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I'm a horse trainer taught by one of the best trainers in my and the surrounding counties. I set out to help those who need advice and help when it comes to training and behavioral issues of their horses. I do not believe in using whips, spurs, or any other object or means of torture as punishment. I train by understanding the horses mind and how they react from our energy and movements. Time and patience are the two most important characters needed when working with a horse. If ya ain't got em, then why on earth do you have a horse? I don't believe in short cuts when training so don't bother asking me for an easy way out.

  • Help name a horse please!?

    Need help picking a registered name for a baby colt. He's a tri-colored paint. I want to call him Remington and incorporate that name into his registered name along with a little bit of his parents names.

    Sire- Docs Santari

    Dam- Skydancer's Shadow

    Thanks in advance for the help!

    9 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • How can I find the value of Pokemon cards?

    As a kid I collected Pokemon cards. Our house burnt down and I thought they went with it until I recently came across a box that they were in. I'm too old for them and want to sell them. There are some rare ones and I would like to know how much they are worth before I try to sell them.

    3 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • Would you sell your horse to these people?

    A guy I met in college always talks about his girlfriend and how she's been riding horses all her life and so on. He asked me last week if I knew anyone with a good trail horse that he could buy. I have a trail horse that is well broke, an awesome mare adn for sale so I told him about her and he became interested.

    Later on, He asks me if i know anyone who would want to buy a green broke barrel horse. I started asking questions and comes to find out, they had bought this horse not too long ago from someone to use as their trail horse. Well after they bought the horse and attempted to ride it, they learned it had been pastured for 6 years and hadn't been ridin the entire time. So now they are trying to get rid of it.

    Obviously it's goin through my mind that his girlfriend really doesn't have much horse sense. Anyone who has been around horses all their lives would know that you NEVER buy a horse without riding it first to see if thats what you are looking for. So now I'm worried about the condition my horse would be in if I sell her to them and how well she would be taken care of.

    Should I sell her or not? Any Advice?


    8 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Opinions on this situation please and thank you!?

    I'm gonna make it as short as possible so if there are any other details anyone needs to know just ask.

    I'm in the same hunt club with this guy whom I have known for a while, we'll say his name is Ben. Ben has a gf that he has been dating for over 2 years but after I broke up with my ex (I dated for 4 years) last year I started hunting and fishing a lot more so we hung out a lot more. (No we never did the dirty). His dad approached me one day and said that Ben was talking about breaking up with his gf and hooking up with me. Which was fine with me because I actually like Ben.

    A couple days later Ben started texting and calling me everyday so i figured he had put his plan into action. A few days later I found out he never broke up with her. It put me in a bad position and made me feel terrible because here I am talking to this guy everyday behind his gf's back so I went on and ended up dating another guy.The last relationship didn't work out and as soon as I broke up with the guy, Ben started this whole routine over. What on earth is Ben doing? What would you do or suggest doing in this situation?

    If Ben really wanted to be with me then wouldn't he of broken up with her by now? It makes me feel bad because our hunt club is at my house and he is always there and constantly wants to hang with me. Yet he has a gf at home. I just don't know what to do or say.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Forelock Issues??? (20202020)?

    ok so I have a 4 year old gelding whom has no forelock! It's a little stub on the top of his head. It has been like that Since he started growing his mane and tail out as a baby. His mane and tail are just as long as they can be but his forelock looks helpless. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any techniques or anything that could possibly help grow out his forelock.

    6 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Help with Market Structures? (10 Points!!!!)?

    I'm currently working on a research paper citing the pros and cons of a monopoly market structure. I know what it is and how it works and I'm almost done with the paper but I'm having a hard time finding websites to use as my cited sources. Anyone know of any websites I can use??? They can't be wikipedia or anything like that. Preferably .org or .gov websites. I only need three and I already have one. Your help is greatly appreciated!

    2 AnswersEconomics9 years ago
  • Strange Explosion on Farm?

    I asked this question in Astronomy but they aren't fun. All of them say a meteorite! But they can't explain the explosion. I feel like y'all can make this more interesting. This is just a fun question so feel free to answer however you want! A strange occurence happened on one of our local farms. An older man was working outside when he heard a loud explosion sound. Said it was deafening to him and it sounded like it was in the sky. He wasn't the only one who heard it either. He checked everything from the tires on his vehicles to the hot water heater. Everything seemed normal around the house. That is until he walked down the driveway to get his mail. He found a hole about 2 inches wide and 2 feet deep in the middle of his driveway which is gravel not paved.

    No one knows what it could of been. There are rumors going around such as, space craft or satellite pieces falling apart or a peice of a bomb someone set off at a distance. Now this really did happen but lets hear whatever opinions anyone might have. So what do y'all think?

    7 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Anyone know of any GOOD southern cookbooks?

    I am all about cooking southern style. I used to have numerous southern cookbooks past down to me all the way from my great great great grandma. Talk about a southern cook. Well to my disadvantage, our house burned down taking all my cookbooks with them. And of course with those books being so old, I can't find anymore.

    I have tried going through more modern cookbooks that claim to be southern style but as I look through them, they don't seem like anything that was in my previous cookbooks. Your help is greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Strange Explosions in Neighborhood?

    A strange occurence happened on one of our local country neighborhoods. An older man was working outside when he heard a loud explosion sound. Said it was deafening to him and it sounded like it was in the sky. He wasn't the only one who heard it either. He checked everything from the tires on his vehicles to the hot water heater. Everything seemed normal around the house. That is until he walked down the driveway to get his mail. He found a hole about 2 inches wide and 2 feet deep in the middle of his driveway.

    No one knows what it could of been. There are rumors going around such as, space craft or satellite pieces falling apart or a peice of a bomb someone set off at a distance. This is more of a fun question to hear the opinions anyone might have. So what do y'all think?

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Meal ideas anyone??? (2020202020)?

    I work at a stockyard, and for lunch the guys have decided to give me $5 each every week so I can cook something for them to eat for lunch on wednesdays. I have $45 total from them. Thats 9 people I'm feeding. I need some ideas. I though about spaghetti but a couple of them don't like spaghetti.

    Keep in mind that these are ol' country men. For instance, last week we had Ox Tail and Beans for lunch (was not my doing!) With that being said, any ideas?

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Anyone ever tried the Paleo Diet (Caveman Diet)?

    So I know in this diet you can eat all the meat, vegetables, and fruits you want but you have to cut out the grains, dairy and sugars. Has anyone ever tried or know someone who has tried this diet? If so, then what was the outcome. I'm just looking for some feedback because I'm considering trying the diet myself. Thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Cookings Disasters! We have all experienced them!?

    Just a little fun question. Everyone has experienced at least one cooking disaster when it comes to cooking for your BF/GF or Husband/Wife. I could use a laugh today so let's hear some stories. Whether its something you did wrong or your significant other did wrong while trying to cook.

    The worst thing I have ever done while cooking for a BF is burn the bread because I was concentrating so hard on keeping the homemade gravy stirred (knock on wood). But I did have a pretty funny and interesting experience with an ex that tried cooking me dinner for the first time. He had never cooked before. I went to his house after work expecting to have to cook him dinner but he surprised me. He decided he was gonna make me lasagna for dinner, although it was Stouffers frozen lasagna but gotta give him a thumbs up for the thought. He was trying to be technical with it and went to take the lasagna out to take the temperature to see if it was done. It wasn't done so he went to stick it back in the oven and ended up hitting the edge of the rack and dumping the the cheese and sauce all over the floor and oven.

    He got very upset with himself and kept appologizing for ruining dinner and promising to make me something better like I was gonna get mad at him for messing up or something. I went to the pantry and grabbed a container of spaghetti sauce and grabbed mozerella cheese out the fridge and told him "Now you can make it semi-homemade." He looked confused at first but after explaining it to him, he got the idea and completed his mission of making me dinner and it turned out to be pretty good after all. He was very proud of himself.

    Now let's hear y'alls stories :)

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Coconut Cake without coconuts?

    There is someone I know that loves coconut flavor, but has never tried a coconut cake because he can't stand the texture of the coconut flakes. Is there a good recipe for a coconut cake that I can make without using the coconut flakes???

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Dogs For Adoption! Please Help!!!!!!!?

    Ok so I work at our local animal shelter feeding watering and caring for the cats and dogs. This is not a no kill shelter so its very important that the pups and cats get adopted or find their original homes. I have been posting the animals on FB as they come in to let people know they are up for adoption. It worked for a while but I think its old news and people just forgot about it so its not working as well anymore.

    Now I want to take it up a step. I would like to get vests or bandanas made that say "Adopt Me" or "Find Me A New Home" or something along those lines. Put those vests or bandanas on the animals and take them for walks through town and try to get them adopted out that way. Anyone know where I could get these vests??? The cheaper the better! I'm not getting paid for this extra effort and the money for the vests or bandanas are coming out of my pocket but I do want to help these animals. If anyone knows where I can get them for free that would be great too! Someone told me they know of a place that does give them away to shelters but they can't remember what business it was.

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What other fish can be in the same tank as a Betta?

    I have a male Japanese Siamese Fighting fish (Betta) and I know other male Bettas can't be kept with them. His large tank looks so empty. I saw on the internet where you can put Platies and Guppies with a Betta. I just wanna get 1 or 2 maybe 3 more small fish so the tank doesn't look so empty. I don't want big fish obviously being a smaller tank and I don't want them eating my Betta! Has anyone ever put other fish in a tank with a Betta before??? If so what kind and how did it work out???

    5 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Has anyone ever tried the Atkins Diet?

    My boyfriend has grown up alone with his father all these years so they pretty much lived off of chips and ice cream. We have only been together for a month and he asked me the other day if I would teach him how to diet so he can loose weight. He hates vegetables but i have been sneaking them into his diet by making him things like spaghetti and cube steak with cream of mushroom and onions. If he can tell what the vegetable is, he wont eat it. Since I have been with him and started cooking for him I have noticed a little bit of a difference in him. But now he's ready to actually start dieting.

    I figured the Atkins diet would be best since he's so picky. Have any of you tried it before or know of anyone who has tried it? Is it worth a shot or should he try something else? Just looking for opinions or answers from experience. Please and thank you! :)

    16 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Neglect to animals in a pet store/petting zoo?

    So my bf and I went on a trip yesterday and he took me by a pet store/petting zoo. All the animals in the pet store were well taken care of. Their cages were clean, they had plenty of food and water and the owner (only one running the place no employees) kept them seperated properly. The owner was very nice and showed she cared about the animals in the store. That was a pretty great experience. Got to see some unusual animals including ones from other countries.

    Well we went outside to the back of the store for the petting zoo part. All the animals in the front, pigs, goats, calf, alpacas, turkins, chickens, peacocks, pigeons and donkeys had decent pens with plenty of shelter and supplies. However, when we got past the front pens and moved on to the animals in the back, it was a disaster!

    The llamas had a nice sized pen, but had no where to walk but along the fence line due to all the garbage (metal, wood, plastic, etc.) piled up in the middle. One of the llamas was hung up in the fence till we untangled him. I didn't see any shelter or even a water bucket anywhere in their pen.

    The poor ponies and miniature horses next to them were supposed to be white and sorrel or white and black paints. All of their white spot/patches were orange due to the fact that they were in a pen full of nothing but red clay. I didnt see any shelter for them either. Before you ever went through the door to the petting zoo, the owner had pictures of these beautiful ponies and the riddons they won at shows hung around the door. Its sad to see them in their current condition.

    The emu's were in a pen full of mud and tall piles of wood and trees. The only ones in the back that seemed like they had a decent pen were the sheep. The other animals that I can't remember their names due to the fact that they are from other countries didn't have decent pens either. Missing shelters, water, and bad fencing and pen care taking. What would you due???

    6 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Drunk off of Non-Alcoholic Beer?

    So I know a woman who recently decided to quit drinking alcoholic beverages. So whenever she is with a group that's drinking or partying, she brings Non-Alcoholic beer. Thing is, I'll sit there and watch her get drunk off of just those it even possible to get drunk off of non-alcoholic beer or is it all in her head??? I'm a little puzzled about this.

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years ago
  • Agriculture being the #1 Most Useless Degree?

    Ok so this was a posting someone did on YAHOO! about a week ago. I wanna know y'alls opinions on this "theory" (as i will call it). We have talked about it in my Agriculture classes at college. I actually find this kind of offensive, I have been raised knowing nothing but Agriculture. We live off of Agricultural businesses even if you don't work with/for them.

    If it weren't for agriculture, we wouldn't have:

    ~Food: from livestock, aquatics and crops

    ~Medicines: They don't gather those plants to make medicines from the wild

    ~Clothing: Cotton

    ~Homes and buildings: Forestry

    ~Hobbies: Hunting, Fishing, 4-H, FFA, gardens, etc

    Yes, I do understand you do not need a degree to do any of those things but with the way things are going now, we need more people with an agricultural degree. The number of farmers and other agricultural businesses is dramtically decreasing. The current farmers these days wouldn't be able to keep up with the production levels needed to supply our country and other countries without the help from those people who do have degrees in agriculture.

    The people who have degrees in agriculture work in Agricultural Research Centers. These centers are constantly finding and experimenting more and more with different chemicals, vaccinations, feeds, and equipment to supply our farmers with the most effective and helpful products to get the job done fast and correctly.

    Those Agriculture Majors are the ones working in labs all day to make new and better chemicals to prevent pests from bothering crops, fertilizers to grow healthier crops, feeds to grow healthy and meaty livestock, fuels to keep the economy going, etc. Due to the lack of people majoring in Agriculture, the production levels of new products are decreasing. If anything, agriculture should be the #1 most Usefull degree. But that's just my opinion. What are y'alls opinions on the the statement of Agriculture being the #1 Most Useless Degree???

    12 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Agriculture being the #1 Most Useless Degree?

    Ok so this was a posting someone did on YAHOO! about a week ago. I wanna know y'alls opinions on this "theory" (as i will call it). We have talked about it in my Agriculture classes at college. I actually find this kind of offensive, I have been raised knowing nothing but Agriculture. We live off of Agricultural businesses even if you don't work with/for them.

    If it weren't for agriculture, we wouldn't have:

    ~Food: from livestock, aquatics and crops

    ~Medicines: They don't gather those plants to make medicines from the wild

    ~Clothing: Cotton

    ~Homes and buildings: Forestry

    ~Hobbies: Hunting, Fishing, 4-H, FFA, gardens, etc

    Yes, I do understand you do not need a degree to do any of those things but with the way things are going now, we need more people with an agricultural degree. The number of farmers and other agricultural businesses is dramtically decreasing. The current farmers these days wouldn't be able to keep up with the production levels needed to supply our country and other countries without the help from those people who do have degrees in agriculture.

    The people who have degrees in agriculture work in Agricultural Research Centers. These centers are constantly finding and experimenting more and more with different chemicals, vaccinations, feeds, and equipment to supply our farmers with the most effective and helpful products to get the job done fast and correctly.

    Those Agriculture Majors are the ones working in labs all day to make new and better chemicals to prevent pests from bothering crops, fertilizers to grow healthier crops, feeds to grow healthy and meaty livestock, fuels to keep the economy going, etc. Due to the lack of people majoring in Agriculture, the production levels of new products are decreasing. If anything, agriculture should be the #1 most Usefull degree. But that's just my opinion. What are y'alls opinions on the the statement of Agriculture being the #1 Most Useless Degree???

    2 AnswersAgriculture9 years ago