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Reta, Bears mommy
I am an honest person who likes to help people with real problems. I don't have a degree just the one life gives you. I enjoy talking to others and sharing my life with them. I just hope I can help others.
How do dogs who live in doors get those little white worms?
I have a Shih Tzu. I keep him in doors except when he goes out to go potty. When he meets other dogs, only two of them, I don't let him do the sniff thing. There are no mosquitoes or fleas. He takes Comfortis for fleas and has for the last 3 months. I have been told he can get them from mosquitoes but I get eaten alive and I haven't sense we moved here. Here at the apartment complex where I have moved you have to pick up the poo when your cat or dog goes out side and I see them in his poo. If it wasn't bad enough we have to pick it up now I see little worms. YUCK!!!!!
8 AnswersDogs1 decade agoAre Chihuahuas very hard to house train?
I already have a Shih Tzu and they are hard to house train. My neighbor's dog a small terrier got out while she was in heat and the other neighbors dog who was on a chain is the Chihuahua got hooked up about two or three times. So we are going to be having puppies in the park. I know the Chihuahua is smart but I don't know about the Terrier. I would like to have this dog for my grandson who is hearing impaired and loves Chihuahuas.
8 AnswersDogs1 decade agoIs Oboma a natural born American Citizen?
This was emailed to me.
Watch the short video and see what you think.
I think the Man is right if he is not hiding any thing why doesn't he just produce the papers.
9 AnswersImmigration1 decade agoWhy does Oboma not say the pledge to the American flag?
I saw on the news and in a online picture of Oboma and it said he would not say the pledge or salute the flag. It has bothered me sense I saw the pic. I would think the President of the U.S. A. would be one of the most patriotic persons. I can't vote for someone who can't salute the flag of my country.
32 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoHelp with a hearing impaired child?
My grandson is hearing impaired, 12 years old, and has had his IQ tested every year for the past 2 years because my daughters family has had to move. Now he is back at the school district where he first started. He is in 7th grade and is a very polite well liked child. People that went to school with him before remembered him when he enrolled. He is having trouble realizing he has home work or remembering to take his books home. He loves band and he even forgot to take his band instrument to school. He can be very emotional almost like a 5 year old when something upsets him. He is very smart and can make A's, B's. He loves music, science and home eco. I think he might be autistic or something or am I being an over protective grandmother. There is not much I can do but make suggestions to his mom. I just don't think he is getting the right help.
2 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade agoDo I have an infection in my kidneys?
I have pain in my lower back and stomic. I can't pooh. It feels better when I pee. I have a rash on my stomic about 5 inches in diamater. I can't walk very good or bend at my waist. If I touch my stomic it hurts all the way to my back. It looks lilke I am pregnant my stomic is so swolen. I have an apointment with my Doctor Wed. but I don't think I can wait. I live alone and I am a diabetic. I think because Doctors in the past have made me feel like I am making things up I hate to go.
4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoI need help deciding if I should live with my son or on my own. Can any one help me.?
My son wants me to come live with him in the Army as his dependant so I get my medical stuff taken care of but I am afraid I will loose my disiability. I am also on medicad from the state of OK and they only will cover 6 percriptions a month but I have more than that per month. I live on a lake in a trailer that needs a little TLC. My son wants me to get rid of it but then there goes my independance and privacey. My son is moving in Sept. and he wants me to go with him. He also wants to have one of his buddys move in too. Then there is my daughter and my 4 grandkids I know the oldest boy will not want me so far away from him. He is hearing impared and I helped raise him the first 3 years of his life. I am like his second mom and a mater of fact he calls me Nana. I don't know any one have any ideas.
2 AnswersFamily1 decade agoAm I crazy?
I went on a date this weekend and I think I am going crazy. All I can think about is him. I feel like a 46 yr old teenager. I met him on one of the internet dating page and I have been totally honest with him about what I expect and he wants the same. I think the Lord broke the mold when he made him. He is 6'3" romantic good looking. He is so sweet, he opens the doors for me and get this he doesn't drink, smoke or take stupid drugs. We talked for 3 hours at the reserant and it only seemed to be 10 min. I have never been in love at first sight but is this what it is like? I want to call him but I don't want to seem desparate. We got along so well he asked me on a second date next week end. I guess you could call me sleepless in OK.
14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy do men stop looking at your profile when they find out you are disabled?
I am a disabled single gal and when I am on line going through the Personal dating thing and men find out I am disabled they don't reply back. So do I tell men I am disabled or do I lie and not tell them? Its not like I am in a wheel chair or can't walk around a bit. Its like you can't be yourself. I guess if they aren't willing to be a friend to a disabled person they aren't worth talking to.
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHave you ever felt like you could see or know people from the past?
My daughter wanted me to see this old house she was thinking about buying and I could sence two people used to live there one big heavy set man and a older woman. The man was bad tempered. The woman was a worrier. I told my daughter about it and a little bit later a guy told her he new a man that used to live there and he ws a big man. I was freeked out. Some times when I dream my grandma comes and talkes to me. Once I gave her a kiss on the cheek and when she left I opened my eyes and licked my lips and I could tast salt on my lips. The first time I saw my grandma was when I had emergency surgery and the couldnt revive me. I always have been able to fink things others lost. I also look into peoples eyes and I can like read their soul. If they are good or bad or if they lie. I don't know what to think of it all. I also don't want people around me to know because they would think I am crazy heck maybe I am.
9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoIf you take insulin when it is expired what will it do?
I have found a bottle of insulin behind some salad dressing in my frig. It expired in 05. I am strapped for cash right now and I need some insulin. I want to know if it will hurt me or will it do any good if I use it?
6 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago