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  • Little sister broke my phone - am I overreacting?

    I'm 14 and have an iPhone 6, my little sister dropped my phone onto the kitchen floor and smashed it, my mum said she'll get it fixed for me this week but I told my sister to leave me alone and went up to my room and cried hysterically. I don't even know why I'm sad considering it isn't that bad and I'm getting it fixed this week but is this an overreaction?

    12 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • How can I make my voice sound older?

    I'm a 14 year old girl and I still sound like a 5 year old, my voice is really high and babyish sounding and I hate it. Is there any way I can make myself sound older?

    4 AnswersSinging4 years ago
  • Who are you voting for in the general election?

    Just wondering. I'd personally go for conservative but I'm 14 so can't vote :/

    9 AnswersElections4 years ago
  • Why do people still treat me like a child when I m 14?

    Okay so I m a 14 year old girl and I have really strong opinions when it comes to things like feminism, racism, politics etc., however whenever I say my opinions on social media or whatever people act as though my opinion isn t valid as soon as they see my age. They re always like "go back to playing with your toys little girl" or they re like "lol ur 14 you don t know what you re talking about" this is so frustrating because I ve done so much research and I m more educated on British and American politics than the majority of adults, why do they treat me as though I m a baby who isn t capable of thinking of my own valid opinions, surely people should be trying to support younger people being involved in stuff like that considering we are the future. Sorry this is so long, it s just something that really gets to me and I d much appreciate somebody s views on this.

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture4 years ago
  • Is going on birth control the best thing to do?

    I'm 14, I've had my period for almost 4 years and recently I've been getting my period every 2 weeks. This is driving me absolutely crazy because I hardly get a break from PMSing, acne, mood swings, cramps, crying over everything and just feeling like absolute crap really. Is taking birth control pills the best option to stop this? Cuz I legit only get like a one week break then I'm PMSing again then the next week on my period and its horrible. Sorry this is quite long I'm pretty irritated right now.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health4 years ago
  • Getting my period every 2 weeks?

    I'm 14, I've had my period since I was 11 and it's always been regular every 28 days from the start up until now. The past maybe 4-5 times I've been getting it every 2 weeks so like twice a month. It lasts 7 days and I have a pretty heavy flow. This is so annoying and inconvenient getting it so often and I don't even know if it's normal and/or healthy? Help please!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health4 years ago
  • am I wrong for thinking like this?

    So, I'm a 14 year old girl and on twitter there's this man who started messaging me, he looks maybe around his early 60s and he's been like saying I'm good looking and he likes my selfies and stuff and I've been giving him really blunt answers cuz I found it a bit weird and creepy and he was like I'm allowed to say you're good looking. Am I wrong for being creeped out by it? It's just really uncomfortable for me considering I'm only 14 and an old man is looking at my pictures and finding me attractive..

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Am I overreacting?

    I'm a 14 year old girl and I suffer from bipolar disorder along social anxiety. My mum had her friend over today who has a daughter my age and her daughter decided to come to. I've been in a really crappy mood today and I really only like to see people when I feel like it or I have no choice, because of that I've been in my room and refused to go downstairs and also cried quite a bit. My mum really isn't being understanding saying it's rude and stuff but I didnt invite her round and I really don't want to see anyone and have to interact while I'm feeling the way I am.

    4 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Am I still a child at 14?

    I know that obviously I'm a teenager but am I still classed as a child? A lot of people say I am but I feel far too grown up to be classed as a child. I'll admit I'm not very mature, I do a lot of stupid things but adults do too so

    53 AnswersOther - Society & Culture4 years ago
  • When Britain leaves the EU will we need new passports?

    Just wondering cuz I was looking at my passport and realised it says European Union at the top, will everyone need to replace their passport regardless of how old it is when we leave or does it not matter?

    4 AnswersImmigration4 years ago
  • Am I too tall?

    I'm a 14 year old girl and somewhere between 5'3 and 5'5, I'm really insecure about my height cuz I feel so tall. I have a lot of friends taller than me but still. I got my period over 3 years ago so hoping I've stopped growing and I'm nearly 15.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health4 years ago
  • How can I improve my behaviour at school?

    I'm a 14 year old girl, in year 10 at school so next year's my last. I feel really immature because of my behaviour at school and regret it so much but literally cannot help it. I talk back to teachers a lot, if I disagree with them I have to say something, if they tell me off I have to question them, I know it's bad to talk back and be clever but it just kinda happens. I skive a lot too and some lessons I'll just walk out or won't do any work. How can I improve my behaviour? In the moment I just do it, then later on when it comes to the punishment and stuff I really regret it

    2 AnswersOther - Education4 years ago
  • Ex wont leave me alone?

    Honestly, I swear he's actually a ******* psychopath. I ended things with him early December because he's manipulative and was very very possessive and controlling, he threatened to kill himself if I didn't stay with him, said so many stupid stuff which carried on for at least a week and then he didn't go on social media after that for about 2 weeks and now he still keeps messaging me almost every day saying really depressing things, he's kept my name in his contacts as "baby girl", keeps asking if I'm speaking to other guys and then assuming I am and getting jealous, today he sent me photos of self harm on his arm from our break up and I really just don't understand why he's taking it so hard. I don't know what to do, i don't want to block him because I still care about him, I wouldn't want him to himself because of me even more but I really don't see any other options, it's driving me insane.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Somebody catfishing as me and saying weird stuff under my name and face?

    I go on a YouTube live stream daily because I have friends on there, a lot of people there find me attractive and flirt with me, I insult them in a joking way cuz that's just the way I am, however today somebody saved my profile picture and made an account identical to mine, they're now saying disgusting sexual stuff I'd never say and people are falling out with "me" I'm really quite upset about it, is there anything I can do to get YouTube to take their account down?

    1 AnswerFriends4 years ago
  • Should I apologise?

    My friend started an argument with me, she accused me of bitching about her even though I didn't and then got mad when I was offended. She put a load of indirects on her Snapchat story and was just being very annoying, we're supposed to be going to Spain together in august and she was like "do you want me to come to Spain" so I was like "well it's up to you but if you're gonna be bitchy I'd quite frankly hate you being there" that's like the worst thing I said, I didn't really say anything bad. She just said she knew I wasn't going to apologise first so she did, but I feel like I really have nothing to apologise for so I don't really know what to say? I wouldn't really like to say sorry cuz that would mean that I did something wrong which I didn't but I feel as though I kinda have to..

    6 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • Ex threatening to end his life?

    I just broke up with my boyfriend, after a while of trying to build up the courage because he was very possessive and demanding. He always manipulated me and I didn't feel anything towards him anymore. He's now threatening to end his life because he says I was the only thing keeping him alive, I feel really bad and as though I have to be with him but I'm really not happy with him. Please help, I don't know what to do.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Why has my period got heavier?

    I'm 14 and have had my period since I was 10 or 11, it's always been heavy but it's day 2 today and last night I leaked through a super absorbent nighttime pad which has never happened before unless I've just used day time pads and then today I leaked through a tampon AND a medium flow pad. I'm a bit concerned because I thought it kind of regulated after 2 years and it's been fine up until now after 3/4 years...

    2 AnswersWomen's Health4 years ago
  • Is it okay to put kisses on messages to other boys when you have a boyfriend?

    My boyfriend is pretty possessive and I'm not too sure if he'd be okay with it, is it deemed acceptable just to put an x on the end of messages to other boys? Just friends, doesn't mean anything but yeah..

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • I accidentally got into a relationship?

    This is gonna sound really weird because it basically is. Okay so I'm a 14 year old girl and I got this app called yellow literally a week ago and met this 15 year old guy on there, I added him on snapchat and we got close and he said he loved me as a friend so I said I loved him as a friend too. He kept saying he loved me everyday, so assuming he meant as a friend I always said love you too. Today he was saying how badly he wanted to kiss me and stuff and then when I questioned him he said that we're in a relationship. I'm incredibly confused, I never thought we were in one and I'm not sure whether I want to be in one right now but I'd feel far too bad telling him because he already self harms and stuff and I've helped him with that. I don't know what to do, I feel awful.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Why do I get really bad mood swings?

    What's wrong with me? I'm a 14 year old girl and ever since I was around 10 I've noticed how bad my mood swings have been getting. At first I thought it was just puberty but it's got progressively worse to the point where I can get really aggressive. I go from the sweetest person in the universe one minute then I can just snap and go crazy, I can't even count how many times I've been called "feisty", "aggressive" or "petty" because of it. I feel so much anger and I try so hard to be nice but it doesn't work. Then sometimes I'll just cry for no reason and the slightest little thing could make me cry. It's becoming quite a problem, i fall out with my friends because of it and I don't think it's normal. Please help!

    3 AnswersPsychology4 years ago