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Who are all you people who write spam 'i don't know' 'google it' answers on Yahoo Answers?
I'd like to understand whether you are a computer virus generating stock answers or is there an army of people out there waiting to post up non-answers? Are you saving up your gazillions of Yahoo points in the hope you can trade them in for a kettle or something? I saw one of you has 'answered' 80,000 questions.
8 AnswersYahoo Answers5 years agoHow can you possibly have a choice of electricity providers? How can several companies sell the power coming from the same station and grid?
If power is generated in a few power stations round the country and travels along the same transmission and distribution grid, then how can you have different companies selling it at the same price? And if you switch 'provider' how can it mean that the electricity coming into your house is any different from the electricity coming from another provider (unless you had an individual cable coming from each provider straight to your house). And what does a provider do exactly? Do they pay for the 'distribution' part of the grid? Also, is the national grid - the transmission part - publicly owned and run or is it also privatised? Who pays for the infrastructure at each phase?
2 AnswersCorporations5 years agoSolar panels just for house lights, small appliances? Worthwhile?
If I install a solar panel (say 100W), charge controller, inverter and battery, is there any way to connect it through the meter box or something to run the lights in my house? These are installed lights in the ceiling, not moveable lamps run from the plug? I also wonder whether something on such a small scale would make much difference environmentally, maybe it would barely offset the carbon footprint of the manufacture and transport of the panel and maybe creating more demand for large batteries with these installations also does more harm than good, environmentally?
2 AnswersGreen Living7 years agoAnyone tried dry needling on themselves to deactivate muscle trigger points?
I mean in less risky areas of course, like glutes, not near organs or major blood vessels. I have recurring trigger points in glutes that are tugging on my lumbar spine, compressing discs etc. Dry needling very effective in releasing (more so than ischemic pressure, freeze spray/stretch etc) but it's hard to get appointments and the cost is adding up. Before I get two pages of 'you mustn't' , let me save you the bother and save this space for people with something enlightening to add. thanks! "You must not do this, only certified, licensed practitioners can do this or you risk serious harm etc" Fine, we're done with that bit now, if anyone can answer my question though ...
1 AnswerAlternative Medicine8 years agoOil / war conspiracies - any good books?
Anyone know of any good, concise books that argue or seek to disprove the idea of oil conspiracies behind U.S. and Western military action in the Middle East - Iraq and now Libya. I hear lots of people bring this up but they never have much in the way of facts to back it up.
3 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoAre new UK laws published in an official journal / diary?
If so what is the name or website? Also, do these publications exist for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland separately? What is the one relating to the laws created by the NI assembly? Thanks.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade agoJapan nuclear Fukushima - how much water do you need to cool it?
Why is it such a big deal to cool these reactors? I understand that the contents of the reactor keep producing "decay" heat for days after they are shut down, but how much water are we talking about? Couldn't they pour it in with a bucket, or if it's more, drive in a tanker truck and deliver it that way? Haven't seen any news report that gives the slightest idea -- to help understand why it is such a big challenge.
4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade agoWhich post-grad course? (for a mix of econ, law, business)?
Hi, is there a one post-graduate course that would take in most or all of the above -- I would like to come out of it knowing about how mergers and acquisitions work, inflation, interest rates, and a bit of trade law, international relations. What course would come nearest to this? thanks
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoBanco Central - que poder tem o presidente? Meirelles e outros...?
Com este negocio nas noticias sobre Meirelles saindo (ou nao) do banco central, estava pensando, porque se importar exatamente? Quais sao os poderes dele alem de ser "a cara" do banco. Nao pode modificar juros etc sozinho... entao pode fazer o que exatamente? E como um novo presidente com outras ideas pode fazer estas ideas ter influencia nas decisoes? (Procurei no site do BC mas achei nada sobre tudo isto)
1 AnswerOutras - Negócios e Finanças1 decade agoDentin - remineralizing pastes claim they can harden it but how do they get to it through the enamel?
Can these toothpastes with ACP, novaMin and others penetrate the entire enamel and then move into the dentin? Even toothpastes for sensitive teeth say they block dentin tubules, but how do they get through the enamel - the body's hardest substance?
2 AnswersDental1 decade agoNew Fiat 500 2-cylinder engine - what happened to that idea, is it still in the works or abandoned?
There's plenty on line from 2006/07 about a two-cylinder-engined Fiat 500 but it doesn't look like it's in production yet. Anyone know if it will be eventually?
1 AnswerFiat1 decade agoFlexibility and stretching -- why do experts say it is all about the joints -- and not about supple muscles?
I want to know how stretching works and get more flexible. Stuff I read on the internet says it's about flexible joints. I don't see how joints have anything to do with it. If you took a skeleton I'm sure you could move its limbs any way you want. Surely it's the muscles that need stretching and determine flexibility?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoBionic mouthwash, silver products -- good bacteria?
Hi, thinking of buying this stuff called Bionic mouthwash to help with a health issue specifically my sinus. Does this stuff and other silver products kill good bacteria? They claim on websites not to but I have seen more neutral material on the web that suggests otherwise.
1 AnswerDental1 decade agoWhat were the other East/West German borders like, outside Berlin?
Since all of the city of Berlin was in East Germany, and West Berlin was fenced in (and supplied initially by air cargo), then what about the border between the two actual countries, not just the city i.e. the line running down the length of the East and West German territories. They couldn't have walled that off. Couldn't the East Germans just run to the west through some fields at night to escape-- or were there dense lines of troops and dogs etc?
2 AnswersHistory1 decade agoComprei um monociclo. Tem um clube em Sao Paulo para passeios na rua, no parque?
Nao achei nada no internet...
1 AnswerCiclismo1 decade agoC'est quoi exactement la Francafrique?
3 AnswersPolitique1 decade agoExiste clube de monociclo em Sao Paulo?
Estou pensando em comprar um monociclo - mesmo uma bicicleta dobravel fica grande para entrar no trem CPTM, mas um monociclo vira pequenino. Sabe se tem um clube onde poderia aprender e fazer passeios etc?
3 AnswersCiclismo1 decade agoWhat is spread trading? Tell me like I'm a child...?
I have read many definitions on the web and they just gloss over it -- saying it's selling a futures contract in one thing, buying a future contract of another and trying to make a profit from the difference. That makes no sense to me. I challenge you to help me understand, but I'm not hopeful.
8 AnswersInvesting1 decade agoQual e a origem da musica dos caminhãos de gas que circulam em Sao Paulo?
Parece meio de um filme sci-fi dos anos oitenta. Varias ja falaram desta music no "Respostas" mas ninguem fala qual e esta musica, como se chama, e Brasilieiro/estrangeiro? Quem a escreveu?
1 AnswerOutras - Casa e Jardim1 decade agoHow can I work out interest on loan repayments? I plan to overpay, pay variable sums each month.?
I have been given the repayment schedule over two years but I plan to repay as much as I can when I can. If the first month, I repay an installment which includes interest based on the two-year term, then start to overpay in subsequent months, that means I will have paid too much interest in that first month .. and so on in other months. Is there any kind of daily or weekly calculation to work it out exactly?
3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago