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Favorite Answers15%
  • Has anyone ever tried....?

    Has you ever tried Craniosacral Massage Therapy for your infant?

    If so did you notice improvement and was it worth it?

    I am having breastfeeding problems with my almost 2 week old and have read that Craniosacral Therapy can be a huge help.


    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Everytime she nurses they feel....?

    Everytime my daughter nurses my nipples feel like they are on fire! I dread feeding her now and both sides hurt. I am just recovering from mastitis. Could it be related to the mastitis?

    It is so painful. What can I do?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Just wanted to say thank you to all the ladies....?

    Just wanted to say thank you to all you ladies for asking questions and answering mine.

    I had my third little girl on the 16th by c-section and am slowly recovering. I am so glad that the pregnancy part is over but there are a whole new set of challenges now. Totally worth it though!! She is beautiful and so sweet. We named her Jenna Michelle.

    Thanks again guys and just know that once your little one(s) is born that all this waiting will be forgotten.

    Good luck!!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 3.5 year old driving me mad and preterm labour!?

    I am 34 weeks pregnant with my 3rd little girl. My oldest is 3 1/2 years old and is driving me NUTS. My middle daughter is an angel, shes just over 20 months. This pregnancy was very unplanned and a surprise.

    Anyways, I have already been in the hospital at 32 weeks because they thought I was in preterm labour. Now I am afraid that if my 3 year old doesn't quit it than she will cause me to go into preterm labour again.

    What can I do? She just doesn't listen and is constantly being bad and tormenting her sister. Time outs don't work, taking toys away doesn't work, even throwing toys away in the garbage has no affect on her. She just doesn't care. I am at the end of my rope!

    Anybody have any ideas about how I can get her to calm down and be good?

    I have no family on my side that lives close enough to help and my in-laws are self absorbed and only care about my sis-in-law who is also pregnant.

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 3.5 year driving me mad!!?

    I am 34 weeks pregnant with my 3rd little girl. My oldest is 3 1/2 years old and is driving me NUTS. My middle daughter is an angel, shes just over 20 months. This pregnancy was very unplanned and a surprise.

    Anyways, I have already been in the hospital at 32 weeks because they thought I was in preterm labour. Now I am afraid that if my 3 year old doesn't quit it than she will cause me to go into preterm labour again.

    What can I do? She just doesn't listen and is constantly being bad and tormenting her sister. Time outs don't work, taking toys away doesn't work, even throwing toys away in the garbage has no affect on her. She just doesn't care. I am at the end of my rope!

    Anybody have any ideas about how I can get her to calm down and be good?

    I have no family on my side that lives close enough to help and my in-laws are self absorbed and only care about my sis-in-law who is also pregnant.

    Thank you.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • For those who experienced preterm labour?

    For those of you who experienced preterm labour, did they give you steroid shots?

    Were they able to stop the labour?

    If you were given steriods and they were able to stop labour, later on ( like after you left the hospital) did you still go into labour early? Like before your due date?

    I know what steroids do and that they give them to the baby to mature lungs, I just want to know if your baby still came early after they were able to stop labour?


    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Family pics and under eye bags?

    Tonight I am having family pictures done. I am 30 weeks pregnant and def. showing my tiredness in my face.

    I have dark puffy under eye circles. Is there any natural ways I can reduce them a bit before the pics tonight?


    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Family pics and under eye bags?

    Tonight I am having family pictures done. I am 30 weeks pregnant and def. showing my tiredness in my face.

    I have dark puffy under eye circles. Is there any natural ways I can reduce them a bit before the pics tonight?


    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Anybody else have this? I am 29 weeks.?

    I know spotting after sex is normal but how long after sex is it normal?

    I had sex about 3 days ago and last night I noticed a pink streaked discharge and today it is a brownish discharge.

    I am just wondering if this is from sex or something else and should I be concerned.

    I am 29 weeks.

    Anybody else have something similar?


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Worried at 29 weeks, anybody else have this?

    I know spotting after sex is normal but how long after sex is it normal?

    I had sex about 3 days ago and last night I noticed a pink streaked discharge and today it is a brownish discharge.

    I am just wondering if this is from sex or something else and should I be concerned.

    I am 29 weeks.

    Anybody else have something similar?


    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I stepped on something in Mexico???

    When I was on my honeymoon in Puerto Vallarta, I stepped on something while I was in the water.

    It was larger than my foot and squishy but firm at the same time. It sent a shock up my entire leg.

    I have no idea what it was.

    Do any of you guys have any idea?

    5 AnswersOther - Mexico1 decade ago
  • Multigrain and flax buns?

    I bought multigrain flour and want to make buns (or rolls depending where you live).

    I also have ground flax seed that I want to add.

    I just want to know how much flax to sub for the flour.

    Also can I use honey instead of granulated sugar?

    Anyone have recipes or links to share too?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I am 21 weeks and feeling......?

    I am 21 weeks and I have felt pretty much no movement. Sometimes I can feel a rare kick. But everyone I know who is pregnant and not as far along as me says their baby is kicking up a storm.

    This is my third baby and I am kinda worried. My next doc appointment is not till next friday and he is gone tomorrow and all weekend.

    Did this happen to any of you? A late mover but baby is still okay?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I keep having the same thing happen in most of my dreams....?

    I am about 20 weeks pregnant and I don't know if this has anything to do with being pregnant, but I keep having dreams that I am trying to get dress or undressed because I need to go somewhere and it takes me FOREVER to do it. Usually in my dream I can never get fully dressed or undressed and I wake up. I wake up so frustrated.

    Any ideas of meaning?

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • For women who have had c-sections....?

    Once a c-section is not always a c-section. The reason doctors tell you this or encourage a c-section again is to save their own necks. I mean I agree that there are SOME women out there who medically need another c-section. ( like me for example I have had two c-sections)

    But what the doctors aren't telling you is that the reason they want you to have another c-section is because they worry about a uterine rupture. But what they don't tell you is that the chance of that happening is less than 1%. Less than 1%!!!!!

    What is crazy is that the chances of something happening during a c-section or after is way, way higher than trying for a VBAC.

    My question is:

    Now if you had a c-section and you are pregnant again, would you choose a c-section again knowing that it is more dangerous than trying for a VBAC, a vaginal birth that is something our body's were built to do?

    I am just curious as to how many women care or if they do it because they are afraid of labour. I am not saying a fear of labour is bad is completely natural, but we need to trust our bodies!!!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Some interesting facts.... Opinions?

    Here are some interesting facts...

    A review of 7000 inductions found that 3 out of 4 of the inductions were not medically necessary.

    Approximately 40-50% of inductions fail (depending on the induction method used and the mother’s Bishop score),

    and most failed inductions end in cesarean section.

    Make sure you read the full story and click on the link

    For the full post read this, it is SUPER interesting!!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • More women are dying in childbirth.....?

    The number of maternal deaths from childbirth has tripled in the last decade. They haven't seen rates like this since the 70's.

    It's because of the amount of women planning c-sections and inductions when they are not necessary or doctors doing unnecessary inductions and c-sections.

    I think that unless absolutely medically necessary, what happened to letting nature take it's course?

    People forget that c-sections are a major surgery and shouldn't be something desired over a natural vaginal delivery.


    Additional Details

    Watch the link to get the full story.

    I posted this because I think to many woman are choosing to be induced or plan c-sections to suit their needs and schedules.

    I think that woman need to be reminded of the risks of this and that nature designed our body's this way for a reason.

    Our body's were made to do it by ourselves. Well I 100% agree that some woman can't and that it is often necessary to have c-sections and inductions. But just to have them for the sake of avoiding labour or to fit a schedule is kinda silly.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • More Women are dying in childbirth......?

    The number of maternal deaths from childbirth has tripled in the last decade. They haven't seen rates like this since the 70's.

    It's because of the amount of women planning c-sections and inductions when they are not necessary or doctors doing unnecessary inductions and c-sections.

    I think that unless absolutely medically necessary, what happened to letting nature take it's course?

    People forget that c-sections are a major surgery and shouldn't be something desired over a natural vaginal delivery.


    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • The rate of maternal deaths during or after childbirth is on the rise....?

    The number of maternal deaths from childbirth has tripled in the last decade. They haven't seen rates like this since the 70's.

    It's because of the amount of women planning c-sections and inductions when they are not necessary or doctors doing unnecessary inductions and c-sections.

    I think that unless absolutely medically necessary, what happened to letting nature take it's course?

    People forget that c-sections are a major surgery and shouldn't be something desired over a natural vaginal delivery.


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Feeling discouraged and dreading the rest.....?

    This is my third pregnancy and already it is off to a bad start.

    2 weeks ago after TONS of blood tests and doctors appointments I was told I have hypothyroidism. I have horrible morning sickness and fatigue and a sinus infection.

    The thing is my last 2 pregnancys were horrible and full of complications.

    I am only 12 weeks in and I am just feeling so discouraged about what I know is coming farther in my pregnancy.

    I am just so tired of it all and just want to lay down but I have two little girls to care for how can I make it through all this?

    Any uplifting thoughts you guys can share with me? I need it tonight.


    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago