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Lv 44,657 points

Down South Cutie!

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Let me start by apologizing to anyone who has come here because they were offended in some manner. My intention is not to offend anyone, but to maybe shed a ray of hope on the negative views that are displayed on Y!A daily. Be bless! P/s If you are emailing because you disagree with something I've stated, you get more bees with honey. Be sweet, and our exchange of words could possibly be civil.

  • Sexually does every vagina feel the same?

    What makes one better than others?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it possible for me to fall in love and stay there or am I just a whore?

    I start out every relationship extremely excited about my new relationship. After about 6 months I sizzle out and question whether I really want to be with them or not. I don't think I've been able to maintain interest in someone past a year. Now lets get this straight! I'm not talking about the love "feeling". I'm 31 years old. I'm not interested in acting like a teenager for the rest of my life. I desire contentment. I desire a relationship that is solid even when the butterflies have stopped fluttering around in my stomach. The kind that even when all of the bad things are out in the open about this person I still feel a deep connection for them. I don't want to settle. I want the real thing.

    My questions are: Is it possible that I've just not met the right person and that explains why I've never had a lasting love for someone? Is it possible for me to still want to be romantically involved with the same person after about 2 years? Am I just a wondering spirit who will live my life going in and out of relationships? I prefer answers from someone who has experienced this them self.

    19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do I train my Maltese to stand still while pooping? HELP!!!?

    She's constantly going in circles while she poops which of course makes poop fly everywhere. I think she's trying to see it. Now she has also began to start leaving the pad before she has finished doing her business which leaves poop chunks in a trail behind her.

    I should also mention that she sometimes pees beside the pad not on it. I love my dog, but if she doesn't stop this she will be put out by my husband. What do I do? She was trained at some point and I don't know what happened. Oh yeah, we do have another dog now. A Yorkie that's 10 weeks younger than her. They love each other, but my Yorkie (Layla) acts better trained than my Maltese (Sasha). What have I done wrong? I'm not really sure about blaming Sasha's accidents on Layla's presence because Sasha had started doing this before Layla came home.

    Because of these problems she is still having to be crated more than I wanted her to be. She whines because Layla is out of the crate.

    Sasha is 7 months and Layla is 5 months. I hope this is enough info to get decent answers.

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why does this puppy smell like spoiled shrimp?

    I'm dog sitting for someone. Its a Yorkie pup. I usually love dogs, but its hard to get close to this dog because it stinks. I came in from work and bathed him at about 6:00 that evening. By 2:00 in the morning, when I got up to let him out to pee he was smelling like it again. I mean its bad. I will be so glad when his owner comes back for him. But whats weird is that I don't know what it is. I have never seen this before. He's not going outside and I keep my house clean. Its him. Could it be his urine...but why would his urine smell like spoiled shrimp?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Gardenfoot why are you upset with me?

    I answered your question. You had me blocked and then emailed me and told me to go "eff" myself, get cancer and die. I mean really, is it that serious? Then you wouldn't allow me to email you back! How fair is that? Do you know how much sleep I am going to lose over this? I maybe up all night thinking about getting cancer and dying.

    People, if you post silly questions you will most likely get silly answers. Not only do you not want me to not have health insurance but you want me to get cancer and die. You christian conservatives are great at proving your points.

    Alan Grayson for president!!!!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Did you guys see Alan Grayson on CNN last night?

    He was awesome! He should run for president in 2016!


    He was absolutely right, we do want representatives with guts!

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would you vote for Obama again?

    I would. So what are the Republicans talking about? I've read statements that said things like "the Demo crates are making it too easy for us".

    If Obama screwed things up for real instead of this imaginary stuff that the Republicans keep trying to use against him I would still vote him.

    His heart and mind is in the right place. Out of 10 things he brings to the table to improve the economy I wouldn't let the one thing that fails convince me that he doesn't know what he is doing.

    Now I'm assuming that the same numbers that came out to vote for Obama this last time will show up again in 2012. What makes them think anything will be different?

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why does my puppy continue to cough?

    I know it sounds like a stupid question but this isn't a normal cough. Its a weird inside her belly cough like she is constantly trying to get something out of her throat. Its this awful sound that she does over and over.

    I've taken her to the vet, matter of fact she goes everyday because they board her while I'm at work, but the vet says she's fine. Is it her sinuses you think? Her nose is always running too. But she seems happy...she's eating well running constantly. But she is always doing this hoofing sound.

    Am I overly concerned?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why do people charge huge amounts for mixed breed dogs?

    The most simple explanation could be because people will pay for it. I do understand the reasoning for charging certain amounts for purebred dogs that have been bred with quality in mind. But if you breed a "mixed dog" you can't be too concerned about quality because you don't know what you are going to get...ever.

