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Lv 737,280 points

Chris Q.T.

Favorite Answers13%

Creator said i want to love you for eternity, which we are, and so here we are in human bodies :D lets journey together

  • I have a new Diet set for me and I need help with what to eat exactly?

    i'm from God's home & I don't even know what to eat!

    this is a part of the new 10 commandments from God by Kathryn May Psd.

    5). Accept that you, and all the animal, vegetable and mineral creations on your Planet Earth are conscious beings with feelings, thoughts and aspirations to ascend. Refrain from eating the animals, for they are your friends. You will all rise together, and you will receive great assistance from the other Kingdoms.

    my questions are: 1) is dead meat bad to eat (like bacon, spam, ham, etc etc etc)???

    2) is egg okay to eat?

    3) do you drink milk, cheese, etc (I forgot the name for "milk, cheese, etc etc" sorry! xD)

    4) is seafood okay? I've eaten fish a lot, now I've heard that fish makes you "unbalanced"

    I know in popular media, it's said the most oldest couple are like 114 years old and eat fish and drink tea

    but I know the oldest being is still living today, who is MORE THAN 1,400 years old today!!! I'm from God's home

    p.s. I don't imagine eating animals as eating humans because Animals are pure positive energy, they knew they were to be eaten by others in the animal kingdom

    I know everything is an energy of love and compassion & an exchange of that through our expression by existing in this Multiverse of God (as God says "Multiverse")

    & God promises me a daughter with my twinflame very soon! if it happens before of after we all consciously enter 5D I Don't Care xD haha <3

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • I have a New Diet set for me and I need insight about what to eat?

    i'm from God's home & I don't even know what to eat!

    this is a part of the new 10 commandments from God by Kathryn May Psd.

    5). Accept that you, and all the animal, vegetable and mineral creations on your Planet Earth are conscious beings with feelings, thoughts and aspirations to ascend. Refrain from eating the animals, for they are your friends. You will all rise together, and you will receive great assistance from the other Kingdoms.

    my questions are: 1) is dead meat bad to eat (like bacon, spam, ham, etc etc etc)???

    2) is egg okay to eat?

    3) do you drink milk, cheese, etc (I forgot the name for "milk, cheese, etc etc" sorry! xD)

    4) is seafood okay? I've eaten fish a lot, now I've heard that fish makes you "unbalanced"

    I know in popular media, it's said the most oldest couple are like 114 years old and eat fish and drink tea

    but I know the oldest being is still living today, who is MORE THAN 1,400 years old today!!! I'm from God's home

    p.s. I don't imagine eating animals as eating humans because Animals are pure positive energy, they knew they were to be eaten by others in the animal kingdom

    I know everything is an energy of love and compassion & an exchange of that through our expression by existing in this Multiverse of God (as God says "Multiverse")

    & God promises me a daughter with my twinflame very soon! if it happens before of after we all consciously enter 5D I Don't Care xD haha <3

    3 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • I have set A New Diet for me and it's confusing me so much?

    i'm from God's home & I don't even know what to eat!

    this is a part of the new 10 commandments from God by Kathryn May Psd.

    5). Accept that you, and all the animal, vegetable and mineral creations on your Planet Earth are conscious beings with feelings, thoughts and aspirations to ascend. Refrain from eating the animals, for they are your friends. You will all rise together, and you will receive great assistance from the other Kingdoms.

    my questions are: 1) is dead meat bad to eat (like bacon, spam, ham, etc etc etc)???

    2) is egg okay to eat?

    3) do you drink milk, cheese, etc (I forgot the name for "milk, cheese, etc etc" sorry! xD)

    4) is seafood okay? I've eaten fish a lot, now I've heard that fish makes you "unbalanced"

    I know in popular media, it's said the most oldest couple are like 114 years old and eat fish and drink tea

    but I know the oldest being is still living today, who is MORE THAN 1,400 years old today!!! I'm from God's home

    p.s. I don't imagine eating animals as eating humans because Animals are pure positive energy, they knew they were to be eaten by others in the animal kingdom

    I know everything is an energy of love and compassion & an exchange of that through our expression by existing in this Multiverse of God (as God says "Multiverse")

    & God promises me a daughter with my twinflame very soon! if it happens before of after we all consciously enter 5D I Don't Care xD haha <3

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How do you think unconditional love works?

    ;D it can perplex me because ofc every single soul in the universe has their own perception on the same plant located in the same timeline & planet & exact coordinates to the dot to the atom ;D lmao

    p.s. did u know ur mind makes this universe a reality =]

    ur expected though that is a belief of our ancestors believing a tree cannot bloom roses makes the tree limited & makes ur thinking limited =[ lmao

    11 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • How big do you believe God is?

    ;D HAHA

    @ the 21:15 mark Kryon says what I'm saying & I find it funny xD

    I'm from God's home, so I'm interested in u ;D

    2 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Is the green format of YA! gone?

    I miss it =p

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Which sign lives more in the moment, Lioness, Cancer, Aries or Libra?

    I'm a Libra sun in the 12th, Aries Moon, I also have Libra Mercury, with Sun Opposition Moon xD lol to be random <3

    my twinflame is my Miss Lioness with Cancer Moon, Mercury & Venus & Libra Mars

    10 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Even though you are stronger then Lionesses in whatever way, do you let them dominate you innately?

    to be playful with them ;D?

    it's a very random question xD

    in my heart... Lionesses are really too strong lovingly & compassionately... it makes me a more honest fella xD lol

    I accept whatever response <3 much love to Ledi =] & Kristy for whatever reason too =]

    2 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • (Lionesses) Which song would you say would best suit your preference?

    1) Lea Michele - Cannonball

    2) Demi Lovato - Skyscraper

    or 3) Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You

    ??? =]

    BQ: What song suits your mood right now <3, other than the above?

    2 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • When you sing or speak, what colors are ya expressing out? in healing or liberation or love or etc?

    near the end of this message, the singer that is being channeled ;D talks about my question =)) <3

    3 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • How many time have you smiled today ;D?

    Peace begins with a smile.

    -Mother Teresa

    17 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Which sign has the most beautiful smile?

    feel free to include the sex/gender ;D

    I'm stuck with Lionesses and Cancerians

    15 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • What's your belief or definition of unconditional love and compassion?

    the reason I ask is because I myself don't have my own earthly definition ;D... it's hard for me...I Know The Feeling of compassion, it's innate to anyone's heart =) who has come to know of it

    (here's a random fact: we are pure unconditional love, as we entered a new physical body/vehicle, we grow accustomed to our brain and body & taking care of it... & it depends on the planet u are on, that makes you able to remember yourself as soul=pure unconditional love, remembering all the countless and infinite lives u lived as plants, minerals, animals, and including human <3)

    I'm from God's home, my heart is purely this ;D & amazing thing is that you feel unconditional love, compassion or eternal love ;D but you cannot comprehend it yes? ;D

    eternity is too much for our physical minds ;D

    something I can tell u is these feelings are who u are ;D, you came here to come to know more of yourself as love ;D

    stay strong <3 lol & be brave ;D

    3 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • (Ladies mostly & Gentlemen) Why do you feel lonely?

    why? why?

    BQ: what are you afraid of when you are lonely?

    I lead earth & I feel this a lot from you all xD <3

    I could tell u right now ;D don't wait & don't be upset as much...

    BQ: what have been the best words said to you in your life ;D?

    other than me saying I love you ;D

    6 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • (Ladies) when did you one great big sigh of relief lately? Who or what gave you that relief & what's?

    your Sun Sign? & what is your mood right now?

    LOL? <333333

    BQ: when did you receive a vision in one moment & trusted it & went by it? ;D

    you have my love btw ;D

    4 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • What was your best food-coma over? & What's your Sun & Moon signs?

    BQ: when do you feel fine, feel okay, and feel alright (which mean the same thing?LOL)?

    3 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Isn't blondie beautiful? =) If so, what's your favorite year on earth? Do you want any year(s) back?

    that you felt was taken from you when u were young?

    this Q is dedicated to Blondie =) & based on this song(s)

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • (Ladies) when does ur heart skip a beat? & what's your sun sign?

    haha, so much love <3

    BQ: what's something beautiful everyone doesn't know about you? & why would u say that =) ?

    as for meh, I would say that I love walking in the rain lol, i'd go on a date in the rain lol =)

    BQ(2): How are you as well? <3

    2 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago