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Andrew J

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  • Why do people hate coal at Christmas?

    I mean think about it, if lots of people got naughty, they'd get lots of coal and that would solve the Earth's fuel crisis. So technically wouldn't it be better by being naughty and getting coal? lol

    Merry Christmas every body!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Help with maths homework?

    Okay I need help with this maths question on rearranging formulae and I'm really stuck on it.

    If you could help, that would be great :)

    2x + 1.....4x + 1

    ---------- + ---------- = 1


    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Help with maths homework?

    Okay I need some help with maths homework. If you could help that would be great. Thanks :)

    Here's the question:

    Expand and simplify 4(3d - 2e) (2d - 5e)

    Could you please show your working out

    Thanks :)

    6 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Help with Media homework!?

    Okay, so for my Media coursework I have to write an editorial for a magazine. Our teacher said it would be interesting for all of us to do magazines which aren't overly done (e.g. fashion, football, etc). So I chose books, and I've written an editorial. I would really appreciate any advice on how to make it better because when I look over it, I don't like it that much. Tell me what you think and perhaps how I could improve it. Thanks :)


    We're all really excited about releasing the first ever issue of our brand new magazine – Bookworld monthly! Now, I know what your thinking “Oh God...a magazine about books!” Well you can stop shaking because our team work day and night to ensure you have just as much pleasure reading our magazine as you would reading a good book. Now, first things first, our main cover story for our first ever issue is the shocking conclusion to the Demonata saga by Darren Shan. Skip to page 9 to read about the shocking conclusion to the horrifying saga and how you can get your hands on an autographed copy by Darren Shan himself! We also have many, many more stories and interviews with hot authors such as Derek Landy, Stephanie Meyer and (of course) Darren Shan (page 13). Lastly we have info on all the latest books that are hot at the moment such as the Twilight, Skullduggery Pleasant and Artemis Fowl series and much, much more! (Page 19

    So just sit back, relax, grab a cuppa, and enjoy! Join us here next month when we have an interview with Derek Landy and the fourth edition to his hit Skullduggery Pleasant series. Brace yourselves for that, and we all hope you'll be there with us next month. Buh-bye for now.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • English homework help?

    Okay, so in English, we're doing a module on magazines and we'll be designing and making our own magazines. My teacher said it would be good to have a magazine that hasn't been covered (a gap in the magazine market) or an area of interest that isn't covered very much because she thought it would be interesting to have a kind of unique one instead of a popular one that practically everyone picks e.g. football, celebrity, fashion, etc.

    But I'm really stuck, and I can't find an area of interest. Could you guys please give me some areas which aren't covered very much. Thanks :)

    (But please don't say 'Fashion for boys weekly' or 'Cleaning monthly', etc, I pretty much thought of ones like that from the beginning:) ). If you could help me that would be great :)

    9 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Help with geography homework?

    Okay, so I need some help with my geography homework because I've searched on the internet and I can't find a single thing. If you could help, that would be great. :)

    Okay, I need to know some of the political impacts on a country due to rising sea levels.

    I need to know the political impacts that would happen to any country that is under threat of rising sea levels e.g. Bangladesh, Maldives, etc.

    If you could help, then that would be great :) Thanks

    1 AnswerGeography1 decade ago
  • Help with geography homework!?

    Okay, I have a few geography questions, and if you could help me with them that would be great. Thanks :)

    1) What is weathering?

    2) What is erosion?

    3) What is the difference between weathering and erosion?

    If you could help me, that would be great. Thanks again :)

    2 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • Do you like this Superman joke?

    Okay, I got bored and so I went on the internet and found this Superman joke. I'm pretty bored and I thought it was pretty funny so what do you guys think of this joke.

    Superman writes on a dumpster: Batman is a wuss.

    The next day Batman writes on the dumpster: Superman is Clark Kent.

    I don't know about you, but I thought it was pretty funny. Tell me what you think :)

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Help with Maths question!?

    Okay, so I've gotten a maths question and I thought i had it figured out, but now I'm wondering if I got it wrong. I'm thinking that there are 2 possible answers and only one can be right so please could you tell me which one's right, and if both are wrong, could you please help me with the question?! :)

    Okay here's the question:

    Amber has a dice with three 3 red faces., 2 blue faces and 1 green face. Amber rolls the dice 300 times and these are her results.

    153 - Red faces

    98 - Blue faces

    49 - Green faces.

    Q) What is the relative frequency of throwing a red?

    A) 51/100

    Could you help me out with the one above as well if its wrong.

    Now this is the one that I need some help with.

    Is the dice fair?

    Explain your answer.

    the answer is either:

    1) No because there is not an equal amount of each face.


    2) Yes because the proportion of the amount of each face and the amount of that face you rolled is what you would expect.

    e.g. There are 3 red faces out of 6 so you would expect to get 150ish reds out of 300 times.

    It has 2 red faces which is 2/3 of 3 so you would expect to get 100ish blues.

    And there are 1/3 of 3 green so you would expect to get 50ish greens.

    So you got the results you expected so the dice is fair because its not rigged or anything.

    Its either the dice is unfair because there isn't an equal amount of faces or the dice is fair because you got the expected results so its not rigged. Which is it?

    If you could help me that would be great :)

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Am I going Teen Titans crazy? (TV series)?

    Okay, I used to love watching the Teen Titans TV show when I was younger and a few months ago I started watching it again. Now I've watched it so much that I had a dream about it last night:

    Okay so the titans decided to spend a day at the beach. Okay, they go to the beach and all the civilian boys start googling over Starfire and strangely Raven starts getting jealous. Okay, then all of a sudden Slade shows up then Robin and Slade start fighting.

    Then finally Robin has Slade backed up into a corner and Raven uses her powers to tie up Slade's arm and legs. Then Robin throws a bird-a-rang at Slade's mask and it splits in half. Then they finally see Slade's face and it turns out to look a bit like a scare crow with scars all over his face and his mouth is sewn shut.

    Now, Robin asks "What are you?". Now here's the weirdest part of the room, Slade has a really heavy southern accent (You know like from Texas or Nashville) and he says "I don't know boy. I just don't know,". Then Slade breaks out of Raven's powers, punches Robin in the gut and escapes. Robin passes out, and when he wakes up, he's in the Titan's infirmary. Robin then gets really angry because he had the golden opportunity to catch Slade and he fails.

    Just to let you know, I'm a Robin/ Raven fan and the rest of the dream involves Raven trying to cheer up Robin in ways I'm not allowed to say on Yahoo.

    Now, my question to you is, do you think I'm crazy? Oh, and if you had the time to read, what did you think of my dream? :)

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Do they allow facial hair on passport photos?

    I've just recently realised that when taking a passport photo they don't even allow you to smile as it kind of distorts the facial features even if just by a little bit. So here's just a random question:

    Do they allow you to have facial hair on passport photos? Just wondering.

    4 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Help with chemistry homework?

    Okay, I have chemistry homework and I need some help with it. I have answers for some questions and for others I have no idea. If you could help me, that would be great/

    The rate of the reaction below can be followed by measuring the change in mass.

    CaCO3 + 2HCl --------> CO2 + H2O

    Q) Explain why the rate of this reaction can be followed this way.

    My answer) The CO2 is released and so you can follow the rate of the reaction by calculating the change in mass from before the experiment to the final mass after the CO2 escaped.

    Q) Describe another way in which this reaction could be followed.

    My answer) This reaction could also be followed with a gas syringe, by measuring the amount of gas and collecting the gas released rather than releasing the gas and calculating the change in mass.

    If you could tell me if these are right, that would be great :). If they're not, could you help me with them?

    Now here's another few questions.

    Q) Why could you not follow the reaction below by measuring the change in mass?

    H2SO4 + 2NaOH --------> Na2SO4 + 2H2O

    My answer) There is no gas released so there is no change in mass so you can't follow the rate of the reaction.

    Could you help me with this one and tell me if its right.

    And one final question.

    Q) Collision theory explains reaction rates perfectly.

    Give two factors that determine whether or not two particles will react.

    I have no idea for this one.

    I think I have one of the factors: It needs to have a high temperature for a reaction to take place, but I'm not sure. Could you help me with this.

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • Have you ever wondered about the curse of bloody mary?!?

    Have you ever wondered what would happen if you carried out the ritual of bloody mary and said her name three times in front of a mirror in a dark room? Well, lets find out what really happens:

    Star if you like :)

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Help with english homework!?

    Okay I have some english homework where I have to write a persuasive piece of writing to sell a new product, I've done so and need to analyse the techniques I've to say why they're effective.

    If you could help, then that would be great.

    1) Could you tell me why rhetorical questions are effective.

    2) Could you tell me why triples/ list of three are effective e.g. see it, like it, buy it. or horrific, gory and sadistic (you get the point, its a list of three words or short phrases to describe or say something)

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What are some Lutheran beliefs?

    Okay, so I have some religious studies homework, and I need to write a fact file about Christianity. I need some Lutheran beliefs as in what are lutheran beliefs and practices. I needed to do this about 3 Christian denominations. Could you mainly focus on the lutheran question but if you could, giving me some beliefs of Roman Catholics and Baptists would be good too. :)

    But mostly could you give me some lutheran beliefs

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Help with religious studies homework?

    Hey guys, okay so I have a piece of religious studies homework. Its to make a fact file about Christianity. The fact file needs information on the following things:-

    ~The life of Jesus Christ

    ~The Bible and what it contains

    ~The trinity

    ~A list of 3 Christian denominations

    Okay so each part needs at least 5 facts e.g. 5 facts about the life of Jesus Christ or 5 facts about the Trinity. Okay, so I need 5 facts about each one. I would be really appreciative if you could five me 5 facts about each one or at least a few facts about each one.

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Help with geography homework!?

    Does a pier (sea wall) help to reduce the movement and loss of beach material by reducing longshore drift?

    Please could you help me with this question please. Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • Help with geography homework!?

    Okay, so I need some help with a few geography questions.

    1) What effect would building a pier (a sea wall) have on the beach material.

    Okay so imagine there is a beach and there there is a beach and on the end on the border of the beach and the ocean, there is a pier (a sea wall). What effect would it have on the beach material?

    What I got is that it helps to reduce the movement and loss of beach material by longshore drift.

    If its wrong could you please tell me the correct answer. :)

    Thanks in advance.

    2) Could you please explain to me how a wave cut platform has been formed if there are also arches, caves and stacks on the wave cut platform as well.

    Thanks in advance :)

    1 AnswerGeography1 decade ago
  • Question about Digimon?!?! lol?

    Okay, so I used to watch Digimon when I was younger, and I absolutely loved it. I really want to watch it again and I try to watch it but all I ever see is the english version. In my opinion the english version is really bad.

    When I grew up watching digimon (I know this sounds really odd) but I saw a version that was in english but they all had japanese accents. It was amazing because they used all the same songs as they use in the japanese version and it was in english as well. I was wondering, did anyone else here ever see this version. If so, then do you have any idea what its called or where I could see it.

    By the way, this is season 1 I'm talking about. If anyone could help me that would be great. If you don't have any idea what I'm on about, don't bother answering :)

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Help with maths question?!?

    I've been trying to figure out this maths question, but I can't get it. If you could help me with this, that would be great. Thanks :)

    Factorise fully:

    x² - 9y²

    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago