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  • Lunar laser ranging moon hoax question.?

    A moon hoax conspiracy believer has made a poorly construed argument against lunar laser ranging in that because the Earth & Moon travel about 67,000 mph around the sun, a laser fired from Earth to one of the reflectors, upon return would actually return to an area on the Earth about 56 miles from point of origin due to planet movement during the 2.5 secs laser journey time. He supports his claim with since light has no mass it would travel in a straight line only, thus his 56 mile mark.

    As someone not really trained in physics at a scientific level, it seems to me that because both bodies are moving at the same speed, the laser also moves at that speed. Since a laser is essentially photons, which have an equivalence to mass due to their momentum, do they not move with the planet as they are fired? Is that not so and can a very basic explanation be provided to me? Or am I missing something the scientists take into account with this experiment that makes it work?

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Were the Apollo LM's depressurized for descent stage?

    I've heard it suggested they were as a safety precaution against a blow out and the astronauts were inside their space suits at the time, but haven't been able to find anything about this, only info about the EVA's.

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • Executive Privilege?

    When a US President issues an Executive Privilege order, does it carry over to the next administration, or can the next President rescind it?

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Can we trust bait and switch?

    Can we trust the candidate who asks people to sign and endorse one thing and then take those signatures and attach them elsewhere? Is it much of an endorsement when most of the economists admit to not knowing the details of McCain's economic plan?

    ===The 300 economists were given a 403 word statement of extremely broad economic principles, such as support for free trade, and signed on in support. Their signatures were then attached to the 15 page "Jobs for America" proposal. McCain then goes out on the stump and touts the economists support for his "Jobs for America" plan.

    So, what's in the 15 page proposal that is not in the 403 word statement?

    How about the gas-tax holiday? No, that wasn't in there.

    The promise to balance the budget by the end of his first term [which, by the way, is one of the centerpieces of the 15 page plan]? Nope--that's not in there either.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • "Americans are whiners"?

    So McCain's chief financial adviser is calling Americans a bunch of whiners and that the financial pains rippling across working class America is only in our heads.


    “You’ve heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession,” Gramm, a former Texas senator, told the newspaper, adding that the presumptive Republican nominee will face an uphill battle fighting those perceptions.

    “We have sort of become a nation of whiners,” he said. “You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness”

    “This comes after Senator McCain recently admitted that his energy proposals … will have mainly ‘psychological’ benefits.

    (and it's a right-wing source)


    Is this the kind of more of the same that America needs? Do we need Republican Psychologists guiding the economy? Do we want the "EXPERIENCE" of Washington insiders to continue setting policies?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Terrorists backer holds fundraiser for Presidential candidate.?

    A fund raiser for one of the candidates running for President gave over $1.7 million to groups listed by the US as terror organizations. The mans company even plead guilty and paid a $25 million dollar fine for their actions.

    And they did not only support one side in the S. American conflict but gave arms to right wing paramilitaries in Columbia and to the FARC.

    Just last week this campaign supporter held a large fund raiser for a Presidential candidate.

    Should this be a campaign issue?

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why is Bush funding groups linked to AQ?

    Why is the Bush administration giving millions of dollars and guns to groups on the US terror lists, who are fundamentalists, and who were headed by some of the top members of AQ?


    Monday, May 28, 2007

    Recent revelations illustrating the fact that the U.S. government is using a Sunni Al-Qaeda terrorist group formerly headed by the alleged mastermind of 9/11 to carry out bombings in Iran


    July 1 2008

    The Baluchis are Sunni fundamentalists who hate the regime in Tehran, but you can also describe them as Al Qaeda,” Baer told me. “These are guys who cut off the heads of nonbelievers

    Ramzi Yousef, who was convicted for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is considered one of the leading planners of the September 11th attacks, are Baluchi Sunni fundamentalists.

    This is a vicious Salafi organization whose followers attended the same madrassas as the Taliban and Pakistani extremists,”

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this candidate worthy of your support?

    There is a small sect of former Hillary supporters calling themselves PUMA. (Party Unity My ***)

    They're jumping onto the McCain bandwagon many have said because his and Hillary are similar centrists.

    Is this the man they want to stand with?

    Are there any actual former Hillary supporters on here willing to comment?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do Hillary supporters want to not count all votes?

    Why do Hillary supporters rally around the idea of the Popular vote being the new end all of the primary? Do they really want to tell all the people in

    Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, Iowa, Nevada, Nebraska, Washington, Maine, Wyoming, & Texas

    that their vote doesn't count because they caucus?

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why does John McCain pass secret legislation?

    McCain National ID 'secretly' passed Senate on Friday

    Sen. John McCain's amendment 3807 to the 9/11 Commission bill S 2845 was quietly passed late Friday afternoon by "unanmous consent" after much of the Senate had already left for the weekend. This despite a promised debate on the amendment.

    I thought Republicans were against the infringement of National ID cards?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Hillary need Obama's supporters in General?

    Hillary supporters..

    Does Hillary need Obama's supporters to back her if she pulls off an upset?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Why are Hillary supporters gonna support McCain?

    With Hillary having trailed in the primary from the first day of voting, why are her supporters happier to see a continuation of the Bush policies than graciously accept that she came up short in a fair process?

    Does Hillary believe that undercutting Obama and weakening him enough to lose in the general election, that in 4 yrs the majority of Dem's would forget about her actions and make her the nominee in 2012?

    5 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago