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  • CAN I be pregnant 5days after having sex?

    I finished my period last Thursday I had unprotected sex on Saturday he said he pulled out but I'm not sure..... Well today I went to.the bathroom and I'm bleeding again.... Is it possible I could already be pregnant.....

    Also note I had a baby 1 year ago my period was very irregular... Wouldn't get it for months and then when i would get it it would last 2 weeks... My last period only lasted one week so maybe its still my irregular period... Idk

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Is this normal i had a baby 10 months ago and my period is now crazy?

    I had my son in july 2011 I stopped postpartum bleeding within 2 weeks... a week later end of aug beginning of sept I started bleeding which I'm assuming was my period.. it was normal my usual 3 day light flow.

    Then I got my period begining of oct normal flow 3 days.

    Got it again bginning of nov normal flow 3 days

    No period in dec, jan,feb,until mid march I got a light period lasting me a week then got super heavy for another week.... then went away...

    No period april and this month I started light and I'm now going towards a week and I'm superheavy.

    Idk if its normal after having a baby but I'm would never last more than 3 days and it was always very light to moderate....

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Name of an app that starts with an "a..." thats like myspace?

    An app that starts with an "a" its a short name... but its like myspace...

    Anyone have an idea

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Any apps to track a cell phone without their permision?

    for android I wanna track my hubbys phone but I don't want him to know... without him having a notification ...just by simply entringthe number I could track him

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I want to remove charges from my husband dv ?

    Just happened last night I got an emergency restraining order last night but I honestly just wanna drop everything he hasn't been arrested cause I don't think they have found him. I don't want him to get arrested or go to jail I just want everything dropped....

    Is that possible

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Called cops on husband for dv will he get arrested?

    Long story short called cops for domestic violence and he left before deputies got here. I got an emergency restraining order ...gave them possible addresses where he might be and his license plate # I and his work address

    If they don't find him right away will they keep looking for him until they find him

    They still have to serve him with the restraining order.

    If they do find him will he get arrested and serve time in county jail.?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Marriages that have tried a 3somes did it ruin anything?

    My hubby and I have been considering having a 3some or given each other permission to be with someone else one time....

    But we feel weird about it...

    We don't want it to ruin our marriage also I'm scared it might give him the ok to cheat....idk

    Has anyone done this

    He's not into sex toys ...what else can we do to spiceit up

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How can I rekindle our love?

    I've been married for 3 Yrs and been with him for 4

    we have an 8 month old son...

    we love each other very much and were very happy together... We have sex about 3 sometimes 4 times a week and its good.

    he workd 12 hrs a day 6 days a week and on his das off we do spend them as a family....

    butt I wanna feel lovey dovey again... What can I or we do to feel those butterflies and sparks again?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How long do hickeys last?

    I gave my husband a hickey last night....the lights were off so I didn't really notice how dark it was until this morning....

    he is really light skinned so this hickey is super purple and big...

    were married so its not like were trying to cover it cause we need to hide it but we do want to get rid of it....

    how long do the really dark ones last?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • HELP SHOULD THIS BE A CONCERN to be brought to HR?

    started working at Macys in september for oncall seasonal associate. My position was sales support which is mechandising, stocking, price changing etc... mostly all the behind the scenes. I was getting hours every week atleast 15 hours. I was under the support manager

    In october I was offered a temporary position that was full time mon-fri atleast 37.5 hours as a visuals. Which was "decorating" the store for the holidays. This position was only for 1 month. Now i was working with visuals manager.

    after that month I contacted my support manager to ask her if I would see my schedule online like before. she said yes. I looked online the day the schedules usually go up and i had no hours... after a few days I contacted our store administrator numerous of times asking my support manager to contact me.... after 2 weeks she finally contacted me and said that she couldnt find me on the schedule tahts why i didnt get any hours. But she would assign me my hours verbally.

    on one of those days that I was scheduled I was scheduled at 2:30am (thanksgiving week) I arrived as did another coworker and our manager was no where to be found and were not able to get in the store unless a manager is we contacted our manager and she laughed it off and said "oopps my mistake its at 3:30am"

    Now I live 15 miles away from work and left my 4 month old with a babysitter.

    after that week I didnt receive any more hours. I figured she would call me again but NOTHING.

    Last year I worked at macys too for the holidays and by jan 21 every seasonal was laid off... I havent even been contacted to sign my laid off forms...

    I have no idea if im still employed or what. I didnt bother calling for hours because i didnt wanna bug and plus im on call...

    what upsets me is that the holidays are always busy so for me to not get ANY hours is crazy. plus inventory was early january and every employee is required to work.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I work for Macy's and is this a concern that should be taken to HR?

    I started working at Macys in september for oncall seasonal associate. My position was sales support which is mechandising, stocking, price changing etc... mostly all the behind the scenes. I was getting hours every week atleast 15 hours. I was under the support manager

    In october I was offered a temporary position that was full time mon-fri atleast 37.5 hours as a visuals. Which was "decorating" the store for the holidays. This position was only for 1 month. Now i was working with visuals manager.

    after that month I contacted my support manager to ask her if I would see my schedule online like before. she said yes. I looked online the day the schedules usually go up and i had no hours... after a few days I contacted our store administrator numerous of times asking my support manager to contact me.... after 2 weeks she finally contacted me and said that she couldnt find me on the schedule tahts why i didnt get any hours. But she would assign me my hours verbally.

    on one of those days that I was scheduled I was scheduled at 2:30am (thanksgiving week) I arrived as did another coworker and our manager was no where to be found and were not able to get in the store unless a manager is we contacted our manager and she laughed it off and said "oopps my mistake its at 3:30am"

    Now I live 15 miles away from work and left my 4 month old with a babysitter.

    on another day i saw my visuals manager and he said hi and said "i was wondering why i havent seen you and i asked cynthia (support manager) and she said she forgot all about you"

    after that week I didnt receive any more hours. I figured she would call me again but NOTHING.

    Last year I worked at macys too for the holidays and by jan 21 every seasonal was laid off... I havent even been contacted to sign my laid off forms...

    I have no idea if im still employed or what. I didnt bother calling for hours because i didnt wanna bug and plus im on call...

    what upsets me is that the holidays are always busy so for me to not get ANY hours is crazy. plus inventory was early january and every employee is required to work.

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • Is it possible that 5 test can be wrong?

    my period was due dec 5 and I have yet to get it I've tested 5 times and they are all negative I have no symptoms of pregnancy

    I have a 5 month old and is it possible my period is still adjusting back to normal?

    6 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What can I do to make my 5 and a half month old sleep more?

    he NEEDS a nap at around 5 pm which sucks because he's ready for bed by 8pm.... I've tried to keep him up later and sometimes it desnt even make a differrence cause he will still wake up plenty times....

    I'm giving him cereal once a day and veggies once a day too.... I've tried feeding him more ounces at a feeding so he would last longer but there's times he won't finish the bottle

    I bathe him late but now he wakes up twice at night and atleast at one of those feedings he won't goo back to sleep for atleast 2 hrs... =(

    before he would eat at around 2am go right back to sleep then wake up at like 6am and go right back to sleep... O plus he does this thing ...since he sleeps on his belly (never ever sleeps on his back hates it wakes himself up) well once I lay him down he start to rub his little nose on the bed and wakes himself up and won't go back to sleep for about 2 hrs...

    I'm over it... I really wanna get him to sleep through the night or atleast only wake up once

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Is it mean to just let a 5 month old cry it out?

    so while I went back to work my hsband took time off to be with our baby he carried him every time he cried....he LOVES to get carried!

    well now that I'm not working and my husband went back to work.... I hate that I can't do anything!! My so just wants to be carried!

    He has a swing, a jumper, a bouncer lots of toys and nothing will keep him busy... I hate to carry him all day because I get no time for housework, or any relaxing time...

    is it bad to simply put him down and let him cry it out? Will he learn that way that we can't always carry him?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Is it a goood time to test?

    period due dec 5 has not came yet

    is it agood time to test?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Those you have used nuvaring?

    is it painful to put it in n out?

    is it easy to take it out?

    can ur partnerr feel it during sex?

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Does your period go back to normal after having a baby?

    I had a baby 5 months ago

    since then my period has been normal but I was soppose to get it on december 5 and NO period

    I have taken 2 pregnancy test and they are negative

    I've alwas had a normal period there were a few times when it has been late a few weeks but I'll eventually get it..... Its almost been a month now though

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • How should I ask my husband if he wants to watch porn together?

    so we have been together for 4 years and always have been reserved with sex just him and I and its great....lately we've both gotten off with saying naughty things like saying "I wanna see you F someone infront" etc...

    he's NOT int sex toys and even though the idea of a 3 some sounds fn we probably will never do it because we believe it might ruin our relatinship...

    anywho I'd like to watch some porn with him but idk how to mentioon it

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • My 5 month old fell and hit back of head?

    he wa in hi crib and tried to sit up on his own and he lost hiss balance and fell back really hard ...jjust so happens his bumper wwas crooked so he hit his head on hiss crib... He whined for like 5 sec...then he was back to normal I gave him tylenol just incase he wwould get a headache its been about 20 min and he seems ok he's playing and smiling...I feel his head and I feel a bump but idk if its his normal head cause his head felt like that normally.... I press on the bump and he desnt react at all as if he feels nothing.....

    plus he has hair and you can't even see the bump

    will he be ok?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • how long after should my 5 month old drink a bottle after ating cereal?

    so my baby is 5 months and he would drink a 4 oz bottle every 2 hours except at night he would last 5 hours.

    so i wanna get him in a routine where he drinks more and feedings are further apart,

    this is his new schedule

    2am-6 oz formula

    8am-6oz formula

    1pm-4 tablespoon of cereal mixed with formula

    5pm-6oz formula

    9pm-6oz formula

    sometimes he only drinks 5 oz

    sometimes i feed him the 6 oz within one hour because he gets a little full if i try all at once...

    seems like a good schedule?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago