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  • I want to fire my attorney in the middle of probate? Is this wise?

    My attorney has consistently "misspoken" on many of the questions I ask her (creditor deadlines, court dates, etc), and I have the emails to prove it. He contract states she was supposed to send me an itemized bill every 30 days and she hasn't. Her contract also states she would bill in 6 minute increments and she is now saying she is billing in 7 minute increments. I am sick of it! She has been paid $3000 already and advised her rate was $150/hr. Once those hours are depleted, that would be 20 hours right? She states she will need $500 increments, etc. She comes out of blue at the end of the 120 days for creditors to make a claim on the estate, and says she wants to request reductions and she would take 40% of the savings to the estate. I said no thanks. She then says "Well, I will charge you a flat fee of $2500 to dispute creditors claims". I said no thank you. Now she is trying to say the money is owed because she has depleted the $3000 etc. I said send me a bill, she did and it was so off it's not even funny (87 emails @ 6 minutes per email is about 10 hours right? She said it was 17.4 hours! She can't even multiply!)

    So now I am at the end of my rope, I want to fire her so bad (there are soooo many other issues) but the probate process is almost over. I have calculated that I owe her about $700 for past work from her very LATE itemized statement. She has agreed to this amount. If I fire her, do I HAVE to hire a new attorney to represent me in probate court? Do the creditors that have made claims HAVE to show up? If they don't show up, will their claim be dismissed? I am in Tennessee, by the way. Can I finish this probate out myself? If so, how do I find out court dates and such? Help!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Estate probate - Do creditors who file a claim against the estate have to show with attorney representation?

    My friend is dealing with her parent's estate in probate court. There are about 3 weeks left before the 4 month time period ends for creditors to file a claim against the estate. Out of about 17 creditors, about 5 have filed a claim. Of those 5, about 2 have been trying to call her and they have sent her letters asking if she wants to pay lower than what is owed, I guess so they (the creditor) won't have to come to court.

    Does this mean they (the creditors) really don't want to come to court because they more than likely will be paying their attorney more than what is owed?

    Do they HAVE to have a attorney representation if they decide to come to court?

    If they don't show, will that mean the debt is thrown out?

    Thanks guys

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Y&R...I'm late, I know...Okay, seriously...did Adam seriously swear on Hope's grave?

    That he didn't know where Sharon's baby was? I just watched that episode and he is still lying with a straight face. Wow. Everyone on Y&R has lied, cheated, stolen, or done something despicable but did this man seriously SWEAR on his mother's grave that he didn't know where Faith was? Tell me I didn't hear that.

    Adam: I delivered Ashley's baby and if she says I didn't she's lying.

    Sharon: Where is Faith?

    Adam: I don't know. I swear on my mother's grave I don't know.

    I just want Adam to admit to something besides forging the diary and sleeping with Rafe to cover his a$$ (everyone figured those out before he had to admit it). It doesn't look like that will ever happen.

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R...If the writers do ANOTHER dna switch with Baby Faith, will this show stay on air?

    Yeah, I know. Y&R has been the number 1 show for 20 years, yadda, yadda, yadda...BUT have the true fans had enough? I know I have. I haven't watched in a few weeks and anything my DVR caught was erased. I have been keeping up via yahoo answers and internet messageboard summaries. I just can't sit through it anymore. The writers act like noone has been watching for the past year and yet, still no true resolve. Case in point:

    1) How many more times are Phyllis and Nick going to COMMIT themselves to each other? There was the cheating, the Summer incident and now her car wreck. What's next? Contrary to popular opinion, I'm sure there are an equal number of Shick and Phick fans, but not everyone wants Nick and Sharon back together. The writers act as if they HAVE to keep Nick and Phyllis together just so he won't run back to Sharon. Come on writers, make it interesting, leave Nick by his da*n self.

    2) The fans CLEARLY saw blind Adam yank Baby Faith out of Dr. T's arms and give her to Ashley. Why are the writers dragging this out? Maybe because Baby Faith's dna test (per this horrid writing) will show that she is NOT Sharon's baby. Then what happens? Do the writers think the fans are going to hang on until the REAL truth comes out by waiting another year + for it? Not this fan, sorry.

    3) In this day and age of canceled soaps, does Y&R think they have that much clout to keep churning out these bs storylines? Evidently they do. I guess they feel they can afford to lose some viewers.

    I guess I am just fed up. I know it's a soap, but it USED to be entertaining and fun to watch. It's too tedious for me nowadays. Anyone else?

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R...Adam if you love Sharon so much, why do you continue to lie about the baby?

    The more I hear him say it, the more I want to believe him...that he really does love Sharon. BUT, if he loves her like he claims he does, why does he CONTINUE to lie about the baby? Seriously, if by some crazy chance she took him back, and he NEVER told her about the baby and they went on to live happily ever after, how can he honestly say he loves her? Every time he starts crying, pleading and begging her to believe in him and to trust him, how can he just keep lying about her child? She has cried and begged to him (the same way he did with her) asking about the baby and he just keeps saying, "I don't know...It must have been Dr. Taylor...There is no baby...". I just don't get it.

    Is it that he is in denial? Does he honestly think that Ashley raising Faith is "better" for everyone when he is the one that drove Ashley to the edge? He didn't "love" Sharon before the baby switch, but now that he so called does, he can't tell her the truth?

    Any thoughts?

    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Whoo Hoo! The new Y&R promo is awesome!...but will it live up to its expectation?

    Yeah, yeah, I know, it's only 20 seconds but I love how they did it! Does anyone else think this is just more of a tease?

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R...So how many times is Sharon going to move?

    Sharon has bounced from the Abbott Mansion, to the GCAC, to the Abbott Mansion, back to the GCAC, to Brad's old home, to the Newman Ranch, back to the GCAC so many times in the last year that I have lost count. Now she's going to live with Ashley of all people. Will Sharon ever get a permanent residence? Lord knows she won't be able to stay with Ashley after Baby Faith is found out to be hers. Will Ashley leave the show (after she goes cuckoo over the baby) so that Brad's home will be back on the market and Sharon can strike back out on her own? It's just so confusing.

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R...Is Kevin going to go back in "Crazy Chipmunk" mode?

    I saw on yesterday's episode that Jana was forced to write him a letter saying she was leaving him. He still doesn't seem to believe the whole hotel room set-up or the letter but his face looks like he is about to lose it. I hope not, I really don't feel like going through another 6 months of Crazy Kevin and Amber/Bonnie and Clyde-ish stuff. Any thoughts?

    It's good to see that the Ashley/Sharon/Adam/Baby Faith storyline is finally coming to a head. I just hope it gets resolved and doesn't drag on for another year.

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R...So is Cane going to be deported because Christel Khalil is preggo IRL?

    I mean, the news around the net is that she is due in April. How do you think this storyline will play out while Christel is on maternity leave? It's really not much of a storyline anyway, but do you guys have any thoughts?

    9 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Ok Y&R Gurus, I need some updates and some insight...?

    So Jana's been kidnapped, she obviously recognized the "mother" of Ryder and Daisy...who is this mystery Mama? Could she be related to Jana? Is it not the big "Sheila" surprise that everyone thinks it is? If Ryder and Daisy are twins, Daisy is evidently lying about her age right? She's around 19 yrs old and Ryder was in Mac's bar drinking the night of the Halloween party wasn't he? He would have to be 21 and have been checked for i.d. right? I could be way off someone please correct me.

    Jt and Victoria...still fighting I see. Nikki...still not making regular appearances on the show. Sharon and Adam...still in farce "marital bliss". Phyllis...still being nosey. I see that Ashley has found the purple cloth and wants to test it. Nick and Phyllis say because it's been washed, it's probably not possible to find anything on it. Come writers, don't be stupid! Can we say DNA stays there FOREVER and Luminol can find any trace of blood?

    I saw Susan Walters on today! I was hoping it would be that "Diane Jenkins" coming back yay! I can't wait for Phyllis to see her. Someone correct me if I am wrong and it's actually Alex Donnelly coming back.

    LOL, I notice Jack calls Patty "my wife" and "Mrs. Abbott" a lot, as opposed to Emily. I guess she's cool with that, for now.


    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • OMG! How dumb is Sharon!!?? Y&R!!?

    Okay, I am sooo glad Ashley went off on Adam in front of her today! She finally had the conviction in her voice that I knew she was capable of. Sharon is officially STUPID. She keeps repeating that Adam is "nearly blind" to everyone, as if they don't know that, but that somehow makes him some kind of invalid that he could in NO WAY be capable of the things that multiple people are accusing him of.

    Sharon is going to be so sorry when she finds out what kind of man she is married to. I already feel sorry for her because she is trying so hard to convince everyone that she is happy, that Adam has changed and she is ridiculously happy with him, so much that she has dropped into complete denial.

    8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R...Will Phyllis become Adam's next victim?

    I mean, I don't think Phyllis could be anyone's victim but Adam is an evil little devil. Phyllis is exposing all kinds of bones in Adam's closet. Will Adam try to "get rid" of her like he did Dr. T.? Will he go that far?

    12 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R...Okay, so what's going to set Patty off?

    Diane Jenkins, Jack constantly referring to her as Emily, or Paul constantly blaming "her" for his sister's mental state. She loves Paulie, so how long will she be able to take the accusations before she says, "I'm not Emily, I am Patty!"

    She is obsessed with Jack, so with him constantly calling her Emily and being the love of his life and not being able to live without her, how long can she stomach that?

    Diane is coming to town! Need I say more?

    8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R's Jack Abbott...jail or Jabot?

    With Victor now owning Jabot, should Jack be thanking his lucky stars that Victor chooses to take his revenge out on him this way or by sending him to jail for conspiracy to frame him for murder? Victor told Jack that it wasn't over, especially after Jack ADMITTED to him that he helped Adam forge the diary. Nikki was right there as a witness when Jack admitted it so shouldn't Jack keep his head down for now instead of puffing up his chest to Victor? Victor seems to be holding all of the cards right now.

    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R back to...BORING.?

    Okay so I have missed the last few episodes and have been reading the updates as the days progress. Right when you think it's about to get good, it drops back into this "funk" of dragged out, ridiculous, vague, boring storylines all over again. What is the deal? It seems like the writers are reading messageboards and taking the most sarcastic scenarios and using them. The Patty/Emily saw that coming a mile away. Amber/Daniel/Kevin/Jana = (((snore))). Kay/Tucker = interesting but not enough airtime. Cane/Lily/Mac = sweet but definitely yawn-worthy. Neil/Malcolm brotherly anger = that drama lasted what, 5 minutes?

    It seems like the juiciest story is Adam/Sharon/Nick/Ashley but it's all they have as far as worth watching. From the looks of it, it's going to drag along for another 6 months AT LEAST. Ashley is not going to fight Victor for the ranch anymore so what happened to her obsession over the "purple cloth"? Is she not going to look for it anymore? Ashley WAS remembering but now she is going to forget about it? Sharon's "concussion" also made her develop temporary amnesia because she still hasn't remembered Adam writing the note that her baby was alive. Why do Ashley and Sharon mirror each other's pregnancy-induced, mental health/state, amnesia-prone brain activity?

    I am rambling guys...what are your thoughts? I understand the bad economy being a contributor to all of this...but does anyone think there is a method to the madness?

    4 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • I know this is a long shot, but what if Malcolm's fiance' is Tyra?

    Wouldn't THAT be interesting? The other day he said the relationship was "pretty new". Crazier things have happened.

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Will Victor...CAN the only one that can redeem Adam?

    Victor and Adam are working together to get Chancellor back, which is grasping at straws...Adam is the most hated man in GC...Ashley's mind is finally churning in regard to the Sabrina stuff during her pregnancy...Nick is even suspicious at his father's erratic behavior in attacking Adam.

    Is the storyline moving toward Adam...the man who framed his father for murder, caused his father's wife to miscarry, did anything he could to hurt his father...being exposed and his father being the only person that will vouch for him? Are Adam's secrets finally going to come out via Ashley, the only person who believed in him (even though we all knew the truth)? After this blow up, will Victor be the only one that will be able to convince everyone that there is a hint of good in Adam?

    I know it's reaching, and Adam has done some despicable things, as have most people in GC; however, everyone deserves a 2nd chance right? (or 3rd or 4th or 5th) Will TGVN be able to "save" Adam from a life of being the black sheep of GC? Can he convince all the people Adam has hurt, to forgive him, because everything Adam did was to hurt Victor? Similar to how Victor didn't "mean" to hurt Summer and Colleen, they were innocent bystanders in his rage toward Jack Abbott. An "every war has its casualties" type thing? If Adam doesn't go back on his word to get Chancellor back, Victor will be in his debt. Is that enough to cover the cost of all the lives he has affected? What are your thoughts?

    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R Viewers, so many unanswered questions...Will fans get their wish?

    IS Nikki really Kay's daughter, possibly Tucker's twin? Is that why she seems familiar with him? Twins have been known to "feel" each others emotions. She is neither denying or admitting that she knows anything, she is just making general statements like "it doesn't matter what those tests say", etc.

    It's clear that Jill is hard up and has no intention of stopping her relationship with Tucker. She hasn't had a real relationship since Ji Minh died so her heart is making the decisions right now. After she overheard Kay and Nikki talking last week and Kay saying how she wishes "by some miraculous twist of fate" that Nikki could have been her daughter, Jill is clearly hurt, which sent her running into Tucker's arms. I think Jill and Kay's rivalry is back on again, and Jill will choose Team Tucker.

    Jack and Victor are temporarily burying the hatchet to work together to bring down Tucker. I also see in previews that Jack has threatened Jeff and Gloria with jail time because of the Abbott lawsuit against Gloria. Will Gloria and Jeff be summoned by Jill to work for Tucker?

    This is the kind of drama I've been waiting for. The ridiculous storylines of baby switching by blind men, demented, "woe is me" attitudes of spoiled children who will do ANYTHING to get revenge, Daniel/Amber/Kevin/Jana simultaneously going to jail, etc can all go suck on an egg. Y&R is doing a little better these days, IMO. What do you all think?

    13 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R: So what's your take on where these stories are going?

    Neil and Ashley are going to hook this being set up so that she can have a shoulder to cry on when the truth about Faith comes out? Tucker lied to JT and he is supposed to tell Victoria about it and how he feels betrayed and was not thinking clearly when he got involved with Tucker...will this save their marriage? Victor is back so he is back in's clear that his new agenda will be that of Tucker Mccall. Mac's expression when the ultrasound showed twins...did the doctor maybe only implant one of Lily's embryos because it was high risk? Of course, it could have split, etc, but what do you think? It's clear that Adam will not be able to hide the truth from anyone EXCEPT says in the spoilers that Sharon will ask him to PROMISE her that there are no more lies...Uhh, didn't she do that multiple times with Jack and he continued to lie? Adam has way too much to lose so he will lie until the cows come to his childhood home in Kansas.

    8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R: Will Sharon get an annulment now that Adam's lies are being exposed?

    She found out from Ashley that Dr. Taylor was his recommendation, he has already had to "explain" and twist around what Phyllis said she saw when Dr. T when he was hit by the car, and in the previews she will find out Monday that Adam "delivered" the invisible baby Hope/Faith. Will Adam be able to weasel his way out of this and keep Sharon from leaving him?

    10 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago