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Lv 2254 points

toomy k

Favorite Answers9%
  • want to get my replacement phone but im rooted?

    SO my phone is pretty banged up the phone case is about to fall apart, i got a crack on the screen and another crack on the rear camara, this is all do to me dropping it so much. It still working like a champ but i want to get it replaced. i got the insurance on my phone and i want to use it now because im scared that one more drop might just kill my phone finally. Will they say anything if i send it in when i get a replacement,will have to finish it off when the new one arives, or simply report it stolen and just throw it away. Its the htc evo by the way with cryogenmod installed

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Girl not sure if shes pregnant?

    So i slept with some girl a a little over a month ago and she was in the hospital last week. She describe having symptoms of headaches, not being able to keep her food down, some late night pain and some other things. She had told me that she had a pregnancy test at the hospital but was not told anything in her results if she was pregnant or not. She took a at home test yesterday and she told me it had nothing ( i thought it was negative by the way she said it) but she meant that nothing came up neither neg or positive. I told her to take the other one tomorrow morning and report back. I want to know how likely is this to hapen that a hospital doesnt say anything about pregnancy? and how accurate are these at home test after its been a month since we have had sex.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • am i killing my processor by running so much voltage?

    so i got a amd phenom 555 b edition ive got it running 4ghz. But im wondering if im killing the cpu by running 1.6v through it. should i bring it down down a little bit. i have a thermaltaker frio cpu cooler and my bois says that cpu temp is 30C and sys temp long will this system last?can keep it if i keep my temps low?

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Computer motherboard problem?

    So i recently got a biostar ta785g3 hd mobo and whenever i turn the computer on i look at the log and it says CMOS battery low, i swapped the battery out and its the same deal. When ever i set my boot drive and restart it goes back to the same thing. I was wondering if the JCMOS is suppose to be plugged in to pin 1 and 2. But when i leave pin 1 and 2 plugged in my computer doesnt even show the bios just a black screen (fans spinning and cd and hd working) just dont see anything. i dunno whats wrong please help. OHH and its a fresh build no os yet.

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • working at jack in the box?

    So recently got employed at jack in the box (this is my 1st job). i have been working there for 4 weeks already and i only been there 8-10 times working there so i am not really experienced at my new job. But i i have been getting into trouble at work because i dont do somethings right. for the time that i have been working there i have done register and fryers, certain days i get fryers and other days get cashier. Well it doesn't matter what i am doing because even if i am doing fryers or cashier i have to clean the dinning room and restrooms and take out all the trashes..... some other stuff i cant really remember. But is it normal for a person that is doing fryers or cashier to do all that cleaning because would imagine that they should have someone else that specializes in that because im out there to often and it just makes my job so much harder. I have only been in there 8-10 times and only for 6 to 4 hour shifts (cleaning half the time) and they expect me to be a pro already. Ohh and i already got written up because a order took 10min and i wasn't erasing my orders from my screen fast enough.

    5 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • LAst year in High School?

    Its my last year in high school and am completely undecided if i want to go to a university or a technical school. I have a GPA of 3.0 i have not failed any of my CP classes. My family wants me to go to apply to a uc or cs. I like the thought of going to a uc and having a good profession(civil engineer or Architect) in the futur. I pretty shure that i can make it through college. But the thing is i also want to attend UTI which is a automotive tech school. I have always loved being around cars and working on them. I just dont want to have a job thats going to be hard on me when im older in life. what do you guy think i should completely stuck and i cant make up my mind.

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Stripped bolt head on transmission?

    Well i was trying to change the transmission oil on my 3000gt yesterday. So i drained the tranny fluid and closed it back up. And the fill plug on my tranny would budge. So i ended up stripping the head. I bought a bolt out kit, and it lost its grip so it didnt work. I also had a drill bit that would drill inside the opposite way and then extract it. None of them worked, so now i have a stripped bolt and a drill hole on the bolt. Do you guys know any way of removing this dreadful bolt. the fill plug bolt is kinda hollow in the bottom so when i drilled it pierced through. HElp me i need to get this out ASAP so i can fill it with tranny oil.

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Did the car jump timing?

    well my sister said that about 3 days ago her car started to shake after she turned it on. when i jumped into the car i did notice a small shaking. at night she came home and it was more noticeable. Im thinking it is the timing belt that jump time. she recently had it replaced in the car about 2-4k miles ago. Do you guys think that it is this. she drives a 90 4runner 3vze engine

    10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • how course should my sandpaper be?

    i have a extra panel for my car and i want to paint it so i can put it on .How course do you think i should go to get down to the metal i dont want to use sandpaper that is really rough

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Should i change my resistor?

    a resistor on my electronic keeps burning up should i get a resistor that has lower ohms or higher.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Horrible mistake with ebay?

    Paypal was acting weird and asking for verification when i tried to make the purchase. Well i just forgot about it and made a diffrent purchase. One that didn't say it need paypal so i tried to make the purchase and same thing happend i needed to verify the card. i checked the purchase history on ebay and i have 2 payments to make. Now i need to make 2 payment for diffrent sellers on the same item i wanted. How do i get rid of one purchase. I used the buyitnow thing so its not the same as bidding. Please help me i dont want to pay for both things

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • What happend to

    I am not able to see the page for the past week. did it get shut down or something

    1 AnswerYahoo Search1 decade ago
  • question about literature?

    I need help to try and get information on the contemporary time period. I can find anything on this time period all i know is that is from 1945- present

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • ebay sent me a notification?

    they said "Amount Due: $4.00

    You are currently signed up for PayPal as your automatic payment preference. Your invoice amount will be automatically deducted from your PayPal account no sooner than 10 days after you receive this invoice notification (debit amount may vary based on recent payments or credits)" is there any fees for selling my stuff because i have only posted one thing

    3 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • Consumer Question about stove?

    my parents bought a stove 1 year ago. They bought it with no warranty. Well they have just received a bill from sears saying that they owe over $500 for the insurance. I dont know how my parents let this slip so easy. But they have tried talking to sear that they never wanted the insurance and how they specificly said no to it because it was a cheap stove and they just wont listen to us. They want us to pay up. Well my father said he will talk to some type of consumer thing .Any body have any idea what he is talking about, and what the phone number is, if you know what he is talking about.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • 1 ohm or 1 meg ohm resistor?

    my circuit board fried a 1 ohm resistor and i want to replace it but cant find one. i got this 1 meg ohm resistor you think there will a problem with it. what other resistors would you recommend that's close to this. I running desperate please help.

    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago
  • I lost the URL BAR!!!!?

    well i my dad was using the computer and he somehow made the url bar go away. i dont know how to make it come back. I was wondering if someone can guide me though and tell me how to fix it. I have firefox 3.04

    2 AnswersYahoo Toolbar1 decade ago
  • giggling problem at tragedy?

    k today we were talking a about a tragedy. I took it serious untill someone made a silly comment and i busted out laughing. For some reason i just couldn't stop giggling when i heard that.Good thing it was only me and some friends at my house. does anyone think that i am a really am a bad person cause of it. It just been bugging me the whole day.

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • 3000gt booost question?

    thinking of doing the free boost mod. but this car is totally stock i want to know if it would be safe to do, i dont have a boost controller. i have read that it gives a 2pd boost which will bring it up to 11pds just like the second gen. i want to know if it would get to dangerous boost levels

    4 AnswersMitsubishi1 decade ago
  • 2001 Toyota Tacoma (3.4L, 6 cylinder) starting problem ?

    At cold start it idles rough but once it get to operating temp it idles fine. when i shut it off and try to turn it has trouble starting it will catch on for like a second then die. so when i turn the key i give it some gas and it turns on, i usually have to hold it for a while to have it work fine any. it seems to be throttle related any suggestions on what it could be. i thought it was the spark plugs but i i changed them 2 times once with single grounded plugs then with double grounded plugs. i also changed the ignition wires two and the coil packs. Help!!!!!!!

    5 AnswersToyota1 decade ago