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Lv 31,280 points

John K

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  • Question about Walmart employment?

    I worked at Walmart from May 2009 until October 2013. I was working at the Lawn and Garden Center and was working by myself from 1 to 10pm. I was feeling sick and got a $1 drink to see if that would help. I put it under the counter and was going to pay for it on my break, but my boss saw me being sick and sent me home. 4 months later the Asset Protection Associate came over to me and brought me into his office. He said he had video of me getting a drink and hiding it without paying for it. I said I was going to pay for it, but my manager called me into his office and him and another manager sent me home for being sick and they walked me out of the store. I forgot to pay for it because they were rushing me. The co-manager came in and fired me for gross misconduct. They made me fill out a paper saying I drank the soda without paying for it. I went to court after getting the summons and plead not guilty. The charged was dismissed by the judge. Now my question is can they still keep me as unhireable or can I reapply since the charge was dismissed?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Financial Aid Question?

    I was approved for $2,675.00 for Federal Pell Grant. My question is I also got this. Cumulative Loan Information:

    Subsidized $7,062.00

    Unsubsidized $7,083.00

    Now does that mean that I'm approved for both subsidized and unsubsidized, or do I have to choose which one I want to accept of those two?

    4 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Swordtail fish question?

    I went and bought 4 female swordtail fish from petsmart last Tuesday for my 20 gallon long aquarium. They are the only 4 fish I had in there and didn't want a lot to crowd up my aquarium, because I heard they are hardy breeders, but easy to care for. I wanted to make sure they were all female so they wouldn't breed. Well Wednesday night I went to feed them and saw baby fish swimming around. I went out and bought them a small 10 gallon aquarium so the adult fish wouldn't eat them. There was 7 of them at the time. Well just 3 hours ago I went to feed them and found more baby fish swimming around. I put them in with the 5 day old fish since I knew they wouldn't eat them. There was 25 of them this time. My question is how do you tell if they are pregnant, so I know what to look for?

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • License for Sulcata Tortoise?

    I have a sulcata tortoise for 8 months now and I was just told I could get in trouble for not having a license for it, but when I bought it as a hatchling, no one at the pet store said anything about needing a license, so I don't think I do. I see the 2 tortoises bigger than the Sulcata you need a license for, but I haven't read 1 thing about the Sulcata needing one.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Question about pain in neck?

    I had 2 scoliosis operations and they put 4 rods, a screw and some donated finger and toe bones in my back and fused them together. To make room for that they had to take out 14 of the 17 discs in my back and I only have 3 left. I have one disc in my neck right now that has been giving me nothing but problems. I went to the doctor for a check-up and he told me the disc in my neck is getting weaker and it's not a matter or if it goes, but when it goes out. He told me I won't be able to move my neck after it goes out. My question is, is there some sort of device they will put on my neck to help relieve the pain? As it is right now, I can't look straight up without having to bend my back backwards. I am hoping since I am just 32, that they will give me something to help relieve my neck pain once that disc goes.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Why is the duck eggs not hatching?

    I bought 3 flying mallard ducks from a local feed store a year and a half ago. They ended up being 1 male and 2 females. The one male and female began mating and the female started laying eggs. I took 2 eggs from her and put them in my incubator and left her keep the rest to hatch. She laid on them the whole time and the only time I ever saw her leave the nest was to get some food and water and swim in the pond. She would be away like 15 minutes total and then go back and sit on her nest. The eggs she sat on never hatched, but my 2 did. I figured it was her first time, maybe that is why. Well now she has sat on her 4th batch and she still can't hatch any eggs. I incubated eggs from the previous 3 batches, but left her do the fourth one on her own. I had no problem incubating them, so I know they're fertile. Why is she not hatching her eggs? Is there anything I can do to get her to hatch her eggs on her own, or am I'm going to have to incubate the eggs myself if I want them to hatch?

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago