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  • kids having sleepovers?

    Why is it that parents are letting kids have sleep overs with the opposite sexes? when i was a kid/teenager we were not allowed to have boys at our sleep overs and yet i see on here and other place people are letting this go on am i crazy or is this just a bad idea? My girls are still young but i dont think i would ever be comfortable having her sleep over with boys or letting her have a sleep over with boys at our house. please tell me is it me or are there other parents out there that agree.

    28 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • potty training older child?

    I'm kinda embarrassed to admit that my almost 4 year old is not potty trained yet. First off when she was 2 she had a really bad yeast infection due to antibiotic and she would scream when we had to put the cream on her and change her diaper so as soon as she got over that we were going to start PT but the she got really bad constipated so after 3 days of no BM we took her to dr he gave her miralax we did that for 4 days still nothing called dr back and he said take her to ER so we did. They had to give her a rectal exam and then an enema so that worked for about a week then i noticed that when she had to go she would hold it in so i took her back to dr and he put her on a strong dose of miralax and that made her go after 2 months she was still holding it in not wanting to poop so her dr sent us to a GI specialist where she had to have another rectal exam and blood test so would fight and scream when ever we had to change her diaper and she would not let you use any wipes or cream on her. Finally dr said there was nothing physical wrong with her it was mentally he said she was traumatized by the exams and pain associated with all this and not to start PT until she stopped holding back meanwhile she takes the miralax every couple of days so know we have been trying to get her to go to the potty and she doesnt want to not even to pee and yes she still holds her poop in but i'm getting desperate i feel like she is too old for diapers and i dont want other kids to make fun of her and yet i've tried everything we have promised her special treats for her if she will go or even make an effort we talk about it very positive. also we have a new baby so maybe that is making things worse i'm open to all suggestions please help me. she is very smart and knows when she has to go

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • When to take a pregnancy test?

    I had my baby by c-section 8 weeks ago. I've been waiting to get my period so i can get an IUD but have not got it yet. My husband and i have had sex a couple of times. I'm not breastfeeding and i have been having period like cramps but so far nothing. How much longer should i wait to take a pregnancy test . ( we didnt have sex until after 6 weeks ) I know i should know all this i have 2 kids lol

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How long did you stay swollen after a c-section

    I had a c-section 7 weeks ago this is my second child first one was a vaginal delivery ok so I've lost almost all the weight i gained except about 7 lbs but i still cant fit into any of my old clothes even the clothes that were big on my that i could wear at this weight. Is my stomach still swollen or has my body just changed or whats up . it is starting to depress me. After my first baby i was back in my clothes after 2 weeks did anyone else have this problem and if they did how long did it last?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I'm thinking of getting an IUd for birth control?

    I just had baby #2 and I was taking the pill when i got pregnant with her ( I'm not real good at taking them every day, lol ) My doctor suggested an IUD and I'm not sure about it I do know that I do not want to get pregnant any time soon I'm a diabetic and I had a c-section so I want plenty of time in between. So if anyone has had one I'd just like some feed back about how it feels was it painful any problems and so on

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • does the liquid formula produce less gas then the powdered?

    My daughter ( 1 month old ) is now on good start formula I use the powdered , I used the same for my other daughter and she didnt have any problems never cried or seemed to have any discomfort. My youngest seems to have a lot of gas and will spend half the night crying. I know sometimes babies cry and we go to the doctor Friday but I was wondering if the liquid might be better until then I do not want to change formula brands until we see the doctor. Also I have been using the gas drops a couple times a day they help sometimes but not always

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Burning above my c-section scar?

    I had a c-section almost 3 weeks ago and yesterday I started having a burning feeling on the inside above where they cut me. I have no discharge coming from the cut it pretty much looks the same I can put pressure on the cut and nothing but if I move a certain way or push in on my right side I feel the burning. Is this normal. I go back to the doctor in 2 weeks I plan to call Monday but i'm a little paranoid about this the only other time I was in the hospital was with my first child and it was a normal delivery also I havent had a fever

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Names that go with Marc?

    I'm getting a little ahead of things but I'm pregnant and due in june and if I have a boy I would like to use my fathers name Mark ( he passed away 2 years ago) his birthday is also in June 2 days before my due date. I think I would like for it to be the middle name but I could use some help coming up with names that go with it. His full name was Mark Edward I'm not crazy about either name but I want to honer his memory. I dont want to use Edward because it is also my brothers middle name and I feel like it should be for him to use with his kids.

    9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • If you are having a miscarriage , do you still have preg. symptoms?

    By my last LMP I should be about 7and a half weeks preg. My ultrasound shows the sack which is the size of a 5 weeks preg. the ultrasound tech. thinks that based on the ultrasound and my HCG levels that I am in early preg. ,and must have ovulated late. The doctor thinks I'm in the progress of having a miscarriage. I dont have cramps or bleeding I go back in 4 days for another ultrasound and more blood work but its driving me crazy. I still have all the symptoms I had to begin with , the same ones I had with my first child . If you are having a miscarriage,do you still have preg.symptoms? And if I am how long does it take? shouldn't I feel something?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • who should pay?

    my husband and his cousin went to buy wheels for his cousins truck, he aways wants my husband to drive cause he does not have a drivers license. My husband hit another truck in the back more like a hard bump. My husband paid $200 to fix the other guys truck and he got a ticket for the accident . His cousin thinks he should also pay to fix his truck about $200. My husband doesn't think he should. I suggested paying half. I don't think it is worth fighting over pay it learn a lesson that kind of thing. Keep in mind they have been like brothers most of their lives. My husband always lets him borrow $ when he needs it and gives him plenty of time to pay it back . I think the whole thing kind of hurt my husbands feelings. What do you think who should pay?

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • puppy food????

    I have a 12 week old maltese yorkie mix. he is sweet as he can be. The lady i got him from had been feeding him Science Diet puppy small bites. when I took him to the vet the vet said it wasn't the best and not one she used but since that is what he has been eating I probably should continue with it for a while since he is young and is use to it.My problem is I went to the dog food web site and I'm not happy about its rating a 1 star. Is is ok to switch now I know you are supposed to wean them you like mix it a little at first and gradually add more and more of the new until all the old is gone. Or should I take the vets advice and wait a few more months. If I wait could this science diet food hurt him? Also he is white and has some tear stains I know some are normal but I'm wondering if his food could be causing them ? Where do I buy the better food at I dont remember seeing it at the pet store . Do I order on-line?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Training your puppy not to eat off the floor?

    I have a yorkie,maltesemix puppy. He is 12 weeks old and about 3 lbs. I also have a 3 yr old daughter. My problem is sometimes she drops something on the floor I stress to her how important it is not to let anything fall on the floor cause it can hurt puppy but sometimes it happens and he runs so fast and like to eat off the floor and even outside when we go. How do I train him not to? We are going to a puppy class soon but what can I do in the mean time?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago