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  • My Doctor was suspended?

    According to the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation website, my doctor was suspended "For breaching established physician-patient boundaries and inability to practice medicine with requisite judgment, skill and/or safety." This seems very odd to me as this doctor was the most straight-laced, well educated, and skilled physician I have ever had in my life.

    Since losing my doctor I have not been able to find a replacement of similar quality and it is driving me up the wall not knowing exactly what happened to cause me to lose my doctor.

    Is there any way I could find out? I have since found out that my former doctor is now actively practicing in Minnesota. I've tried making calls to their office, but no luck.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Why aren't any auto manufacturers making diesel hybrids?

    If the name of the game is efficiency, than why not choose to use the most efficient engine available for the hybrid system?

    3 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles8 years ago
  • I'm thinking about reenlisting in the Army, can you talk me out of it?

    I am 32 years old, I spent 4 years on active duty in the Army from '99-'03. Since leaving the military, I have gotten married, been married 8 years now. We have 4 children at home ages 8-2. I am currently going to school for a bachelors in electrical engineering. I plan on going back into the intelligence field. But since I have been attending college my re-investigation period has passed and my clearance is no longer active. I know reenlisting will definitely reinstate my clearance and I will not be sitting in a pool of job applicants without a clearance praying some job recruiter sees something they like in my resume.

    9 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Do I Just Stop Making Plans?

    Before my major depression set in, I was the ultra overachiever type. I always made plans years in advance and followed through with them in short order fashion, my guide through life. Just as I was taught in goal planning early in life: make long term goals, make short term goals that help achieve your long term goals, and then make near term goals that help you achieve your short term goals. I followed through with this mantra and it got me pretty damn far in life. Then major depression, I still do this kind of planning in my head incessantly, but I am unable to achieve my near term goals in life anymore and it's driving me insane, it also fuels my depression even more so.

    I go through ECT (electroconvulsive therapy), continue to take my meds, and I'm fine for a while, but the time period of wellness is unpredictable. It may last for three months, or like now, it's lasted less than a month. Though the length of the wellness period varies, the behavior as I slip back into depression does not. First, my sleep cycle begins to be interrupted and I begin to shift from being awake during the day to being awake at night. In the past I have tried different sleeping medications to try and get myself back into a regular sleep pattern, but none of them have worked. The next phase involves closing myself off from people around me. I get to a certain point where I won't even leave the house except in the very late hours to go to the 24 hour store to get food to quell my, now intense, anxiety. Then I stop bathing, or even feel the need to bathe or wear clean clothes. My thought processes slow down dramatically and I can't put together complete thoughts. Then I won't be able to get out of bed, or even feel the need to get out of bed. The house could be on fire, or there could be a machete wielding home invasion scenario, I wouldn't be able to put together the strength and energy to get out of bed. Eventually, I get to a point where I will actually stop breathing in my sleep. It feels like too much work, so I simply quit doing it. None of this is an active thought process, it feels like it all happens subconsciously and I have no power over it at all.

    I'm hoping to be able to get into the local clinic here, they have a new TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) machine. I have heard that some people go into complete remission of their depression after the treatment period with the occasional maintenance treatments. It sounds a lot better than ECT, you don't have to be put under and be out of commission for an entire day with a few days afterwords of trying to gather yourself back together. It would also be nice to not rip out my IV when I have an adverse reaction while under anesthesia immediately following my ECT session.

    What do I do with myself? How do cope with who I am now while still knowing who I used to be? Is there any hope that I can recover?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Multi-variable inequality?


    Asked to identify A, B, C, and D

    I have managed to do 6 of this type of problem so far but my dyslexia can't take it anymore... Some help would be very much appreciated! Thank-you in advance! -Cole

    Mathematics8 years ago
  • Why is my wife going into super bitchy overdrive mode?

    I've had a week from hell, didn't even get to sleep at all on Thursday. We have nothing planned for today, and all of the housework is done. I would just like to rest for a while and kick back and play a video game and let my mind go numb for a while. She's not even complaining about anything sensible, if anything her argument appears to be that she's pissed off that she has so little to complain about!

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Fired because of my depression? Is there recourse?

    I have had severe major depression and PTSD for the last 5 years after my son died in an incredibly traumatic home accident after I was already exhibiting some PTSD symptoms after I was honorably discharged from the military. I had been receiving aggressive treatment for depression including medication, inpatient treatment, and ECT. I was able to work from home with a laptop and VPN my employer provided me in order to do my job, I even begged the hospital staff to allow me to work from the hospital because I maintained critical IT equipment for the government and the hospital staff let me, so I even worked while I was in the hospital. I received a warning about an absence, but I treated it like a fluke accident. When it happened a second time, I had a sit down with my boss and the HR rep when I told them that it was due to a medical problem. They both said that it was "too late" and I was fired. My employer hired an unemployment attorney to ensure I could not receive unemployment benefits and during my teleconference with the Illinois unemployment administrative law judge concerning my unemployment benefits my former boss laughed at me in front of the judge when I explained my disability. Their attorneys exploited loopholes concerning paperwork and my unemployment benefits were denied and now I have to pay back $5,000 and I am unable to work. I enrolled in college to make use of my military education benefits, but of course I am failing those classes. I can barely afford to feed and house my wife and 4 children. I have filed for disability with social security but the process is going to take a LONG time and the SSA benefits are less than what I get from my education benefits. I have no idea what to do...

    6 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • How do you handle a bad professor?

    This may be somewhat difficult for some to relate to as the perspective relates to my experience as an instructor in the military. Professor states that his class has a high washout rate and puts 100% of the blame on the students.

    1. This professor often says one thing but means another entirely. ex. Opens the semester telling students in his 101 course that the book listed for the course is not required and that the information is available from a number of sources. Only to find out when he returns graded work that he requires answers worded exactly as they are found in the required textbook. Correct answers that are worded differently are marked as incorrect.

    2. Changes the previously scheduled lab the day before lab day. The required pre-lab assignment is massive. Does not accept the work for the previously scheduled lab, does not reschedule the lab.

    3. Assignment cannot be turned in with erasures of any kind.

    4. Marks off if work is not included with some assignments, marks off if work is included with others. Does not clearly state whether work is required or not.

    5. Assigns a massive amount of work, questions on tests and exams are nothing like the practiced work.

    I am doing well in the course, but barely able to keep up. It is clear that the course itself is not difficult, but it is being made difficult by the professor. I am keeping a detailed log of everything I find to be detrimental to student's learning. This professor's answer to his students failing seems to only be to assign more work, not change his style of instruction. If I had the failure rate that he does in his class and provided as few competent trainees while I was in the military I would not have been allowed to be an instructor anymore. Why is he allowed to received a paycheck for such a piss poor performance?

    3 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • Are there any bands out there today that have a sound like Queen did?

    Just finished listening to Queen greatest hits volumes 1 & 2 for the untold countless time. Just wondering if anyone knew of any new-ish bands that sound like them.

    11 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Empirical Formula from Mass?

    A compound is composed of only C, H, and O. The combustion of a 0.519-g sample of the compound yields 1.24 g of CO2 and 0.255 g of H2O. What is the empirical formula of the compound?

    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • Adding Objects together in Java?

    I have all but one line from the main class completed, I am just running into a dead end when working on the "plus" method.

    "Create a USMoney class with two integer instance variables named dollars and cents. The class should have two accessor methods called getDollars and getCents. The class should have a constructor with two parameters for initializing a USMoney object. The constructor should check that the cents value is between 0 and 99 and, if not, transfer some of the cents to the dollars variable to make it between 0 and 99. (Note: You need not worry, though, for the purposes of this assignment, about reacting to and handling negative inputs to either of the two variables.)

    Include in your class a method called plus that takes a USMoney object as an input parameter. This function should create and return a new USMoney object representing the sum of the calling object and the parameter. It does not modify the values of the two existing objects. Like the constructor, this method should ensure that the value of the cents instance variable of the returned object is between 0 and 99.

    Provide Javadoc-style documentation (comments) for the 3 methods and the constructor of your USMoney class.

    When you are finished, you should be able to run the following main class:

    public class MoneyTesterOne {

    public static void main(String [] args) {

    USMoney account1 = new USMoney(13,57);

    USMoney account2 = new USMoney(540,143);

    System.out.print("Account 2 data: ");

    System.out.print(account2.getDollars() + " dollars and ");

    System.out.println(account2.getCents() + " cents");

    USMoney account3;

    account3 =;

    System.out.print("Account 1 data: ");

    System.out.print(account1.getDollars() + " dollars and ");

    System.out.println(account1.getCents() + " cents" );

    System.out.print("Account 3 data (sum): ");

    System.out.print(account3.getDollars() + " dollars and ");

    System.out.println(account3.getCents() + " cents" );



    with expected output as follows:

    Account 2 data: 541 dollars and 43 cents

    Account 1 data: 13 dollars and 57 cents

    Account 3 data (sum): 555 dollars and 0 cents"

    Any help would surely be appreciated



    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Did the federal government ever own slaves?

    I know U.S. presidents owned slaves prior to the abolition of slavery. But were there ever slaves owned by the federal government? People that could have been considered property of the U.S. government. If so, wouldn't that mean every U.S. citizen at the time would have been a de facto slave owner since the slaves would be property of all U.S. citizens at the time?

    4 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Your psychiatrist tells you that they are surprised you haven't committed suicide?

    I'm not sure how to take this. I can tell it was meant to be a compliment but at the same time it was realistic and not hyperbole. I can tell that she really meant that other people have killed themselves after going through what I have been through. After seeing this psychiatrist for nearly 3 years, this came as a bit of a shock. I look forward to my visits, it helps me take perspective of my life and find a tighter grasp on reality. Now, imagine if you will, that you have been through hell and back. Through things that even your worst nightmares could never compare to because they could never happen to you. Not really even to someone else, it sounds too bizarre to be true then imagine that this is your reality. How would you handle being told by one of the best and brightest mental health professionals you could ever hope to meet that they are surprised that you haven't committed suicide yet?

    5 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Is this regimen realistic?

    Is it realistic to expect good grades and good job performance with having just had ECT, on several medications (antidepressants, anti-anxiety), going nearly full time to school, working full time, with both my wife and I going to school, with 4 kids at home (ages 3months to 7 years)?

  • Reduce the human population of the earth by 75%?

    If faced with irrefutable evidence that human error would result in the extinction of the human race, but only if the entire human population were not reduced by 75%. (If you would not take action then do not answer.) How would you accomplish this quickly and effectively?

    7 AnswersOther - Science9 years ago
  • What is the best sports car you can buy for under $10k?

    The basic requirements:

    Manual Transmission

    300+ BHP

    RWD or AWD

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • How do I reconnect with life?

    I am an eagle scout and an honorably discharge army veteran with a master's degree in electrical and computer engineering. Roughly 5 years ago my son died in a highly traumatic freak accident in our home. I was then wrongfully charged as being the cause of his death, because of the intense grief and mental anguish over having lost my son, I agreed to an Alford Plea where I would serve 4 years on probation at the end of which the charges would be dismissed. But because of the charges, I lost my security clearance. Because I lost my security clearance, I lost my career. My education and military training have been nearly entirely centered upon a line of work that does not exist in the civilian world, leaving me unemployed for a lengthy period of time and suffering from severe major depression.

    I have recently undergone electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and feel somewhat "normal" again, but because I was so seriously depressed for so long, I've lost touch with what I used to enjoy in life and am finding it difficult to reconnect with those things. I used to play ice hockey, now it seems boring to me. I used to love electronics and building electronic gizmos, but it has lost its luster as well. I used to really enjoy being alone with my thoughts, now I just feel brain dead. Is there a method to reconnect with life? I've tried forcing myself into doing the things I used to love, but I find myself just going through the motions...

    4 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • I want lots of money how do I get it?

    Bernie Ecclestone is famous for having said "First get rich, then get respectable."

    I've been well into being respectable, having followed through with the whole, eagle scout, army veteran, master's degree thing, and still broke as a joke...

    I don't know where to begin to become corrupt/dishonest in order to become wealthy... I've been programmed to be diametrically opposed to corruption and dishonesty through my upbringing...

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • What is the best new cruiser motorcycle on the market?

    I am currently riding a 2008 Suzuki C109R, since I finally got it paid off I thought I might try something else. Has to be comfortable for 300+ mile trips and cannot be a Goldwing or Street/Road/Electra Glide.

    7 AnswersMotorcycles9 years ago