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Lv 31,958 points

Kim S

Favorite Answers22%
  • Induction and birth without pain meds?

    I really wanted a natural birth with our first baby but that options seems to be fading fast as I am 41 weeks and she does not seem ready to come. At 40 weeks I was dilated 1.5cm and 70% effaced and now at 41 weeks still dilated 1.5cm and 75% effaced. No real symptoms of labor showing. I had to schedule an induction for next Friday which was as late as my doctor would allow as I will be 42 weeks on Sat. I know with an induction the contractions usually come on hard and fast and are more painful. I was wondering who had an induction and did not use pain medication? I wanted to do most of my laboring at home but if she does not come by Friday I will be unable to. Any advice/stories would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Confused....had 1st ultrasound and baby measured?

    at 8 weeks 3 days(ish). Using dating from my LMP, I was technically 10 weeks at the time. That was fine b/c I knew I ovulated late. But my question is how do I judge how far along I am as far as weeks pregnant? FF says I am 9 weeks and 2 days pregnant (with fetal age of 7 weeks) based on due date. Do I just count weeks backward from the due date (01/3010)? Sorry if this is silly....first timer what can I say? Thank you.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am joining the ranks of BFPs!?

    Ladies....I got my positive today!! I just wanted to share some detail to give others hope and info especially since I've seen quite a few concerns about age and also the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor. I'm 34 and this will be my second pregnancy. I miscarried in Jan. I also got pregnant in Jan right away when we stopped protecting. This is my second month using the monitor however we were not able to have sex during my fertile time last month bc my husband was away. So again we got pregnant on our first try using the monitor. I'm saying this not to make people feel bad about trying but to let those ladies (especially those of us not in our 20's anymore) know that it doesnt always take us "older" ladies a long time. Also, letting people know who have asked about the monitor and how soon others got pregnant with it...I technically got pregnant the first try (since we missed the first month) and I charted BBT. I am really hoping that this time around everything is fine and I carry to term. But if not, I am sure I will again enjoy all of your support the next time around.

    Since I have to ask a question....for ladies who have miscarried and gotten pregnant again did your husbands hope you didnt get too excited b/c they were worried you would be hurt again?

    Good luck to everybody and enjoy your TCC journey.

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How do you ladies deal with allergies when TCC?

    Hi ladies, I have terrible allergies and my doctor told me there were no conclusive studies that show Claritin is a problem when TTC but I am being overly cautious since I had a miscarriage in Feb. Does anybody know any natural ways to deal with allergies? My friend suggested local honey and I am trying this but not sure it will work. How are others dealing with allergies when TTC? Thank you!

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Period after miscarriage?

    I had a miscarriage last week (first pregnancy) and was wondering when my period might start again. Anybody who has experience with this I would appreciate hearing how long it took for your period to return. Thank you.

    16 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago