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  • YouTube Job?

    I know that you can make money off of your YouTube videos. I have set my account up for that and have been uploading on a regular basic but have not made anything. I was wondering if some one could give me some tips on how to make good money off of it. Also my YouTube channel name is creativecards if you guys won't mind spreading it around so people are able to find me and watch my videos that would be greatly appreciated :)

    1 AnswerYouTube5 years ago
  • Job Question?

    I am 21 years old and I know that I need to get a job. I was wanting a data entry type job where you could would from home and didn't need any collage or university degree. This might sound weird but the reason I am more on the side of looking for a work from home job is because I have slight anxiety where in group settings because I start to feel sick and stuff. So if any of you can give me some advice on finding a real work from home job than that would be great

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Facebook Question about blocking?

    I have this friend on facebook and we use to hang out all the time but now our friendship is going down hill because they have changed and are not the person they use to be.

    We we friends on facebook and I was able to see everything they posted on there. But now when I curiously look them up I can only see the friends we have in common and the pictures that and post I was tagged in. I went to the facebook help are and read about blocking but it didn t match what is happening to me. can you guys help me out. I am also still able to see when they are on and If I wanted to which I would not still be able to send them messages.

    2 AnswersFacebook5 years ago
  • Camera For Youtube Videos?

    I have been using a fujifilm Z30 camera and while it is ok for a beginner I am looking to up grade. My birthday is coming up in April and was thinking of getting a new camera. I enjoy filming tutorials of making handmade cards and take pictures of them after. I have been looking into the Canon REBEL T3i and the T5i but my parents think they are to expensive they only want to spend between $100 - $200 but when I look at thoes type of cameras they look like what I all ready have. I was wondering if any of you could give me some advice on the different types of cameras that I should be looking into. Another thing that I would be looking for in a camera is that it has a movable screen on the back since I will be using it to film overhead videos and will need to make sure what I am filming is being caught.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AnswersCameras5 years ago
  • Are people on Facebook notified if they like your entire album of photos ?

    I have added an album and often up date it with new pictures as I take them. While some of my friends only like certain picture and other liked the whole album. I was wondering if someone likes the whole album do they get notified every time I post a new picture in it.

    3 AnswersFacebook5 years ago
  • Movie question?

    I had been looking for years for the name of a movie that I recorded on a VHS tape and loved so much that I watched it almost every day and years ago and no longer have. I found the movie and it was called I do they don't and was wondering if anyone knows where I could buy it.

    3 AnswersMovies5 years ago
  • Relationship Advice?

    I need some relationship advice on what I should do.

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for three years and up to about a few months ago we have been happy together. We enjoyed hanging out with each other and texting almost every night.

    The past few months I have been having stomach pains that will happen everyday and sometimes will last all day. At first my my parents didn't believe me and my boyfriend was the only one. The stomach pain made it really hard to go out because I didn't feel well so my boyfriend would always come over to my place to hang out. After a while of convincing my parents they took me to the doctors and test were done but they always came back normal.

    After a while my boyfriend was getting tired of just coming over to my place. He said that we needed to take some time apart and after we have had time apart we could come back and talk things over. I agreed with him and asked if once in a while we could text and he agreed with that but saying at first he would need some time which I understand. So I gave him time two - three weeks and then I decided to try and text him and got no response and I tried a few days later and weeks again and still no response. Then four weeks later since the last time I saw him he messages me saying "Alright whats on your mind?" I have not answered yet "A" I was busy and "B" I was a tiny bit upset.

    I am not sure what to do? I still have feelings that I love him and want to spend my life with him. Any advice would help

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Youtube Header Help?

    I have made a youtube account and have tried to upload my header to my channel but every time I upload it parts of it our cut off and you cannot see them. I used a website that said it had a template for making youtube headers to make this one that I have attached. I also tried to make it smaller but then youtube would say it is to small.

    I was wondering if someone could make the picture I have attached work for a youtube header or if they could give me some advice on how to do it.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

    1 AnswerYouTube6 years ago
  • Quilt Question?

    I have made a small quilt with just two pieces of fabric and some batting in the middle. I used a sewing machine to attach the fabric and the batting together. I left a little hole so that I could flip the fabric through. How do I sew it together so that it looks neat and tidy? another question I have is I have read that the batting needs to be held down between the two pieces of fabric and you can do that by wool and a needle or machine . I was wondering how you could do it by machine?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts6 years ago
  • Machine Quilting Help?

    I am wanting to make a quilt for my boyfriend for our 4 year anniversary which is at the end of December. I was thinking of doing a simple patch work quilt and was wanting to make it roughly the size of a double bed but am not sure where to start. I know you need to cut the fabric into little squares but how many little squares would I need to make?

    If any one has made a patch work quilt before or has made any other type of quilt and could give me some advice on how to make on that would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts6 years ago
  • Machine Sewing Question?

    I am by no means would I call myseld a professional at sewing I would more call myself a beginner. The store that I by my fabric from to make my quilts only comes in 36 x 42 inches the size that would be good for a baby or toddler. I was wanting to make a friend a quilt and was wondering if there was a way to maybe buy more packages of fabric and sew them together with it looking like one piece of fabric.

    Any help from a person that knows how to sew would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts6 years ago
  • Online craft store - mailing help?

    I am starting my online business and will be shipping the products I make to the customers. I live in Canada and the mail we use is called Canada Post. I have been on their website looking all over for how much it would cost to ship my products in Canada, USA and international and cannot find the price.

    Anyone that knows the prices or can link me to a site would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerSmall Business6 years ago
  • Growing a Giant Pumpkin?

    I have been growing some giant pumpkins for a few years and while they grown big to me when I take them to the fair everyone else has bigger ones. I am looking into different ways to grow them for next year. I was wondering if you could ever grow them in a green house.

    Any tips on growing giant pumpkins would be helpful.

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • I need some relationship advice ASAP?

    I have been dating my boyfriend for 3 years. When we first started dating we use to be really happy together. But when I was finishing collage in April I started having some stomach pains that would bother me every day. It then made it hard for me to go out and do things and my boyfriend was always coming to my place.

    I would have to lie to my parents on why my boyfriend wad coming to our house all the time because I was afraid to tell them the truth because I knew they would get mad at me and they did not believe me on my stomach pains. My boyfriend was also very kind in saying that he would take me to the doctors which was very nice of him to offer. I never did take him up on that because I was too afraid to tell my parents because they won’t even take me to a doctor when I asked them. But finally after a lot of beginning them to take me they caved and said they would.

    I really hurt my boyfriend and I never wanted to. He told me that he has had the idea of breaking up with me going through his head, which I can understand that is how he is feeling. I did ask him by saying it is totally up to you but if I came clean to my parents and told them everything that has been going on and stuff would you consider changing things with us, but no matter what happens I am still going to tell them. He said that he would have to do some more thinking.

    I need some advice ASAP on how to tell my parents that I have been lying to them and what to do about my relationship with my boyfriend.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I need some advice on what to do?

    My stomach has been bothering me for the past four or so months everyday. At the beginning when it first started bothering me I had really bad pain with cramps and hot flashes and the feeling of throwing up and diarrhea. Ever since having the feeling of throwing up I have threw up once. Also having the feeling of diarrhea I have had it a few times.

    Now a few months later the pain is still there and it comes sometimes through out the day but mostly comes at night when I am in bed sleeping.

    I have also tried changing my diet a bit and that has not seemed to help, sometimes it even hurts to eat and I use to weigh 95 pounds but have lost weight and am now down to 89-90 pounds.

    I know that I need to go see a doctor but when I tell my parents they just think I am lying and wont take me or they tell me just to get off it and to stop telling them or my mom says you need to eat better. I tell I have been and what happens if this stomach pain has nothing to do with my eating. After saying that she usually walks away. I need some advice on what I should do.

    1 AnswerOther - Health6 years ago
  • I need some advice on what to do.?

    My stomach has been bothering me for the past four or so months everyday. At the beginning when it first started bothering me it was really I had really bad pain with cramps and hot flashes and the feeling of throwing up and diarrhea. Now the pain comes at night when I am in bed sleeping. I have also changed my diet a bit and that has not seemed to help, sometimes it even hurts to eat and I use to weigh 95 pounds but have lost weight and am now down to 89-90 pounds. I know that I need to go see a doctor but when I tell my parents they just think I'm not telling the truth and wont take me or they tell me just to get off it and to stop telling them. I need some advice on what I should do.


    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • How to get rid of any anyoing friend?

    I have this friend and she use to be a really great friend to talk to in class so you could call her a classroom friend. But know she has become really annoying. She does not do her work because she is playing on her Ipod or cell phone and then thinks after that since I did mine that she can take it an copy it or not give it back at all. She know come and sits at lunch with me and she will run up behind one of my other friends that she knows and pokes him really really hard in the ribs and he has told her before that he does not like and she thinks its funny and will not stop.

    How do I get rid of her in a way that will not make here cry or something like that. My other friends do not really want to hang out with her anymore they kinda find her annoying to.


    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago