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I'm jealous of my ex help!?
So I just broke up with my ex two days ago. Which hurt me a lot because I love him, but I'm not in love with him. And after almost dating for six months I feel like I should be in love. So we work together and I saw a girl flirting with him and I got jealous. Which is weird because I've never been a jealous person before. I broke up with him because I wasn't feeling it, but does this jealousy mean I am feeling it? I'm 23 and he's 26 so maybe I'm just not ready to settle down....idk
3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoCan you get a septum piercing if you plan on having a CPAP machine?
So I've wanted a septum piercing for quite some time. But the problem is that I just found out from my sleep study that the cpap machine is definitely the way to go. Does anyone have any experience with this? It would be a new piercing so still healing. It's not imminent so I can hold off on using the machine until it's fully healed, but even then how would that work. It is pushing air into my nose and the piercing is there. I've tried to look it up, but I only see stuff for nostril piercings.
1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body6 years agoWhy are people so ignorant when it comes to piercings?
Seriously! For some reason I constantly see people posting about doing their own piercings or how to take care of it. They want to change it out the week after they got it. They are just so ridiculous. Did they not ask any questions? Did they go to a sketchy place that did give after care instructions? What is happening? Also if you're one of these people, can you just explain it to me?
3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body6 years agoStretching question??
So I am currently a 2g and have been for about 5 or 6 months. I wanted to size up to a 0g two days ago. So I have a titanium stretching kit. Tried to do it, but it hurt and a lot more resistance that usual. So I stopped and washed my ears and plugs again then put them back in. When I told my friend about it she said that it is of course going to hurt and that I should stop being a baby. I have quite a few more piercings and i'm pretty good about taking of all of them and what she said didn't sound right. But maybe i'm wrong. So should I expect quite a bit of pain when stretching from 2g-0g
3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body6 years agoSo the next tattoo I want to get is a garter tattoo around my thigh. How long would that take?
I want it to be about an inch and a half thick. Black with a red line through it that turns into a bow. I was just wondering how long that might take.
1 AnswerTattoos6 years agoDoes my boyfriend really like my BJs?
Ok my boyfriend constantly asks for them, but I can never make him ***. It's been a real depressing experience because i've never had that problem before. He doesn't like me playing with his balls. He says that he loves every minute of it, but we go for like twenty minutes and I can't go anymore and he still hasn't finished. Is it because he jacks off a lot or what? What's the deal here? It's started to make me feel like crap. I don't even want to give them anymore because I feel like a failure and I used to love giving them.
5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agostretching my ears?
Hi! So i've been stretching my ears and i'm currently at an 8. I kept my 14Gs in for about 2 weeks, the 12 in a week, the 10 in a few days, and now i'm at an 8. I know it's really fast, but the 8 didn't really hurt besides a small pinch and it's been a couple of days. There is no swelling, redness, pus, or any kind of weird fluid. My ears just look normal. But I know I went kind of fast. I've always healed really quickly so I assumed that was why it worked out ok. I only plan on going up to a 4 or maybe a 2 max. I clean my ears everyday and do the oil rub thing. Then the salt soaking thing. I feel like everything is ok, but i've heard about those blow outs. I don't really know what I should expect to feel before that happens, but if there is any pain besides a slight pinch I stop and go back to the size i was at. I've never bled. Anyways i'm just probably freaking out over nothing. Thanks for your help.
3 AnswersOther - Health7 years agoStretching my ears and i just need some tips?
Hi! So i've been stretching my ears and i'm currently at an 8. I kept my 14Gs in for about 2 weeks, the 12 in a week, the 10 in a few days, and now i'm at an 8. I know it's really fast, but the 8 didn't really hurt besides a small pinch and it's been an hour. They aren't red at all and there is no soreness. I know this is kinda fast, but i've always healed really quickly and if there is any kind of pain besides a pinch I don't continue and I put in the smaller size. I only want to go to a 4 and then stay there, but will my lobes start looking weird. They seem 100% fine. No redness, no soreness, my lobes look the exact same, no swelling, no pus, nothing at all. I got titanium tapers/plugs, i wash/oil my ears every day.
Other - General Health Care7 years agoNew tattoo questions?
K so I got a new tattoo...positive was that it didn't really hurt. It's below my bra line about 7 inches long. So my tattoo artist said that I should just wash it with unscented soap and then put unscented lotion on it. He didn't mention anything about any kind of ointment which i seem to be reading a lot what's the deal?
7 AnswersTattoos7 years agoWhy do so many people think that porn is just awful?
Ok so I am girl and I have been seeing all of these things on fbook about fighting the fight and porn is evil. It'd be one thing if the guy was watching it every single day, but just when he's feeling lonely or whatever doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. It's adults consenting to have sex and making videos of it. Ya some of it gets pretty dark, but it's still consenting adults and a lot of people like it super rough. I just don't get why people get overly upset about it.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoARE GUYS OK WITH GIRLS WHO ACT LIKE THIS?
Ok so i have always been a "bro" kind of girl. I get drunk and party with my guy friends, I play video games (not very well, I mostly just button mash and get in fights with random people online), I swear, I burp, I have a good appetite, I go to the gym with them, I watch sports with them, I'm not afraid to talk about sex, and generally i'm just a super open and fun person. I just got out of a relationship and he loved all that about me, he thought it was fantastic. But it's been a couple years since I dated and I didn;t know if guys were still ok with this. I know how to look sexy and be professional, but i'm mostly comfortable in my jogging/yoga pants and a hoodie. I'm really laid that almost a bad thing?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoI Need company and coping mechanisms PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! (kind of posted this early, but not super helpful)?
My boyfriend, the guy I am in love with just broke up with me. We've been dating for quite a few years and were friends for a long time before that. We lived together and talked about marriage. We are both super straight forward people and he always knew how I felt and I thought I always knew how he felt. We really loved each other. Then just the other day he said it was over. I woke up this morning and he was gone. He left a note saying he moved in with a friend. He said it was best to go cold turkey. He blocked me on facebook, changed his email, didn't leave a forwarding address, and while I was sleeping he deleted his number and all of my texts/ calls to/from him. He dropped off the face of the planet. I've never trusted someone like. He has been my rock, my friend, and my supporter He ripped it away from me. I sent him an email to his old email address hoping that maybe he still checked it and I said he was just like my ex (who was pretty abusive) I told him that I couldn't believe he did that and that at least my ex was man enough to admit that he had problems. So he emailed me back saying that I was a terrible person and that I would never hear or talk to him again. That I shouldn't bother because no matter what I do, he won't come back. I don't understand what happened, why he did it,How do I Deal with this? Everything around me reminds me of him. When he first moved in he wanted to have sex on every inch of this place so that everywhere I looked I thought of him. HELP
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoLOOKED AT HIS FACEBOOK I AM AN IDIOT. WHAT DO I DO?
Ok before you say that I am such a horrible person and that I am a nosy jerk please read this
If you didn't read that. Know that i was in a relationship with this guy for 4 years and before that we were best friends. I woke up this morning and he just took off, he blocked me on facebook, deleted my number from his phone, changed emails, and left no forwarding address. He just left me. I remembered that I knew his fbook and so I logged on. I immediately logged off because I felt so awful and have NEVER been the kind of person to invade someone's privacy because I would be devastated if he did that to me. I didn't look at anything and I didn't read any messages. But now i am sitting here super pissed off because of how much he hurt me and I know he has a close relationship with his family and will send them a message about it. I just want to have some kind of answer. If he was cheating on me, if he fell out of love, if maybe he killed someone and had to skip town. I don't know I just need something.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoHe just disappeared with no trace, how do i cope. PLEASE HELP ME!?
My boyfriend, the guy I am 100% in love with just broke up with me. We've been dating for quite a few years and were friends for a long time before that. We lived together and talked about marriage. Everyone thought we were the perfect couple. We are both super straight forward people and he always knew how I felt and I thought I always knew how he felt. We really loved each other. Then just the other day he said it was over. I woke up this morning and he was gone. He left a note saying he moved in with a friend for a little bit. He said it was best to go cold turkey. He blocked me on facebook, changed his email, didn't leave a forwarding address, and while I was sleeping he deleted his number and all of my texts/ calls to/from him. He essentially dropped off the face of the planet. I've never trusted someone like. He has been my rock, my friend, my supporter, and kind of my world. He ripped it away from me. I sent him an email to his old email address hoping that maybe he still checked it and I said he was just like my ex (who was pretty abusive) I told him that I couldn't believe he did that and that at least my ex was man enough to admit that he had problems. But that I love him. So he emailed me back saying that I was a terrible person and that I would never hear or talk to him again. That I shouldn't bother because no matter what I do, he won't come back. I don't understand what happened, why he did it, or what he wants me to do. How does someone deal with this.
5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoif you are Young and want to do stuff please read?
OK this is mostly a rant, but here is an answer to a bunch of questions that i have seen. IF you are asking on the internet if you should have sex. You are NOT ready to have sex. If you are not mature enough to figure that out on your own you are not mature enough to enter into the kind of relationship that sex can involve. When you are first going through puberty your brain is not fully developed. Younger people are physically just not as able to think about long term effects. They are very much "in the moment" kind of people. Quick pleasure. Boys especially. If you do ignore this, which i'm sure a lot of you will because you're being pressure by your boyfriends. or by peers or whatever then here is some advice. Sex does not have to hurt. If you are properly turned on and the guy is even kind of decent it should not be agonizing pain like a lot of women think. It just so happens at that age, guys don't get the whole foreplay thing. Also use a condom. If he says he wants to pull out I don't care. It doesn't always work and you can still end up pregnant. Better safe than sorry. Be prepared for emotional connections. Sex can be a pretty powerful bond and a lot of young kids don't realize that. Also there will probably be rumors. If you don't want to be talked about and you don't trust him to not talk then don't do it. Just use your brains. PLEASE
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoSome girls are so disgusting by swallowing....why?
That just doesn't really make sense to me. I'm a girl and when i give a BJ I swallow right away. Some girls say they don't do it because it tastes bad, but if you just swallow right away you barely taste it really intensely. If you keep it in your mouth and go spit it out it just sits on your tongue. Also if you don't swallow or even let him *** in your mouth it just creates a mess cause it's gotta go somewhere. So what's the big deal? I didn't even know there were girls who didn't swallow and then I told one of my friends that I always did and she kind of acted like I was kind of loose to being doing that (it's not like i'm giving BJs to everyone).
4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoi tried to have sex with my boyfriend while asleep?
So i was with my boyfriend and we have a pretty decent sex life. We're both college students and have equal levels of horniness. But one time I was asleep and was having a sex dream about him because right before we fell asleep I had sex with him. He was just watching a movie, but I was exhausted so I just passed out. I don't remember it happening, but I guess in my sleep I started grinding against him and moaning. Then I just got on top of him and started kissing him and then tried taking off my clothes. Then one of his roommates knocked on the door and he kind of got me off of him. But their conversation woke me up. When the guy left and he started trying to do stuff with me again I commented about how that was so random, but I was horny too. He didn't even realize I was asleep and now i'm wondering how many times this has happened and why. I mean if I felt sexually frustrated I would understand, but i'm not and i'm not super upset about it. I just feel like this has probably been a more than one time thing and if maybe I just act out sexually in my sleep every time I have a sex dream (that would not be a good thing for a lot of reasons)
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoI jumped my boyfriend in my sleep?
So i was with my boyfriend and we have a pretty decent sex life. We're both college students and have equal levels of horniness. But one time I was asleep and was having a sex dream about him because right before we fell asleep I had sex with him. He was just watching a movie, but I was exhausted so I just passed out. I don't remember it happening, but I guess in my sleep I started grinding against him and moaning. Then I just got on top of him and started kissing him and then tried taking off my clothes. Then one of his roommates knocked on the door and he kind of got me off of him. But their conversation woke me up. When the guy left and he started trying to do stuff with me again I commented about how that was so random, but I was horny too. He didn't even realize I was asleep and now i'm wondering how many times this has happened and why. I mean if I felt sexually frustrated I would understand, but i'm....
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoHe isn't a virgin, i'm not crazy right?
OK here's the thing I've been dating this religious guy for about a year. I love him a lot and he wants to wait til marriage for sex (but fingering/hand jobs/oral are all okay) and I respect that. 100% He knows that I am no longer a virgin and have had some self control issues in this area. Anyways so I moved a couple months ago and then came for the weekend and visited him. I just stayed at his place and slept in the same bed. He was totally fine with the cuddling and I love it. I love sleeping in the same bed as someone else. So one night I wasn't wearing a ton of clothes and we were spooning and then one thing led to another and before I know it we're attacking each other like animals. Clothes are falling off and it's going crazy. At some point I was just on top of him and he goes inside of me about half way and thrusts in and out never going all the way in. Afterwards he asked me if he thought I took his virginity because it didn't go all the way in. I said I would count it if I were him, but he doesn't think it does. We did that a few more (a lot more) times and then I had to leave again. He still is adamant though that we didn't have sex. He's so sure about this that i am questioning whether it counts as sex. Ya it was only half way, but he still went inside of me. So please confirm for me that i'm not crazy and he lost his virginity.
PS: Yes I made him put on a condom, I told him nothing is getting near the V unless it's wrapped. And I am an adult so don't judge.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoI have never felt so alone and abandoned..?
Ok so the situation is kind of beyond complicated....But pretty much some really, really awful things happened to me because my abusive ex visited and my best friend who I have spent pretty much every single day of the past 4 or 5 months with and texting if we're not together told me that we couldn't be friends until I fixed this. He said that he loved me and cared about me, but he wasn't able to help me. That until I was in a more stable place he wouldn't have contact with me. I tried texting him and he said if I did that he'd block my number and he deleted me from facebook. How can i handle that??? How can someone who promised he wasn't like all the others, just abandon me right after going through the hardest thing i've ever gone through? How can he just end a friendship like that? Not just end the friendship though, end any contact. He said the most contact we would have is if I see him around campus he would smile and wave. Then he said that I should know that with every smile he wants me to remember how much he loves and cares about me. It sure as heck doesn't feel like that though.
1 AnswerFriends7 years ago