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Should I tell his girlfriend what he did?
There's this guy that messed up with my heart many times (even when I had a relationship). He seemed the perfect guy and kept telling me that he didn't even dream of me because "I was way too amazing for him". Whenever I put my faith in him he disappointed me big time and said he didn't want anything from me and that I got it all wrong.
He has a girlfriend for 3 years, she knows that he tried something with me while they were together. She is very nice and I'm sorry for her. They just broke up but she is willing to take him back. But I just found out a lot of crap that he's done in the past months and I feel like I should tell her so she doesn't get punched in the heart like I did. Should I?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoHe doesn't like me anymore?
I'm a 19yr old girl and I met a guy a month ago. We practically glanced at each other for hours and finally he came to say something to me without asking my name. We were from different cities and that night he had to go home. He practically came two more times to the same place looking for me, then asked around ab my name and finally found me on facebook. From what he said he hoped that we would be able to meet again and then got sad that I have to go abroad to uni. He asked me to come with him next summer in a camp, said that he likes talking to me and while we were talking he simply left me hanging for hours and then days! Without even saying goodbye! And he's online a few hours a day!.. Should I say something to him? I think it was a bit disrespectful what he did :(
2 AnswersFriends9 years agoWhy did this guy change his attitude?
I (girl, 19yrs) was volunteering in a summer camp and one day we had a large group that came just for a one-day stay. I was helping around serving them lunch when I saw the most stunning cute looking guy from the group. He looked insistently at me all day long. My friends started making jokes on us already. At the end of the day he walked to me and asked me how long have I been there and if I'm staying any longer. I told him they should come another day and he said he would try. I had no idea what his name was, nor did he know mine. A few days later he added me on Facebook. But he didn't talk at all, so I said hi and asked him of they went back to the camp another day after I left and he said he went two more times (probably thinking that I would be there). He said that he didnt know my name but he managed to find me. He said that he is stunned that we didn't see each other before because we are from the same town. Then he said that sadly he will not be able to see me anymore because I am leaving for college in another country. Also he invited me next summer to go camping with him and his friends. Then he asked me "and how was it for a city girl like you to come in the mountains?" I answered casually and after that ~5 days HE DID NOT SAY A WORD. Why so? He didn't even say good night to end that conversation, just left me hanging! And the night before, he said "as much as I like talking to you, I have to go to bed cause I'm working early tomorrow" .. So he does like talking to me or not? I just don't get it
Singles & Dating9 years agoDo you think that art and culture are freeing and purifying?
3 AnswersPhilosophy9 years agoIs culture an essential characteristic of human beings? why?
3 AnswersSociology9 years agoIs culture an essential characteristic of human beings? why?
1 AnswerPhilosophy9 years agoShould I be nice to her after what she did? (REALLYshort!)?
I talked to a guy that gets along well with my boyfriend and told him to bring his gf and hang out with us..his gf got all jealous and said NO and that he shouldn't talk to me anymore. now my bf and this guy talked and set up a double date. how should I behave around her? last time we met accidentally and she was nice to me.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoHow should I treat her after what she said? (really short!)?
I talked to a guy that gets along well with my boyfriend and told him to bring his gf and hang out with us..his gf got all jealous and said NO and that he shouldn't talk to me anymore. now my bf and this guy talked and set up a double date. how should I behave around her? last time we met accidentally and she was nice to me.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoShould I be nice to her after what she did? (short!)?
I am a girl and I have a boyfriend T. I know this other guy B. for a long time cause I was friends with his sister but we never really talked. B told me that he wants to be friends with T cause he seems like such a good guy. I thought it was a good idea and I told B to ask his girlfriend so we could all hang out. He asked her and she said NO, and that it's not okay that he speaks to me because neither of us is single (but we were just discussing random facts! and he was the one who always started the conversations with me) and she got all jealous. I then told B to forget it. But then we accidentally met and she was so nice to me.. and now B and T are good friends and they have just set up a double date for tomorrow. T said I have to go and that she was probably just afraid that I was trying to steal her boyfriend because I am more beautiful than her (but she is really cute too). so how should I behave around her?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoI have no idea, what does he want from me?
i am in a relationship but this other guy keeps texting and calling me day and night , he is very friendly, usually comes wherever i am going when i tell him but he is the type of guy that stays all day long in restaurants and goes at parties and knows a lot of important people and has rich friends with expensive cars and i feel like i dont belong to his world. he keeps saying that he appreciates me for who i am and opens up to me but rarely compliments me and when he does he is really really subtle. today he picked me up and in the car there were another guy and a girl (good fr of mine) and she was dressed with a really short skirt and high heels and wore red lipstick (she is a model) while i had UGGs and a grey coat. i felt horrible cause the girl just kept flirting with him and he was talking to her a lot. i left home as fast as i could and thinking never to go out with them again, but he already called me 2 or 3 times and texted me about 5 times. so is it that he realizes that i am different and he wants to change too? or does he have no reason?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoDoes he like me? Mixed signs....?
We met in a camp and stood 2hours and just talked in the night
I have a bf and he is friendly to him
he keeps offering to fix my phone whenever it gets damaged (that's his job) and doesn't really take my money
texts me all the time, asks me to go out (in groups)
today we met in a caffe to give him my phone to fix it and he paid my tea too and I caught him once looking at me and once smiling and looking me in the eyes but the rest of the time he didn't seem excited, he was bored
he once said he had to go in the same direction as my home and we took a long walk together
he told me about a girl we saw that she was pretty
he once complimented me for my facial features by saying that I got them from my parents which both look really good
does he like me or just being friendly? I don't want him to cuz I have a boyfriend whom I really love
2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoDoes he like me? (mixed signs)?
We met in a camp and stood 2hours and just talked in the night
I have a bf and he is friendly to him
he keeps offering to fix my phone whenever it gets damaged (that's his job) and doesn't really take my money
texts me all the time, asks me to go out (in groups)
today we met in a caffe to give him my phone to fix it and he paid my tea too and I caught him once looking at me and once smiling and looking me in the eyes but the rest of the time he didn't seem excited, he was bored
he once said he had to go in the same direction as my home and we took a long walk together
he told me about a girl we saw that she was pretty
he once complimented me for my facial features by saying that I got them from my parents which both look really good
does he like me or just being friendly? I don't want him to cuz I have a boyfriend whom I really love
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agoDoes she like my boyfriend? Should I worry?
She is always smiling, looking at him and joking. He returns her jokes and he told me that he feels some kind of affection for her because she is so much like his sister, a tomboy and they also look alike. She gets nervous when he is around. For her bday we went to a restaurant and they sat next to each other. She used to act nicely to me but now she's rejecting me as a friend and doesn't talk too nice to me.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoCan you help me with a fast easy diet?
Is there any fast diet that will not make you feel anemic all day long? can you tell me some recipe? for 25-30 pounds
(my weight: 130, height 5'4'', 18yrs old)
if I do such a diet+ running in the evening how long do you think it will take?
19 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years agoWhat would Blair Waldorf do...?
if she gained a few pounds...
a. panic, scream, eat chocolate
b. do not eat anything until she gets to ideal weight. feeling depressed
c. follow a diet
d. other.?
1 AnswerMovies10 years agoHow to make this guy feel bad about what he's done (really short story)?
We liked each other and now he has a gf (for 2 years). We talked 1 month ago and he said he wishes he would've been with me cuz he knows he'd be much happier. I didn't want him back cuz I have a boyfriend now. He kept asking me out. His gf found our conversations and kinda forbid him to talk to me, and erased me from her facebook friends. now he erased me too. (isn't that childish? we've been friends for 4 yrs!) it's his bday today and I want to text him something to make him feel bad ab what he's done. ANY IDEAS? at my bday in april he came kinda uninvited but still I was nice to him.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoThis girl hates me because her boyfriend likes me (short, opinion pls!)?
me and V. talked about 1 year and liked each other a lot. I decided to end it cuz he seemed to like this girl S. more. (he was undecided and I didn't like that). Right now (after 2yrs) he told me that he chose her because I was too good for him and he said that he regrets being with her instead of me and he knows that he would have been a lot happier with me. He kept asking me out (I said no cuz I have a boyfr). He also said that she started their relationship without even asking him and that he's kinda' sick of it, and other bad things about her. then S. got on his account and saw our conversation and broke up with him. they were back together in a few days.
2 questions:
-how come that she is such a fool to be with him again after she saw what he still feels ab me?
-she erased me from her facebook friends. isn't that low? It's like a "i hate you" in the face, not subtle at all, haha.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago