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  • If somebody told you this, what would be your reaction?

    If you were told this what would be your reaction!? This is a girl and guy type situation, a girl told a guy this and all she got back in return was " ******* Adorable ;D....I love you so much." In fact, she is always complementing the guy, telling the guy how much she cares for him and all. When all she ever gets back is the common "I love you." To me it sounded like the girl kinda poured her heart out, and didn't get anything at all in return. No this did not happen to me, but just curious, how would you react to this? Below is what was said.

    You don't know how much I love you, I know I say that alot, but it's kinda funny how I can say that in such a short time of our knowings. You don't know how lucky I am to know you. You don't know how glad I am to know you. I would've texted you right at 12 or so but my phone was dead, but your the first person I facebooked this year. ;D I can't even begin to tell you, to describe to you, how much I care for you. I can't describe to you how much you mean to me, I don't see how I lived before I knew you. It's funny in a way, your always on my mind. I love everything about you, every simple, small thing. I mean every word of this. I love you so much, your my world. :) Happy New Year, by the way.

    4 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Do you feel this way about someone? or is it just him?

    Okay so, this question is referring to Grenade by Bruno Mars. So, would any of you ever catch a grenade for anyone? Would you take a bullet in your brain for them? Would you die for them? WOULD YOU jump infront of a train for them? Personally, I have mixed feelings about these lyrics. Part of me says what do these lyrics have to do with loving someone? Why would you die for them? Wouldn't you rather be with them? And of course I know it's just to show the intensity of how he feels for this girl, but still. And of course the other half just says wow Bruno, and I thought your last song was sweet. << Thats for the ones who have not heard it yet.

    4 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Can you help me with this?

    So I have 3 essays to write this week all do VERY SOON. I've already researched the other 2 and all I have to do it just type those. Well anyway I was wondering if you could help me out. I have a Civics essay to write due Friday. The reason why I haven't researched it sooner was because I don't understand the whole issue with Democrats and Republicans and the issues of the Tea Party movement. I've searched google, and still don't. I guess I'm just asking for you to put whats going on and opinions and issues in a simpler way.

    Heres what must be in our essay: [it also must be a whole page in length]

    *1 What issues are important in the upcoming election?

    I have Jobs and the improvement of our economy.

    *2 What political party currently controls the gov?

    I have Democrats.

    *3 What position do the Democrats and Republicans take on the Tea Party issue? [The one I had trouble with]

    4 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Can you solve this fun riddle?

    Heres a few hints/clues of what the answer is---

    * Most people have one [unless homeless]

    * We customize and decorate it

    * We spend alot of time on it

    * Your going to use it today...if not tonight

    * There are all different kinds and brands and some are expensive.


    12 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • If you cut this out of.....?

    If you cut bread and soda [COMPLETELY] out of your diet... how much weight would you or could you possibly end up loosing? Could you lose any at all? And how long would it take for the results to show?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What is this? What does this mean?

    Okay so I know everyone gets tired of the does he like me or any of that sort related questions, I also know that no one likes to answer those type of questions. But if you answer this one, I would heavily appreciate it.

    Okay so...this might turn out long I don't know. I'm just confused and I guess I'm just looking for answers.

    So I've been liking this guy since I was in the 7th grade [now in 9th].[He's in 10th] He used to like me in 7th grade too, but we never went out. Well he didn't not once like me in 8th. And this year in 9th grade I've tried forgetting about him. But I think he likes me. He stares at me on the bus, he looks out of the corner of his eye just to see me and sometimes I catch him making this cute lil face that he makes when he's concentrating at me. I caught him doing that look at me yesterday, and he didn't look away. I stared back and it was like that for about 30 seconds. Today on the bus this morning he tried sitting next to me even though the bus driver told him to get to the VERY back. He looked at her like she was stupid and even called her stupid. That was somewhat like him [only when he's in bad moods] but... I was surprised he did that. Well anyway all this week I've thought about him non stop. To be honest I'm torn, half of me thinks that he's just playing a game with me, with my heart [because last year I told him I liked him and he said he had a girlfriend when I know he didn't and 2 weeks ago before he started staring at me I got one of his friends to ask if he liked me, and he said no that he doesn't that once again he has a girlfriend& which I was very upset about he started this week staring at me] and that half is also telling me not to start liking him again. To just forget about him. The other half just wants to run up to him and stare into his hazel eyes. My question is, what do you think? Does he like me...or not? And why do you think I'm feeling this way?

    This is my 3rd time posting this, and *sigh* sadly no one has really even answered.

    3 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • What is this? What does this mean?

    Okay so I know everyone gets tired of the does he like me or any of that sort related questions, I also know that no one likes to answer those type of questions. But if you answer this one, I would heavily appreciate it.

    Okay so...this might turn out long I don't know. I'm just confused and I guess I'm just looking for answers.

    So I've been liking this guy since I was in the 7th grade [now in 9th].[He's in 10th] He used to like me in 7th grade too, but we never went out. Well he didn't not once like me in 8th. And this year in 9th grade I've tried forgetting about him. But I think he likes me. He stares at me on the bus, he looks out of the corner of his eye just to see me and sometimes I catch him making this cute lil face that he makes when he's concentrating at me. I caught him doing that look at me yesterday, and he didn't look away. I stared back and it was like that for about 30 seconds. Today on the bus this morning he tried sitting next to me even though the bus driver told him to get to the VERY back. He looked at her like she was stupid and even called her stupid. That was somewhat like him [only when he's in bad moods] but... I was surprised he did that. Well anyway all this week I've thought about him non stop. To be honest I'm torn, half of me thinks that he's just playing a game with me, with my heart [because last year I told him I liked him and he said he had a girlfriend when I know he didn't and 2 weeks ago before he started staring at me I got one of his friends to ask if he liked me, and he said no that he doesn't that once again he has a girlfriend& which I was very upset about he started this week staring at me] and that half is also telling me not to start liking him again. To just forget about him. The other half just wants to run up to him and stare into his hazel eyes. My question is, what do you think? Does he like me...or not? And why do you think I'm feeling this way?

    1 AnswerAdolescent1 decade ago
  • What is this? What does this mean?

    Okay so I know everyone gets tired of the does he like me or any of that sort related questions, I also know that no one likes to answer those type of questions. But if you answer this one, I would heavily appreciate it.

    Okay so...this might turn out long I don't know. I'm just confused and I guess I'm just looking for answers.

    So I've been liking this guy since I was in the 7th grade [now in 9th].[He's in 10th] He used to like me in 7th grade too, but we never went out. Well he didn't not once like me in 8th. And this year in 9th grade I've tried forgetting about him. But I think he likes me. He stares at me on the bus, he looks out of the corner of his eye just to see me and sometimes I catch him making this cute lil face that he makes when he's concentrating at me. I caught him doing that look at me yesterday, and he didn't look away. I stared back and it was like that for about 30 seconds. Today on the bus this morning he tried sitting next to me even though the bus driver told him to get to the VERY back. He looked at her like she was stupid and even called her stupid. That was somewhat like him [only when he's in bad moods] but... I was surprised he did that. Well anyway all this week I've thought about him non stop. To be honest I'm torn, half of me thinks that he's just playing a game with me, with my heart [because last year I told him I liked him and he said he had a girlfriend when I know he didn't and 2 weeks ago before he started staring at me I got one of his friends to ask if he liked me, and he said no that he doesn't that once again he has a girlfriend& which I was very upset about he started this week staring at me] and that half is also telling me not to start liking him again. To just forget about him. The other half just wants to run up to him and stare into his hazel eyes. My question is, what do you think? Does he like me...or not? And why do you think I'm feeling this way?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What are some cute simple hairstyles?

    For short hair, and for school. I have about..maybe... 15 -20 minutes to work on my hair [yea I know not alot but I get up at 5AM}

    Uhm Lol.. Okay so right now I'm doing the poof..hairstyle..and I straighten the remaining part of what's not in the poof. I can NOT curl my hair!! I've tried..and...I'm not that..great at it. I have baby thin hair. My hair color is mainly light/dark brown hair with blond.

    Any help at all would be great. Thanks ;D

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Is this too much to do or is it okay?

    Well, I ask this because I want to know if {see listed reasons below} is too much.[Or am I just being whiny?] Whenever my friends ask if I can go over to their houses the movies with them I have to turn them down because I'm either {see listed reasons below}. Sometimes I think it's WAY to much because I'm only 14, and in my opinion teenagers shouldn't have to do ALL this. I get $15 dollars allowance [which I just started YESTERDAY -Thursday{9-16} and I'm PROUD of that $15. I've been doing this since my 8th grade year {I'm in 9th now}] Well anyway, just leave me your opinion. Thanks in advance ;] No lie.. I----

    clean my room [of course every teen should do this but in my room I dust vacuum and reorganize my closet}

    wash my own clothes and some of my brothers clothes {my brother is 21} I also wash some of my moms {her jeans..shirts} and some towels and wash rags

    Vacuum my room the living room foyer and my moms room and the hall way

    Sweep the bathrooms (2) and kitchen and sometimes foyer and porch <<{every 3 weeks}

    dust the living room kitchen my moms room foyer

    mop kitchen foyer and bathrooms

    I do the dishes {every day of the week}

    I wash windows and mirrors

    I wash out the tub/ shower

    clean the toilet {scrub it}

    sanitize the counter tops in the bathrooms and kitchen

    clean out the sinks in bathrooms and kitchen

    dust off the fans

    keep the cob web out

    and to top this off I'm in all honor classes so when I come home from school I have A TON of homework no matter what day and I'm usually very tired. Oh! And I do this on the weekends so I don't get to relax D';

    3 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • What Do you think of these baby names?

    I'm not pregnant...or don't plan to be..anytime soon but I was just wondering what people think of these names. Basically all I'm asking for is..rate the following names... scale of 1-10...[10 being the best 1 being the worst] and tell me why or why not you like or don't like the following names. ;D Thanks.

    Madelynn [NOT Maddison..I hate the name Maddison]

    Paige... I personally think it would go well with Madelynn






    And.. here are my combos- [you can match and mix them if you like.. suggestions would be nice too]

    Evan Liam

    Jude Liam

    Haddison---idk the middle name

    Addison Paige

    Madelynn Paige

    Oh and you don't have to give a big long paragraph on anything..a few sentences would be nice enough.

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago