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  • How can I get CGC to grade my comic book ?

    Going to their website is POINTLESS. You need to get a form from a "3rd party" but I can't seem to actually find any of those 3rd parties who will answer my emails.Where do I get the required form ?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Does anybody know if Paymate is owned by Paypal ?

    I need an alternative to those thieving lying @#$%^&*)(*&^ at Paypal and I won't use paymate if its the same idiots.

    2 AnswersCorporations8 years ago
  • Is Obama banning the same types of guns he gave to the drug lords?

    They are the same type of guns he GAVE to the Mexican drug lords to MURDER innocent people with.It was called "operation fast & furious" You know...The operation he REFUSED to testify about ....claimed he had "executive privelidge" and didn't need to testify. That is when the "new" executive orders were written,but he didn't dare try to push them through right then because his plan failed and he got caught,so he had to wait for a convenient tragedy he could exploit (like sandy hook)

    If you think all these things are coincidence,I feel genuinely sorry for you

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is Obama trying to ban the same kind of guns he gave the drug lords ?

    Your Open Question

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    What sort Guns is Obama trying to ban ?

    They are the same type of guns he GAVE to the Mexican drug lords to MURDER innocent people with.It was called "operation fast & furious" You know...The operation he REFUSED to testify about ....claimed he had "executive privelidge" and didn't need to testify. That is when the "new" executive orders were written,but he didn't dare try to push them through right then because his plan failed and he got caught,so he had to wait for a convenient tragedy he could exploit (like sandy hook)

    If you think all these things are coincidence,I feel genuinely sorry for you

  • Why are you liberals still living in America?

    Why stay here and RUIN our free capitalist country ?? Why not MOVE to some country whose economy and freedoms are already in the toilet ? You would be happier there and wouldn't have to work so hard to wreck the country !!


    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Why are Obama's kids protected by armed guards ?

    Their school has 11 armed guards,BUT your kids and my kids are not supposed to have armed guards at their schools ?

    If it makes HIS kids safer,then its a good idea for our kids too....If it doesn't make his kids safer,why does he do it ?

    10 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • What sort Guns is Obama trying to ban ?

    They are the same type of guns he GAVE to the Mexican drug lords to MURDER innocent people with.It was called "operation fast & furious" You know...The operation he REFUSED to testify about ....claimed he had "executive privelidge" and didn't need to testify. That is when the "new" executive orders were written,but he didn't dare try to push them through right then because his plan failed and he got caught,so he had to wait for a convenient tragedy he could exploit (like sandy hook)

    If you think all these things are coincidence,I feel genuinely sorry for you.

    8 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why do democrats love criminals so much?

    Obama did/dealt drugs (admitted to it in his autobiography) And John Kerry (A CONFESSED WAR CRIMINAL) is being considered for secretary of state ?


    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • All all liberals hypocrites,or just most?

    Your Open Question

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    Why are liberals such hypocrites?

    You tell republicans we are starting a "war on women" because we don't want to be forced to pay for other people's contraception.

    Yet Obama gives millions of dollars to your freinds in the muslim brotherhood,who MURDER women for things like wanting to go to school,or simply LOOKING at a boy,and you say NOTHING (nearly 1000 honor killings this year alone).You say it is their religious freedom to kill the girls for no reason at all,but in the same breath you tell me MY religious freedom doesn't matter if I disagree with abortion.

    If it isn't a mental disorder,then please EXPLAIN YOUR HYPOCRISY TO ME.

    4 hours ago

    - 4 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    Of course all the libbies are dodging the question,just like their God Obama always does.Honesty is just not in their genetic makeup.

    3 hours ago

    Evidence he gave 1.5 BILLION to the terrorists ?

    Google,N.Y times,,

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why are liberals such hypocrites?

    You tell republicans we are starting a "war on women" because we don't want to be forced to pay for other people's contraception.

    Yet Obama gives millions of dollars to your freinds in the muslim brotherhood,who MURDER women for things like wanting to go to school,or simply LOOKING at a boy,and you say NOTHING (nearly 1000 honor killings this year alone).You say it is their religious freedom to kill the girls for no reason at all,but in the same breath you tell me MY religious freedom doesn't matter if I disagree with abortion.

    If it isn't a mental disorder,then please EXPLAIN YOUR HYPOCRISY TO ME.

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why is Obama losing so badly ?

    Latest NEWSMAX (yahoo) poll of likely voters nationwide shows If the election were held today, who would you vote for?


    Barack Obama - Joe Biden349,000(30%) Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan790,717(68%) Other7,963(0%)

    Barry is getting CREAMED in an honest nationwide poll.

    Deal with it libbies,your agenda is down the crapper along with your hero obama !

    "PRESIDENT ROMNEY"....better get used to it !

    20 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • anybody out there play RAFT WARS ?

    I saw the all time high scores,and they are a million points.The weekly high scores are all less than 30 thousand.What gives ? There aren't a million possible points ! That is like bowling a 400 game...there are just not that many points available,even for a perfect score. Anybody got any idea what is going on here ?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Why did Obama REALLY support gay marriage ?

    Could it be because he secretly wants to marry George Clooney ? Seriously...did you see those two ? Straight men simply do not act like that with other men.The way those two were giggling and posing you would think they were either newlyweds or just made a porno together !

    It was TRULY disturbing !

    11 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • how did obama lose to a prisoner ?

    Ouch! Obama loses 41 percent of W.Va. primary vote to federal inmate.

    In an embarrassment to President Obama, Federal Inmate No. 11593-051 – otherwise known as Keith Judd – won 10 counties and 41 percent of the vote in West Virginia’s Democratic presidential primary Tuesday.


    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Barry is finished !

    3 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Why is paypal allowed to exist?

    They have over 500,000 unresolved complaints with the BBB,paypal has been sued more times than Wal Mart,GM,and the worlds 5 largest banks COMBINED.They have been called "the worlds largest criminal enterprise" by a federal judge. Paypal "freezes" 100 million dollars of OTHER PEOPLES MONEY annually,then invests the money,pockets the profits,then returns ONLY the original funds.Out here in the real world,we call that THEFT.

    For you people who say "I never had a problem with them" I guess you don't want thieves arrested unless they steal from YOU.If they steal from other people,thats ok...

    Check out paypalwarning sites !

    1 AnswerCorporations9 years ago
  • What are the similarities between Abe Lincoln and barak obama?


    JFK symbolized Camelot.

    BHO symbolizes camel lot.

    Tip o'the hat to Ramon.


    The Obama administration wants a new simplified tax form that will be idiot proof. They'll test it out on Joe Biden.


    When General McChrystal went to President Obama to turn in his resignation, Barack bitterly said "You'll probably intend to piss on my grave someday." The General replied, "No, Sir, once I'm out of this man's Army, I'm not standing in line for anything ever again!"

    Tip o'the hat to Jerry


    Obama should to learn how to laugh at his problems; everybody else is.


    Q. Why is Obama claiming that we're not in a Depression?

    A. He isn't depressed.


    Obama has a new plan to save American jobs. He and Michelle are going to personally keep the vacation planners busy.


    Under ObamaCare pizzas will get to your house faster than an ambulances.


    Q. What's the difference between Barack Obama and a government bond?

    A. The bond will eventually mature.


    Q. Why does Obama wear a turban?

    A. So he knows which end to wipe!


    Barack Obama and Joe Biden are proof that two wrongs don't make a right.


    It’s a ‘recession’ when your neighbor loses his job; it’s a ‘depression’ when you lose yours; and it’s a ‘recovery’ when Barack Obama loses his.

    Tip o'the hat to Ronald Reagan


    Strange Lincoln - Obama Coincidences

    1) Lincoln was elected in 1860, Obama was elected in 2008, nearly 150 years later.

    2) Lincoln eliminated involuntary servitude. Obama eliminated private sector jobs.

    3) Lincoln and Obama were both married to ugly wives who went crazy.

    4) Each man's wife gained over forty pounds while living at the White House.

    5) Lincoln was hit in the head from behind. Obama hid his head up his behind.

    6) Lincoln was shot in Ford's Theater. Obama shot up while riding in a Lincoln made by Ford.

    7) Both men had vice-presidents who were illiterate Democrat senators.

    8) Andrew Johnson nearly lived to the age of 67. Joe Biden nearly had an IQ of 67.

    9) Lincoln was born in KENtucky, Obama was born in KENya - before both moved to Illinois.

    10) LincOln and Obama each had a single letter "O" in their last name.

    11) Andrew Johnson had no middle name. Joseph Robinette Biden had a silly one.

    12) JOHN W. BOOTH and BILL C. AYERS each has 10 letters.

    13) A Kennedy told Lincoln to take care of his health. Ted Kennedy told Obama to pass health care.

    14) Lincoln and Obama were both more feminine than Hillary Clinton.

    15) Lincoln was placed on the penny. Obama was not quite worth a penny.

    16) Lincoln was not a Muslim. Obama was not an admitted Muslim.

    17) Neither Lincoln nor Obama ever wrote a book.

    18) Lincoln suffered from major depression. Obama caused a major depression.

    Tip o'the hat to Gritty-Kitty

    19) Lincoln and Obama were both the first President with a beard.

    3 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Is Barak Obama a Christian ?

    FIRST...he claims to have "been converted to christianity under the preaching of Jeremiah rice" but he also claims he "seldom attended services under Jeremiah rice" and was "totally unaware of his radical views and anti-American leanings"

    So.....Which is it ?

    SECOND....He apologized to Karzai for the burning of the Korans (intentionally misspelled) at a US base,yet NEVER MENTIONED the murder of two US soldiers during the incident in his letter.

    The bottom line is this....BARRY O HAS GOT TO GO !!! Vote for ABOB (anybody but Obama) in 2012 !!

    12 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why do liberals /dems care if Cain "harassed" some woman 20 years ago ?

    You didn't mind Bill Clinton comitting rape and adultery you defended Anthony Weiner, and lets not forget our favorite liberal MURDERER Ted Kennedy....

    When bill did far worse than Cain is even accused of,you guys said it was "Bills personal life and none of our business" You guys are so blatantly hypocritical it's just sickening...

    12 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Why are Obama and Eric Holder not in prison?

    If you supply guns to someone (drug dealers) and you knew,or reasonably should have known,violent acts would be committed with said guns you are GUILTY of "reckless disregard for human life" (manslaughter) and conspiracy to commit murder,as well as "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" (treason)

    Obammer and Eric holder are co conspirators and belong in prison.

    While I understand it is very difficult for a leftist to speak without saying some comment about George Bush,please try to stay on topic.

    Besides...with the Obama/Pelosi/reid crew on YOUR side,you have NO legitimate excuse to talk about ANYbody else being corrupt.those 3 have committed more criminal offenses than all the republicans ever born.

    10 AnswersElections10 years ago