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  • I won a $5000 on a scratch ticket in CA. How much taxes do I have to pay?

    According to the website, It said "All prizes over $599 are subject to Federal income taxes and other offsets required by law. However, there are no California state/local taxes." Can anyone explain for me what does that mean? And how much taxes I have to pay in the $5000. Thank you

    6 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • How to jailbreak an ipod touch 4g?

    I owned an ipod touch 4g (8gb) more than a year now. I'm planning to jailbreak it, but first is how to. And also if I jailbreak, does it lose all my music in the ipod (also the app). I could still use itunes account normally? and how to use Cydia, etc. My warranty is expired next year. Should I wait till it's expire or should i do it now. If you know a program that could jailbreak without losing app and music. Please send me link. Is it risky? And also I want to know how long does it take to jailbreak ?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Simpsons tapped out app! HELP!!?

    I play the game to the point where I'm supposed to buy Krusty Burger. I buy it and wait 10h for it to finish the base and stuff. This morning when I reopen it, the base is finished. I clicked for the building to drop and finish but the game crashes and exit out. I tried for like 30 mins. now and it crashes every single time. I get frustrating, I even power off my ipad and stuff but I still can't finish the building (by the way the brown houses are OK, I could build them no problem) The only problem is Krusty Burger. Please Help Me, My Springfield depends on it)

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Itunes Question? Help!!!?

    I have 3 Apple devices in my house. For example, if I buy a song on Itunes on my ipod, Can I redownload it on my ipad, or i just have to pay the same to all the device? And is this the same with movies, tv shows, etc. Thank you very much

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Help! Computer problem!?

    I accidentally press some random button, now my mozilla firefox turn on a weird toolbar. it's a long, thin toolbar, and has web console, inspector, debugger. It's on every web page i go to now, and it bugs me. Please show me how to turn it off. I think it called Mozilla Firefox developer. Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Help! High school grammar question!!!?

    Can you please fix this sentence (I think this is right, but it sounds incorrect):

    "The bird's more like singing from sorrow."

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • What is this movie? HELP!! (10 pts. for best answer)?

    I watched this movie a few years ago but I don't know the title, and I want to watch it again for Halloween.

    It's a horror movie, looks old-ish. It's about a teenage girl, whose mom died in a car crash. At her mom's funeral, the girl's aunt (mother's sister) appeared very quickly. The girl got a glance at the aunt. Days later, Aunt move in with the girl's family. The aunt said she busy working in Africa, that's why they never seen each other before. When the girl's friend comes over and talk, she forget her sunglasses in the kitchen, which the aunt found it. Aunt are about to give the sunglasses back, she heard the girl conversation about how odd the aunt is. The aunt got mad, so the night the girl hang out at the mall, movie reveals aunt is a witch, and she drop her own blood on the sunglasses and chant some spells. Same time at the mall, the friend got killed in a freak escalator accident, which her necklace got stuck in strangle her.

    The girl peaks into the aunt's room and see shrine and voodoo dolls, she alerted and tells her boyfriend. Somehow, once again, the aunt heard that conversation on the phone, so she gets the boyfriend's earing, do the same thing as the sunglasses. The boyfriend gets run over by the bus while comes to help the girl. She told her dad that the aunt is not normal, her dad believed her, and got the shirt that the aunt wear that had aunt's blood in it (in the kitchen she accidentally cut her finger and blood stain on her shirt) give to the doctor to run some test, the doctor said the blood is "inhuman". At this time, the aunt is trying to get the girl, girl runs into church to find help from bishop. The aunt at home tear the bible and drop her blood on it and burn it. The bishop gets burn.

    The girl runs into the pool to escape, this time the aunt is almost got her. The aunt try to "possess" the girl body, snake came out of the aunt mouth. Almost get into the girls mouth, the dad throw the gasoline tank into the pool, and shot at it, the pool burn and the aunt w/ the snake.

    Sorry, if I don't provide the name of the characters because i can not remember it. Also, the plot i wrote above is from my memory (not 100% accurate) but that's the general story line

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Put these books in order from best to worst (Stephen King's)!?

    So i have been reading some of Stephen King's books. But the three that I'm able to finish are: Carrie, Pet Semetary, and The Shining.

    In my opinion, the best is the shining cause it's damn scary. The way the book attacks me psychologically.

    Second is Pet Semetary, cause it's OK, the effect is not as good as The Shining but the story line is very original.

    Carrie is the last because I don't probably fully understand it or it just not scary to me.

    Tell me your opinion.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Help!! Internet Problem!?!?

    1st of all my laptop is fine. The problem is the internet.

    Everyday my internet just breaks from about 11am to about 4.30 pm. In that time slot, I cannot access the internet at all, not only from my laptop but also my itouch. It gets frustrating because when i reset my modem and router, the upstream light of the internet on the router is off but the power light is on. I have to reset the modem and router around 4.30pm , then my internet work,

    My cable provider is Time Warner

    Modem is the Comcast

    Router is Asus.

    It gets really frustrating because I want to use the the internet in the morning/ afternoon

    1 AnswerOther - Internet9 years ago
  • How to remove paint scratch from my car?

    Ok, so my mom drives to type in the codes for the automatic gate (the kind like in apartment). There were a yellow pole next to the number pad. My mom drives too close to press those number keys, when she drives forward, we heard a scratch noise. When I get down, there were a yellow scratch (or skid) mark on the side of the car, also there is dent, too. Do you know any products, or ways to get rid of that yellow mark? Thank you and I need answers fast please!

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • I see people do this on Instagram but i don't know how?

    I saw people do it on instagram and fb can someone plz show me how to?


    2 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • What is your favorite performance in The Voice season 2?

    It is the second week battle performance!

    Mine was Lindsey and Lee "Heart Shaped Box"

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago

    I have seen on facebook there will be a premiere on the hunger games on Sunday March 11. I am already register for the camp night out! I never been to a premiere before and it said, tickets for first 400 fans to camp and it is allowed only after 6am. Do I need to bring any kind of ID (I am 14 years old)? and do i allowed to bring a parent? What time should i leave my house ( it is 50 minutes drive from here to the camp out) so i have a guarantee spot to go in to the premiere?

    DESPERATE ! :( Need help

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • When should i get my first kiss?

    All my friends had it before me! I am 14 and i know it is weird but I already had 3 dreams that I kissed some girls. What that means?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • how to roller blade backward?

    I get a new roller blade for my birthday. I knew how to glide already but I don't know how to skate back ward. Anybody has good suggestion

    1 AnswerOther - Outdoor Recreation9 years ago
  • how to run faster without feeling exhausted?

    I want to try out for short distance track (100 meters) in my school. I wonder if I am fast enough, my time running half a mile is 3.50. I usually fell like I ran out of breath when ever I finish one mile or half mile? Can anyone help me please.

    3 AnswersRunning9 years ago