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Lv 2712 points


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Life's too short not to enjoy it (: and I'm just beginning to. Love talking to and listening to people, it's always interesting. I enjoy art and I'm studying it at A level. Have a wonderful family and a boy who is my best friend. Love to help anyone I can. My interests are: piercings, tattoos, anything creative, new people and lots of other stuff. :) peace out.

  • Am I the only person who...?

    Gets squirty scream and squirts loads in their mouth at once? My sister always used to do it to me and does it to her son too I'm just curious whether anyone else does or its just us crazy people lol. If u havnt tried it, then u really should!

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Do You Know Any Artists...?

    Does anyone know any artists (famous, or not I don't mind) who use unusual viewpoints in their work? I don't know any and I am studying viewpoints for my GCSE coursework. Any names, works or website links are welcome. Thanks.

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Bad Skin :( ?

    I generally don't have very bad skin but every now and then i get several very stubborn spots that take ages to heal up, they arent black heads or white heads more like biggish bumps which are really sore. It really gets me down and I'm self concious enough as it is. I've tried toothpaste and that just makes them worse, lemon juice doesnt help either. I feel like nothing helps, and even when theyve cleared up im left with little marks :( ive had enough and id love good, fast home remedies if u have any....

    ( I have them now and i hate going to school cos I'm so self concious)

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Spot treaments?

    I generally don't have very bad skin but every now and then i get several very stubborn spots that take ages to heal up, they arent black heads or white heads more like biggish bumps which are really sore. It really gets me down and I'm self concious enough as it is. I've tried toothpaste and that just makes them worse, lemon juice doesnt help either. I feel like nothing helps, and even when theyve cleared up im left with little marks :( ive had enough and id love good, fast home remedies if u have any....

    ( I have them now and i hate going to school cos I'm so self concious)

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps?

    Does anyone else (other than me) like two pints of lager and a packet of crisps? Are you watching it now? lol i love it

    4 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Are nice feet a turn on?

    I've been told by all of my mates and some random strangers on the street (they probably have a fetish) that i have really nice feet. I find that nice feet on a guy is a bit of a turn on....i don't particularly have a foot fetish i'm just curious...

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What would make ur perfect guy/girl?

    I'm just curious and slightly bored lol, i know that everyone has an image in their mind of a perfect partner for themselves and I wanna hear urs! My perfect guy would be funny and intelligent. Quite tall with dark hair and green eyes, not too muscly, maybe have some tattoos and piercings? He would like art and music....hmm he might be out there...maybe....somewhere? Hmm maybe I'm being a tad specific haha

    Ur turn!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Larry Silver the artist/photographer?

    Does anyone have any information on Larry Silver the artist/photographer? I'm doing my GCSE art coursework studying viewpoints and he uses really unusual views and angles in his work, but i can't find any information about him...his birthday etc. Please help!

    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Does anyone agree with me? Fat vs Skinny?

    Is it just me or are there other people who think that being called a stick insect is just as offensive as being called fat. I'm petite, 5''4 and about 7 stone, I'm not skinny, I'm perfectly healthy, I don't have jutting bones but I often get comments from larger people saying I'm a stick insect. I find this hurtful and hypocritical! Larger people are outraged when called fat yet they think it is ok to call smaller people stick insects!

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago