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John SB

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  • international Flight change.?

    I'm flying international in the next few months and I need to make a flight date change. I got my itinerary at and my first flight is jet blue and then Korean air. Who do I contact to get a new ticket?

    1 AnswerAir Travel6 years ago
  • Have a first date tonight, but......?

    I have a first date tonight with someone I met a little over a week ago. Im driving close to 2 hours to where she lives and we plan on just hanging out, getting lunch, and getting to know each other better. Ive been talking to her ever since ive met her and I would say we are pretty into each other. But since Im going to where she is I asked her what is there to do where she is. She suggested get food and well just see where the day takes us. She then continued to say a bunch of people were going out tonight for her friends 21st b-day and we can go if we wanted too. No big deal I know I just wish she would have told me this earlier before throwing you might meet all my friends on the first date at me you know? Should I go or what do you guys think? Because lets not kid ourselves, going out with a bunch of people you've never met is really awkward sometimes.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How do you prevent a date from going awkward?

    Im going out with a girl tonight probably dinner and bowling nothing major. I called her earlier today to verify where and when i should pick her up. She didnt remember my number but she remember my voice thankfully haha. She didnt sound very enthusiastic or upbeat, kind of like she was just agreeing to go and I ended the phone call with when Id pick her up. I just have a feeling this may go awkward and I need some advice on how to possibly counter act that if it happens in the middle of the date.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • She texts first a lot, but when I reply I get cold turkey from her?

    First off I hate texting and I am in no way needy of this girl I'm just curious but texting is our only way of communication since we are both at work. She texts me good morning nearly every morning and we talk throughout the work day having pretty good convos learning about each other. By early evening she cuts off to have dinner and then would text me again between 930-1030. Ill respond 20 min or so later and I don't hear from her again. Then she wakes me up in the morning with a "good morning:)" why do girls text you with no intention of getting back at all?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does she want me to call her?

    Talking to this girl and I haven't called her in about three days but we text in between but we always have great conversations. She texted me first for the first time today and she hasent responded. I then accidently sent an old text to her about calling and she resopnedresopneded immediatly telling me she never hung up with a smile face. I told her it was an accident, she said gotcha and is now not getting back again?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How do I keep her interested?

    I met her this past weekend at a family friends party, hit it off really well, spent Saturday and Sunday night together, and even got really intimate with each other. Shes going to be away for next 2 weeks or so and so am I actually, but I really want to keep that flame going because Im really interested. I called her last night and left her a voice mail, and she called me back about an hour later and had a really fun talk because we laughed a lot. We have a date planned for when we both get back but until then I want to keep pursuing her without over doing it with texts or phone calls. So how should I maintain her interest through only phone for now?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is she bull**iting me?

    I met this woman 2 weeks at a cool local bar and we talk for about the last half the night. I was attracted to her and she was really attracted to me from what my friend tells me because he was right there basically in on the conversation watching us, and he told me from what he saw she was really into me. At the end of night I ask her for her number before she leaves and she agrees very quickly, stating that she been waiting for me to ask her for her number that entire time. About two days later i get a hold her and we are on and off with comm. throughout the week not trying to be too clingy you know? About 4 days ago I tell her we should hangout soon and she said "we definitely should!" then she tells me she has a hectic week/weekend and she will "keep me posted" I told her i was going to be gone from the 14 of june until the end of the month just to give her a heads up and i havent heard a word from her since. She lives in Cape cod and I live in RI so its a little under 2 hours distance, But she goes to URI here in RI for school.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I just ask her on a date regardless if....?

    Hey people I need some suggestions. Im 22 and i met this woman a few days ago, we hit it off and she gave me her number. For the past couple days weve been talking and I called her for the first time last night and she just seems really cool and Im pretty interested in getting to know her more. Plus I think shes pretty interested in me as well. But I met her while she was spending the weekend in RI where I live and shes from Cape Cod about 2 hours away, but she does go to school here during the fall. Well anyway she said she would have loved if I took her a date if she were here longer and she thinks shell be back soon, but does not know when that will be. I dont want to risk her just drifting off so I want to call her today and just be straight up and ask her on date if shes free in the next week or so. I just dont think waiting is a good idea you know? what do you guys think.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • should I take her call or not.?

    Lets just say my girlfriend has been shallow to to me lately. It seems she never really looks thoroughly at what thoughtful things I do do for her its always about what Im not doing. Shes been throwing around if I really cared about our relationship I would be doing this or should be doing that. I feel like I have to walk on egg shells a lot of time. I feel like its becoming emotionally unstable. I told her yesturday I have had enough and gave her the memo our relationship is hanging on a string if thing dont change and she agreed. But that same night she wanted me to get out of bed at close to one in the morning and come over to her house. I said we could hangout tomorrow and she got all pissed and said I should be there to understand hows shes feeling or f*** off. I hung up on her and havent said a word to her since. Shes now calling and said sorry for last night but honeslty Im hurt.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I end it with my gf?

    Ok i I'm going to start off by saying before i thought my GF was wonderful and I love her very much. But she kind of making it seem like her needs and wants surpass mine and I feel like I'm made into the bad guy in every situation. She seems to always focus on what I'm not or what I'm not doing at the time. I'm am soooo good and try to be the best boyfriend I can possibly be for her but just feel like all that I do just gets over looked and focused on what im lacking. When get in fights she tells me to leave her house over and over again and when I finally make it homes she's pissed that I left!!! Their like mind games I feel. I put my foot down over and over again but I feel she just never gets what I'm saying to her. Tonight she was at party got tipsy and told me to come get her at midnight. I was mad because she should have planned before hand, and asked if there was a friend that could drive her. We got into a huge fight the night before and she was not sure if everything was ok because she threw and empty brake up at me last night and said if everything was ok you would have come and gotten me and drove me back even though she had sober friends she still I should have drove over two towns o get her. She called me again saying if I understood how she was feeling I SHOULD be there no if ands or buts, and told me to **** off I didn't. Ummmm is this nuts or what?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is my girlfriends being a huge hypocrite?

    So I was out to lunch with my girlfriend last week and while eating she told me that her and her friend were probably going to hang out with one her old guy friends. I was going to be gone that weekend and I was cool with it, but what bugs me is that if I came out said to her that me and friend were going to hangout with and old female of mine she would not like one bit and she even admitted that. So I said its ok for you to hangout with old friends and not me? Then I said very sarcastically that I would do the same thing sometime and she got defensive and mad even though I was clearly teasing. This is coming from a girl that goes to parties and blackout dances and stuff regardless if I'm there or not, and usually gets hit on and tells me she got hit on when I really dont care to hear. But Sunday night I went over to her house to hang with her and her gf and at like 1030 this guy randomly shows up to see my gf and her friend. I was very polite, but it put me in a sour mood on the inside because I know if it were vice versa my gf wouldnt even stick around. She barley talked to me cause she said I was being "mean" toward her when and chatted it up with him more than me. Ive been willing to meet all her friends guy or girl and have already met and hungout with 3 of her guy friends. She would be unwilling to meet any of my former female friends if she had the chance. I talked to her today and told her basically what I said here and she called me crazy for the way I feel.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • gf's photo album of ex's, confront her or not?

    Ok so this morning I was at my girlfriends house and she was at a tennis practice and I was going to pick her up shortly. I managed to stumble upon some photo albums and of course curiosity got the best of me and looked through some. Most of them were pictures of her and her mom when she was little and birthday parties which were fun to look at. The last one I came across turned out to be an entire album of her with boyfriends, guys friends, a couple pics with shirtless models, and even a guy she was talking to and went on couple dates with while seeing me (not officially dating yet). They were very juvenile pics so it didnt really bother me but I feel its unnecessary to have reminders of these guys when were in a serious relationship you know? She asked me to get rid of pics with my ex's or girls if I came across them and I said I would and have. But return I want the same thing so its fair.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is this worth getting mad over?

    My GF came across a comment I made on a gag wed site of Ema Watson making fun of the amount of peach fuzz she had on her upper lip saying was like facial hair and I commented to be funny "don't care would still bang" and she's pissed about it saying that it is repulsive and this and that. What do I do? She's not even returning my texts now and frankly I just think this a waste of energy. Ive seen her drool to actors in front of me and I don't it's like shell ever date them. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Liberal logic please explain?

    Libs get so mad at bush for allowing water boarding to get information from terrorist, but are now so quiet when while Obama has been killing Americans in other countries with drones because he has a hunch they are terrorists. All doing that without even going through his own cabinet but through executive order. Explain why that's acceptable but water boarding isn't.

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Answer this question for me about abortion please?

    JUST OPINIONS, NO SMARTASS REMARKS.....So why is it that liberals are in favor for killing an unborn baby, but are are not in favor of putting a murderer to death? Do they honestly think a murderer deserves life more than an unborn child? Whats the logical thinking behind this honestly?...Im in favor for abortion only if it rape, incest, or threatens life so dont bring that up.

    15 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Can girls fake having gay friends?

    My gf has this "gay" friend named ben, she got off the phone with him not to long ago because they have plans tonight and she just suddenly started acting weird don't really know how to explain this. But my really question is do girls sometimes call their guy "friends" gay to cover something up?

    6 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Sports sites that focus on college events?

    Can someone give me a list of sports sites that interact with colleges and their events as well?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • question about a project?

    I was assigned a project topic in me law enforcement class for "criminal law on the water" what does this topic entitle exactly?

    5 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Severe lower abdominal pain?

    Im with my girlfriend right and she seems to have hurt a muscle(s) in her lower abdomen. She did this during tennis tryouts. But she is almost in tears because she can't lay down without it hurting most and the pain shoot from across her entire lower andoen not just one area. Please can anyone tell us what's happening?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago