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Lv 32,126 points

Michael Ritchie

Favorite Answers14%
  • what military vehicle is this?

    saw it on the highway and would like to know what it is....

    2 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • What Jet Fuel does the U.S. Military use?

    My dad was in the Marines and worked on jet engines during the Korean war and said they used JP-4 (I think or JP-5)? Do they still use that kind of fuel or do they use other types?


    6 AnswersAircraft10 years ago
  • How to wire solar panels?

    I recently got into solar panels, I have little background in electronics but I have done a little electrical work in the past and just want to make a small 36 cell panel to power a 12v battery that would run my a small tv (19 inch) and PS3 for a few hours every night. I have been looking up on how to do it before I get in over my head and I have a few questions.... After you solder all of the cells together then what? Do you hook all of the rows of cells together somehow? Can you connect them straight to a battery? After you hook to the battery do you hook up a power inverter to get the 2 AC plugs that would be needed?

    Thanks in advance for any help....

    5 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • How to tell what ignition module you have?

    77 Silverado C10 with GM HEI ignition

    Hello, I was wondering how to tell what ignition module I had without having to take apart my distributor I have a 4 pin, 5 pin, 6 pin, or 8 pin? is there a guide to what module came with what truck?

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Is my fan clutch bad, or is it my steering pump?

    Truck is a 1977 Chevrolet C-10 (Silverado) with 307 engine

    I recently bought a 77 Chevy truck as a project and just driving to the shop and back I noticed a problem. First off just turning it on the fan spins really fast like it thinks the engine is overheating, second every time I turn the wheel to the right, it starts shrieking and moaning. I let the engine cool and tried to turn it by hand and it did give me some resistance and didn't bind/turn very fast...don't know what the problem really is...thinking it's the fan clutch (or maybe power steering pump?) but not for sure which, both will be replaced in time but I don't know what to replace first....


    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Experience with Corbon "Glacer Safety Slug"?


    Anyone here have any experience with the Glacer Safety Slugs? They have the blue polymer ball at the end and shot inside to be used as personal defense that wont go through your walls. I usually keep hollow-points in my 1911 for defense but at the house I was thinking it would be better to use these to prevent unnecessary damage. Anyone have any good/bad things about them?


    7 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Which of these MSD ignition boxes is best?

    I'm considering buying a complete new ignition set up for my 77 Silverado and I was wondering what ignition box would be a better deal for me? The truck is going to be a daily driver so I don't need a super performance ignition or anything. I have looked at both and they are only about $30 off of each other. My truck should have a stock HEI but it has 68 engine in it so it might have a points distributor instead of HEI. Will both of these boxes hook up to both a points and a HEI distributor? And is there any actual difference besides the name in them?


    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Did GM make a 307? and will 305 parts fit?

    I'm trying to get new headers and exhaust for my 77 Silverado. My first problem is the engine, it works fine but it is a 307, I know my truck came with a factory 305 but it got thrown in there sometime. Problem is that I can't find parts for a 307 that leads me to wonder, did GM make a 307? and also if I were to buy headers for a 305, would they work just as fine on the 307? thanks

    9 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Facts for a "guns are good" speech?

    Hello people of the hunting section,

    You are the best gun knowledgeable people here so this question would do well here....I just found out my son picked "why guns are good" for his sophomore English speech and I wanted to help him out by getting him some statistics that he can use in his do you know any notable statistics or facts that he could use?


    14 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Anyone heard of this gun?

    I remember a while back I was watching this history channel thing on firearms and it talked about the first self-loading rile (I think it might be a browning) but it was a lever action that had a bar hooked to the lever and that extended to the end of the barrel with a circle at the end over the end of the barrel. When the bullet was fired it would go through that attachment and the force of the bullet would pull the bar forward pulling the lever forward and reloading it....I cannot seem to find this gun anywhere so do y'all know what it is?


    3 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • 77 Chevrolet Big 10 or Camper Edition?

    I have a 1977 Chevrolet Silverado that I am restoring and was wondering about the different packages they offered in that year. I was looking at the "Big 10" option and it showed that it had heavier duty suspension to get it just over 1/2 ton capabilities to bypass the emission tests. My truck is a camper edition and has the heavier duty suspension also but does not have the 4 in the 4th digit of the VIN number. Even though it's a camper edition and not a "Big 10", is it safe to call it that anyway since it has the same weight capabilities?

    Thanks In Advance

    2 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Will a 78-80 Chevrolet truck Instrument bezel fit a 77?

    I'm restoring a 77 Chevrolet Silverado and wanted to replace the old woodgrain instrument bezel with a reproduction brushed aluminum one. From the companies I want to buy from only offer the brushed and black ones for 78-80 truck models. I'm wondering if they will fit on a 77 because there doesn't seem to be a change.....anyone know for sure?


    3 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Anyone remember the original Terminator?

    I was reading in the "Centennial Edition, Book of 1911" by Guns and Ammo and just stumbled across an article that really jogged my memory. It was talking about the Hardballer Longslide that Arnold Schwarzenegger used in that was the first time I remember seeing a laser on a gun and the article confirms that and says that it sorta started the laser on guns movement. I don't remember anything but thinking that's cool but did any of you think that was the next big then when you saw it years ago?

    3 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Is there a book/website that has documented every modern firearm?

    I have some Shooters Bibles and have seen the Blue Book of Guns, but is there a book or website that has documented like every type of firearm since about 1900? I'd like to browse through it sometime.


    2 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Advantage of a chrome barrel?

    I have been seeing more and more AR style weapons with a chrome barrel promising xK number of rounds barrel does the chrome help? I would think it would just make the barrel mess up...can you also hunt with them? huntwiththem?

    6 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Legally Sell Homemade Firearms?

    I have come up with some blueprints to a homemade 9mm rifle that I wanted to start machining in my free time. I am going to apply to get a manufacturers license (class 2) and since I changed the design to have a 15 inch barrel and be 26.5 inches long it is not a NFA gun. But if I were to make a few and sell them to family members, would that be legal to do as long as I had my manufacturers license?

    P.S. I just asked this an hour ago but something messed up and it didn't show up on the hunting page....if you have already seen this sorry...was trying to fix it....

    8 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Firearms License Questions?

    I was wondering......I have made plans to start machining my own plans look like a semi-auto 9mm rifle but the overall length is not 26" and the barrel is not 15" all its about 20"....I'd like to take a while to make my first one and then just over time build about 10 to give to my family.....What license would I need? I am applying now for a FFL license but do I need a class 2 manufacturers license? and to sell them would I need a class 3 license? I think class 3 costs $200 dollars but what about the manufacturers? And would I have to renew and pay that amount ever single year? I live in Texas by the way....would my family need to get licenses to own the guns?

    2 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Your opinion of a Thompson Sub-Machine Gun?

    Recently I have been looking into buying a semi-auto version of a Thompson or "Tommy Gun"...Does anyone have any experience with them? I was either looking at the early versions with a front wood grip or the military versions that just have a standard wood stock attached to the barrel instead.....any suggestions? Anyone have problems with them?

    Your opinions are appreciated...

    11 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Any way how to tell the difference between Glocks?


    Just wondering if there were any of you Glock guys out there that could tell me a way to tell apart Glocks...all of them are the same except different calibers and size frames (or so I'm told) and that most of them will switch clips (in the same caliber) but is there any way to tell the difference just by looking at them (or knowing the caliber)?


    5 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • What do you like better? Piston or DI?

    Hello People of The Hunting Section!

    Just wanted to get your opinions on piston guns and direct gas guns.......which do you like better and why? Me I like pistons better but what do you all like?

    4 AnswersHunting1 decade ago