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Photography Tripod Suggestions?
My girlfriend is about to finish a degree in photography and I am looking at the possibility of getting her a tripod for Christmas. I know very little about photography so I guess I am just looking for a few suggestions on brands and models and such. When I say tripod I mean a tripod and a head, so sorry if my photography jargon is not up to the standard ;). Anyways, I have been looking online for a while now and am just getting overwhelmed with the amount of stuff out there, so here is a few things I am taking into consideration; She photographs weddings, portraits/ "senior pics", outdoors stuff like landscapes and wildlife, and eventually wants to get into model photography (if thats what you call it), but that will be later down the road so I am more focused on the first few things listed. Another thing is that I am also a full time student and working what I can, so money is tight. I would like to stay at the absolute max $300, but would be much more comfortable around $250. Be honest with me though, if this budget will not get what she needs please let me know and I will use the money toward a gift that will be worth both our whiles. Thanks!
3 AnswersPhotography7 years agoCable internet question (modem)?
I am switching my DSL internet for cable internet. I just purchased a new wireless router that is currently hooked up to my DSL (connected by standard "phone line"). So my question is, can I use the wireless modem I have now when I get my cable internet installed? I just dont see how it is going to connect to the coaxial cable. Or does all cable internet come with a cable modem? I guess I am just mis-informed. Thanks in advance- let me know if you need more details (my modem I have now is a Netgear N300 work and play, and states that it works with Bresnan/Optimum ISP); I am just wondering how.
1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years agoAirboat engine specifications?
does anybody know of a spec sheet showing what size motor will turn certain size propellers giving off given amounts of thrust? What I am getting at is if I have a propeller used in two person airboats, all I have to do is find the smallest engine possible to turn that propeller at the 2000 rpm rating on it. Am I correct by thinking this way? If not, can somebody tell me why people have 400 hp engines on their airboats, when all I think would be necessary is something with like 50-70 hp? let me know if you need me to elaborate, thanks
1 AnswerBoats & Boating9 years agotv series moonshiners?
there is a new tv show called "Moonshiners", it is these people being filmed making moonshine. its illegal. how are they taping this knowing that everybody watches the Discovery channel, and wil most likely face charges because of the show? im just wondering how they are filming all of this illegal activity and not being caught?
3 AnswersDrama9 years agobeginner bow hunter weird question?
talking with my dad about bowhunting, and i want to start next year. i have a beard (not very long), and he said i would have to shave (so the string doesnt get caught in my beard). ok, i HATE shaving, but i will if i have to, its not a huge issue. what i was wondering is if i wear a mask while hunting, will this get rid of the need to shave?
10 AnswersHunting10 years agoProstitution vs. Porn (serious)?
Watching cops do a prostitution sting on tv, and i kept wondering,"if one of these guys trying to pick up a prostitute would say,"i wanna make a video with you, and i will pay you"", what is the difference? no, im not going to drive down to the nearest street corner and try this, but seriously, where is the line drawn? is the only difference between prostitution and porn the camera?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years agoAluminum Mig Welding?
just bought a hobart handler 140 (already love it), and was just wondering on what gas to use for aluminum. my welder will be set up for mild steel (75% argon 25% CO2). it would be nice to be able to use this mix with aluminum as well, as it would be easy to just switch spools of wire, but the manual says to use a 100% argon mix when welding with aluminum. will the 25% CO2 make a difference welding aluminum?
3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years agoY! Answers category welding?
what is the best category to post welding questions in?
3 AnswersYahoo Answers10 years agoDaft Punk song help remix?
saw a video on youtube with the song "boys and girls" by Martin Solveig, but towards the end of the song, i heard Daft Punk's "Around the World" starting to fade in, so it must be a remix. Anybody know what the song is called, or the DJ's name? I can post the link of the video if anybody wants it.
2 AnswersOther - Music10 years agoWHYwhyWHYwhyWHYwhyWHY?
The income tax was never ratified, why am i still paying it? Social Security was origionally supposed to be "optional", and now that the government has lost everyones money, why am i still paying it? Everybody on welfare should be drug tested, so I dont have to pay for their addictions. I just hate being stolen from.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHow do i become a repo man?
I think it would be a fun and interesting career, but is there like a school? what are the steps i would need to take to become a repo man? I live in Montana. any help is appreciated
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoO.K. John Wayne 32-40?
Here is the scenario. Me and two buddies, who know how to fix anything on a vehicle, provided we have our tool kit, are muddin' on the backside of Holter lake. Were taking my truck, so that means I need to gas up. The other two are there to "drink beer" as you might say, but they will take turns muddin' too. So I am looking at the "driver" who wont be drinking until they get to the lake, and the other two who will be drinking all the way to the lake. Each person's budget is around $50. What beer would you suggest for the three men?
7 AnswersHunting1 decade agoFinish this joke----?
So a gunsmith walks into a bar...
funniest will be chosen as best answer
8 AnswersHunting1 decade agoHow do i message someone on yahoo answers?
someone left an answer to my question and wanted to know a video link, is there a way i can send him a message with the link?
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoDeer Hunting Difficulties?
Does anyone else find it difficult to keep the knife in your mouth while jumping out of a tree?
7 AnswersHunting1 decade agowhat 3m adesive is this?
i am restoring a chevy luv pick up truck and i just received a new dash pad for it. (not a dash cap, but the actual dash with padding and vinyl covering). i checked in the shop manual and it says to use a 3M adhesive 1300 EC to glue it to the metal dash. well that product is 30 years old now and i cannot find it anywhere. so i am trying to find the newest, best, closest thing to it. if anybody is a 3m adhesive expert i would greatly appreciate the help.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoRC Car kits and such?
I have a 5.5 hp engine and ive thought about building a little go kart for my nephew, but i was also thinking i could build it even smaller and faster by making it remote control. is there a kit or something with Remote control actuators and stuff for throttle and turning?
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoBest concealed carry pistol?
Im getting my concealed weapons license, and was looking for opinions on which pistol would be best. i dont want something bulky, but i dont want something cheap. looking to spend around 300-400 bucks. i am a big rifle and shotgun guy, but not big into pistols. looking for good make/model, and caliber (not 9mm), leaning more towards a 40 or a 380, but open to suggestions. thanks
8 AnswersHunting1 decade agoCarpet in old truck restoration HELP?
i am restoring an old truck and am going to put the automotive loop style of carpet in the floor plan and i am also making custom door panels. can anybody tell me the difference between nylon carpet and polypropylene carpet? pros and cons please
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agohi point 9mm carbine?
im looking at getting one, i found one real cheap here at a local gun store new. it seems pretty well made but ive never shot one or heard of one. my buddy is egging me to buy one. has anybody used one? and what is your thoughts?
11 AnswersHunting1 decade ago