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shane f

Favorite Answers12%
  • Should the FTC shut down ObmamaCare for false advertising?

    If any other company made as many false claims as ObamaCare the Federal Trade Commission would have no choice but to shut them down and sue.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is holding the NRA responsible the intelligent thing to do?

    I checked the FBI's crime statistics, 80 % of all crimes committed with guns are gang related. How many gang members are NRA members? How many will submit to background checks? How many do you think are Republicans? If 80% of the crimes are being committed by one specific group then it makes sense to target this group.

    3 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Is blaming the NRA putting focus in the wrong place?

    I went to the FBI's site and found the following, 80% of gun crimes are gang related. How many gang members belong to the NRA? How many gang members registered their guns? How many will now if Obama gets his proposal's passed. How many gang members are Republicans? It appears that nothing Obama and laughing Joe Biden have suggested will do anything to directly curb the issue.

    3 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Would changing our national anthem help reduce health care cost?

    Lets face it, most people don't know the words and just stand there while its played. If we changed to Baby got Back people would get up and move working off some of the hot dog and other junk food calories. Since we all live in a collective now, I'm just looking out for you.

    2 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • Should Progressives redistribute NFL and NBA player salaries?

    Virtually all stadiums and arenas were paid for via some form of tax and many players earn more than CEO's of evil corporations. Since players are brought in to win championships and are paid huge salaries made in some part possible by tax dollars, if they dont win a championship, shouldnt you be entitled and want to redistribute the majority of their salary.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • If Herman Cain wins the nomination...?

    When his views and policies are questioned will progressives defend him saying that race is the motive?

    3 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • Should progressives tax the Dallas Mavericks?

    Its embarrassing that Dirk did a beat down on Lebron and Wade. To redistribute the win, should progressives slap a 4 pt tax on Dallas? If Dallas refuses, does this mean they don't care about the little guy? And should there be a sequel to the movie, "White Men cant' jump", this one will be called, "Lebron cant win" unless he get's more and more help?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do air traffic controllers need a stronger union?

    So what a few guys fall asleep, Wall Street Bankers make more money, and I'm sure the guys that own the airlines are doing ok, and somebody just won the lottery.

    If they want to take a nap just make the airplanes fly in a circle until they wake up.

    Now turn off the light and get off my back.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should Obama release all burglars and thieves from prison?

    All they are doing is redistributing the wealth, and could do it a lot cheaper and quicker than our esteemed progressive leaders. Maybe he could make one of them a Stuff Czar.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Should the Declaration of Independance be changed?

    Should it say, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of someone else's stuff for my happiness?

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Should Obama do a Lebron and take his talents to South Beach?

    They have a lot in common, they talk a good game but never deliver. Since we now know two "superstars" can't co-exist in the same location, Obama should go to another South Beach, like Cuba. His policies are already in place, and when they continue to fail he can blame it on the previous administration. Sounds like a match made in heaven.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is Obama a good role model?

    He smokes, drinks, when he has an issue to resolve wants to kick someone's a&&, is less than truthful, and always blames someone else.

    If your kid came home with a cigarette in his mouth, smelled like booze,and all his clothes were torn, you would ask him whats going on. If he said he got all F's and got into a fight with an A student to tax a portion of his grade, but the other kid started it, would it be fair to ask where he learned that kind of behavior?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Progressives, have you met the new Stuff Czar?

    Hi, I am the new stuff czar. Your neighbors and I held a vote in the middle of the night and decided you have too much stuff. So we'll be over in the morning to pick up whatever we decide you have too much of. Don't worry, they will be all union workers, and with unemployment so high, we'll bring a dozen or so. Since they have kids, we'll have to pay them 60-80 bucks an hour, but don't worry in a day or two we'll be done. Of course you will have to pick up the tab to redistribute your stuff. I'm sure you won't mind as it would be hypocritical to question someone else determining if you have too much as you feel so comfortable making decisions about someone else. Please don't even think about not paying, as some of the union boys, Moose and Rocco will help you find your check book.

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why don't Obama's tactics work in the real world?

    I've been in the car business for a long time, made good money, and have been told to be successfull, emulate what successfull people do and you'll get the same results. Seeing how Obama sold his healthcare plan I decided to try his approach on my next customer. A guy comes in and wants to buy a car, so I have him fill out a credit application, I see he has a great score and is one of those guys making over 250,000, so I was ready. I said you ever hear of Wall Street, he said, yes, so even though we are located thousands of miles away, I knew he was one of them. He asked how much is that car, I said 30,000, but for it's 45,0000. He started getting upset, so I explained there are people out there that are hurting and he is going to pay for it. Since we were talking loud, a crowd started to gather. I never believed in global warming before, but I'm a convert as it was getting pretty hot in there.

    As I verbally smacked him around, the crowd went wild, they were screaming, what do we want, a car, when do we want it, now! The guy couldn't take it anymore and left, no problem, I have about 30 screaming, enthusiastic supporters I can sell to. So I had them all fill out credit applications, no one qualified, turns out they were just there to protest. So I ended up losing my only sale, and got fired to boot. Where did I go wrong?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Will health care include flat screen tv's?

    I'm moving soon and have a very heavy tv and am concerned I may hurt my back picking it up. I feel I am entitled to a new, lighter tv as it will reduce health care cost and in the end run will be good for you. If you would like to buy my old, here are the details; you can't see it until after you buy it, you need to make payments for 4 years until you can pick it up, and four years from now, you probably wont be able to find me.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Come on, 18% soda and pizza tax?

    Saw today some are advocating an 18% tax on non diet soda and pizza, which would result in the average American losing 5 pounds and would help to reduce health care cost. Since we are only raising taxes on successful people, we should only tax fat people, why should people who aren't fat pay the same penalty. This would be a big feather in Obama's cap as it would created jobs. All pizza delivery guys would be required to buy American made scales, and upon delivery would have the purchaser step on the scale to see if they had to pay the tax. All locations that sold soda would have the same requirement, but they need larger, commercial grade scales, that would require skilled technicians to keep them calibrated, creating even more jobs. In the grocery store, when an overweight person was attempting to purchase soda or pizza the clerk would be required to get on the PA system and announce, "chunko on eisle 6".

    Keep up the good work Borat.

    10 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Obama as a game show host in 2012?

    With Obama being unemployed in 2012, word has it the networks are developing a new game show with Obama as the host. It will be called "The Price Aint Right".

    Contestants will be given the actual price of a good or service, and they will have to guess how much more the government paid without going over the government's actual price paid. Will you watch?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago