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  • How do commissions on deviantart work?

    I want to ask some people to create some pieces for me.

    But I'm not sure how I'd pay them. So how do the commissions work?

    Do I need a paypal account? Will they need my email?

    And what are these points I've been seeing? I have the app on my phone and haven't seen anything about points so far. So how do those work?

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration6 years ago
  • When will I stop growing? 5'10" female?

    I'm 16, 5'10" and 120 pounds.

    I had my first period 3 years ago and I hear that girls usually stop growing about 2-3 years after their first period.

    But I also hear that girls can stop when their about 18.

    I know genetics has a lot to do with it.

    My mom is 5'6" and stopped growing after 20. (Not sure about the exact age she stopped)

    And my dad is 6'3" and stopped growing at 21.

    I had a growth spurt in middle school, since then I've grown pretty consistently and I've noticed my growth in height has slowed down dramatically.

    Anyways, do you think I've stopped growing? I really don't want to be any taller than I already am but I guess that's not up to me.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • What's outside of space?

    do you think space is truly infinite or do you think it has boundaries? What would be beyond those boundaries?

    Some say the universe is still expanding from the Big Bang.

    And what came before the Big Bang?

    Some cosmologists believe that if you go far enough into space, you'll eventually reach a similar Galaxy to us. And a planet like earth. And people like us. And a person identical to you.

    The multiverse theory. And the Hubble Volume theory.

    And if that's true, then there must be a creator. Because is it even possible that that's naturally possible?!

    Maybe it is.

    I'm aware the questions I ask have no exact answers. I just want your opinios. And do you think that an afterlife could be possible due to this?

    It's a crazy place we live in.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space6 years ago
  • Do you think parallel universes exist?

    Just watched the movie Coherence, and I've been wondering if anything like that is possible.

    Things like miltiple realities existing until an act is acted upon. And then the results branch out into different realities. It's so crazy to think about!

    I've read articles about it too. I did research on meta physics, quantum physics, the string theory, Shrodinger's cat, etc.

    So what do you think?

    4 AnswersPhysics6 years ago
  • My dad read my poetry?

    I guess I write some really dark stuff. And my dad read it and now he's super concerned. Like he asked me a bunch of serious questions and was thinking of taking to me a psychologist.

    I don't think I have issues although I've had a painful past and write my poetry based on those feelings.

    What should I do?

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Need fast help? Easy 10 pts?

    Okay so I like this guy.

    Heard him talking about some problems he's having.

    I'm concerned, but I don't have his #

    I have his email.

    I was wondering if I should send him an email voicing my concern and tell him he can talk to me whenever. And include my own #

    We're aquintances, so it's not like we're stangers.

    Would this be a good idea?

    Why or why not.


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I need some cool first names to go with these last names?







    Della Robbia



    La Roca


    3 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What's on your bucket list?

    Anything you've wanted to do, or some ideas for one. Anything big or small, just whatever it is you've always wanted to do.

    Some of my bucket list items include;

    ~getting my dream carrer

    ~parachuting off Angel Falls

    ~study abroad

    ~swim in Dead Sea

    ~Visit Maldives to see the Shimmering Shores

    ~Visit Carlo's Bake Shop in NJ

    ~see Times Square

    And a lot more!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Can prisms seperate colors in water?

    My science teacher demonstrated a small experiment for us where she filled a jar of water and dropped a prism in it.

    She had seven empty beakers and poured the water from the jar into each one. And the water in every beaker turned a different color of the rainbow.

    I know prisms seperate color, but can they do that in water?? It just seems like maybe she had a chemical base at the bottom of each one.

    But when she poured the colored water back into the jar, the water turned clear again. She did not provide an explanation as to why it did this, or what was going on. When I asked her about it after class, she didn't say much.

    So what was this?!

    1 AnswerPhysics7 years ago
  • How would you try preventing animal abuse in your state?

    If you could create a law to better prevent animal abuse in your state, what actions would you take?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Why do I push people away?

    This guy who I've known since kindergarten (but we moved away and recently got in contact again) basically told me he loves me.

    And he's so nice and unbelievably sweet and I feel as if no one will ever treat me the way he does.

    But I still pushed him away.

    I get asked out a lot by guys at school, but I always turn them down.

    Every time I get an opportunity or chance at love, I turn away from it.

    And I tell myself I'm okay with being alone, but deep down I know it isn't true.

    I want to date eventually, but Yet I still say no. Every. Single. Time.

    And I don't know why.

    Can someone help me out here?

    I'm 16 by the way.

    Thanks. Sorry this was kinda long.

    2 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Should Professional Sports be Subsidized?

    Do you think public subsidies for professional athletic organizations benefit the local community?

    Why or why not.

    9 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • How to deal with moving to a new city?

    So my dad is thinking of moving into a smaller home in a different city.

    I'd have to switch schools, obviously.

    He's already picked a house for sale he likes. I saw pictures of it; I hate it.

    There's a 1 acre lot, and we live in the south, so it's just an ugly dirt lot to park the trailer.

    The house is small and looks haunted. We live in a nice two story currently.

    We'd have to get rid of our pets, too :(

    I hear bad things about the high schools in that city all the time, and I'm currently in a nice school.

    Since it has an acre lot, there's no nearby neighbors.

    I suck at making new friends. The people who I go to school with, I've know since elementary school. How do I just leave?

    That's going to be hard.

    The only good thing about this is that I'd be closer to my sisters.

    But that's it.

    I've always dreamed of moving away, but just graduating with my peers first.

    I'm a junior.

    So how do I deal with this?

    What's it like being the new kid?


    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • Need a name for my character?

    So this might be kind of fun for you guys!

    I need a name for my character. She's the vampire queen, and lives in a remote victorian castle in Europe. She rules alone, meaning there is no king.

    And she's strikingly beautiful. She has pale skin, dark red eyes that glow in the dark, and long curly brunette hair.

    She's very intimidating as well. She's in the 6 foot range, and dresses in black all the time. She has an intense gaze.

    She's very mysterious and cold, but she's considered "good" because she only feeds off cruel humans. (Such as criminals)

    She likes to toy with humans, but in a mocking way.

    She's a classy woman, and is very responsible and intelligent.

    She's also reserved, but willing to help if she believes in the cause.

    But at first glance, you'd get bad vibes from her.

    She's going to be a classic vampire, not anything like the twilight ones. (So sunlight can kill her)

    And she has a rather small role in my story.

    I would prefer an old-fashioned, gothic name for her.

    I was thinking maybe Vanessa, but I'll wait to hear your suggestions.

    Please nothing like Emily or Summer, as those names do not suit her at all.

    I want this name to suit her, even if "that's not how it works in reality."

    This is a fantasy novel.

    Thanks! X

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • First jobs for a 16 year old?

    So I'm a 16 year old girl, and I want to get a job. Now this will be my first job, but I've had some experience volunteering and things like that.

    I have my own car, so I can drive.

    I go to school and do extracurricular activities, so I'm busy after school on Mondays till 4:30 and Wednesday evenings.

    I want to get a job that's easy for now. I plan on getting an internship at a National Labaratory over the summer.

    But for now, I'd prefer something easy, laid back, and definitely something that pays well. (I'll have to pay for gas and my phone service and for other things school related)

    A nice list of suggestions would be much appriciated!

    Thanks x

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Do guys get butterflies?

    Haha I've just been wondering because when I'm around my crush I get intense butterflies, but I wonder if guys get them too? They don't really show these types of feelings haha

    Like do they feel their heart racing when a girl they like kisses them?

    Do they feel their face flush and their palms sweat?

    Just really curious :)

    4 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Need help naming a character?

    So my character is tough. He's an assassin and very quiet and mysterious, but he follows orders well and is very loyal to his cause.

    He's tall, in the 6-foot range and always has a scowl on his face but cracks an occasional smile.

    He's very serious. But he's good at what he does.

    He's in his late twenties. I want to say 28. He has a muscular build and has brown hair, dark eyes and scruff on his face. He's attractive, but too intimidating to approach.

    He has confidence, he's just quiet. He stands at the back of the room with his arms folded, but stands tall. But he can be a leader if there's no one else. He prefers to work alone though.

    He speaks his mind and tells the truth.

    So I need a good name for him.

    Last names would be appriciated as well.

    Thanks for the help!

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Has your dog ever protected you?

    I have a black lab. When my grandmother was staying over for the first time, my dog wasn't used to her.

    When she went to the bathroom at night, my dog would stand outside my room and bark at her.

    Do any of you have stories of your dogs protecting you?

    6 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • I need some unique names?

    For a story I'm writing. I need some cool and unique/underrated names.

    Nothing that would be hard to read, but something interesting and uncommon.







    Things like that. Because the characters I need the names for are a bit deranged and extreme.


    4 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • My brother is obsessed with hitting/touching me?

    He's 13, I'm 16. He likes pinching me, tickling me, picking me up, sits extremely close to me. he's just very touchy with me. I always have to tell him to quit touching me.

    But when we fight, he'll hit me, so I'll hit him back. Then he'll get so aggressive and really try to hurt me.

    He slams me into walls and shoves me so hard that I lose balance and fall.

    He's significantly bigger than me, since he's overweight and he's a bit taller than me too, so When I hit him, it doesn't really hurt, it just makes him mad and then he'll hit me and it hurts a lot. My skin gets red from where he slaps me, and I sometimes get bruises.

    He gets so violent and I honestly get afraid when he advances on me. Because when I scream stop he doesn't listen and hits me.

    He's obsessed with getting "the last hit" even if he hit me first.

    And it pisses me off so much I want to cry and beat him up but I can't do anything.

    I try telling my dad but all he says is

    "Hit him harder" and I can't hit any harder and my dad doesn't do anything.

    I get so frustrated and upset and I don't know what to do.

    We've been to family counseling before years ago but nothing has worked.

    5 AnswersFamily7 years ago