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Lv 58,291 points

Unpredictable Irresistible Mutts

Favorite Answers19%

Political view: Stout conservative Religion: Proud Christian Gender: Female Age: 18 Hometown: Phoenix, AZ (USA) Current pets: German Shepherd/Husky mix, Spaniel mix, cat, guinea pig, Goffin Cockatoo, White-faced Cockatiel, budgie, 2 Russian Tortoises, and 2 rabbits. Dog nutrition opinion: Dogs are carnivores built to tear, rip, and shred through flesh. Therefore I feed mine as such. No matter how much you pay for kibble, it is all crap in a bag. Other dog opinions: I hate bybs and love responsible breeders who WORK their stock, instead of just prancing around. I keep my dogs' immune system strong by feeding them prey model raw, keeping them vax and chemical free. Sasha has completed her AKC RN title and we're working on her RA America needs God more than God needs America. If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under ~Ronald Reagan

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