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eh...just go 2 my explains me best!...
Christians: Have you ever been chosen by the atheist asker for "best answer?"?
I know I haven't. And damnit. I give some good answers. Hmph!
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoFor acting auditions: Are you supposed to read classical monologues with a british accent?
like shakespearean monologues? do you read them with a british accent or your own accent, mine being American...or southern really. lol
8 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade agoWhere is PETA's controversial advertisement? 10 PTS?
I heard that PETA had billboards up in CA I believe of a baby with a fishing hook in his/her mouth with a subtitle underneath that says, "Would you do this to a baby?" Something about saving the fish and worms. I've googled it and can't find it. Does anybody else no what I'm talking about or where to find it??
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago"Asian" Spagetti Made with Lettuce? 10 PTS!?
I went to this Japanese restaurant, and they cooked, what they called, "Japanese" Spagetti or "Asian" spagetti. They threw finally sliced lettuce on a skillet, butter, and some other stuff on a skillet, and smothered it down.
I've looked everywhere online for a similar recipe, but with no success. Anyone have an idea???
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoHoly roller to bordeline atheist/agnostic. Christians/Atheist, please respond!?
If you read this and answer, thank you so much!
I grew up in an Assembly of God church which is Babtist meets Pentecostal, in a nutshell. I use to preach at youth services, pray everyday, lead drama workshops, etc. I went from being the school outcast to winning local beauty pageants, state and national competitions, and I always gave God "glory" for it.
In a sense, if God isn't real, the idea of God at least got me through hard times. But ever since I moved to college, everything about what I used to be sure about has gone to ****. I just started thinking about how "God gives us freewill to serve him."
Does he really? Because the way I see it is, "Serve me or burn." And it's true. That's not freewill, is it? It's tyranny.
And the Bible. I've really been studying it. Any book I read, I always research the author. The authors of the books in the bible were just men. And the bible is so old and it's been translated and re-translated, how do I know that it's the original text? Idk. How do I know they were not lying? How do I know it's valid?
And I'm tired of the "scare tactics." Your going to hell if you do this, you're going to hell if you read that. Harry Potter is evil. Twilight is evil. Television is evil. Cursing is evil. Anything except Christian music is evil. Gay people are going to hell. Etc.
I'm just trying to understand, WHY! Why would God just leave us here with nothing but "sin" around us, just to "test" us of our strength, while he sits on his blessed assurance on streets of Gold? Why would he put us in such a sadistic state just to find out how much we "truly love him?" I thought love was earned? I thought love was built on trust. How can I trust in a God who doesn't speak when I ask him to? If he loved me, I shouldn't have to beg, plead, cry, and wait in silence for hours just to hear him say "hello." What kind of loving God would do that?
I can't talk to anyone about this. My parents would be devastated and my friends would never look at me the same, or disown me or something. I sort of have a reputation back home for being this "Jesus Freak," but I've been in college for 3 years and I have had plenty of time to think. If God is real or whatever, naturally, I don't want to go to hell. And I can't help but be fearful of the concept because I have been indoctrinated my whole life, and raised in church. I haven't prayed in forever, nor have I been to church. I feel so empty and I can not decide if it's all mental or if it's truly because I turned my back on God, or something. I'm just so confused. It's terrible really. Lol.
I just don't know what to make of any of this. Anyone going through the same thing or has anyone been there before and made it out? And let me just say, I love Harry Potter, I love gay people, and if I'm raped, I will take care of myself. I refuse to bring a child into the world in such a way. The God I was raised to believe in would not except this. My views have become different from God's standards, and I seriously can not help it. Damnit, now I'm going off on a tangent. Lol. Sorry. I'll stop now.
33 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWas anyone shocked when Daniel Radcliffe announced he was atheist?
...I mean whatever, it's his choice, but he had always said that he was proud to be Jewish even though he was not religious. I just didn't expect it.
10 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoAnybody as pissed as I am a/b the HP7 part 1 & 2 release dates?
I was pissed enough when they moved the HP6 date from last year to this year. But Warner Bros. originally said in order to make up for it, that HP7 Part 1 was to be released at the end of this year and HP7 Part 2 was to be released at the beginning of 2010.
I am so damn pissed they didn't hold true to their word. I think all fans should boycott the films by no going to see them in theatres for the first opening weekend of each film. Make their asses sweat for awhile.
Anyone agreed?
4 AnswersMovies1 decade agoI want my myspace private, but I want my blog public?
i have myspace 1.0...On 2.0 you can have your myspace private and blog public but is there a code or a way you can make it happen on 1.0?
1 AnswerMySpace1 decade agoI want the "Bridal Chorus" with a Christmas/Jazzy Sound?
I want the "Bridal Chorus" song for a Christmas Wedding or with a Jazzy, Frank Sinatra sound.
I like the one in "Bride Wars" but the one in the movie and the one on the soundtrack by Richard Wagner is not the same. Any ideas?
1 AnswerJazz1 decade agoI'm looking for a place to live resembling Forks, Wa?
I've been looking for sometime & while researching a proper state & town, I was dumbfounded when it struck me that Forks, Wa may be the perfect place for me. (silly I know)
My question is are there any places like Forks? Here are my living preferences:
Small town near one or more cities.
Close to a beach
Cliffs & or mountains
Some snow in the winter would be appreciated
Warmer summers
Good quality of living
So. Any ideas? Oh and USA only
4 AnswersSeattle1 decade agoIt's May but I feel like putting up my Christmas Tree?
I've been listening to Christmas music a lot here lately as well. I haven't enjoyed a Christmas in several years, but I love Christmas regardless. Here lately though, I'm just in a "Christmasy" mood. Anybody been there?
5 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoGrey's Anatomy: Did Izzy AND George DIE?
I hate it when they leave a cliffhanger that huge! I hate it! HATE! I was supposed to find out TONIGHT! F***!!
11 AnswersDrama1 decade agoI've Had my period for almost 2 weeks now!?
It's been almost 2 weeks since I've been on my period and it has gone from the normal bright red to dark brown and it's getting really annoying! I've always been irregular but I've never had it go on for this long!
What the hell could be wrong with me??
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade agoI wanna know how many Christians in here are virgins?
...or stayed a virgin until they were married?
18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIn the United States, Why are none of them round?
Why are they all "squarish" or whatever. How come none are round?
4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade agoOMG! What song is this?
It's driving me crazy. It was popular back in the 90s and it has a haunting sound. A man is singing and a woman is yodeling. It's a really cool song but I can't really remember the lyrics. Something like, "I dream of love...." I tried googling it, and found nothing.
12 AnswersLyrics1 decade agoAre there any tools for shaving shapes/designs on my lady parts? ?
...there's only so much you can do with a razor. I was just curious if there were in any tools like a cookie shape cutter that are for shaving shapes and designs???
any advice?
4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoWas it "sinful" that Coach Jeremy Civello allowed his girls to win 100-0?
I personally don't see any problem with it. I mean in the NCAA, you better beat your opponent by that much; b/c that is how you get your name out there. I understand it was a little much; but I do not believe he deserved to get fired over it.
I was just curious about what everyone else thought.
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat's the Name of this Movie?
For the life of me, I can not remember the name of this movie! I don't know any of the actors/actresses.
It's about these 2 American girls who go to China or Japan and they get framed for possessing drugs. They go to prison and the American government tries to get them sent back to the U.S but it doesn't work. Instead, one of the girls takes the blame for it all, and she is forced to serve her time and the other girl's time of 80 years in Japan or China's prison. They release the other girl back to the U.S.
I think another part in the movie is when they were in jail and a roach crawled in one of the girl's ears and causes an ear infection.
Anyone know the name???
3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago