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I'm the last to be impressed. I cant do magic or a perfect cartwheel. I lisp. I mutter. I make up words. I'm not particularly sweet or kind or nice or amazing. I change my mind all the time. I'm clumsy. I'm completely shy. I own my heart. I own my mind. I own my words. I hiccup more than I should. I make faces. I've seen so much. I forgive so much. I love too much. I wish I had a tambourine. I want a panda. I like water colors. I notice more than you think. I'm much more complicated and stranger than I give myself credit for. I'm confusing. I'm random. I'm trapped in my own thoughts. always so imperfect. always planning. always singing in the car. you're dwindling curiosity will have no effect on my personality. I'm hard to get to know even harder to understand. and I make some mean origami. Butterflies. Fireflies. Dragonflies. Big eyes. :)
What happens if i enter in the wrong PayPal bank confirmation amounts?
Has anyone done this accidentally? What happens?
2 AnswersCredit1 decade agoEbay sellers tried to extort shipping charges???? Please Help!!!! ?
I bought an item off Ebay i paid US $51.00 plus another US $27.76 for shipping which totaled to $78.76. Anyways the shipper sent the item via UPS shipping and that was cool it arrived quickly but i was not home to receive it and they left a UPS sticker on my door. Now this sticker stated that i owed $102.57 roughly $44 dollars for custom fees because it was shipped from the US to Canada no prob i can deal with that. The thing that is pissing me off is that i was informed by UPS that the other (roughly) $58 is for shipping charges because the Ebay seller sent the item via collect freight which means he intends for me to pay it. And he never paid a dime to ship it. Now UPS wants me to pay and are demanding C.O.D before i can have the item. I have asked UPS to come back next week so that i could have time to talk to the shipper. Before i knew what the charges were i asked the seller about them and he acted VERY concerned. Here is what you wrote to me:
I just talked with UPS and they are saying that these are not UPS fees but rather customs fees placed by the Canadian government.
I informed her that the fees were double the value of what you paid. The agent told me that the fees have nothing to do with UPS and are solely handled by the government and cannot be calculated by UPS as they are done by the Canadian government.
I was wnot aware of any import duties/fees and obviously didn't anticipate this.
I am going to go the retailer who handled my package and get more details from him. Apparently he was supposed to tell me of the import fees.
This obviously makes no sense - at the end of the day you are going to need to file a dispute with PayPal.
They will refund you the money and I will then have a recourse against the package handler. Basically I am going to be out the $78.76 USD you paid and the Tivo.
I am sorry for the hassle - I was completely unaware of this BS policy.
Please begin the dispute process with PayPal as soon as you can.
I am going to head to the store when they open to try and figure out what went wrong.
What is going on???? Telling me to open a PayPal dispute against him either this guy is on glue or else something else is going on???Why would he respond in this matter if it was a scam. He seems genuine enough, i just can't figure out his angle. I have emailed him to tell him what i discovered from the UPS delivery guy. What should i do in this situation, i really want the item. Anyone been in a similar situation? Please help if you can:)
2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade agoWhere is the best/cheapest place to pick up a new starter for a 97 Volkswagen????????
I live in Canada and i cannot seem to find a starter for a 97 Volkswagen Jetta. Does anyone know where i might look. BTW i live in the Calgary area. PLEASE HELP, I'M DESPARATE!!!!
4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago1+1 equals............ go?
5 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago