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why do guys only play me?
Ok, where to start.
I've only taken serious interest in few guys. No matter what type of person they are, or who I thought they were, they always get what they want in leave, no matter how long it takes.
No, I do not only go for the basic high school kid that every girl wants. I've tried taking guys out of the friend zone because they seemed like the loyal type and might have been different. However, I continue to be proven wrong.
Basically, I'm just wondering if it is me or if it's just guys in general. And if it is me, what can I do to be more wifey instead of just a hit and run.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoHow do I spark up the relationship?
ok so for about a year now I've liked this guy ALOT. However, he sends so many mixed signals its like reading chinese (When you aren't chinese of course) For example, he used to be like Hey Babe, Hey baby, He ALWAYS used to stare at me (in a cute way) and he tried to facetime me twice but I was away from my phone and when I text him about it he says its an accident. Being stupid past self, I listened to my friends and was the biggest ***** to him, but thats not how I am. I'm actually really nice to people in general. Anyways a couple months ago he stopped doing all of the above and he's the only person that I would do anything for and I just wanted to know if there was any possible way to re enter the past.
aLso, he ignores my texts 50/50 of the time, and I know Its my fault and I'm so regretful of it. I'm Sorry
4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoTaking Exlax on a healthy diet?
Hi! so actually about a week ago I started eating a much better diet, slowly transitioning from 500-700 calories a day to about 1200 altoghether now. I eat pretty healthy, the only exclusion is the sugary starubucks coffee in the morning x) but other than that I eat fruits and vegetables and lots of fish like salmon and tilapia. I wanted to know that if I were to consume 2 exlax pills each night along with 16 oz. of water, for 2 weeks, how much weight would I lose, if any? also, I read different sides of stories about the pill. Some find it great and others say that its terrible. As I said, I'm only taking 2 a night on a healthy diet for only 2 weeks, once a year.
How much weight would I lose? What will happen? healthy risks? the more information the better
xx sasha
17 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoHealthy Diet? some things I can eat?
um Ok so I recently got off the abc diet.. well like a month ago so not so recently. I wanted to eat as healthy as possible so that i don't gain the weight. so I kind of have two questions..
I'll give you what I eat in a day.
2 eggs without the yolk (egg whites) with cracked pepper and salt
snack: whole grain crackers with gouda cheese
dinner: Spinach, romaines, or a mixture of lettuces and a whole foods vegan dressing with some salmon or some more egg whites (I really like eggs)
and if i have dessert it would be fruit like watermelon. No eating after eight.
OK SO THE QUESTION is what are some meals or foods can I eat? like br, lunch and dinner format. Also, is this considered healthy?
Keep in mind I am pescetarian (vegetarian expect you eat fish) and I am allergic to nuts of all kind.
Thank you:) xx
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoHow to break the ice???????????????????????? Please help?!?
K guys so Ill just tell you EVERYTHING, maybe itll help.
So I've liked this Guy in my school, for about a year. And I don't want to say that I love him yet, But it feels like I do. I cant stop thinking/ talking about him, and he's different than any other guy I liked. I usualy fall for someone based on appearance. My crush is really hot, but I like him more because of his funny personality.
So anyways, He's on my bus. Im in 7th and he's in 8th, and schools almost over, which means that He's going to high school next year, and Im stuck in middle for another year. *sigh*
we used to be really good friends and he has this cocky kinda personality, but its all a joke. I told my friend that knows him that I like him, alot, and the next day she told him, so yes, he knows.
Now he started being shy around me. As in, Hes not himself and whenever we do talk hes super shy and nice but its out of awkwardness. I tried to text him, but he ignored it, and wont answer. I just want to know how to regain that friendship and closeness, cuz right now, it makes me cry when i re read the texts and how open we were to eachother before and now he avoids me.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoDiet? please help?!?!?!?
ok guys so umm ill fill you in with some deats
-13 years old
-5' 3"
-140 punds (bad,huh? :/)
ok so i was thinking a diet routine like this:
Yogurt: 80 calories
Diet Iced Tea: 0
Nutri Grain Bar: 120
Water: 0
Yogurt: 80
Diet Iced Tea: 0
so yeah: fill mein
the reason im doing this diet is because i absolutely need a dancers body, i dance every day for an hour and have 40 minutes in P.E. in school, but it doesnt seem to help:/
Is this considered anorexic?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years agolosing weight?? help please?
ok so I've been a dancer, um, for about 2 years
here's the thing: i REALLY need a dancers body
- im 5 ft 3 and i weigh 134
-im 13
i need a dancers body like the typical ballet, but with muscles
i need the full detail
what diet ( be VERY specific!!)
the workouts (obviously dance, but for how long?
i need the amount of snacks, and everything like how long of a workout, and stuff like that, what kind of snacks
be the most specific you can, i REALLY NNEED IT, and also how long will it probably take, I'm willing whatever amount of time
im also pescetarian:)
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years agohow can you get protein without eating meat?
I'm a vegetarian and I feel like i should get more protein. I do eat fish,but is there something else? (I'm allergic to peanuts.)
16 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago