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  • How do I heat a smoked turkey?

    I bought an 11-lb whole smoked turkey, refrigerated, for Thanksgiving. First time. I usually roast mine. How do I heat it? It didn’t come with instructions.

    1 AnswerThanksgiving3 years ago
  • Question about Sump Pumps?

    Context: We have a cabin, on a hill, split level, concrete foundation for the lower level, with a 4-foot concrete wall on the uphill side of the foundation, under the middle section of the cabin. Cabin is 50 years old.

    Problem: High water table, water accumulates against the wall under the middle section, keeps the concrete wet. Wetness causes issues inside the lower section, especially in the spring. Problem is worst in the center of the wall, since much of the water drains away at the sides, keeps the water level lower.

    Possible solution: So, we want to dig a 3-4 foot hole in the ground that sits against the wall on the uphill side, drop a sump pump into it, and keep the water away from the wall. Ground is hard enough to accommodate this - there is an old outhouse maybe 50 feet away, same type of ground.

    Challenges: Certainly at first, the water will be muddy and somewhat thick. Also, it is in a northerly state, so it freezes pretty heavily for much of the winter. And, there is an awkward crawl space where we will need to go to dig the hole and drop the sump pump.

    Questions / Requests: Any suggestions for

    A) The overall solution - do you think it will work, or do you have a better idea?

    B) Suggestions on the brand / model of sump pump, that will handle thicker muddy water, work well outside with low maintenance, and be in heavy freeze conditions for part of the year?

    C) Specifics for the project, what to look out for, what to do, what not to do?

    D) How to avoid burning the pump out in case it is turned on when the water is frozen

    E) Anything else you can think of that I might have missed?


    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • Can WordPerfect save in RTF?

    Can someone using WordPerfect save a file as a Rich Text Format file so a MS Word users can open it without losing formatting? If not, what is the recommended approach for file sharing? Someone I am working with uses WordPerfect and says they cannot pass files back and forth.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • What is the best road bike under $1,000?

    I am in good muscular shape but overweight, average height, in my 50's, used to ride quite a bit, always used a road bike, have been riding less in the last few years but will start riding more now due to recent knee surgery that will keep me from sports I usually do. Please give both specific suggestions and why, but also, if you can, things I should look for in a bike.

    Based on my experience I would expect to do 15-30 mile rides on a fairly regular basis, with occasional (infrequent) 50-75 mile rides. Mostly on roads, infrequently on compacted sand bike paths.

    Thanks much!

    1 AnswerCycling1 decade ago
  • Qual é a diferença entre “time” e “equipe”?

    Um é mais usado para esporte e um mais para um grupo de pessoas trabalhando junto, digamos num projeto? Ou dá para usar qualquer um dos dois?

    5 AnswersIdiomas e Línguas1 decade ago
  • How do you say "High School Counselor" in Portuguese?

    Helping a friend with a translation, I am fluent in Portuguese, I need to know the "official" title in Brazil. Agradeço.

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Ajuda com traduções de dois termos legais por favor?

    Estou traduzindo um texto do ingles ao portugues para ajudar um amigo, junto com a minha esposa, brasileira, e encontramos uns termos que conhecemos em ingles, mas nao sabemos o termo especifico em portugues. Sao os termos legais "estate law" e "trusts" (no sentido de herenças).

    Ajuda por favor? Agradeço muito.

    2 AnswersIdiomas e Línguas1 decade ago
  • Nice hotel in St. Maartens?

    It's our 20th anniversary, somewhat romantic, maybe secluded, would be nice, do not need too fancy ...

    5 AnswersOther - Caribbean1 decade ago
  • Kitchen Lighting for a Cabin in the Woods?

    Looking for suggestions for kitchen lighting fixtures for a cabin we have in a rural wooded area. The cabin is good sized, 3 bedrooms, 6 total rooms. It is a log-cabin look on the outside but pretty much a regular house on the inside.

    We are re-doing the kitchen, it will be pretty up-to-date, new appliances and cabinets. Chestnut wood cabinets.

    Just wondering if anyone has good ideas for lighting fixtures. Descriptions would be good, links to actual fixtures would be great.


    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • How do you say "We will miss you" in French?

    Is it "nous sentirons manque de toi"? That is what a translator gave me....

    6 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • How can I tell what video card I have in my computer?

    I'm not a novice, I understand computers, but for some reason I cannot find where this is listed. I checked "Control Panel / System / Hardware" but didn't see it. I cannot find the documentation for the PC. It's about a 3-year-old HP Pavilion a1250n.

    5 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Approximate cost of a charter flight ...?

    ... from Chicago area to Colorado Springs, and back two weeks later, for maybe 20-25 people. Looking for cheap, not cushy.

    Anyone who actually knows give me a good round number?

    3 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • I need help with a welcome message in French?

    Hi, thanks for the help.

    I would like to send a welcome message to an exchange student coming to the USA from France. I speak enough French to say what I want to say, but poorly and with errors. I'd like it to sound nice.

    Basically, I'd like to say:

    "I would like to welcome you to our club and our city, and look forward to meeting you when you arrive in August."

    This is the intent of what I want to say, but I recognize that literal translations are not always best. so if you are native French speaker, please feel free to suggest slightly different wording. Whatever phrasing would be appropriate for an adult to a high-school age student.

    The rest I will say in English.

    Thanks again, in advance.

    6 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Preço medio da gasolina no Brasil?

    Moro nos EUA e quero comparar.


    5 AnswersOutros - Carros e Transportes1 decade ago
  • Vacation Choice in Puerto Rico?

    Looking for a good family vacation spot in PR, two families with a total of 4 teenage boys.

    Looking for a place on on near a nice beach, preferably with a couple of beach choices not too far away, and not too far from a reasonable sized city for shopping and restaurants, could be San Juan or one of the other larger cities.

    Price conscious, but would rather not go than go to a dump.

    I would love to get a few suggestions. Even if someone has already suggested a place you would like to suggest, please answer, so that I can see if there is a place that a lot of people like.

    If it matters, half of us speak Spanish.

    Thanks .....

    6 AnswersPuerto Rico1 decade ago