    I'm not bashing mixed breed dogs because I have owned a peekapoo. But I paid $150.00 for it which I thought was a reasonable amount for a dog that had been loved and cared for since birth. But $1000.00 for Schnoodle, Morkie or Yorkie Poo?

    Seriously someone explain these prices to me! How someone could sleep at night after they bred 2 dogs together and got a mutt that probably cost them right at $50.00 to maintain for 6-8 weeks and then charge $1000.00 or more for it.

    Is that not a sad amount?

    If I'm missing something I'm more than willing to hear the reasoning. I'm studying up to become a "good reputable breeder" within the next 5 years and I just don't understand paying a huge amount for a dog that could never be more than a pet.

    22 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do I go about moving to a major city?

    What's the best way to go about getting a job and place to stay before moving there? I've been trying these online job search sites but they don't seem to work. I really want to get out of Mississippi and I'm really to the point that it doesn't matter which city I move to as long as it is not as small as where I am from.

    How do I get started? I know this maybe a stupid question but I want real answers.

    FYI: I do prefer a city that's considerably safe with a lot of opportunities. I don't really want the fast life.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Why does my poodle keep spot urinating on my carpet?

    I take her outside and she goes number 1 and 2 but shortly after coming in the house she will squat and soil a small spot in the living room. Why?

    She never soils her crate. Never! She sleeps in it all night and she is in there during the day for long periods of time. But she does this every time. I don't want to leave her in the crate all the time but to catch her doing this I have to keep my eye on her constantly. I think its weird because I know that she doesn't really have to go.

    I have another dog so I'm wondering if she is trying to make it smell like her around our home.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is $350.00 too little to pay for a Maltese?

    I want a Maltese badly, but I want a good one. But I can't see myself paying $1000.00 for a puppy. Should I run? How hard is it to get a rescued Maltese?

    This is not a puppy mill. They do have a couple of other breeds but they have them in their house and they only have a litter at a time. I think they do it out of love for dogs because they don't seem to be trying to make a huge profit. I just want my Maltese as a pet. Does this sound like like a situation to run from?

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What's wrong with my 9 week old poodle?

    I thought she was just a very calm puppy at first but I have since started to worry.

    What do you think?

    So my mom and I both bought poodles....boy and girl. They both lay around a lot but don't seem to be in any pain. Well my baby Chloe seems to be constipated or something. She does number 2 but it takes a while for it to come out. She eats... a lot. Matter of fact she eats more than all of my other pets. She does periodically jump around and play but she only does it for a minute. Last night, she vomited twice...clear fluid.

    Her next shots aren't due for another 2 weeks but I'm considering getting off work to take her to the vet now. Does this sound like cause for concern? Could it wait till tomorrow so that I don't have to get off? Could she be in pain without me knowing it? I will get off right now if needed, this is absolutely the most serious thing to me.

    I bought her from a lady that sells many breeds of dogs and I didn't see where she stored them. She just had many crates set up with the different puppies for sale. I knew this wasn't the best way to buy a pet but I fell in love with my little Chloe Rae.

    Please tell me I'm overreacting.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you believe that our children are a reflection of ourselves?

    I know some people who have no class but have kids that become outstanding citizens.

    I have 3 daughters who I am extremely proud of. They are at the top of their classes, well mannered and polite. I feel proud when I look at them because I feel as though I must be doing a good job raising them. BUT! I get confused when I see examples of bad parenting with good results. What are your thoughts on this?

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • When physical attraction is gone is there any hope for a relationship?

    Am I just a wondering lover or what?

    Do I leave because I no longer desire him physically? I'm a christian, so I know that I should just be committed to my marriage. But can someone give me advice about how to be happily married to the wrong person? I feel like he is a stranger in my bed and I know that we shouldn't have gotten married but now its too late.

    I have a record of feeling this way about everyone I've ever been with. I've never broken up with anyone over it but I've been broken up with because my attitude changed so much that they would eventually get tired of me and leave which by this time would be fine with me. I want to be in a committed long term relationship but I don't think its possible for me. I know that relationships have up and down periods but what I feel is not normal.

    Now that I'm older I realize that maybe in the past I haven't given myself a chance to fall in love with people and I have been jumping into relationships based on feelings. Is it possible for me to find a lasting love that will continue through the ups and downs of the relationship or should I just be content in my marriage because of my commitment?

    I want something deeper than just the physical, I want that deep love that woman have that allows them to continuously be available to their spouses even when they don't feel like it. That's real love. I don't know if I've ever had it or if I will ever get it.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Have I totally confused my 6 month Chihuahua? Help!!!?

    I am a first time dog owner, I got Chico at 8 weeks. At first I kept him in my half bathroom with a pad. That worked somewhat, meaning he would do number 1 on the pad but he would do number 2 everywhere else in the bathroom. So I started reading on crate training...

    It seemed like it was working for a minute. I bought him one of those portable carriers. He would hold it for a while, I guess because there wasn't enough room in there. But I work long hours and I felt bad about leaving him in that small carrier for so long so I bought him a crate for his size, the wire kind. Everyday I'd come in and there would be a liquid outside the crate. I wondered about it but didn't know the source. Until one day I came around the corner to find my Chico standing up against the bars with his little ding dong between the wires actually going. He had figured out a way to beat the system. I was so fustrated!

    So after that I bought him a bed that covered the entire crate. For some reason that worked. I check the bedding also and I'm pretty sure he really is holding it.

    But here's the new problem, as soon as I step towards the crate, he stands and starts going a little. There was actually a couple of times that he just started going while I was looking at him. Its like he's saying ok you're here now and I know you will clean it up. I try to get him out of the crate and to our special spot as fast as I can but this still seems to happen.

    But the major problem is that he thinks its totally fine to go on my carpet. There are times when I take him outside and stay forever and he walks straight in and starts going on the carpet as though he thinks he is suppose to do this. He does #2 outside but #1 on the carpet. Now his time outside the crate is extremely limited. I think I have totally confused him.

    I must add that he is left along from 7:00 to 5:00 with a lunchtime break from my neighbor.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Since I live in the poorest state in the union should I thank my governor for being so smart?

    My husband has been laid off since the week before Christmas. He's been looking for a job, even at the grocery store. Should I write a letter and thank my wonderful Gov. Haley Barbour for being smart enough to turn down money because it might force taxes to be raised on businesses that lay off people when they don't make the huge profit they were making before? My husband worked in an oilfield that is in no way suffering because of the economy. Their entire rig was laid off. Should we just be happy that I'm still employed and thank him for looking out for big business?

    I guess we should just sell our house, which we could afford easily before this, and adjust our living to the $200.00 that he receives from his unemployment benefits until he finds decent employment or his job calls him back.

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What are the chances that all of my kids have ADHD?

    I have been diagnosed along with my oldest daughter. We are both doing a lot better since the diagnoses. I have been doing a lot of research about this lately and I'm beginning to wonder if I've passed this to my other children as well. All of my kids are at the top of their classes especially my middle child but that is the only thing that I can say good. I wonder if she only does well in school because she loves it. She is always reading and writing. I do not plan to actually seek help for her because she seems to manage well other than being extremely unorganized. My 3 year old is extremely hyper. Neither of my other girls have acted like she does, and her attention span is really nonexistent. But she is pretty smart too! She does know all the things a 3 year old should know and maybe more. But getting her to sit down and putting her to bed is a fight. I know that to some this maybe normal but you would have to see the fight to understand the problem.

    Is it possible for all 3 to have it or am I jumping to conclusions?

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Will you give me mature answers please?

    How bad off am I? I married my husband extremely too soon. (We dated a little under six months.) He has bad credit and has now been laid off from a very good paying job. I have realized that I made a horrible mistake. But he is a good person. He loves me and my girls which aren't his and he is completely faithful.

    But he is lazy and only wants to work a job that gives him several days off. (He is use to being off every other week). Its only been 2 years. How bad would it be for me to divorce this man that I feel nothing for except grattitude. He has been good to me in different ways but I do not love him. I know that one day when the economy is better he will get back on his feet but I don't want him with or without a job. When he was helping out it was easier to deal with but now he is just there sucking up air and not paying bills and worrying me about cooking. I am also not sexually attracted to him which causes further problems. I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD so I know I can relate a lot of my problems to this. From the outside our marriage looks perfect and people will think I'm crazy to leave him.

    How horrible am I? If I divorce him I will not date for a long time. If I ever get married again it will be after dating for a long time and doing a very intensive investigation on the potential mate.

    Last thing, I found out a few months after we got married he didn't even graduate from high school. He had lied to me about so much but I came to terms with it by blaming myself for rushing into it so quick in the first place.

    Do I have enough reasons to leave or am I just being petty? I do want to give it a chance but I can't help how I feel. Should I just seek counseling for myself?

    Tell me what you think please!

    21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What in the he!! did Obama do to Hillary?

    I'm confused....I keep hearing Obama did HER wrong during the primaries. Exactly what did he do to her that she didn't do to him first? They were running against each other, why do people act like he stabbed her in the back because he was able to get more legitimate votes than her. When do people start admitting defeat?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago