and people find out it'll make me look bad. Because of what I've done with dan. Jake is 21 and dan is 23, but Emma is 19 and has also been sleeping around. Soo ughhh idk what to do

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Made a mistake, what should I do?

    So Saturday night, I hung out with 3 of my coworkers. The guy's name is dan who I have the biggest crush on. He's 23 and I'm 19. (Here's so background before the night) so last Tuesday I had a tweet about wanting to see insidious 3 and he favorited it. I wanted to say something to him but I never did. Anyway, so on Friday I made another tweet about how it sucks not having plans on a Friday night and he messaged me and said "you didn't se insidious?!" So he then mentioned that he would've have seen it with me and he'd still would want to go.

    So here comes Saturday. I went over to his apartment (2 other guys were there I know) and we were chillin and took some shots before. So this guy Brian was our DD and took dan and I to the movie. During the movie he would randomly scare me and held my hand from the middle of it to the end. After the movie they picked us up and we went got alcohol at Safeway. Dan said to me "you're probably just gonna have to stay the night and I'll drop you off in the morning" and I was cool with it.

    When we got back we played some drinking games for a few hours. I didn't black out and wasn't 100% drunk either. I spilt red whine on my shirt so he gave me one of his. While we were playing he would randomly just grab my hand or put his hand on my leg and just move up and down and would even take my hand and kiss it.

    When they all left, it was just Dan and I. We had to move his table back and after that he came up to me and pulled me by the waist and kissed me. We kissed for a little bit there and then he put on Friends and we just cuddled on his couch. Not long into that, he was on top and we talking making out. I eventually was on top a few times. I would randomly giggle and he said "you're funny" and he even said "I always thought you were adorable" and I said "well I think you're really cute". I had my swimsuit underneath bc we were supposed to go swimming and he took the shirt off and untied the swimsuit. He then took off his shirt and I said to him "you have a really nice body" lol. So we continued that and I was grinding on top of him and I'm pretty sure he had a *****. We both didn't expect that to happen at all. So like 5:30 am we went and jumped in the pool quick and came back and fell asleep again on the couch. He would rub my stomach and play with my hair and I'm pretty sure he kissed my head. He had to go to work at 9 am and it was like 7 am and he said "so I'm gonna go lay in my bed for a bit. You can join if you want or come with me." So we went in there and of course we were kissing again.

    So what my problem is, is that idk if this happened because of the alcohol or if really does like me? I haven't spoke to him since or seen him. I'll see him tomorrow for the first time since then. I wanna hangout again but idk if this was just a one time thing? People at work already found out and think I slept with him but I definitely didn't. What's funny is that this could've happened at our work Christmas party because he was really close with me and kept staring in my eyes. Ugh idk what to do!!

    Singles & Dating6 years ago
  • Made out with my coworker, what should I do?? Idk how to feel about it?

    So Saturday night, I hung out with 3 of my coworkers. The guy's name is dan who I have the biggest crush on. He's 23 and I'm 19. (Here's so background before the night) so last Tuesday I had a tweet about wanting to see insidious 3 and he favorited it. I wanted to say something to him but I never did. Anyway, so on Friday I made another tweet about how it sucks not having plans on a Friday night and he messaged me and said "you didn't se insidious?!" So he then mentioned that he would've have seen it with me and he'd still would want to go.

    So here comes Saturday. I went over to his apartment (2 other guys were there I know) and we were chillin and took some shots before. So this guy Brian was our DD and took dan and I to the movie. During the movie he would randomly scare me and held my hand from the middle of it to the end. After the movie they picked us up and we went got alcohol at Safeway. Dan said to me "you're probably just gonna have to stay the night and I'll drop you off in the morning" and I was cool with it.

    When we got back we played some drinking games for a few hours. I didn't black out and wasn't 100% drunk either. I spilt red whine on my shirt so he gave me one of his. While we were playing he would randomly just grab my hand or put his hand on my leg and just move up and down and would even take my hand and kiss it.

    When they all left, it was just Dan and I. We had to move his table back and after that he came up to me and pulled me by the waist and kissed me. We kissed for a little bit there and then he put on Friends and we just cuddled on his couch. Not long into that, he was on top and we talking making out. I eventually was on top a few times. I would randomly giggle and he said "you're funny" and he even said "I always thought you were adorable" and I said "well I think you're really cute". I had my swimsuit underneath bc we were supposed to go swimming and he took the shirt off and untied the swimsuit. He then took off his shirt and I said to him "you have a really nice body" lol. So we continued that and I was grinding on top of him and I'm pretty sure he had a *****. We both didn't expect that to happen at all. So like 5:30 am we went and jumped in the pool quick and came back and fell asleep again on the couch. He would rub my stomach and play with my hair and I'm pretty sure he kissed my head. He had to go to work at 9 am and it was like 7 am and he said "so I'm gonna go lay in my bed for a bit. You can join if you want or come with me." So we went in there and of course we were kissing again.

    So what my problem is, is that idk if this happened because of the alcohol or if really does like me? I haven't spoke to him since or seen him. I won't see him till Friday when we both come into at the same time. I wanna hangout again but idk if this was just a one time thing? People at work already found out and think I slept with him but I DIDNT HAVE SEX WITH HIM. What's funny is that this could've happened at our work Christmas party because he was really close with me and kept staring in my eyes. Ugh idk what to do!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Made out with my coworker, what should I do? Idk how to feel about it?!?

    Had a make-out sesh with my coworker?!

    So Saturday night, I hung out with 3 of my coworkers. The guy's name is dan who I have the biggest crush on. He's 23 and I'm 19. (Here's so background before the night) so last Tuesday I had a tweet about wanting to see insidious 3 and he favorited it. I wanted to say something to him but I never did. Anyway, so on Friday I made another tweet about how it sucks not having plans on a Friday night and he messaged me and said "you didn't se insidious?!" So he then mentioned that he would've have seen it with me and he'd still would want to go.

    So here comes Saturday. I went over to his apartment (2 other guys were there I know) and we were chillin and took some shots before. So this guy Brian was our DD and took dan and I to the movie. During the movie he would randomly scare me and held my hand from the middle of it to the end. After the movie they picked us up and we went got alcohol at Safeway. Dan said to me "you're probably just gonna have to stay the night and I'll drop you off in the morning" and I was cool with it.

    When we got back we played some drinking games for a few hours. I didn't black out and wasn't 100% drunk either. I spilt red whine on my shirt so he gave me one of his. While we were playing he would randomly just grab my hand or put his hand on my leg and just move up and down and would even take my hand and kiss it.

    When they all left, it was just Dan and I. We had to move his table back and after that he came up to me and pulled me by the waist and kissed me. We kissed for a little bit there and then he put on Friends and we just cuddled on his couch. Not long into that, he was on top and we talking making out. I eventually was on top a few times. I would randomly giggle and he said "you're funny" and he even said "I always thought you were adorable" and I said "well I think you're really cute". I had my swimsuit underneath bc we were supposed to go swimming and he took the shirt off and untied the swimsuit. He then took off his shirt and I said to him "you have a really nice body" lol. So we continued that and I was grinding on top of him and I'm pretty sure he had a *****. We both didn't expect that to happen at all. So like 5:30 am we went and jumped in the pool quick and came back and fell asleep again on the couch. He would rub my stomach and play with my hair and I'm pretty sure he kissed my head. He had to go to work at 9 am and it was like 7 am and he said "so I'm gonna go lay in my bed for a bit. You can join if you want or come with me." So we went in there and of course we were kissing again.

    So what my problem is, is that idk if this happened because of the alcohol or if really does like me? I haven't spoke to him since or seen him. I won't see him till Friday when we both come into at the same time. I wanna hangout again but idk if this was just a one time thing? People at work already found out and think I slept with him but I definitely didn't. What's funny is that this could've happened at our work Christmas party because he was really close with me and kept staring in my eyes. Ugh idk what to do!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Made out with my coworker, what do I do?

    Had a make-out sesh with my coworker?!

    So Saturday night, I hung out with 3 of my coworkers. The guy's name is dan who I have the biggest crush on. He's 23 and I'm 19. (Here's so background before the night) so last Tuesday I had a tweet about wanting to see insidious 3 and he favorited it. I wanted to say something to him but I never did. Anyway, so on Friday I made another tweet about how it sucks not having plans on a Friday night and he messaged me and said "you didn't se insidious?!" So he then mentioned that he would've have seen it with me and he'd still would want to go.

    So here comes Saturday. I went over to his apartment (2 other guys were there I know) and we were chillin and took some shots before. So this guy Brian was our DD and took dan and I to the movie. During the movie he would randomly scare me and held my hand from the middle of it to the end. After the movie they picked us up and we went got alcohol at Safeway. Dan said to me "you're probably just gonna have to stay the night and I'll drop you off in the morning" and I was cool with it.

    When we got back we played some drinking games for a few hours. I didn't black out and wasn't 100% drunk either. I spilt red whine on my shirt so he gave me one of his. While we were playing he would randomly just grab my hand or put his hand on my leg and just move up and down and would even take my hand and kiss it.

    When they all left, it was just Dan and I. We had to move his table back and after that he came up to me and pulled me by the waist and kissed me. We kissed for a little bit there and then he put on Friends and we just cuddled on his couch. Not long into that, he was on top and we talking making out. I eventually was on top a few times. I would randomly giggle and he said "you're funny" and he even said "I always thought you were adorable" and I said "well I think you're really cute". I had my swimsuit underneath bc we were supposed to go swimming and he took the shirt off and untied the swimsuit. He then took off his shirt and I said to him "you have a really nice body" lol. So we continued that and I was grinding on top of him and I'm pretty sure he had a *****. We both didn't expect that to happen at all. So like 5:30 am we went and jumped in the pool quick and came back and fell asleep again on the couch. He would rub my stomach and play with my hair and I'm pretty sure he kissed my head. He had to go to work at 9 am and it was like 7 am and he said "so I'm gonna go lay in my bed for a bit. You can join if you want or come with me." So we went in there and of course we were kissing again.

    So what my problem is, is that idk if this happened because of the alcohol or if really does like me? I haven't spoke to him since or seen him. I won't see him till Friday when we both come into at the same time. I wanna hangout again but idk if this was just a one time thing? People at work already found out and think I slept with him but I definitely didn't. What's funny is that this could've happened at our work Christmas party because he was really close with me and kept staring in my eyes. Ugh idk what to do!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Was it a bad idea to do this with a coworker?

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    Had a make-out sesh with my coworker?!

    So Saturday night, I hung out with 3 of my coworkers. The guy's name is dan who I have the biggest crush on. He's 23 and I'm 19. (Here's so background before the night) so last Tuesday I had a tweet about wanting to see insidious 3 and he favorited it. I wanted to say something to him but I never did. Anyway, so on Friday I made another tweet about how it sucks not having plans on a Friday night and he messaged me and said "you didn't se insidious?!" So he then mentioned that he would've have seen it with me and he'd still would want to go.

    So here comes Saturday. I went over to his apartment (2 other guys were there I know) and we were chillin and took some shots before. So this guy Brian was our DD and took dan and I to the movie. During the movie he would randomly scare me and held my hand from the middle of it to the end. After the movie they picked us up and we went got alcohol at Safeway. Dan said to me "you're probably just gonna have to stay the night and I'll drop you off in the morning" and I was cool with it.

    When we got back we played some drinking games for a few hours. I didn't black out and wasn't 100% drunk either. I spilt red whine on my shirt so he gave me one of his. While we were playing he would randomly just grab my hand or put his hand on my leg and just move up and down and would even take my hand and kiss it.

    When they all left, it was just Dan and I. We had to move his table back and after that he came up to me and pulled me by the waist and kissed me. We kissed for a little bit there and then he put on Friends and we just cuddled on his couch. Not long into that, he was on top and we talking making out. I eventually was on top a few times. I would randomly giggle and he said "you're funny" and he even said "I always thought you were adorable" and I said "well I think you're really cute". I had my swimsuit underneath bc we were supposed to go swimming and he took the shirt off and untied the swimsuit. He then took off his shirt and I said to him "you have a really nice body" lol. So we continued that and I was grinding on top of him and I'm pretty sure he had a *****. We both didn't expect that to happen at all. So like 5:30 am we went and jumped in the pool quick and came back and fell asleep again on the couch. He would rub my stomach and play with my hair and I'm pretty sure he kissed my head. He had to go to work at 9 am and it was like 7 am and he said "so I'm gonna go lay in my bed for a bit. You can join if you want or come with me." So we went in there and of course we were kissing again.

    So what my problem is, is that idk if this happened because of the alcohol or if really does like me? I haven't spoke to him since or seen him. I won't see him till Friday when we both come into at the same time. I wanna hangout again but idk if this was just a one time thing? People at work already found out and think I slept with him but I definitely didn't. What's funny is that this could've happened at our work Christmas party because he was really close with me and kept staring in my eyes. Ugh idk what to do!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is my birth control causing the bleeding or?

    I've been on birth control for almost 3 weeks now. Last Friday, I had sex, it was really dry at first and hurt. And a lil rough. The next day I went to wipe and there was blood. I bled a little the next couple hours but then it finally stopped.

    Well also I have a UTI. I've had it for at lest 2 weeks but didn't go to the doctor until just this last Wednesday the 20th. It was detected positive and am on antibiotics. Also the birth control I'm using is Gildess FE

    So then Thursday night, I had sex again and didn't bleed until the next and it was just a little. But then yesterday and the day before I went to the bathroom and blood again. I've been bleeding a bit now and had a pad on and the blood was dark red almost black. It feels like period cramps but my period is due for another week(first of the month). Yesterday was ongoing and felt like a period. But when I pee, there isn't blood like when I pee on my period. The blood is dark red. And sometimes a chunk or clot will come out. I wear a pad and after a while on there it turns brown. Today it's been now has ongoing and less.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Period isn't due for another week, why am I bleeding?

    I've been on birth control for almost 3 weeks now. Last Friday, I had sex, it was really dry at first and hurt. And a lil rough. The next day I went to wipe and there was blood. I bled a little the next couple hours but then it finally stopped.

    Well also I have a UTI. I've had it for at lest 2 weeks but didn't go to the doctor until just this last Wednesday the 20th. It was detected positive and am on antibiotics.

    So then Thursday night, I had sex again and didn't just bled a little when I wiped but only when I wiped. But then today I went to the bathroom and blood again. I've been bleeding a bit now and had a pad on and the blood was dark red almost black. It feels like period cramps but my period is due for another week(first of the month).

    Could it be because of my UTI and that I'm taking two different pills? I haven't pissed a pill. What's going on??

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Not on a period, but why am I bleeding?

    I've been on birth control for almost 3 weeks now. Last Friday, I had sex, it was really dry at first and hurt. And a lil rough. The next day I went to wipe and there was blood. I bled a little the next couple hours but then it finally stopped.

    Well also I have a UTI. I've had it for at lest 2 weeks but didn't go to the doctor until just this last Wednesday the 20th. It was detected positive and am on antibiotics.

    So then Thursday night, I had sex again and didn't just bled a little when I wiped but only when I wiped. But then today I went to the bathroom and blood again. I've been bleeding a bit now and had a pad on and the blood was dark red almost black. It feels like period cramps but my period is due for another week(first of the month).

    Could it be because of my UTI and that I'm taking two different pills? I haven't pissed a pill. What's going on??

    5 AnswersMedicine6 years ago
  • Is my UTI or birth control causing the bleeding?

    I've been on birth control for almost 3 weeks now. Last Friday, I had sex, it was really dry at first and hurt. And a lil rough. The next day I went to wipe and there was blood. I bled a little the next couple hours but then it finally stopped.

    Well also I have a UTI. I've had it for at lest 2 weeks but didn't go to the doctor until just this last Wednesday the 20th. It was detected positive and am on antibiotics.

    So then Thursday night, I had sex again and didn't just bled a little when I wiped but only when I wiped. But then today I went to the bathroom and blood again. I've been bleeding a bit now and had a pad on and the blood was dark red almost black. It feels like period cramps but my period is due for another week(first of the month).

    Could it be because of my UTI and that I'm taking two different pills? I haven't pissed a pill. What's going on??

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago