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  • what if the heat never win again?

    in loo of the heat losing to the san antonio spurs, in 20 years, do you think the heat legacy will end up more respected and/or more underrated than the bad boy pistons now? obviously not the same because the bad boys were the bad boys... tough and dirty. but both won 2 championships (back to back) and both were, id say hated by a large majority of america. especially if, for some reason, durant and westbrook do something, even remotely close to what pippen and jordan did. the bad boys won in the early 1990s. the heat won in the early 2010s. the bad boys, to an extent even now, are still widely hated for their mentality, while the heat are hated for how they "bought" championships.

    3 AnswersBasketball7 years ago
  • has this ever happened in nba (or sports) history?

    lets say the heat and san antonio win their conference. have there ever been a repeat for both teams to make it back to the nba finals? what about all major sports?

    2 AnswersBasketball7 years ago
  • Where to move in Georgia or South Carolina?

    So I'm thinking about where to live after college, which i am going to be graduating from next may (YIKES!!!!). I'm in North Carolina right now at a university right outside of Greensboro and a business major. right now, on paper, my top choices are Wilmington island, Georgia near Savannah and Forestbrook, South Carolina near Myrtle beach. So, I'm wondering if anyone has any knowledge of the area and if so, are these good places to try invest moving to. Or, does anyone have any good places to look in those Georgia or South Carolina?

    2 AnswersOther - United States7 years ago
  • does anyone know anything about wilmington island, georgia?

    its a little early, but next year, im going to be graduating from college in north carolina and im thinking about moving to south carolina, georgia or texas. just out of curiosity, ive been searching for places to live and i think i want to live by the ocean. i was looking and on paper, wilmington island (and other towns around the area) seemed like what im looking for. its pricy compared to georgia, but still, pretty cheap, low crime, savannah is 20 minutes away to find work and then hilton head is just an hour outside of that. so i was wondering if anyone knows about the area or has other inputs about good places to move to.

    thanks for the info in advance!!!

    1 AnswerAtlanta7 years ago
  • why cant i not get to sleep and how can i fix it?

    for the past 4-6 weeks, i have not been able to fall asleep at night. no matter how tired i am (and i get really tired), i cant seem to fall asleep no earlier than 3am, and thats on a good night. im in college so luckily, my schedule gives me a little flexibility as i only have 1 class on mondays, wednesdays and fridays from 9:15-10:30. on tuesdays and thursdays, i start at 11:40-5:15 with 3 classes straight. the thing is, while im tired at night, i fall asleep during the day. usually from around 11-2 or 3 on mwf's or right after classes on tuesdays and thursdays till about 8 or 9. the thing about it is i eventually get to sleep, but even during the day, i only get about 3-5 hours a sleep and im up the rest of the day/night. and last week, i thought i fixed it because i got back to a semi normal sleeping pattern (around 1-2 i went to sleep). but id wake up several times in the middle of the night or early in the morning (around 7 or 8). but this time, it got worse again. and ive been doing all the things that usually get me to sleep such as watching tv (hgtv or history channel usually), listening to calming music, laying on a couch/sitting in a chair. ive tried different combinations where ive done all of them to none of them. sometimes, i'll just lay in bed until 5 or 6 doing absolutely nothing and not being able to fall asleep that way. does anyone know any easy ways to fix my problem?

    thanks to all who answer!!!

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • what are the best websites to buy and sell items?

    im starting to get into flipping items. the problem is, im a broke college student and im nervous to buy things and not being able to sell it back for profit. i was thinking about buying off of craigslist and reselling on ebay or amazon. the problem is, i go to a nice school in north carolina, but the town its in and the surrounding towns (like greensboro... 30 mins outside) is pretty sketchy so i dont want to deal with the meeting thing. plus, i want to start out locally to reduce/eliminate shipping costs. i thought about doing it as a summer thing since i live in a nice/wealthy area in new jersey, but i kind of want to flip things year round. plus, i might be interning in the capital this summer anyways. anyone have any sites that are good for selling and buying things? and does anyone have any things i can flip? ive had a few items that i can flip pretty easy, but i dont want to limit the items i can sell. thanks in advance to all that answer!!!!

    Small Business7 years ago
  • how do i get over a girl i like?

    she was my best friend for the past 2 and a half years and this past school year (fall 2013), she had to transfer schools (from a north carolina school to uf). i had a huge crush on her and the first girl i ever liked (i didnt like anyone from my hometown), probably even loved her. when she left, it was not only hard for me to accept the fact that i wasnt going to be with her, but that she was gone. anyways, i spent the past 6 or so months getting over her, which was hard for me because i wanted to talk to her. also, because i had 2 years to say something to her and i p*ssied out every time. anyways, i havent talked to her a while and all of a sudden, she messaged me and we had a conversation... and then i started missing her and cant stop thinking about her again. i just dont want to keep thinking of regrets.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • true or false: this was the best bowl season in cbf history?

    i could give you a list, but i aint got time for that, but here are a few

    -this one obviously

    -duke/texas a&m


    -oklahoma state/mizzou



    -ohio state/clemson

    7 AnswersFootball (American)7 years ago

    GET FAMOUS!!!!!!

    1 AnswerFootball (American)7 years ago
  • how are people classless as philly fans?

    granted we all know philly fans are the scum of the nfl when it comes to showing dignity, but jesus. every time someone brings up the santa thing, they say it was 40+ years ago... didnt help yourself any when someone gets hurt and you boo him; especially when you arent even huge rivals.

    5 AnswersFootball (American)7 years ago
  • what do you think about charlie strong going to texas?

    for anyone who doesnt know, its been reported hes going to texas on a 5yr, $25m contract. good, ok or bad hire?

    6 AnswersFootball (American)7 years ago
  • does anyone else think bill obrien shouldve stayed at penn state?

    i think he shouldve personally. i mean good for him to go after the position and he earned it, so im not mad at him for that. it leaves a sour taste in my mouth though. i dont think he needed to stay to completely rebuild the program, but maybe until they were off probation.

    6 AnswersFootball (American)7 years ago
  • lets spice it up: which injury was worse?

    anderson silva or joe theisman

    bq- how do you think your team will do in the playoffs? for those whos team is on the couch, like mine, who do you think your team will draft?

    3 AnswersFootball (American)7 years ago
  • wow... lost to all 3 teams in the last 3 years of win or go home games?

    are you kidding me? if youre a head coach of any nfl team, if you lose all 3 do or die games to different division rivals, you need to go. and i already said he needed to leave before hand, but this is ridiculous. granted it wasnt his fault entirely in that kyle orton threw it behind, but again, why the sh*t are we in that position to begin with when you blew god knows how many leads in epic fashion... anyways, congrats eagles fans and good luck in the playoffs!!!

    6 AnswersFootball (American)7 years ago
  • anyone have any ideas where to move after college?

    im currently a junior in college. im also going to apply to grad school for business straight after, but just in case i dont, im trying to think of places i should move to after college. im from a small town in new jersey (madison) and im looking to find a small town thats hopefully somewhat similar to mine, but cheaper. i just cant tkae the cold so im trying to go south, but im thinking about going west because i like exploring and i think there are more opportunities than on the east coast. here are a few states im considering:

    -houston, texas (2 of my cousins live there so i'll at least know someone. but i dont want to live in the city)

    -north carolina (thats where im going to school now and thinking about wilmington)

    -south carolina (i like the charleston area and am up for anywhere similar in the state)

    -savannah, georgia (i love the area, but im thinking about its suburbs)

    -florida (im thinking the tampa area or somewhere in south florida. ive also heard cape coral was nice)

    -arizona/nevada (im fine with dry heat (vs humidity). if anyone has any suggestions, im game)

    -other (if anyone has any good locations, im in)

    if anyone has any information on good places to live in these states, or ones i forgot about, that would be great. THANKS TO ALL THAT ANSWER!!!!

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • why the sh*t was he ruled down?

    and either way, why didnt andy challenge?

    and also, what the sh*t happened to the coverage in the packers game? why did the corner settle and let the receiver run past him?

    3 AnswersFootball (American)7 years ago
  • is florida a good place to move to after college?

    im not sure if im going to grad school straight out of college, but my parents think i should try (im a junior). but regardless, im starting to think of where i should try and find work (im a business major). and right now, im thinking florida because i like the weather (im from the northeast and i dont do snow). i go to school in north carolina and staying in the state is a possibility (i can see myself going to wilmington), but would perfer the warmer weather of florida. but, i want something relatively cheap after college and with a relatively good economy. after a few years working, hopefully i can buy a house near the beach. its not necessary; i just always liked the idea of driving my own boat and i like being laid back. does anyone know a good place in florida would be good for me? preferably outside any major city (im from a small town and dont like living in big cities).

    also, does anyone know how it is out west? im thinking about moving somewhere arizona or nevada (i just feel like i could fit there). if not, im thinking somewhere in texas because i have cousins in houston at least

    sorry for some generic information, but im just trying to plan out so i dont try to go to a place where i cant find a job and basically f*ck myself over, you know? THANKS TO ALL THAT ANSWER!!!!

  • is florida a good place to move to after college?

    im not sure if im going to grad school straight out of college, but my parents think i should try (im a junior). but regardless, im starting to think of where i should try and find work (im a business major). and right now, im thinking florida because i like the weather (im from the northeast and i dont do snow). i go to school in north carolina and staying in the state is a possibility (i can see myself going to wilmington), but would perfer the warmer weather of florida. but, i want something relatively cheap after college and with a relatively good economy. after a few years working, hopefully i can buy a house near the beach. its not necessary; i just always liked the idea of driving my own boat and i like being laid back. does anyone know a good place in florida would be good for me? preferably outside any major city (im from a small town and dont like living in big cities).

    also, does anyone know how it is out west? im thinking about moving somewhere arizona or nevada (i just feel like i could fit there). if not, im thinking somewhere in texas because i have cousins in houston at least

    sorry for some generic information, but im just trying to plan out so i dont try to go to a place where i cant find a job and basically f*ck myself over, you know? THANKS TO ALL THAT ANSWER!!!!

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate7 years ago