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  • why is my gf more affectionate through text?

    My pregnant girl and I are currently in a long relationship. I noticed she is a lot more expressive and affectionate when it comes to messaging or texting. By the way, she speaks a different language but I understand fluently. She isnt very affectionate over the phone but she does say she loves me and thats about it. Over messages, she really expresses the way she feels towards me and everything. I dont get it?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • long distance problems.. need advice?

    I am currently in a long distance relationship with my pregnant girlfriend. I feel like I put all the effort to make things work out between us.. one day I snapped and decided to give it a break because of the lack of communication. I noticed within that break, she would try to talk to me more. We worked it out and I noticed shes doing it again where she barely goes online or initiates contact with me. I dont get it??

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • slowly losing interest in gf but still love her?

    I am in a long distance relationship with a girl I met last year during a vacation and we have been dating for about two months now.. during our first month, she found out she was 5 months pregnant by her ex. She says she doesnt love him and wants to be with me. Although it was hard at first, I accepted it because I love her. But sometimes I feel like I'm the only one putting all the effort into our relationship. I feel like I am slowly losing interest, but I do love her. I still want our relationship to work. What do I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My girl says she loves me, but I feel otherwise?

    I am in a long distance relationship at the moment with my pregnant girlfriend and its been tough this past month. She got sick and became a bit distant. She says she loves me more than anything, but she barely goes online anymore. Sometimes she'll go online for a few minutes and thats it. She answers my calls, but it gets real expensive. She says she doesnt feel distant, but I do. Is it just me? What do I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How to start up a small business in the Philippines?

    I am from Guam and I am planning to start up a small business in the Philippines, consisting of water and ice. I think it would be a great idea since society will always need it. Where do I start and how is the process?

    3 AnswersSmall Business7 years ago
  • bleeding and cramping at 5 months pregnant normal?

    I'm 5 months pregnant and I've been really stressed lately. I havent had an appetite in a while either. I was spotting a few weeks ago. Nothing bad.. but the other day, my stomach was hurting really bad and I woke up to blood on my bed. When I went to get checked, I was told my babys heartbeat was normal. I was wondering what it could be? Is this normal?

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • My girlfriend is distant but doesnt want to break up?

    My girlfriend has been acting distant lately.. she says shes stressed out because of family issues. So I decided to break it off the other day.. I told her it felt like I was the only one putting effort in our relationship and maybe she needed time to herself. At that time, she kept insisting to work things out and we did. Now that we're back together, I havent heard from her all day. I'm confused.. what should I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My girlfriend was pregnant before we got together.. what do I do?

    I met a girl about 7 months ago while I was on vacation in another country. I was there for three weeks and somehow fell in love with her. We tried to pursue a long distance relationship but it didnt work out and we lost communication.

    I flew back last month and saw her unexpectedly.. we were able to fix things. After 7 long months, we were together again. It's been about a week since I flew back home and about 2 days ago, she mentioned that she missed her period for about 2-3 months and suspects that she may be pregnant by her ex who stalks her and wont leave her alone, which it happened before we got together.

    I'm so confused. She says she loves me and she doesnt want me to leave her. But this hurts, I dont know what to do especially since it's long distance right now. I havent given her an answer yet. Please help? What should I do?

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting7 years ago
  • What should I do if my girl suspects shes pregnant with someone elses baby?

    I met a girl about 7 months ago while I was on vacation in another country. I was there for three weeks and it was almost like love at first sight.. the connection was strong and we got along very well.. we tried to pursue a long distance relationship but it didnt turn out so good. It only lasted for about a month and we lost communication, but she was always in the back of my mind.

    I flew back last month and saw her at my aunts funeral.. we were able to fix things. After 7 long months, we were together again and I loved every moment of it. It's been about a week since I left and this time our relationship felt deeper and stronger..

    About 2 days ago, she mentioned that she missed her period for about 2-3 months and suspects that she may be pregnant so it happened before we got together. I'm so confused. She says she loves me and she doesnt want me to leave her. But this hurts, I dont know what to do especially since it's long distance now. Help please. What should I do??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Pregnant with someone elses baby?

    I met a girl about 7 months ago while I was on vacation in another country. I was there for three weeks and it was almost like love at first sight.. the connection was strong and we got along very well.. we tried to pursue a long distance relationship but it didnt turn out so good. It only lasted for about a month and we lost communication, but she was always in the back of my mind. I tried communicating with her but she did not respond.

    I flew back last month and saw her at my aunts funeral.. we were able to fix things. After 7 long months, we were together again and I loved every moment of it. It's been about a week since I left and this time our relationship felt deeper and stronger..

    About 2 nights ago, she told me that she had missed her period for about two months now and is worried that she may be pregnant with someone elses baby.

    I love this girl so much. She says she loves me and that she doesnt wanna lose me.. but this hurts. What should I do??

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • how are women like emotionally when they have feelings for someone?

    As in do women get attached easily? Does it depend? And what if she stops contacting you because things didnt work out but communicates from time to time saying she misses you but cuts it short and does not communicate for a while.. what does it mean?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How are women like emotionally when they like someone?

    As in do women get attached easily? Does it depend? And what if she stops talking to you because things didnt work out but messages you once in a while for small talk?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • i met this girl over summer.. but now i dont know what to do?

    I met this girl over summer of this year during my vaca in another country. Long story short, we both admitted to having feelings for each other right before I left back home. We tried holding a long distance relationship but that didnt work out. We stopped talking for a while.. I thought of her from time to time. Until recently.. she asked me how I was doing and mentioned she was still single, but conversation was short. Not sure what to do? I'm not into long distance relationships and she isnt really the type of girl I pictured myself with.. but for some reason, I am drawn to her. I really like her.. what should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I like this girl.. but dont know what to do?

    I met this girl over summer of this year during my vaca in another country. Long story short, we both admitted to having feelings for each other right before I left back home. We tried holding a long distance relationship but that didnt work out. We stopped talking for a while.. I thought of her from time to time. Until recently.. she asked me how I was doing and mentioned she was still single, but conversation was short. Not sure what to do? I'm not into long distance relationships and she isnt really the type of girl I pictured myself with.. but for some reason, I am drawn to her. I really like her.. what should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What does it mean if a girl falls in love with you after a one night stand?

    We knew each other for about a few weeks and I felt the attraction so I made my move and she dropped the L bomb (I love you) what does this mean? Is she not used to casual sex?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Infatuation gone wrong? help?

    I was outta town for about a month, met a real nice girl who had just gotten out of a relationship and had a one night stand with her right before I left back to my hometown. Feelings were really strong at first so we decided to date long distance. I'm starting to think and feel otherwise.. I dont wanna stop talking to her but I dont feel ready for a relationship either. Its hard for me to trust people. What do I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How can you tell if its infatuation?

    I left outta town for a month and met this girl. She was shy at first. I'm not sure if it was instant attraction, but we ended up talking a few days after. It was a challenge, but I got her to feel comfortable with me. She's beautiful and I just had to do something before I left. So we hooked up on my last day. I already knew there was something there, but I just had to confirm it. Anyway, I had to leave back to my hometown after that night. We've been keeping in touch and she says she has really strong feelings for me.. and that she'd wait for me to come back. I like her, but I've only known her for less than a month.. Could she be infatuated? I never experienced this before.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is this love or lust?

    I left outta town for a month and met this girl. She was shy at first. I'm not sure if it was instant attraction, but we ended up talking a few days after. It was a challenge, but I got her to feel comfortable with me. She's beautiful and I just had to do something before I left. So we hooked up on my last day. I already knew there was something there, but I just had to confirm it. Anyway, I had to leave back to my hometown after that night. We've been keeping in touch and she says she has really strong feelings for me.. and that she'd wait for me to come back. I like her, but I've only known her for less than a month.. Could she be infactuated? I never experienced this before.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is this love or infactuation?

    I left outta town for a month and met this girl. She was shy at first. I'm not sure if it was instant attraction, but we ended up talking a few days after. It was a challenge, but I got her to feel comfortable with me. She's beautiful and I just had to do something before I left. So we hooked up on my last day. I already knew there was something there, but I just had to confirm it. Anyway, I had to leave back to my hometown after that night. We've been keeping in touch and she says she has really strong feelings for me.. and that she'd wait for me to come back. I like her, but I've only known her for less than a month.. Could she be infactuated? I never experienced this before.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why do I have a sudden urge to see my ex?

    A certain ex suddenly popped up in my head after 4 years of being apart. I've moved on long ago and bettered myself in so many ways, but this all came out of nowhere and lately there have been things around that remind me of her. Now I'm more than curious to know how she's been and where she is. I haven't seen her in about two years. I don't wanna seem like a stalker or anything, but I feel that I need to see her and I don't know what is triggering these feelings. What is this? Can anyone relate?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago