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  • Body aches normal?

    So I have noticed that anytime I work a full 8 1/2 hour shift I get really bad body aches from the waist down. I work on my feet 24/7. With smaller shifts 6hours or less I don't get them but if I work over 6 hours my body hurts for the rest of the night. Is this normal? Does anyone else deal with this? Let me know! Thanks!

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • Cute Chocolate theme name for a Girl?

    My family is getting a new puppy to add to the family after new years. Our two dogs that we had both passed away from old age last summer. They where both named after chocolate. our boy was hershey and our girl was godiva. we are planning to get a female great dane. we want to stay with the chocolate theme. so far the only name that sounds good for a girl is cocoa. Any other ideas? We want to have a few so when we see her personality we can have a name that fits. :) thanks

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Is this a hacker or virus?

    Ok so today I noticed that an email was sent to all of my contacts. It sent out a weird link that im not going to click. It is only effecting my email. Is this a hacker situation where I just need to change my password? or is it a virus where I need to do more to my computer. Please let me know! Thanks in advance! :D

    8 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • Family Tree? What would she be to me?

    Hi I was just curious on the title of one of my family members. She is my Aunt's Husband's Brother's Daughter so what would she be to me? a cousin? Thanks. Just a curios question. :)

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Help!!! please. how to help muscle spasm/cramp!!!!?

    two days ago i hurt my back at work. i strianed a muscle in my upper back on the left side and around my ribs on the left side. i am still having spasms and it kills. the hard part is i have a sister in wheelchair and my mom is having surgery tomorrow and i am the ony other person that can lift my sister. this sucks. is it better to ice or heat? i need to go to sleep asap because i have to get up in 4 hours to go to the hospital with my mom and fam.thanks so much for your time.

    2 AnswersInjuries9 years ago
  • Bladder and Kindney infection pain relief help! I need to sleep!?

    Hey guys! Ok so today after intense pain in my Back/side, I went to the doctor. They said I have a UTI infection, Kidney infection, and bladder infection. I am in so much pain right now. I have been taking my new meds and ib profin and have been drinking cranberry juice and taking hot showers. It is hurting enough that I can't go to sleep. I also feel really sick to my stomach. What else can I do? It is 1:36 AM on a school night. doesn't look like I will be able to make it for school but I really need to go to sleep. Please give me any advice on how to help the pain. Thank you very much in advance.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Is Painful body aches normal with strep throat?

    A week from today I found out I have Strep Throat. Even with anti biotic i still haven't felt much improvement. I have a LOW immune system. I still feel awful! I have the super sore throat fever every night and terribly painful body aches all the time. I was wondering is having body aches normal with strep throat? and Do you think its lasting this long because of my low immune system? I dont know. Please let me know. Thanks P.S. I already went back to the doctor for stronger anti biotic like three days ago. I should feel alot better by now.

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Please Help! Need Ideas ASAP. What is fun to do in San Jose/Santa Clara Area?

    Hey. So I have a issue and I need ideas. So my boyfriend and I are planning to go and celebrate his 18th birthday tonight. We were planning santa cruz but that isnt going to work out. I need to know if there is anything fun to do that is in San Jose,Santa Clara, or even Morgan Hill. Things lie Laser Tag and Arcade, or paintball fights. Those are things he likes. The things he doesnt like or cant do is bowling,skating, and mini golf. so that narrows down options. We are 17 so no clubs or anything. Please let me know! Thanks!!

    1 AnswerSan Jose9 years ago
  • Help. Really bad sinus headache that WILL NOT go away! I need Ideas or advice?

    Ok So I have had this REALLY bad sinus infection for 10 days I have been on antibiotics for 9 days. The problem I am having is I am having a bad sinus headache which is between and behind my eyes. Its constant. It has been going on for all 10 days! It hurts a lot. It has never gone away yet. It is irritating because I cant go to school (Im 17) because of the pain. I have been trying everything I can think of. I have tried Steam, advil, sinus tylenol, ib profin, and hot compresses. Nothing seems to be helping yet. I need more Ideas. Should I go back to the doctor?? should I wait longer? I really want to get back to school and my mom REALLY WANTS me to go back. But if my headache is like this still on monday than i cant see myself making it. I wouldn't be able to focus at all. Please help. any advice or if you have gone through this before. I didn't really ever get headaches so Im not really used to them. Thank you in advance! I really appreciate it!

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • How to help a Sinus headache?

    Ok So I have been sick with a bad sinus infection for a week so far. I am taking antibiotic for it. The weird thing about it is Ever since I came down with the sinus infection; I have had this annoying headache which is located right between my eyes and behind my eyes. For the week the headache has never gone away completely! It just gets better than gets worse. Is this normal? Most of the time it hurts alot. One night it hurt so bad that I puked. I have been taking Advil, Ib profin, and even Sinus Advil. I also tried hot compresses. Nothing seems to be getting rid of this headache yet. Please any ideas that will help. Has anyone that has had a sinus infection have a headache this long? (8 days so far). Please let me know. Last time I had a sinus infecdtion was when I was really little and I dont really remember it. Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • god leg workouts with a cast?

    Ok so I am a black belt and like to keep in shape. I just had surgery on my ankle and was wondering if there is any good leg workouts that i can do with the cast?? Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Accepted value and measured value?

    What are they?

    like what are their definitions? Plz help! :) Thanks! :D

    1 AnswerChemistry10 years ago
  • FanimeCon Costume help?

    So Im new to anime. my bf loves it but i dont know much about anime. I hear anime is any animation and it doesnt have to be japanese. I was wondering if people can wear disney character costumes there??? Is there a theme this year. Do you have to wear only black or white?? Please let me know. I need to dress as a simple female character. Thanks

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Will the new Ariel Ride in Disney's California Adventure Park be Wheelchair Accessable?

    Hey I was just wondering if the new ride that will be opening on June 3, 2011 at Disney's California Adventure Park will be Wheelchair accessable or not. My sister is in a wheelchair and can not do tranfers. So I need to know if the new Ariel Ride will be wheelchair accessable like Winnie the Pooh ride. Will she be able to ride in her chair like you can on Winnie the pooh and Small world? or do you have to tranfer? Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade ago
  • Please Help me ASAP with this ?

    Hey I need to find out if there will be ANY Wine and Arts Festivals in San Jose, CA on May 8th, 2011? Please help me. I need to find out this out Today. Please tell me about ANY Wine and Art fesivals in the Bay Area! Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How should I react when my Best Friends do this.?

    Ok so I haven't been at school for 2 weeks because i have been in and out of the hospital from being really sick. I told my best friends i was in the hospital and what I was in for. I have been going through alot of medical tests. Im still really sick. My friends haven't tried to check on me. I kept updating one of them (caitlyn) and she wouldn't text me back. I finally sent her an email on how I felt and she said the reason why she hasn't contacted me at all was because she has alot of homework. Then I tried talking to my other best friend (Jess) and she said the same thing. I feel as if they don't really care. I mean One text a day i would be happy with just so i know they are thinking about me. how should I react to this? Is it just me? advice? thanks. And Im normally the person who gives advice. ha

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago